Don’t Tase Me, Bro! Learn the 10-Step Taser Protocol

in Authors, Columns, Concealed Carry/EDC, S.H. Blannelberry, SHOT Show 2017
Don’t Tase Me, Bro! Learn the 10-Step Taser Protocol

The Taser Pulse, a civilian legal taser that delivers a 30-second knockdown cycle.

Guns are the optimal tool for self-defense. I think most of us would agree on that. Yet, not everyone wants to carry a firearm or can carry a firearm on their person at all times. So, it’s good to have options.

One such less-lethal option is the Taser Pulse, which if you’re not familiar with is an electroshock weapon that fires two probes that deliver an electric current that causes neuromuscular incapacitation. If that sounds painful, that’s because it is painful. Imagine all your muscles contracting spontaneously and involuntarily over and over and over again. Needless to say, it works. A Taser will stop a threat, whether that be a rabid dog or a deranged killer.

Don’t Tase Me, Bro! Learn the 10-Step Taser Protocol

The complete package, see specs below for details.


  • Length: 5.25″
  • Height: 4.75″
  • Width: 1.25″
  • Weight: 0.5lbs (227g)
  • Replaceable lithium battery
  • 2 live cartridges
  • Conductive target
  • Protective soft cover
  • Quick start guide
  • MSRP: $400

At SHOT Show 2017, I had a chance to stop by the Taser booth and get a first hand look at the Pulse, which is their new civilian model. Last year, we actually did a full review of the Pulse, which you can read here. But what interested me and why I stopped by was because I was curious about the process of tasing someone, that is to say the recommended protocol for deploying the device.

Now, the 10 steps I’m listing below isn’t the “official” company protocol, but rather my recapitulation of what Heather from Taser told me during the interview. Nevertheless, I think it’s instructive and mostly mirrors how one would use a handgun when confronted with the threat of death or great bodily harm.

  1. Identify and confirm the threat
  2. Flip safety to off position
  3. Aim for center mass
  4. Fire!
  5. Assess the situation, is the target no longer a threat?
  6. Place Taser on the ground
  7. Leave the area
  8. If you can’t leave the area, repeat 30-second knockdown cycle
  9. Call the police, get a report
  10. Sent copy of report to Taser to receive new device for FREE!


Don’t Tase Me, Bro! Learn the 10-Step Taser Protocol

Aim for center mass.



Don’t Tase Me, Bro! Learn the 10-Step Taser Protocol

One probe shoots high, the other shoots low.


The one step that initially gave me pause was leaving the Taser on the ground. You would never do that with your handgun. But it makes sense with the Taser because the probes are embedded into the skin of the target. You don’t want to yank those out because, depending on the situation, i.e. if you can’t flee or need to buy more time to contact authorities, you may have to deliver another 30-second knockdown cycle.

Don’t Tase Me, Bro! Learn the 10-Step Taser Protocol

After you’ve stopped the threat, put down the Taser and get outta dodge!

As Heather stated in the interview, the overall purpose of the Taser is to give one a self-defense tool that allows one to get to safety without having to take a life. While many of you don’t really fret over having to use deadly force against a would-be attacker, the reality is many others do. For those folks, the Taser provides a viable means to get to safety without the stress of having to use violence against another human.

To purchase a Taser or to learn more about the Pulse, check out:

About the author: S.H. Blannelberry is the News Editor of GunsAmerica.

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  • Bam Bam January 25, 2017, 5:09 pm

    I still don’t see the reason for leaving the taser behind. If that prick is going to attack me then I’ll yank those damn darts right out of them. I don’t care if it hurts like hell, their just lucky I didn’t give them 40 cal lead poisoning.

    • Jake February 16, 2017, 2:02 am

      The whole point of the device and the entire reason it gives a 30 second cycle is to shoot, and while they’re incapacitated it gives you 30 seconds to flee. It’s not a damn law enforcement temporary weapon to subdue while u can move in. If you “tank those damn darts right out of them” you’re defeating the entire purpose and design of the device and are likely gonna get the every living shit whooped out of ya when you pull those out and they immediately are able to get up. Understand the design and purpose of the device before commenting on it or using it blindly.