Chicago CCL Holder Gets Into Shootout With Burglary Suspects

in Authors, Defensive Use of Firearms, Kimber Pearce, This Week

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

A Chicago CCL holder got into a shootout with burglary suspects last week. 

ABC 7 reported on the incident and said it happened around 4:30 a.m. The suspects were apparently burglarizing a plumbing business when they approached the CCL holder.

Burglary Leads To Shootout With CCL Holder

The CCL holder is a 63-year-old delivery driver with an active FOID card. One of the suspects confronted him onsite. 

Police say the burglar started shooting. The CCL holder was armed and began to shoot back.

Following the shootout, the suspects left and got in a sedan. Police do not know what direction they went in. 

The CCL holder called the police. He reported what had happened and described the suspects and the car.

The CCL holder was not injured and police have not announced if he will be charged.

A Realistic Look At Violent Crime

This incident, while scary, is not an extreme one. No innocent bystanders were hurt. But what is concerning is that we see articles like this practically every week. 

Some of them are far more extreme than this.

The CCL holder doesn’t always escape unscathed. Sometimes people die.

The Chicago Police released a report on Sunday documenting the city’s crime rates. In District 5, where this shooting happened, there have been 106 reported shooting incidents so far in 2024. 

Citywide, there have been over 1,000. There have been thousands of cases of assault and aggravated battery.

We are barely halfway through this calendar year, but 313 people have been murdered in Chicago.

Reports for the whole United States are significantly fuzzier. Still, The Center For American Progress claimed that “As of April 30, the GVA had records of 5,043 total gun homicides.” 

That was over 2 months ago. The number has almost definitely risen since. And those numbers only account for those who the guns killed. Many more people have been put in the hospital. 

The Need To Defend Yourself Increases

It is a heavy topic, to be certain. It is painful to think about people wanting to harm others. 

But it is real. These numbers all represent real people, with families. 

What percent of these numbers are due to citizens not knowing the gun laws? How many people have died because they didn’t have a firearm to protect themselves?

If every homeowner in the neighborhood had a gun, burglars would start to hesitate. If every person in the local grocery store carried, assaults would not last long in society.

Unlawful uses of guns make the news. This CCL holder had a gun. He knew how to defend himself. How many others in Chicago, or the United States, can say the same? 

READ MORE: Homeowner Shoots, Protects Child From Alleged Murder Suspect

Be Like The CCL Holder

You never know if you will be put in a situation to defend yourself. But you don’t have to be another number. Do the work to prepare yourself. Be the CCL holder who escaped unscathed. Be the homeowner whose kids are all safe.

Have guns and know how to use them. Protect yourself and your family. It will be worth it to have peace of mind.

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  • patrick July 20, 2024, 5:18 pm

    EDC tip up barrel is Beretta Model 86 Cheetah

  • Thomas Heffernan July 20, 2024, 5:33 am

    I missed the new pistol that breaks open to load the fist round. any chance to get the name of the pistol maker ?

    • Kane July 20, 2024, 5:08 pm

      Not sure I understand but you may be looking for the Beretta 21 A Bobcat pocket pistol offered in .22 LR or .25 ACP.

    • lou July 23, 2024, 10:14 am

      Taurus also manufactures a more recent edition of the Beretta 86 in .380.

  • Alice July 19, 2024, 8:06 pm
