Chicago Mom Shoots Man Reaching Into Daughter’s Window

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

A Chicago mother with a CCL shot a man earlier this month after he attempted to climb into her home through her daughter’s window. 

Through Her Daughter’s Window

The mother told WGN-TV that her daughter saw a hand come through her bedroom window right after she got done showering.

“She ran out, ‘Mom, somebody’s coming through my room, coming through my window,’” the mother said.

“I just went into action and when I actually saw the guy, he was still hanging on her window,” the mother continued. She said she told the man she had a gun and would shoot him.

When the man in the window did not leave she fired her gun. The mother told ABC7 it was a warning shot.

“I didn’t even know that he got hit,” she said.


Police arrived on the scene around 11 p.m. that night. They found a blood trail leading two blocks away where the man in the window had dragged himself. 

The suspect, identified as 36-year-old Christopher Grady, had a gunshot wound to the shin. Police took him to the University of Chicago Hospital. His condition was stable.

According to the Chicago Tribune, the suspect lived about one block away from where police found him.

The mother had an active Concealed Carry License (CCL) at the time of the shooting. During the investigation, police confiscated her handgun.

Neighbor’s Comments On the Man In the Window

Neighbors outside witnessed the events unfold. Ron Miller said he and his friend were outside when it happened. 

“I heard the shot, so I checked with her to see if she was okay and she said, ‘Yeah, I saw this guy. He was limping,’” Miller told WGN-TV. It wasn’t until later that he discovered what the circumstances were.

“You hear about it all the time, but it’s somewhere else, but when it’s right in front of you it’s pretty concerning,” Miller said.

Another neighbor, Hayley, expressed support for the mother’s choice to shoot.

 “It’s gotta feel empowering that she’s able to protect herself and her home, so I hope she has some solace in that,” Hayley said.

The Family

The single mother said she is very protective of her kids. “That motherly instincts kick in, so as soon as something happens, it’s like fight or flight,” she said.

The whole family is understandably shaken up and they plan to move from the neighborhood as soon as possible. The 18-year-old daughter had a message for the intruder.

“Next time you think about coming through somebody’s window, you just remember how that bullet felt,” the daughter said.


The Chicago Tribune broke the news a few days later concerning Brady’s charges. According to court records, he has been charged with attempted burglary. 

It is not every day that a single mother is required to shoot in defense of her children. This mother certainly did not expect it. It is especially horrifying to think of a strange man coming in through your daughter’s window.

“It’s just like a nightmare that came true,” The mother said. She stepped up and did a scary thing because her children are important to her.

READ MORE: Homeowner Shoots Intruder After Neighbors Hear Screams

Most stories we read in the news cover fathers defending their families. But misfortune does not discriminate by marital status. Being a single parent is all the more reason to prepare.

Learn how to shoot. If Take whatever measures are necessary to protect your family. Get a CCL if you need one in your state!

Be that single parent who can act in defense of your kids!

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  • LJ September 20, 2024, 8:06 am

    NEVER fire a “warning shot”, bad idea. A center mass hold and a quick controlled double-tap would have worked nicely, for openers. Maybe one of those shots would have gotten the bad guy in the top of the head as he crawled through the window and immediately incapacitated him.

    Since she got lucky and hit him in the shin, hopefully it damaged bone and gave him a permanent limp to remind him of his stupidity for the rest of his life.

  • paul I'll call you what I want/1st Amendment September 19, 2024, 3:08 am

    i was fine with this up until the warning shot part…….people need to understand that bullet could have hit anything. good for her for hitting him, bad for her for telling the police that.

  • Will Drider September 18, 2024, 11:17 pm

    We can only hope the Mom who defended against the intruder has “another” handgun since the police confiscated the one she used as evidence. If Chicago CCL list only one specific handgun by model and serial number: her CCL is now worthless until the legal system “allows” the guns return. That in and of itself can be a near impossible task and most likely will require a lawyer’s actions at $XXX.xx per billing hour which can quickly exceed the cost of firearm. Never expect the gov to offer it back. Once the cause for holding it in evidence is moot, people must be aggressive in demanding the gun and ammo be returned.

    • Frank September 20, 2024, 3:27 pm

      My thoughts exactly. Always best for the Armed Citizen to have a plan B, C, D, E… Plus they’re a lot of fun to look at, shoot, and maintain!

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