California Starts Taxing, Tracking Gun Purchases

in 2nd Amendment – R2KBA, Current Events, This Week

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

California’s gone full Commiefornia once again.

The state, already known for its strict gun control measures, has taken further steps to infringe on personal freedoms and complicate the lives of law-abiding citizens.

Two new regs take effect starting July 1, 2024.

State Tax on Guns

One of the most contentious new laws is the Gun Violence Prevention and School Safety Act, which imposes an additional 11% state tax on firearms and ammunition sales.

This tax is in addition to existing federal taxes (10-11%), significantly increasing the cost of purchasing firearms and ammo in the Golden State.

Anti-gunners argue that the estimated $160 million raised annually will fund “violence prevention programs,” but the reality is this is a punitive measure that disproportionately affects responsible gun owners.

As we all know, this demographic already complies with California’s rigorous background checks and ownership regulations.

Not to mention the additional financial burden will work to discourage those in poor neighborhoods — those who statistically need firearms the most for personal defense — from exercising their right to keep and bear arms.

So, the real intent of this law is to make firearm ownership more expensive (disarm the poor and vulnerable), tax the law-abiding, and then funnel millions of dollars to the cronies and bureaucrats who oversee these programs.

No doubt that these violence prevention initiatives will be as “successful” as the state’s existing programs combating the homelessness crisis. LOL. Taxpayers have spent $20 billion on ending homelessness over the years and the problem has only gotten worse.

From the April 2024 audit:

More than 180,000 Californians experienced homelessness in 2023—a 53 percent increase from 2013. To address this ongoing crisis, nine state agencies have collectively spent billions of dollars in state funding over the past five years administering at least 30 programs dedicated to preventing and ending homelessness.

Tracking Gun Purchases

Additionally, a new regulation spearheaded by San Francisco Assemblymember Phil Ting (D) requires financial institutions to monitor firearm sales through a new merchant category code.

This law aims to flag “suspicious purchasing patterns,” such as multiple purchases over consecutive days. Ting believes this will prevent mass shootings.

“What we’ve seen in the past is mass shooters have used credit cards to do multiple purchases at multiple stores, or they do multiple purchases at the same store,” he told Fox11 Los Angeles.

“But going back like one day after another, that’s very suspicious activity. Credit card companies could flag that and then report that to law enforcement,” Ting added.

It goes without saying but tracking one’s spending on firearms is an insane overreach by the state.

Furthermore, and this is key, it will do nothing to prevent determined individuals from acquiring weapons illegally. Nada.

Instead of adding layers of surveillance that infringe on privacy rights, resources would be better spent enhancing existing enforcement measures for laws already on the books. That’s a no-brainer.


These laws not only fail to address the root causes of gun violence—such as mental health issues and illegal firearms trafficking—but they systematically work to erode constitutional rights. They also, by design, increase the size and scope of Big Brother.

In short, more taxes. More surveillance. But what do you expect?

It’s Commiefornia for a reason.

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About the author: Larry Z is a seasoned outdoorsman, lifelong hunter, and the kind of guy who’d rather track whitetails than scroll social media. As an editor for GunsAmerica, he’s got a sharp eye for spotting both solid gear and bad gun laws. Whether he’s deep in the woods or deep in editorial deadlines, Larry brings a no-nonsense, tell-it-like-it-is approach to firearms, hunting, and the great American tradition of self-reliance. If there’s a hot debate on gun rights or the latest in hunting tech, you can bet Larry’s got an opinion—and it’s probably backed up with both facts and field experience.

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  • Dallas July 13, 2024, 9:05 pm

    Sounds like Chinafornia now, even beyond Commiefornia.

  • Dr. Ben Dover July 8, 2024, 8:11 am

    Govenor Newscum us a disgusting dispicable cognitively challenged imbecilic piece of feces who should be arrested, tried, convicted and sentenced to death for treasonous activities against America and the Constitution!


  • David Smith July 6, 2024, 3:58 pm

    Consultants will be paid and give kickbacks to the politicians that put this law forward.

  • David Smith July 6, 2024, 3:56 pm

    This new tax, like most in California is just to line the pockets of “consultants “ who will the give a kickback to the politicians.

  • David Smith July 6, 2024, 3:55 pm

    This new tax, like most in California is just to line the pockets of politicians friends who will the give a kickback to the politicians.

  • lawrence greenberg July 6, 2024, 10:46 am

    What part of the Bruen Decision do the dumba$$es in charge of California not understand? Time for a major lawsuit and slapdown.

  • Frank July 6, 2024, 7:03 am

    Been waiting for the “Big One” to relieve us of the left coast a long time.

  • Patrick July 5, 2024, 5:33 pm

    Commie-Fornia The State that needs to fall into the Ocean. They are traitors to the Constitution. California does more than what the Federal government does to the People of the United States – that’s “TAX THE HELL OUT OF THEM.” Tax, tax, tax, and take away their citizens right. You want a gun. You will have to pay an extra 11% in addition to the California sales tax. This won’t stop criminal from committing crimes.

  • CPL_HARDCORPS July 5, 2024, 3:48 pm

    If you are a conservative and live in California, leave. Immediately. You’re welcome in Idaho, Texas, Florida, Arkansas, or Tennessee. If you are a liberal in California, lie down in the bed you made, pal.

    • Johnny July 9, 2024, 12:03 pm

      They’ll have to drag me out of this place kicking and screaming. If you’re watching the news in 20yrs and after an election they say, “And in California, one vote was counted for the Republican candidate. When our affiliate station reached him to ask why he hasn’t moved, he said, ‘go f–k yourself!’ then broke our camera.” Yep, that’ll be me. In ~20yrs you can tell everyone “I traded messages with that dude on!” 😉

      I’ve never ran in my life (even when I should) so, certainly not going to be ran out of my home. Thank goodness for the central valley. It’s California but, not the one you think about. And moving to Idaho…I just call Idaho Northern California now.

  • burf July 5, 2024, 10:24 am

    Cash is king. Just stop at the ATM before you purchase, that way communist’s like Ting can’t track your purchases.
    And of course the 11 percent tax is just another example of taxation without representation in this one party rule
    Democratic fiefdom. On this 4th of July holiday, these communist’s would do well to remember many of our forefathers,
    mine included, revolted against a tyrannical king who did the exact same thing in 1776, 248 years ago, and we know
    how that turned out!

  • Mic July 5, 2024, 10:03 am

    Moderation of Commifornia comments….Woodscrew CA. Get the point?

  • Mic July 5, 2024, 10:00 am

    Fxck CA aka Commifornia.

  • LJ July 5, 2024, 8:05 am

    Welcome to the Republic Of Kalifornistan! Conservatives are leaving like rats fleeing a sinking ship. As long as they continue to vote into office people like Grab’em Newsom, Nancy Pelosi, and turds like the late Dianne Feinstein, it’s hard to have any sympathy for them.

  • Alice jos July 3, 2024, 2:53 pm

    ℂ𝕆𝕀ℕ𝕊𝟚𝟝.ℂℴℳ<<<<<<<<<Open the account now for happy Earn now

  • paul I'll call you what I want/1st Amendment July 2, 2024, 3:23 pm

    i’m sure the criminals are cheering this on and salivating over it!