A Modular Lever-Action AR from FightLite — NRA 2024

in Industry News, This Week

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

If you follow GunsAmerica, you know that FightLite puts out a lotta cool stuff! Well, this year at the 2024 NRAAM, they delivered once again.

The FightLite Herring Model 2024 Lever-Action AR

First up, we have the brand new FightLight Herring lever-action rifle. This innovative hybrid firearm features an AR-15 upper receiver on FightLight’s unique lower receiver. The action is easy to operate and you’ll be surprised how fast you can work it.

As True points out in the video, it’s light, points naturally, and feels great in your hands. Definitely, one of the cooler guns at the show.

Its modularity also allows users to reconfigure the gun without tools. For example, it uses off-the-shelf AR-15 bolts and barrel extensions, providing flexibility and access to a wide range of calibers.

This design also eliminates the center-of-gravity shift seen in tube-fed rifles and allows for easy unloading and, as mentioned, caliber swapping.

Whether you’re into long-range shooting or close-quarters action, the Herring can adapt to your needs with relative ease.

FightLite Herring Rifle Specs

True Holding out the Herring Model 2024 Lever-Action AR.
What do you think of the Herring? Would you be a buyer at that $1,700 price point?
  • Model: Herring Model 2024
  • Caliber: 5.56 NATO, .223 Wylde
  • Barrel Length: 16 inches, threaded
  • Price: $1,699 for the complete rifle
  • Lower Receiver Only: Just over $1,000
  • Magazine Compatibility: Accepts all AR-15 (STANAG) pattern magazines, including 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 60, and 100-round AR magazines.

The Herring Bandito Pistol

What would you prefer, the rifle or the pistol version?

Next, let’s talk about the Herring Bandito, the pistol version of the lever action rifle.

This little powerhouse comes in .450 Bushmaster and 300 Blackout calibers.

It’s a bit pricier, with an MSRP of $1,899, but you’re getting a compact pistol with no stock or brace—just pure, unadulterated fun.

Availability and Pricing

For more information, visit FightLight’s website. We’re on the list to review a complete rifle, so stay tuned for that.

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About the author: Larry Z is a seasoned outdoorsman, lifelong hunter, and the kind of guy who’d rather track whitetails than scroll social media. As an editor for GunsAmerica, he’s got a sharp eye for spotting both solid gear and bad gun laws. Whether he’s deep in the woods or deep in editorial deadlines, Larry brings a no-nonsense, tell-it-like-it-is approach to firearms, hunting, and the great American tradition of self-reliance. If there’s a hot debate on gun rights or the latest in hunting tech, you can bet Larry’s got an opinion—and it’s probably backed up with both facts and field experience.

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  • Frank May 25, 2024, 8:13 am

    I get it… a non-semi-auto for Californyuns, Illinoiyuns, Funyuns, and a few other marxist municipalities… but that’s still the ugliest lever gun I’ve ever laid eyes on. Plus, it costs three-times as much as an entry-level AR.

    If you live in an irredeemable marxist encampment, please just leave for greener pastures and take your tax dollars with you. Don’t keep rendering aid to those who will become the enemy when the marxist (BLM, ANTIFA, FAKEISTINIAN) revolts begin (again).

  • Louis May 20, 2024, 4:03 pm

    Boy, in my opinion some should take another cup of coffe before thinking to promote such and convincing themselves to be proud of it. Anyway …

  • Patrick May 20, 2024, 1:40 pm

    wrong caliber for a lever action. No one wants a .223/5.55 tactical lever action. Would be better in 30-30, 30.05, .270, or other big game rounds.
    I wouldn’t want the magwell either. I would rather be able to feed the large rounds in a tube with side ejection port.

    • TheMJ May 21, 2024, 8:01 am

      It isn’t a hunting rifle. It is an alternative for people who live in blue states that don’t allow a proper AR. With practice, the fire rate is probably close to a controlled semi-auto rate of fire, and without a “bullet button” the mag change can be done significantly faster. You are clearly not the target demographic.

      • Patrick May 21, 2024, 11:00 am

        I see. So this is lever gun is for people who live in California. Got it.
        You are correct. I’m not the target market. I don’t live in California.

  • Carl Childers May 20, 2024, 9:15 am

    For the love of all that’s holy, stop with this blasphemy of the lever gun. It’s the answer to a question that no one asked. What kind of idiot wants a tactical lever gun???

    • TheMJ May 21, 2024, 7:59 am

      People who live in blue states that don’t allow real tactical rifles?

    • LibsWorshipSatan May 24, 2024, 7:45 am

      It’s for people who have the misfortune of living in commie “paradise” states that don’t allow scary “assault rifles” but still need a gun to defend themselves from the leftist politicians’ typical voter base.