Touring the CMP: A Look into the First Batch of M1911s

in Current Events, Industry News, Max Slowik, This Week

Touring the CMP: A Look into the First Batch of M1911sThe NRA’s American Rifleman got the first crack at the Civilian Marksmanship Program’s military surplus 1911s. These are part of a bigger batch of M1911 service pistols headed to the CMP.

“While the National Defense Authorization Act granted transfer of a maximum of 10,000 1911s per year to the CMP, the Secretary of the Army allowed only 8,000 1911s to be transferred to the CMP for sale and distribution this fiscal year,” said the CMP’s Mark Johnson earlier this year.

There are over 90,000 more pistols still in storage. The CMP and the Army are using this as a pilot program to gauge the 1911 surplus process.

Touring the CMP: A Look into the First Batch of M1911s

“Ithaca M1911A1 serial number 2088647 and its box,” says Morgan. “It is an example of the overall condition that the Service Grade CMP M1911A1s will present.” (Photo: Martin Morgan)

“These 8,000 pistols fought on battlefields from Europe to Southeast Asia, only to then be consigned to long-term storage in a government warehouse,” explains Martin Morgan, who got a tour of the CMP’s new facility. “Although at one time it looked like they might be destroyed, the story of these pistols has a happy ending.”

Shooters across the country have been waiting for these pistols for a long time. Not only did it take years to craft the legislation to get these guns to the CMP in the first place, the CMP had to build a special facility to store the pistols.

With most of the hurdles behind them, the CMP is getting ready to start shipping. The CMP will have 1911s in four grades: Service grade, Field Grade, Rack Grade and a special Auction Grade.

The Auction Grade guns are pistols of specific historical significance and the prices will be announced at auction. Also, the CMP announced the prices for the other grades. They range from $850 to $1,050 depending on their condition.

Finally, buyers are limited to a single 1911 per person, including auction pistols, until the CMP gets another batch.

“The M1911s currently in the CMP’s vault came from two sources: the Army Museum System and the Defense Logistics Agency’s long term strategic reserve,” says Morgan. “We spent almost an hour sorting through the museum crates, finding the pistols to be mostly of Colt manufacture with a variety of all original and mixed A1 parts.”

See Also: CMP Further Clarifies the Plan for Selling 1911s

“They all appeared to have original factory finish and they all are equipped with World War II-era plastic grips,” he said. “There are even a handful of National Match M1911A1s among them.”

If you are interested in picking up one of these historical handguns visit the CMP website for more information.

***Don’t want to wait? Shop for M1911s on today!***

About the author: Max Slowik is a writer with over a dozen years of experience and is a lifelong shooter. He has unwavering support for the Second Amendment and the human right to self-defense. Like Thomas Paine, he’s a journalist by profession and a propagandist by inclination.

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  • Roy Ben Lombardo March 12, 2020, 2:26 am

    I can’t imagine all the hard work, frustration, and raw effort, that the folks at the CMP invested into making their sales program function! I recently won one of their 1911s through their Auction process. Naturally, I knew what it was going to cost; however, without the CMP, I would never have the opportunity to own one of these Historic Artifacts. I have made several purchases from the CMP over the years; all the folks in Anniston have been great!!! The CMP makes the Heritage I treasure- possible! All I can say is: the staff at the CMP have always performed when I needed them most! They must feel like they are swimming upstream to make their offerings possible for the general shooting public. God Bless the CMP…………….

  • Glenn Rothe February 6, 2019, 1:51 am

    Carried the 1911a1 in the Army as an MP..passed on the LOTTERY…Bought an Auto Ordnance replica…copy of ITHACA,SINGER,REMINGTON RAND, USAndS.SHOOTS WELL and not 75 years old plus..those who win enjoy..reworked by Armory..should last forever.

  • Rick December 24, 2018, 3:38 pm

    I’m really glad all you naysayers did not submit the required SIX pieces of paperwork to qualify for this sale. I got my number….30xx….and I can’t wait to get my 1911. For those that complain about CMP you are true idiots. It’s the CMP that help preserve our 2A rights not the friggin political NRA. It’s the CMP that preserve our military arms history, markmenship and young citizen’s education.

  • mrBOB September 7, 2018, 3:12 am

    Think I’ll pass… I would like one but I can find these on the used market and some damn nice ones for 1k. I do think the price might just come down later. If they do, I might step up then. One thing for sure, they got plenty of them. As some have said here, they don’t think these prices are going to stay this high unless these constantly sell out quickly. so, I’ll wait and see.

  • JD Morris June 6, 2018, 11:46 am

    You guys just don’t get it. Furthermore, you have no understanding of the rules put on the CMP by the congress. CMP is required by law to sell the firearms they have at prices that meet the current retail market. It is apparent that few, if any, of you guys have any idea what a decent GI 1911 or 1911A1 sells for these days. I don’t give a hoot in hell what you bought in the 1970s or what you paid for it. This is 2018, and prices today for original GI 1911s, M1 Carbines, and Garand rifles are through the roof. Take a look at GunBroker or some of the other gun auction sites. Go to a decent gun show and see what the military weapons sell for. I’m not talking about asking prices, but what the guns actually sell for. Back in the 1950s, I bought an all-matching S42 Luger for $40, and a Remington-Rand 1911 for $35. Today, those guns will bring $1500 to $2000.
    So get off your high horse, and take a look at today’s market. And stop posting stupid stuff.

    • Mike July 10, 2018, 10:18 am

      You are aware the condition of these is not that great, right? They are not worth the asking price and the ridiculous requirements to get on their list is absurd.
      The CMP added many of those by themselves, that means you can have mine as I wouldn\’t mind having a piece of history, but will not pay to much for it or cater to their liberal transfer methods.
      I am done with CMP at this point.

  • Chuck Sprag May 29, 2018, 7:20 am

    I carried one of these for 2 tours in ‘Nam. My last tour as a tunnel rat. I have been waiting for a 1911 from that period (’69=’71) for a long time. I just can’t believe that the cost is going to be inflated so much. I remember when you could buy a surplus M1 at Woolworths 5&10 for $69.00, now look at the price. CMP is going to make a fortune, and hold the best of the lots for the friends and family of the program. The guys who actually carried them and depended on them, won’t be able to afford them or will get a choice of the junk that’s left over….

    • Alan Walker September 7, 2018, 6:49 am

      I got one of those Woolworth M1s from a local FFL for $800 a couple of years back. He got it from a local collector with another M1. This one hadn’t been shot since it left the Army-still had the Woolworth price tag on the buttplate!

      • John Barfield January 23, 2019, 2:48 pm

        You are my hero, you are Brave,Brave, I would love to talk to one of America Brave

  • SteveR May 28, 2018, 3:29 pm

    Anyone old enough here to remember the days of going to your local Surplus Store and buying all kinds of great US Gov’t surplus equip at cheap prices? This pricing scheme is a prime example of what the “what the market will bear” concept has become, namely driven by too many idiots with more money than brains and/or common sense. Read: GREED. I had always wanted a 1911 because it is an iconic weapon for not only its design and look, but the obvious history it represents. But to pay twice for what a perfectly fine modern 1911 can be had without even knowing what condition it will be? Thanks, but no thanks. I’m perfectly happy with my $525 Gov’t model Springfield with two sets of grips, hard case and 4 spare mags that shoots just fine and ran just fine right out of the box. I’ll use the rest of that $1000 to find an equally nice Commander.

  • Twitch May 27, 2018, 6:58 am

    Did they use Les Baer, Ed Brown or Wilson Combat to base their prices? For a few hundred more you can get a brand new Colt Gold Cup Tophy in stainless. Or a Competition SS for the mid range of these prices and have a little for ammo. This first batch will sell and sell quickly and maybe even the next batch but I don’t see making it through 90k or whatever at these prices.

  • Jack Utter May 26, 2018, 10:27 pm

    The 1911’s we had in the early ’70s were in rough shape. The Armor put whatever pieces that have that was decent together so he could get some form of accuracy and reliability out of them, regardless of what numbers matched what. I would like to own one but would be certainly afraid of what kind of Frankenstein, wore out, pistol I would end up with. And way way overpriced! I’m a 1911 Snob, but would pass on this.

  • Phil Dru May 26, 2018, 11:55 am

    Ole slab side .45 I was issued a .38 special with a four inch barrel during my time with Uncle Sam. I did fire a few .45s. A few years ago I purchased a repop .45 made by Auto Ordnance (PKZ) and it has all the markings plus it is new material. Paid less than $500 and am happy with the purchase. “nuff said!

  • John May 26, 2018, 1:38 am

    Why does this “report” sound more like sales puffing than a legitimate and objective report? My CMP purchases have all been “as described”, NOT UNDERDESCRIBED MUSEUM PIECES!

    Whose payroll is Morgan on?

    • Dennis May 28, 2018, 8:45 am

      You hit the nail on the head, John! The pistol shown is NOT a Service Grade pistol. If all the parts are correct that’s like a 98% piece. What a fiasco…

  • Stephen May 26, 2018, 1:03 am

    I fired expert with my GI M1911A1 every time I went to the range. Yes it rattled and all that but it was a true shooting piece. The day I turned it in for the new Beretta was a sad day back in 1985. Our pistols were sent to Depot level maintenance and then long term storage. Now they are up for sale. I am pretty certain that they are every bit as ready for war as they were the day they went into storage. The prices while steep are market competitive for a piece of history. All the US Government Property one’s I have seen are $2k to $4k on the auction sites. CMP has a corner on the market and holding them to what.the market will bear. Lots of hoops to jump through but hey, those hoops have always been there to get a weapon from CMP. Semper Fi all!

  • DanielT May 25, 2018, 7:21 pm

    These handguns are an interesting piece of US Military history and I would kind of like to have one. However, I think they are way overpriced and I’m not willing to pay the asking price.
    Years ago, when the CMP was selling M1 Garand rifles, I bought dozens of them at very low prices and made good money by fixing them up and re-selling them. I guess we’ll have to see how the model 1911 pistols sell and hope that the CMP will lower the prices. I’m not holding my breath on that possibility

  • Benjamin DOBREUENASKI May 25, 2018, 6:01 pm

    I hope no one gets one of our armories pistols. We used to put the slides in a vise to tighten them up plus other indignities.

  • Paul May 25, 2018, 5:31 pm

    At the prices you are showing i wouldn’t call this a happy ending.

  • Alfonso Alfredo Rodriguez May 25, 2018, 5:12 pm

    I understand the historical significance to some but unless it is a particular pistol issued to some famous soldier or proven to have been in a particular and significant battle, it should not be sold as an expensive brand new weapon. $300 to $400 is more realistic. I have a Springfield 1911A1 GI that is a nice reproduction as well as very accurate. They were so popular that Springfield decide not to sell them anymore and instead made another model of the GI with bigger sights and several more modification for over $700.00 plus, the original Springfield GI was priced at between $350.00 to $400.00 and came in phosphate green as the original or Stainless with mirror like slabs (less authentic but beautiful). There are other companies that sell very good reproductions of original US Gov issue for the enthusiast.

  • BRASS May 25, 2018, 4:50 pm

    Unless I’m really that different from everyone else, which is I suppose a possibility, I doubt the demand will support the prices asked for very long.
    First reason: Springfield 1903s, 1941 Johnson’s, M1 Carbines & M1 Garand’s were reasonable at first but became scarce and hard to get justifying higher prices at the end.
    Second reason: Commercial versions of most of those long guns were few and far between, It has never been easy to go down to the local gun shop and buy one of these in the last twenty years.
    Third reason: 1911s are common as hemorrhoids on aviation ordnancemen. Anyone who can pass a background check can buy a 1911 type handgun from dozens of manufacturers almost anywhere and at anytime.
    Fourth reason: Even the lower priced 1911s sold today are of equal or better quality than these old war horses at lower prices.
    Fifth reason: There just isn’t anything special about most of these 1911s, there’s no provenance that justifies the high prices. The only thing they have going for them is they have all been owned by the US military or one of our allies at some time.
    Gee, how special. I’m a lover of 1911s. It was the handgun I learned on. It was the one I carried for almost all my time in the Marines. I have more than one now and although both are well used with thousands of rounds through them, both are equal or better than the originals. The only thing I would do with a CMP 1911 after the initial fun of shooting it and testing it was over would be to put it in a box and on display. I’m not going to spend hundreds or thousands to bring it up to todays standards for sport, competition or hunting and I’m not going to use it for self defense as I already have others better suited to that purpose. And at least for me, that makes the CMP 1911s an expensive wall hanger that’s not that special.

  • Gordon Adams May 25, 2018, 2:29 pm

    Years ago in the 1990’s, I bought 5 Colt 1911A1s for Allen Lever at Lever Arms in Vancouver, B.C. Canada. They were all marked proerty of the U.S. Government & I believe Allen bought them from vietnam as war left overs. I knew Allen fairly well so he let me pick through the cases of 45’s he had. I found 5 pretty nice Colts, I paid $99.00 Canadian each for them which is about $75.00US then & now. The CMP is no longer following its original mandate, so should be made to go back to the mandate or shutdown. I am lucky enough to be a dual citizen of both USA & Canada so I have firearms in both countries.

  • Bud Young May 25, 2018, 2:27 pm

    Hay, if y’all dont want ’em, just send them on up here to Canada, we’ll take ’em.

  • KMacK May 25, 2018, 2:18 pm

    What a bunch of idiots! I can get a NEW 1911 for under $600.00 that is more accurate, has a better trigger, and isn’t “pre-worn-out” by use. They’ll sell some, but at those prices what they sell will be “History” rather than “Usable”.
    This is new. The CMP usually sells surplus for fair prices, quite unlike this foray into poor marketing. Maybe, after the CMP winds up with excess pistols in a year, they’ll get the message. Every penny over (appx) $200.00 per pistol is profit no matter how old or historical the pistol might be.
    Maybe this is just a scam to allow the CMP to grind up these 1911’s as “unsellable”. There is that…

  • J. Rhodes MSG (Ret) May 25, 2018, 2:06 pm

    Sell 100,000 1911’s and you will see ‘US Gov’t Property’ marked pistol prices drop dramatically.
    My Frankenstein 1911 would outshoot the National Match 1911’s all day every day.
    CMP should make a healthy profit on these 1911’s they receive from the Government for Free.

  • Brian May 25, 2018, 1:28 pm

    I had a feeling the CMP would cherry pick the nicer Colt’s to auction off at inflated price’s and leave the rebuilt junkers for the suckers. And why are they receiving pistols from museums? Those pistols that have “historical significance” should be left in museums for the public to view, not be locked away in some fat cats safe never to see the light of day until the surviving relatives decide to peddle them.

  • Gary May 25, 2018, 1:14 pm

    1. Waaayyy too expensive!
    2. Too complicated to get one.
    3. Don\’t honor C&R license? Really?

    • ImpalaTommy May 25, 2018, 3:06 pm

      I couldn’t agree more-what a poor way to distribute these pistols. I believe vets should have first pick at a reduced price.

  • Gary May 25, 2018, 1:13 pm

    1. Waaayyy too expensive!
    2. Too complicated to get one.
    3. Don’t honor C&R license? Really?

  • John White May 25, 2018, 1:11 pm

    M1911’/A1 had a market value of somewhere around $2000-2500 for a nice example How could anyone complain about paying $1050? With the partial release of 90,000 the current market value just dropped by at least 50%.

  • Tim Cloyde May 25, 2018, 12:57 pm

    I’m a CMP member, and a veteran; a few years ago I learned of the program and at that time I bought both a M1 Garand and an M1 carbine. I bought both of these firearms for the history in them, and my pride in my father who was also a veteran and an E.T.O. combatant. I fully agree with all the others on the page. CMP has turned from preserving history and the American public, into just another GET AS MUTCH AS YOU CAN business model. Shame on you!!!

  • James "Jim" Sullivan May 25, 2018, 12:42 pm

    This is by no way a very SAD STATE OF AFFAIRS. Sad because it’s about the MONEY, who does the CMP think they are fooling???

  • Bob May 25, 2018, 12:08 pm

    I’m getting a U.S. Government issue 1911 (1913 manufacture date) in, probably, fair condition, today, for $400.
    I don’t know if needs repairs or not, but we do know the cheapest CMP is offering does, certainly, need repairs if I read the description correctly.
    These first 1911’s will, probably, sell quickly just as the M1 Carbines, but then the next offerings may be reduced in price or the program discontinued and the remaining 1911’s destroyed.

  • scott j May 25, 2018, 12:02 pm

    us property 1911s have been selling for well over 1000 dollars for a long time.If u all have some you would sell for 300 or 400 I will take them all.

  • FirstStateMark May 25, 2018, 11:45 am

    You or your parents already paid for these guns with your/their hard earned money in taxes. Now they are selling them back to you at a ridiculous price. They are being paid for twice for a huge profit. They can keep them!

    • Bumper May 25, 2018, 3:06 pm

      Nothing else need be said beyond your post.

  • David Triplett May 25, 2018, 11:40 am

    I bought my M1 Garand for the whopping price of $265 delivered no less to the local post office. The price of these pistols – even to own a small pice of history – is not worth it. Besides that, there’s no guarantee these were even in a theatre of operation. It was the same gamble with the M1 but at $265 the CMP was fulfilling its charter. Not so with the 1911’s. Very disappointed.

  • Fred Gasparino May 25, 2018, 11:36 am

    I read a few of the comments. The reason the prices are so high is, they will sell as fast as they can fill the boxes. There are 2 reasons for this. One people want to own a piece of history. The second is, the next Dem president at a whim could shut the program down. Remember when the M1’s in Korea which were available and BHO said no?

  • Jeffrey L. Frischkorn May 25, 2018, 11:25 am

    Yeah, “…fought on battlefields from Europe to Southeast Asia.” Just as likely it was carried by General Halftrack of “Beetle Bailey” fame than by Audie Murphy… This is a heck of a lot of money for a “U.S. Government” roll mark – and for a pistol that very possibly will need more salvaging of used parts, replaced with new after-market ones just to make it shootable.. Or as the Proverb goes: “A fool and his money are soon parted.”

  • Neal May 25, 2018, 11:08 am

    No doubt the 1911’s are over priced. I would not consider paying this high price and going through the back ground hassle for a gun I have never seen or inspected. Get the price down around $300.

  • Nick M May 25, 2018, 11:07 am

    The program is immoral. The government should sell all outdated and old equipment at auction. Like a deuce when the forest service did not need it. Or a CUCV, but somebody else did want it. The CMP should not be involved.

  • Pete Draghi May 25, 2018, 10:53 am

    I sent in paperwork, fingerprint cards etc. twice, fifteen years ago to get a Garand. The DCM lost it twice! When I called after the first and second set of papers the person on the other end of the phone was less than courteous and left no doubt they were doing me a favor, in both instances the other person refused to identify themselves. I gave up after two attempts. I believe the DCM must be run by transfers from the VA. Just taking the time to write this has got me irritated all over again. Until government employees can be terminated for poor performance like civilian employees nothing will improve. Sad very sad!

  • Wayne F May 25, 2018, 10:36 am

    So disappointed. Really was looking forward to this, now, not so much. Unbelievably overpriced. This seems to violate the mission statement for the CMP.

  • Chuck Newmister May 25, 2018, 10:36 am

    Typical government bloat. The processing of these weapons, from salaries to other overhead, is way to high. They may not be making that much profit, just milking this to keep their jobs, benefits, etc. Turn them over to a non profit, or private sector liquidator; let the market take it from there. Unfortunately there are probably enough willing to buy these, and no one really cares.

  • Steve May 25, 2018, 10:33 am

    I had the same feelings when I saw the prices of the 1911s, “Too expensive”. I do like the idea of servicing Veterans first at a reasonable price, and then putting them out to the general public for a reasonable price.

  • Tom May 25, 2018, 10:23 am

    Some of us were issued one of these back in the day. They were well used and worn back then. They were pretty inaccurate as well and the sights were poor by today’s standards. Many of the modern commercial 1911’s made today, such as Springfield have better sights and are way more accurate than these old war horses. Not to mention the new ones don’t rattle when you run. If a person wants a 1911 to carry and shoot then i think they would be much better off with a new manufactured 1911 from Springfield. If they just want an issue 1911to sit in the safe then this might be for them.

  • HAR May 25, 2018, 10:04 am

    Besides the pricing, I also find the method of sale disturbing….having to fill out two 4473’s and not accepting C&R licenses! Really! The hoops one has to jump through to get a C&R and that is not acceptable? Outrageous.

  • nick cay May 25, 2018, 10:01 am

    im a veteran and would love to get one but for that price CMP is making a killing and screwing everyone. why should i get a used 1911 when i can get a new one for less. Very sad CMP !! (and also all the crap you need to go thru to get one)

  • larry Abrams May 25, 2018, 9:59 am

    Nice to have a bit of History. Of course like everyone else I bought and sold those side arms at gun shows for as little as $30.00 years ago.. I can see an increase in value and people making money but they are out of their Rabbid A– Minds on those kind of prices. Everyone wants to jump on the band wagon….. They will sell them to those who have deep pockets and think they are getting a bargain.. Greedy bunch to say the least.

  • John May 25, 2018, 9:45 am

    I’d like to see the CMP cover their costs and make a reasonable profit and pass on to us a piece of history at an reasonable price. I am afraid they are more concerned about a large profit that passing on a piece of history that our parents and we have paid for once.
    Disappointed in Kansas City.

  • joefoam May 25, 2018, 9:38 am

    Even if they got top dollar for every one of them it wouldn’t be a drop in the bucket. Offer them for free to our vets as a thanks for their service.

  • Ed johnson May 25, 2018, 9:35 am

    Whoever is running the CMP has their head up their ass!

  • Bill May 25, 2018, 9:34 am

    While it would be an honor to own, collect, and hopefully shoot a 1911 that saw real military use, i have to agree, not at $850 to $1000 and you don’t know the condition till you own it. I bet these mostly end up with collectors and in a few years they ask $2000 for them.

    • Gopher May 25, 2018, 3:08 pm

      “I bet these mostly end up with collectors and in a few years they ask $2000 for them.”

      They can ask whatever they want, but I see CMP battle rifles in the aftermarket priced about the same as the price I paid to CMP five years or so ago. I suspect the large quantity available is well-matched to the existing enthusiasm. Good for cultural investment, bad for monetary investment.

  • G.O.A. Patriot May 25, 2018, 9:15 am

    Why is a used 1911 selling for so damned much money??? You can get a brand new one for less! What has happened to our CMP??? Did the M1 Garand ridiculous price inflation make them think they could screw the the citizens they are supposed to serve? They used to sell firearms at very reasonable prices to get average Americans armed and into shooting sports but now they seem to be nothing more than your average firearm retailer! Keep your 1911\’s CMP, I hope they lay there and rust! I\’ll go to my local gun store and pay less for a brand new one and customize it to my liking!!!!

  • G.O.A. Patriot May 25, 2018, 9:14 am

    Why is a used 1911 selling for so damned much money??? You can get a brand new one for less! What has happened to our CMP??? Did the M1 Garand ridiculous price inflation make them think they could screw the the citizens they are supposed to serve? They used to sell firearms at very reasonable prices to get average Americans armed and into shooting sports but now they seem to be nothing more than your average firearm retailer! Keep your 1911’s CMP, I hope they lay there and rust! I’ll go to my local gun store and pay less for a brand new one and customize it to my liking!!!!

  • Karl Young May 25, 2018, 9:00 am

    Quite a markup from the 1950’s when DMC sold service grade 1911s (complete pistols) for $21 and non-service 1911s (pistols with minor parts missing) for $17. The pistols DMC are going to sell are competitive with today’s new pistol prices. I want a shooter so I’ll pass on this offer.

  • MB May 25, 2018, 8:55 am

    These guns should be offered to veterans first, any vet who wants one gets one, for say… $200. Once all the vets that want one get one, then the general public should get them at a decent price, well under $500. The prices CMP wants are not realistic for most people. The CMP was meant to arm people who could not arm themselves in the free market. The CMP has forgotten why they exists. Vets first please !!! BTW, I am not a vet, and don’t want a .45ACP anything, so I have no dog in the fight.

  • George doby May 25, 2018, 8:52 am

    Way too expensive

  • Patrick May 25, 2018, 8:49 am

    I’m totally new with the gun scene but learning. Always wanted a Govt 1911 but after reading all of the other comments I’m backing off and will do some more homework.

  • MJB May 25, 2018, 8:40 am

    Why would anybody pay that for a wore out gun? No thanks!

  • Jim May 25, 2018, 8:19 am

    This is truly government bueracrats once again trying to rip us off. You will have no ability to pick which gun you want and I can assure you some of these guns will be worn out rattle traps. Why in the word would you pay $900 for an old used Ithaca 1911 These guns should not be more than $300-$500 unless there is something provably special about them.

  • John May 25, 2018, 8:19 am

    I have to agree with everyone on this post they’re way over priced. They should offer them to all of the veterans at a much lower price and then sell the rest at a reasonable price so everyone gets a chance to own a piece of history.

  • Billiy Bob May 25, 2018, 8:18 am

    I hope this pricing scheme backfires on them and people stay away in droves, but that is unlikely. There are a lot of idiots with too much money out there.

  • Pete Faz May 25, 2018, 8:18 am

    I’m sure there will be quite a few people that never “trained at government expense ” that will jump on it–but like many others ,if I am gonna put out that much I’m buying new .

  • Raael May 25, 2018, 8:15 am

    I have a 45 acp, new. I had a 45 acp purchased in 1960 at Tamiami gun shop in Miami Fl. for peanuts I used it for 40 years in competitions in USA, Central America, South America, Africa, still good condition I sold it, basically the same thing they are trying to sell very used and overpriced. For the money they are asking you can purchase a new 45 made to 21 st century specs

  • bryan hague May 25, 2018, 8:15 am

    on guns america I can get target 45 for price of low grade cpmyears ago I got gov’t carbine and it was good for the economy as i bought a lot of ammo.

  • Ralph H Tucker May 25, 2018, 8:13 am

    Where does all this excess money go?? These guns were not sold at these prices to the Government!! I live in Norhtwest Florid and there is no CMP anywhere near me. I am afraid this is a rip off!!! FOLLOW THE MONEY!!!!

  • Allan Cloutier May 25, 2018, 8:06 am

    I’ll get me a shooter brand new for way less

  • Allan Cloutier May 25, 2018, 8:05 am

    I can get a new one cheaper.

  • Neil J May 25, 2018, 8:04 am

    I’ve been lucky enough to handle, and own, several Government Property 1911’s over the years. So, no interest in these. However, I believe they will sell quickly, and the values will soar.

  • Joe May 25, 2018, 8:03 am

    I’m a shooter not collector, too worn out, too expensive to rebuild. Enuff said..

  • DAMON Burch May 25, 2018, 8:03 am

    I think cmp forgot the whole purpose of the program is to give affordable surplus firearms to people in shooting clubs to promote marksmanship and the keep shooting a tradition for the future. Sadly they have gotten greedy. $850-$1000 x 100,000 pistols is a ton of money.

  • Tom May 25, 2018, 7:53 am

    I want one! I am a Coast Guard Retiree working as a Range Officer at a county shooting range. I have a CWP but do not belong to a gun club. I guess it is tough luck for me. Too much jumping through hoops!

  • John Clemons May 25, 2018, 7:46 am

    Cmp is a business not civilian marksmanship. 45s 850 and up ridiculous. Cost government $8 each. Keep them. CMP. Rip offs

  • Kurt May 25, 2018, 7:41 am

    Me thinks the crooked politicians are closely involved and have their greedy hand held out!!!

  • Brian Kelly May 25, 2018, 7:23 am

    Go away CMP. Nobody likes you.

  • ToddB May 25, 2018, 7:22 am

    $850 for service grade? They have a brand new RIA at the local shop for $500, with better sights..complete bluing, etc.

  • Jay May 25, 2018, 7:06 am

    I’ve seen many stores written to push the sale of these pistols at ridiculous prices most all of these are junk but probably a select few which aren’t priced until auction! No Sale!

  • Cyrus May 25, 2018, 6:45 am

    I got a 45 already . . . next story

  • Rick May 25, 2018, 6:25 am

    Absolutely right Fritz. CMP firearms (used to be DCM) were a good deal once upon a time, now you’d think these guns were gold plated for the price CMP is asking. What a rip-off!!

  • John May 25, 2018, 6:17 am

    And I forgot….. WAY to complex to buy

  • John May 25, 2018, 6:17 am

    WAY to expensive to buy!

  • fritz bousigschouer May 25, 2018, 3:56 am

    to expensive, to complex to buy.