Buying M1 Garands from the US Government – CMP – Civilian Marksmanship Program

in #MilSurp, Authors, Columns, Current Events, M1 Garand, Paul Helinski

Civilian Marksmanship Program Sales

Buying M1 Garands from the US Government - CMP - Civilian Marksmanship ProgramDid you wish you bought real estate in 1999? What about gold in 2001? Well the same thing is happening right now with the rifle known as the M1 Garand, the primary battle rifle of the US throughout both WWII and Korea. On the consumer market Garands have already begun to rise in price, but what many people don’t know is that the US Government, or rather a quasi-governmental non-profit corporation who took it over from the US Army in 1996 called the Civilian Marksmanship Program, or CMP, is currently selling off what are probably the last batch of government Garands to the public. All you have to do is apply, supply the required documents, pay, and you can have a certified authentic M1 Garand shipped right to your door, in most states.

There were over 6 million Garands produced for the government over the life of its service. Some of these have been destroyed over the years (it takes an act of congress), and some are still in the hands of foreign governments that they were loaned or given to, but the majority are today either in the hands of shooters and collectors, or currently being sold by the CMP. And even though there may be a ton of Garands out there, the M1 Garand is the ultimate and most romanticized collector rifle of the last 100 years. Saving Private Ryan, Band of Brothers, and even Gran Torinohave spiked interest in, and ultimately the collector price of Garands. All it will take is one more blockbuster movie and the most classic rifle ever will be outside the range of its utility value, and outside the range of my average shooters on a budget.

Buying M1 Garands from the US Government - CMP - Civilian Marksmanship Program

The CMP has retail stores in both Ohio and Alabama, but if you can't get there, in most takes you can have an M1 Garand shpped right to your door.

Unfortunately, in the consumer market of mildly collectable non-matching Garands, there is a mess of disinformation out on the web. Books abound, but many of them disagree, and there are, believe or not, fakes on the market, as well as re-welded previously de-milled rifles. Even for an expert, it is generally a crap shoot to buy any Garand without proof of what it is and where it came from. The reality is that nobody was watching the ship as Garands were taken out of service, some re-arsenaled, some not, some given away, some destroyed, some re-imported, with import marks, others without import marks. You can buy a stamp to reproduce the inspector signature (cartouche) on a Garand stock today on Ebay. Nobody could possible catalog all of the tricks, traps, and disguises that have fallen upon the M1 Garand over the last more than half a century, but thanks to the CMP, you don’t have to.

Historically, through experience with the 1903 Springfield, which used to be in plentiful supply at CMP like the Garand is today, the most collectable thing about a collectable US rifle can be that it has CMP paperwork accompanying it. When I rifle comes from CMP, it has never been in the consumer market before, and therefore it has to be 100% real, even if it is not 100% original as issued, and most aren’t. The important thing is, this was the condition of the rifle when the government last touched it, and as you’ll see from some of the rifles we ordered, the CMP itself is refurbishing Garands even themselves.

I discovered this secret about the CMP a few years ago, yet never bothered to order a rifle. Back then they had some 1903s to sell, as well as Garands, but none of the rifles seemed like they were in all that good a condition, and they weren’t exactly cheap. The CMP is a corporation, and they aren’t stupid. They know how much money you can sell their guns for as soon as they come to your door, on GunsAmerica (where dozens of CMP guns come and go every week), so they are priced somewhat competitively, to what the market will bear. But I decided for this article series that the time is going to come soon that they run out of Garands, and that I, as well as our GunsAmerica people, had better figure this CMP thing out before it is too late. Today CMP only gets a handful of 1903 Springfields now and then, generally sent back from veterans organizations that are now defunct, and the rifles are not that great. Is this going to be the case with Garands in two years? Who wants to take that chance?

Buying M1 Garands from the US Government - CMP - Civilian Marksmanship Program

This warning in the order form does make it sound like they send out incomplete and broken guns, but from a liability standpoint I doubt it, so we'll see. None of the CMP guns sold on GunsAmerica seem to have problems.

To start the process, I ordered six (6) rifles. You are limited to 12 per year, per person. If you look on the rifle sales page at, these are the models I ordered.

  1. RM1WRAR – The least expensive model on the list, a Winchester Rack Grade, $595. Winchester was one of several manufacturers that supplied the M1 Garand to the government over the years. They are not as desirable as the Springfield Armory guns, today at least. Good luck finding any Garand for six hundred bucks today that works. We will see when it comes what you get for this kind of money, but if it looks ok and shoots, it is a steal by today’s standards I think.
  2. RM1WRAF – The same Winchester in “Field Grade,” $695. We will see what the difference is.
  3. RM1SASSP – “M1 Garand, Service Grade Springfield Special,” $950. Special Grade means refinished. The metal is “collector grade” and the stocks are brand new manufacture. None of the parts on any of these guns will be matching, so most likely these guns are put together from parts piles with new wood. If they look good and work good who cares? Eventually everything becomes collectable once it runs out, and these guns have CMP paperwork.
  4. RM1SPECIAL – These $995 Garands were just introduced recently, and this was what got me to finally order some guns for this article series. This is a completely new gun, except for the receiver that is original USGI, and it has a Criterion barrel, so if you really want to shoot Service Rifle, this may be the best option. They are available in .30-06 and .308, but I would stick to the .30-06.
  5. RM1CSB – The famous original M1 Garand sniper rifle, the M1C, $3,000. It was a stretch to order one of these for the articles, but if we risk the three grand, at least it’ll give all of you an idea of what you get for three grand. The M1C used a Griffin & Howe mount that is still made today believe it or not, and when this gun comes we will see just how much work it will require to bring it into service, and how good it shoots.
  6. RM1DS – The M1D was the second sniper rifle made from the Garand, $1,500 at CMP while supplies last. At half the price of the M1C, there is no wonder that none of the original M1Ds were originally sniper rifles. Unlike the M1C that was send brand new from the Government to Griffin & Howe for a side scope mount, the M1D was created to be able to be converted by field teams. The mount is crude, and when this M1D gets here we will test the original mounts you can find around, as well as the reproduction mounts. The optic on most of these rifles was the M81/82 and after WWII, the M84. These were Lyman Alaskan scopes, make in New Mexico, and we are going to be able to test an original Lyman, as well as a couple reproductions from Gun Parts Corp.
Buying M1 Garands from the US Government - CMP - Civilian Marksmanship Program

Ouch! Yes, this is an actual order, and in part 2 of this series we will take a look at what actually came for this kind of money. Nobody said a love affair with guns was cheap, but what love affair is?


Not a bad rack of guns, and though they are all M1 Garands, they should be drastically different in fit, finish, and overall look and feel. Shipping is $24.95 per rifle, and the PDF of the order form, with fillable fields, is at


If you download the application, scroll through the pages and you will see a list of things you have to send to CMP with your order. Once this article hits there should be a flood of orders into CMP, so act quickly, but also make sure you get your stuff in correctly so they don’t have to contact you. I inadvertently forgot one thing myself but they don’t seem to be too backed up at present, and it was only about a week and a half before I got a personal email from a human requesting the thing I forgot. The full explanation of the eligibility proof is at, and this is an overview of what you need.

  • Club Membership – If you are a member of a gun club, check the list at to see if your club is a CMP member. Mine was, so I just send a photocopy of my membership card. if you aren’t a member of a club that is on the list, or if you aren’t in an affiliated veteran, law enforcement or community group, all on those state lists, you can join the Garand Collectors Associationfor $25 and that will cover you.
  • Proof of Age – A drivers license photocopy is fine for this.
  • Proof of Citizenship – But a drivers license is not fine for this. It was my mistake, and I returned the email request from customer service with a photocopy of my passport, which was fine. it says any birth certificate kind of government document works, and they apparently will not be involving Sherriff Joe.
  • Proof of Marksmanship or Other Firearms Related Activity – Any NRA course form, probably including a basic hunter safety certificate, looks to be ok for this, though it says it must include life fire training. I sent my CCW license which it specifically lists as OK. Any law enforcement or military history is proof as well. There is also a PDF you can have a range officer sign on the eligibility page.
  • **NOTORIZED** NICS Form – I am sure a lot of people get caught up with this. They run a NICS check for every order and part of the form you download and print is a standard list of questions from the BATFE Form 4473. But unlike filling out a 4473 in a gunshop, you have to **WAIT TO SIGN THIS** until you take it to a notary public in your state. They will take your driver’s license and you sign the form in front of them. They then stamp your form to certify that it is in fact you who signed it. You can find a notary at most banks for free, and for a nominal fee at town hall, and even at pack and ship places. The notary will not stamp it unless you sign it in front of them.
  • Your order form. – This includes all of your payment information and the details of your order.
  • Firearm Owner ID Card – If you live in a state like Massachusetts, where state laws, in violation of the US Constitution, forbid you to possess a firearm without a special permit called a Firearm Owners ID card, YOU MUST SEND CMP A COPY OF THE CARD WITH YOUR APPLICATION. I am sure that there are states where individual guns must be registered as well, and it is impossible for us to keep this article fresh with information over the years it will be up, so if you live in MA, CA, NY, CT,NJ, HI, IL, or any of the other bad gun law states, check with CMP before placing your order. Their phone number is 256-835-8455. If you are in a flyover state, or Florida, you should be fine with just the CMP stuff.

Please note that though the website says you can scan and email in your order, I would use US Mail to be safe. I tried to email in the photocopy of my passport with an explanation that I had forgotten it with my US Mail order, before the US Mail order even got there, but they claim that they never got it. It wasn’t until my file was created from the printed, notarized US Mail order that I got an email from customer service requesting the proof of citizenship. This did not come from the general customer service email box that I had originally emailed. It was a private box from a customer service rep at CMP, and my reply to her with the same PDF scan of my passport was answered with a “thankyou” within a couple hours. I did not try to fax, which should be safer because it should spit out actual paper, but I know for sure that the US Mail orders were processed within a timely manner regardless. Just make sure you have all the stuff correct.

Oh, and she also said my guns would be here in two weeks. So I guess we’ll see. The website says that there will be a 30-90 day wait on most guns, and some grades are already sold out. Just beware that hundreds if not thousands of orders will come as a result of this article, on top of the normal workload, so the sooner the better if you are going to order, and you are already a member of a CMP organization.

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  • RANDY NYE October 8, 2016, 7:40 pm

    Hi what is a 1954 springfield m1garand worth?

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  • James Sadler March 11, 2015, 3:25 am

    I want a M1 Garand please help me

  • left of left March 2, 2015, 11:17 pm

    I am a rifle and bowhunter. I have been interested in getting an m1 since I was a kid. Both of my grandfathers carried one. I thought the article was well written and informative.
    I’m also about as liberal as people come. I’m amazed at the hateful rockstupid crap posted here. I have friends who would love a piece of history like an m1, they’d probably love shooting skeet, and maybe even hunting but the only people vocal about guns and shooting sports are narrow minded white boys who whistle Dixie and start every other sentence with “I’m not a racist but…”
    If you could give up the ignorant and proud of it conspiracy theory politics, the xenophobia, and the idea that Jesus was a great American you might find out that there are a lot of guys like me on the left who support your right to own and bear arms but can’t stand the rest of the stuff that comes tumbling from your mouths.

    • Bill Burnside June 17, 2016, 6:03 am

      Look at yourself…You are the RACIST with your racist remarks.

      • Rich craig October 27, 2016, 5:13 am

        I agree with you Bill about mr. Liberals comments it just isn’t, worth making a big deal out of nothing Just be quiet and do your home work. That’s all it’s not that hard to do !

    • Chris Menard April 14, 2017, 7:20 am

      If you are a hunter and gun hunter and a liberal you need to do some more homework on where the political parties are on gun rights and hunting rights. The party of Obama and Hilary is the party that is supported by PETA, Handgun Control Inc, the Humane Association, and every other anti gun and hunting organization. Why would anyone vote against what they believe or their passions? Doesn’t make sense.
      This has nothing to do with race or God, it’s about guns and hunting. So why bring your perceived ideas about how conservative minded, constitutional thinking people. I’m not a racist nor am I very religious and thre is no “but” after that statement.
      You need to use your brain and open your eyes to the truth. If you truly are into guns and hunting you are on the wrong side and against yourself.

  • Ranger February 2, 2015, 1:21 am

    I have a 1942 SA Garand, M1917 “Enfield” of WW1 fame not rebuilt, 1911A1, M1 Carbine, and 1898 Krag, oh and lastly a M1A. All of which I adore. My great granddad was in France in WW1, Granddads and great uncles in WW2& Korea, and my dad in Vietnam. Dad hates the jam o matic M-16, AR15s said while in Nam 68-69 with the “Big Red One” was a Staff Sergeant
    and ran a LRRP team guys hated the M-16 but loved the M-14 and AK-47. Said saw guys literally toss M-16s away and pick up AKs. Dad went further and said the AKs, M-14s were battle rifles like the M1 Garands, wood and steel could use them in hand to hand combat, and not worry about braking them. Never heard any of my Granddads bad mouth the M1 Garand other than the weight, they loved the Thompson but it had its limits, and the M1 Carbine they said was great other than it lacked the range of the Garand. Every time I fire one of these great weapons I think of the ones that are passed away, these are History and like the men who used them they too one day will be gone.

  • romney March 10, 2014, 11:43 pm

    Plum off the gun issue, Romney (Mitt); Romney is my first name, was not a Communist or a Muslim. Fools in America voted against Romney cause he was a Mormon, and voted twice for a traitorous, murdering Kenyan infidel. I am not sure if America IS great, exceptional, patriotic, Christian or many have an IQ above 100. That’s just the way it is now. I DO KNOW MORMONS USUALLY PRACTICE A WISE, KIND, WAY OF LIFE. Obama lies and murders 4 Americans at Benghazi, 17 Seals on a helicopter, murdered 2 Americans in F and F, is murdering thousands now by denying illegally, quality healthcare to American citizens. If Obama breathes, he lies. He is intentionally destroying America. Mitt Romney did not have his wealth and career handed to him. He created his own success and deserves it. He saved the Olympics from complete mismanagement and corruption. He was teased over nothing and Obama is protected from a despotic, anti-American, anti-Christian, unconstitutional evil intent. He does not deserve impeachment. He deserves arrest, trial, sentence and punishment as a traitor. How do you folks like his use of IRS, CIA, FBI, NSA, HOMELAND DEFENSE? How do you like the military cutbacks while wasting over 4 times the cutbacks on ILLEGAL BENEFITS TO ILLEGAL ALIENS? Ain’t there something wrong with this behavior. He has place Muslim Brotherhood and al Qaeda members within our defense agencies. What is it going to take to use one damn ounce of COMMON SENSE and see the truth and facts in front of you?

    Now, gonna go get my Garand.

    • t55 August 13, 2014, 11:09 pm

      I voted for Mitt…would do so again. Cannot believe how much of an obamanation has occured in this country. Lock and load patriots!

  • Segami October 4, 2013, 8:31 pm

    Come on now I am a yankee and no not a liberal and did not vote for the dumb ass in the white house. You don’t have to be a southern boy to be a freedom loving american

  • Segami October 4, 2013, 8:30 pm

    Come on now I am a yankee and no not a liberal and did not vote for the dumb ass in the white house. You don’t have to be a southern boy to be a freedom loving american

  • push September 4, 2013, 4:41 pm

    Albin — Why would a vegetarian need a 30-06? Is your cabbage that tough? ………… Just askin’.

  • Joe July 19, 2013, 2:01 pm

    Rabbit is a delicacy in Italy and America. I shot, in the head, 40 rabbits that fed me going to school at Hobart. This guy is about as ignorant as people that don’t like you to shoot game and properly take care of it but eats steak.

    • Gene October 21, 2015, 9:36 pm

      I was a kid during the 1930’s Great Depression. Wild rabbits done well for our table. My Grand pa was a marksman with that old 22 rifle.

  • finding a used car in bedford February 5, 2013, 1:19 pm

    Nice post. I learn something new and challenging on blogs I stumbleupon every day. It’s always exciting to read content from other authors and practice a little something from other web sites.

  • Joe Biden January 17, 2013, 5:20 pm

    Does the M1 Garand come with a 30 round magazine and a pistol grip? If not, ok, but, then again, me and my boss may just may just ban them out of spite anyway.

  • Joe Barker November 27, 2012, 7:04 pm

    I would have gladly carried the M1 Garand in Viet Nam verses that piece of “CRAP” the we Infantry got stuck with in the rice paddies! The damn Matel plastic rifles were nothing but Jam O Matics during my time in service. I would have liked to got my hands of the M-14 but would have no complaits about the M1-Garand. I still say today, going to that AR type rifle was a damn BIG mistake. I noticed that the Navy Seals went to the M-14 and never looked back. They just modified the stock is all but they have a weapon that will shoot 600 yds with no problem.

  • sarge November 27, 2012, 7:28 am

    Was the Sheriff Joe comment necessary or just your paying homage to Progressives? Illegals are a serious problem in America and I do Not find that your making a Sick joke at Arizona’s Expense FUNNY. Border Security is a Concern of ALL Americans. Obama Won (sic) at the Expense of American Freedom. If this is your attitude Please REMOVE ME from all future e-mails

  • Roy October 15, 2012, 10:03 pm

    The end is near,,, NoObama 2012,,,, or arm yourself,,

  • Ironbar October 3, 2012, 7:13 pm

    OK, so the beginning and the end of this article are complete crap. In paragraph #1 you state without any backing proof whatsoever, “…CMP, is currently selling off what are probably the last batch of government Garands to the public.”

    In the final paragraph you state, “Today CMP only gets a handful of 1903 Springfields now and then, generally sent back from veterans organizations that are now defunct, and the rifles are not that great. Is this going to be the case with Garands in two years? Who wants to take that chance?”

    So essentially your statement about a Garand shortage is 100% fabricated crap.

  • Bubba M August 31, 2012, 5:30 pm

    I have never seen such hostility! What has you guys so agravated? Has someone messed in your Post Toasties again? I am not to sure that some of you need a rifle or pistol at all. Mercy!

  • Bubba M August 31, 2012, 5:21 pm

    I have never seen such hostility! What has you guys pissed off? Has someone pissed in your Post Toasties again? I am not sure that some of you need a rifle or pistol at all. Mercy!

  • Harry August 6, 2012, 1:22 pm

    My question is How do I Certify My M1 Garand Rifle that I purchased from a Gun Show?

  • Broken RT July 26, 2012, 6:38 am

    And thanks for this article and info as well as the follow up. I joined the CMP and I’m going to be purchasing a M1 like my grandfather used in WWII in the next few days from them as well as one of the Marksman 22s they have to offer for my son!

  • Broken RT July 26, 2012, 6:35 am

    Vegetarian saved my life! – I’m 37 years old, I hunt and fish and I am now vegetarian! I’ve been shooting since I was 7 and hunting since I was 12. I still own every gun I have ever been given or bought except 2 that were stolen from me years ago. I have hunted Elk, Deer, Bear, Rabbits, and just about every game bird AZ, NV, UT, OR, has to offer! Until becoming sick and disabled a few years ago I was an avid bird hunter, mostly quail in AZ.
    After becoming ill almost overnight with multiple autoimmune diseases (Wegener’s Vasculitis the main one) I rapidly deteriorated and wound up stuck in a bed for about a year and in a wheelchair for another. The procedures and the meds I went through were just as bad as the disease! I was placed on 4 different chemo meds in attempt to get my body to stop killing itself. I was on 84 mg of prednisone a day for well over a year and it alone destroyed my body! After spending 194 days total in one hospital or another from Mayo in Scottsdale to Johns Hopkins in Baltimore my wife and I were given shitty news that though I wouldn’t likely die any day soon but it was hard to believe at my rate I would last even 2 years.

    After seeing nothing work for me and that it was just making me worse the panic set in and so did the confusion as well as fear! We were 2000 miles from home inside a dirty hospital (Johns Hopkins) being told no more could they do for me. I was going to be thrown out in a few days…. I had been there for 43 days already. We were handed an Oxygen concentrator, pain meds, valium, and a plane ticket and told “good luck and stay in touch”. It was scary but I hadn’t seen my son in 9 weeks so I was glad in a way to go home and see my boy.

    After arriving home I was immediately hospitalized again for 24 days at my local hospital. I was started back on cell altering drugs (chemo) and started getting worse! I asked to go home or back to what we knew as home for now (my sisters house). I had lost my Phoenix suburbs home, my truck, and all of the bullshit you think you need.. After getting ill it didn’t take long for the banks to come knocking! Chomping away with zero warmth or a care in the world why I couldn’t pay my bills. I went from making 86k a year to about 700 a month and that was from my long term disability. My Cigna bill was already 2.2 million before I was flown to Maryland. Anyhow after coming home getting admitted I begged to just let me go lay in my own bed. My wish was granted!
    After being home a few weeks I was laying in the living room watching TV I turned on Netflix. I was in so much pain and sick as a dog. I didn’t want my wife and son to hear me crying so I figured a movie would help. Besides I was nearly ready to end it all with a 38 cent bullet! I felt as if I was holding my family back and causing grief for everyone in my life. I didn’t see a way out and I was in extreme pain as well as starving! I found a movie called “The Beautiful Truth” It’s about a boy and his father making a documentary. A documentary about a Doctor Max Gerson who about the time of WWII while in was able to cure folks with gastric TB, Cancer, Arthritis, and many others with a Vegan diet mostly juice based. The kid grew up on his Dads Alaskan wild animal sanctuary and wondered why wolves (carnivores) were able to digest meat better than other animals including humans.. This was just the start of his studies. Anyhow the movie struck a nerve with me and after I broke down I started looking into the facts. Over the next few days I watched many movies and read many testimonies of others who cured themselves from many of the degenerative diseases out there using a Gerson Diet based protocol. My wife read about a book a day for two weeks. Luckily I had a background in biology and was a Respiratory Practitioner for the prior 11 years as well as was a med tech in a laboratory setting for 7 years prior that. It all started coming together for me why it was a better diet. Much better than our poisoned food products and chemical induced GMO meats and grains. I learned just how bad Corn Fructose was for us. I learned why I had got sick in the first place!

    I stopped taking my chemo, tapered myself off the prednisone and went cold turkey on all of the rest of bullshit meds I was on. I started drinking 8 fresh juices a day and went vegan followed by raw vegan and 90% juice based diet over the next month. The first 10 days I was able to walk again from the door to the car without falling and the pain started to go away. I started to gain strength back again. I started looking human again and most of all I started feeling human again. Within 2 months I started to feel better inside than I did before I was even sick. My mind was clearer than ever! Within 3 months I was able to wash myself and take a dump on my own again. I no longer pissed or shit myself. My kidneys were showing normal on my labs and images as well as my Vasculitis labs were almost perfect. I regained feeling in my lower back, ass, hands, elbow, and my hearing was perfect again. No more headaches that I suffered from that started a year before I fell really ill.

    I can go on and on!
    I have stopped the vegan diet few times over the last year and a half and went back to some meat then within a week or two of doing so I started going downhill fast again. I have played with it few times now back and forth or from vegetarian to omnivore back to vegan ect. Each time I start getting ill again as soon as I introduce meat into my diet! Currently the only meet I eat is fish. Cooked fresh organic or sushi in moderation. I give you my word and I have labs to prove it as well as know plenty others across this land and as far away as Australia and the UK that have been in my shoes only to learn the hard way that our “normal” diets in this day and age are killing us! As you read this each one of you has family members and friends with cancer, autoimmunes including diabetes, heart disease, vascular disease, or gastric if you yourself don’t. Plenty of you all have unexplained ailments! Many of you take expensive meds that just cause other issues! Look at the labels of your food.. look at the sources.. open your eyes and mind to a no brainer! If you choose to eat meat at least eat meat that you raise free of the poisons or buy certified organic! Stay away from fast foods and processed packaged shit!

    So yes! I own guns, hunt, and fish! I live rural, raise chickens, meat goats, and time to time buy and sell on Guns America! I do so as a Vegetarian and at times as a Pescotarian. I do it not far from my garden or my juicer! I do it before, during, and after I buy, raise, or grow GMO free organic produce and GMO free organic meets for my family! I do it raising my animals on organic chemical free diets!
    If any of you are ever are in northern Arizona and want to shoot, hunt, fish, ride, or need a FFL transfer feel free to hit me up…. Unless you’re afraid of gun toting constitution loving carrot juice sipper that prefers an apple over a steak!

    JP The Broken RT

  • James J. Carrington June 26, 2012, 8:40 pm

    I enjoyed reading about other people views and comments, and of their own personal experience with the M1 Rifle. My experience with the M1, came as a result of being drafted into the military in 1958. I took basic combat training at Ft. Hood, TX. And on the rifle range at 500yds I saw maybe 3 maggy’s drawers (red flag) indicating a missed target. Most often I placed my rounds well inside the 8inch bull eye circle. I never mastered inserting the clip into the rifle without getting the well known to many “the M1 thumb. And another discomfort I encountered was a bruised shoulder at the end of the day from the recoil from this mighty warrior.Several years ago I purchased an M1 from a co-worker of mine that was in a serious financial crisis. It was one of those completely redone from the Springfield Armory. I purchased it for the selling price he was asking, $600. And a short time later when he got his finances in order, he pleaded with me to sell back to him his rifle. I had compassion for him and honored his request because I knew he didn’t want to depart with the rifle in the first place, and he always listened to me talk about my experience with the M1, and he purchased his because his dad Vet of that era an shared his experience as well with the M1 rifle. Thank you for a great web site and thanks for allowing me to share my encounter with this great rifle. I would like to share this with you, I am a 20yr retired Veteran, (1978) and served in Vietnam 1968-1971, First with the 3rd Brigade (Golden Brigade) its called of the 82d Airborne Div. I was a parachute rigger, and when the 82d returned stateside in 1969, I joined with the 383rd Rigger Det. at Bien Hoa, RVN and arrived home Dec. 5th 1971 (God Bless America)

  • DW June 25, 2012, 4:51 pm

    I got mine in the mid-8o’s, for $121.96, a five digit SA gun, matching parts? that looked like it had never been fired or used at all. Still have it now with top of the line synthetic stock with a longer length of pull. I would not part with it for any amount of money. I also have a 1903-A3 that I shot to qualify for the Garand. They are my two favorite rifles, period, are both amazingly accurate for there age.


  • jtayl June 25, 2012, 3:19 pm

    When will the CMP offer semi auto m-14’s? like I used at the range in ’68 and carried in’Nam for a couple months.
    Are have they all been turned into scrap?

    • Administrator June 25, 2012, 3:26 pm

      They claim these will never be available.

      • jtayl June 26, 2012, 2:31 pm

        Never available. They will be if somebody pushes for their availability. I’M gonna write my useless
        liberal congressman to include M-14’s in the CMP inventory. Can’t wait for the mealy mouth thank
        you note-if they bother.

        • Administrator June 26, 2012, 3:04 pm

          Part of it might be the select fire problem. You can get a nice m1a from Springfield though.

          • Dennis August 12, 2012, 10:27 am

            According to the ATF, ALL M14s are full auto and can’t be changed otherwise. There were some NM M14s that were built in semi auto fire only but are still considered full auto for ATF purposes. There was a case won (I think in OHIO) by a man that was allowed to keep his NM and it wasn’t considered select fire. The ATF then considered the ruling to only apply to that serial number. So if anyone else wants a non-taxed M14, they will have to go to court for their serial number.

  • James Tanner June 25, 2012, 3:01 pm

    I would love to have an M1 garand but I would also like to purchase a good M1 CARBINE 30 CAL. are these available around as the Garand seems to be?? or parts to finish one I have several other parts to compleat a whole rifle.
    Jim Tanner

    • Administrator June 25, 2012, 3:07 pm

      No when they do get them they go into the CMP auction site and go for good money.

  • Bob Lindsey June 25, 2012, 2:21 pm

    Got my M-1 Special from CMP.Great gun right out of the box. Even with these 78 year ol eyes I can still put a few good shots down range.
    This will be my primary weapon when the Zombies come, with my 3 M-1 Carbines and my AK-47 with the slide stock. Well stocked on CMP ammo too.

  • rb June 25, 2012, 5:49 am

    Leftists, muzzies, veggies and commies are all alike. They want to force, shame, insult and harrass YOU into doing what they do. They just can’t seem to live life and be happy. They seem to live in a state of panic because they are so insecure in their lifestyle, anybody that live different from them is a threat, and they must be converted, shamed into changing, killed or exiled.

  • rb June 25, 2012, 5:29 am

    For you limp dicks that cant fix a gun, try buying one at Fulton Armory. They’ll be ready to go. I’ll choose to be cheap an will take the trip to Camp Perry. Hell, might even get some fishing in too………….

  • MrCreosote May 14, 2012, 3:11 pm

    I think, but I do not know, that you use, far too many , commas, in your ,writing.

    • John July 23, 2012, 1:13 pm

      Left Yahoo just trying to get away from the Grammar police idiots, AND here you ssre again,,,, GO AWAY

  • jimmyjames May 14, 2012, 9:52 am

    Ordered my .308 special the day after the email announcement went out. Got it 2 weeks later. Couldn’t be happier. At first glance the wood looked a little rough/porous. I wiped it down with orange oil furniture oil and it “perrtied” right up. Keeping them all in the black on a 6″ circle at 100yds off the bench. True test will come in the fall at local Garand Clinic. Can’t wait. Cheers!

  • 7x57 May 12, 2012, 8:43 pm

    Lets take a look at the gun as a machine irrespective of all the patriotic hype that seems always to be embedded in the gun. It was not the greatest battle implement ever devised, far from it. The German G43 8mm semi-auto of WWII had a much better gas system that did not bend its op-rod like the M1 did.

    The M1 had a troublesome en-block clip that took some resigning before they got it right. In all fairness to Mr. Garand he wanted it to have a box magazine but the Neanderthals of the U.S. military wanted a gun that could be carried in parades in the traditional way, can you believe such idiotic thinking!

    The Garand also galled its receiver when the bolt rod back and forth on it so it had to be issued a special grease made by Lubri-plate, which by the way is still in business. When shooting the Garand in the rain it often jammed up because of the galling.

    The FN-SAFN rifle by Mr. Saive was a gun that was actually designed before WWII but the German invasion of Belgium forced Saive to flee the country. If it had been produced it would have easily outclassed the Garand in combat. Some say the German 8mm semi-auto of WWII was actually based on his design.

    Accuarcy of the Garand was never top notch either. The M1 had no metal stock liner and the wood stock soon loosened up from recoil which caused a deterioration in accuracy. Even the very crudely made 1903a3 Springfield rifle of WWII with its crummy 2 groove barrel would out shoot it.

    A great wastage of ammo often resulted when using the M1 Garand. One could not top off the magazine so if a Soldier had a few rounds left in the gun after shooting it he usually just fired off the rest of the rounds into the thin air so he could quickly re-load which ran him low on ammo very quickly.

    All in all the M1 certainly gave the solider of WWII more firepower but the gun had a lot of serious faults which fortunately were finally corrected in the M14 rifle which turned out to be too well made and to expensive to produce. It was later replaced by the much hated plasticky M16 rifle which still does not work in hostile environments to this very day.

    • Dave May 14, 2012, 11:23 am

      Don’t ever try to straighten the bend in the op-rod- It came from the factory that way for a reason! For this reason, I am dubious of your other assertions, but I don’t want to get into a pissing match with you. I save my debate energy for politics and economics.

    • tom June 29, 2012, 8:16 am

      My uncle served in Pattons 3rd Army during WW2 and he never wasted rounds in the air to top off. If you know the rifles system you know on the left handd side you can eject all the rounds left in the rifle. They would pocket what came into their hands and re loaded with a fresh clip. The other story that seems to be not so true is the one about how the GI’s would carry a used up clip and hit the ground to get a German to stick his head up when he heard the pingof the clip.

      My uncle also told me that buy the time a fire fight was 60 seconds old and 2 or 3 hundred round went off at one time you could not hear any pings from 15 feet away. I tried it out and fired 3 en block and by the time I was done with the 3rd it was hard to hear the ping. ( no ear protection for test) if you had 10 rifles going off at the same time I think he would be very right. Thats why I will hate the day when he dies. Everytime I feel a story does not sound right. He is my go to guy. he said most guys could not hear a thing for a couple of hours. I guess thats why they use hand sinigals

  • Dave May 12, 2012, 5:03 pm

    Anyone know what’s going on with the 86k M1’s from Korea,how do we get our hands on one of those?

  • Doyle Jackson May 6, 2012, 7:27 pm

    I am retired from the army i would love to have a good m1 grand i trained with one in Boot camp

  • Bob Nelson May 3, 2012, 3:06 am

    As to, “Our country and our Constitution will not fall as long as there are men and women who will lay down their lives to protect and defend it,” it seems to me that there are far too many people in Washington and certain state governments who think that people will sit in their homes and roll over if our right to bear arms, which does not even require a constitutional amendment, was nixed. My uncle, who was in the 82nd Airborne in W.W. II, and trained me in riflery starting at age five, always said, “if they come for your guns, shoot more of them than they do of you” (and your family and friends).

    One person misuses a firearm and nearly 86,000 gun-owners are “punished” for it. Legal defensive uses of firearms are rarely reported. The peace that is kept by the knowledge that someone may be armed is not taken into consideration. The FBI recently reported that violent crime is down yet again for the year 2011. It began to drop when people began to carry. The gun-grabbers have been very good for the firearms and ammunition industries, though. They have increased sales as much as or more than the Cuban Crisis, when the local Montgomery Ward store gave you a Mauser if you paid $8.00 for a box of ammunition. This was set up outside, in the parking lot.

    I ask a lot of these gun-grabbers when they last saw a gun being mis-used, or were the victim of someone with a firearm. I have yet to have anyone who had witnessed one, or been a victim. If someone is the victim of a violent crime I will not argue with them, but I cannot find any. Yes, they are out there, but few of them are part of the gun-grabber Klan. Ronald Reagan was an example.

    I am among those who will not back up another angstrom — not ever!

  • Make War No More May 2, 2012, 10:50 am

    I am buying a M-1 from a good friend of mine,he took me to the range to try it out before I decided to buy it.
    When he handed me my first 8 rds of ammo he told me that it was from 1942 and was collectors ammo but he wanted me to shoot it.
    There I was picturing my grandfather loading his first 8 rds into his M-1 at boot camp and firing for the first time.
    I have fired thousands of rounds of ammo in my life but those 8 rds of 1942 ammo will be in my mind forever
    just thinking that this weapon and its ammo helped save a World At War.
    I pray my M-1 will never fire a round in anger again ,but with my stock of ammo it will be ready to defend freedom if called upon.
    It will go into my collection of weapon systems and be my prized weapon of freedom.

  • Jaytree May 1, 2012, 7:55 pm

    For the ‘doomsayers’,

    Collect and trade for enjoyment while we are still free to do so, but maintain a minimum of one good firearm of significant caliber and retain personal accuracy with it throughout the years for the soul purpose of obtaining other implements of destruction as needed in the time of survival, for the cache of earthbound weapons will be bountiful for the well-trained Marksman on the day of reckoning.

    Our country and our Constitution will not fall as long as there are men and women who will lay down their lives to protect and defend it.

  • 'DOC'8403 May 1, 2012, 6:37 pm

    Charlie — one last thing — BOLTED DOWN SAFE!!! — I was out camping for a couple o several days and came back and found my three safes had been just lifted out of my shop onto what looked like the bed of a 1 ton truck (dual rear tires) and carted off along with a most of my engraving and finishing shop — some of those belong to to others I was engraving for. ouch! But the house was untouched (for who knows why — maybe the husky-mixes in the front yard) and my ‘family’ and oft used Longs-n-shorts were in there — at least one in each room — and NOT locked up. A gun in a safe is like a car in mud — it isn’t going to do what you got it to do. And I’m the only house and barn at the end of a 12.3 mile long dust-n-sometimes gravel ‘driveway’ so I don’t get many visitors. County Mounties and BLM just scratched their heads and said “Well, huh?!?”

  • 'DOC'8403 May 1, 2012, 6:19 pm

    Charlie — If it DOES hit the fan – I don’t know where you live, but in the ‘big’ country, ALL the ‘large’ game is going the way of most people and fast because it’s easy — so you are FAR better off with a .22LR, .17HM/HM2 or .22 Mag — most of the meat around will be rodents and birds — so a good shotgun and a good small bore will do you a LOT more good — it’s the mind-set of killing people that bothers me — a lot. When I’m out in the desert I know that I’ll get a LOT more use out of my small bore and 12ga Express than any ‘long range’ ‘heavy’ caliber rifle. And if you look at the weight/cost/food production equation you’ll see that a high speed .17 hp will take down a good sized deer if you are any good — and you can afford to be good at small calibers. Try nailing a Jack at 50-70 yards with something that will bring it down and not blow it up. The Garand is one heavy-duty battle rifle — in ’06 or in .308/7,62 it comes in at call it about 10.5 lbs give or take, the 1903 comes in at right close to 9 lbs. Rather ‘heavy’ compared to what you’d want to carry on foot anywhere. It would be a ‘look-n-see’ if anything hit the fan — side-arms, a good shotgun, and a small-bore is what’ll save your butt. And as a gunsmith once told me– you want a full-auto? Get a good hunting or tactical grade rifle and by the end of the day, you’ll have your pick of any full-auto or semi-auto you want. All you need to do is practice a LOT. Spray and Pray is what the military can afford, not me.

    But then again, I don’t live in a city or urban environment — I’m out where I can SEE what’s around me, and I can see you coming from miles off if I’m looking and a mile if I’m not. I’d have to agree that if you want a KNOWN good rifle, get a new one — the prices are steep for what it seems you MIGHT be getting – too much of a bet for me. For survival? I’m looking a a Sako Quad right now. And I’ve got my compliment of Sigs. And a few exceptional long range rifles that I can use with what I’m told is exceptional accuracy if I’m ‘in the grove’. So I plink with .22LR and .223/5,56’s — and practice long range accuracy with my ’06, .270 and my .308/7,62 rifles. But when I got out into the boonies I carry only a side-arm, a small bore and a shot-gun because that’s what’s going to feed me about 95% of the time NOW — and 100% of the time if something hits the fan. It doesn’t got KA-BLAM (cer-chink) but it takes some mighty good eyes and trigger control to hit a target out around 200 yards with a .17 — it just goes, crack-zing. Not macho — but it’ll put food in the table or someone on the ground in a world of hurt. Remember, it’s not the killing, but the wounding that does the most damage when dealing with people. With animals, it’s the other way around. Just give it a thought. The .300 WINMAG might be one AWESOME rifle, but how long can your really afford to practice with it in shoulder and money? Like a BMG — sure, you CAN take out someone behind a concrete or rock wall — but can you afford to get that good with it?

    I find as I age, I’m moving to the small bore for real skill – and yet I still want that 1″ at 1000 meter group and I’m not even close (LOL) – My sharps 45-70 will ring a 12 inch iron plate at about a little more than 1/4 mile if you like the ‘rainbow arch’.

    If you are collecting, you can probably find a better deal if you tour your local gun dealers, if you are a hunter, you probably don’t want to carry a heavy-duty battle rifle around the steep mountains or through the hot brush of the Far West.

    And to some others, we lost ‘Nam because we joined the wrong side of a War for Independence — remember? We had one once, but unlike the French coming to OUR rescue, we tried to come to theirs,– but too late and times were different. If you have Social Security, thank a Democrat. If you have Medicare – thank a Democrat. Me? I’m ABSOLUTELY non-partisan. And yes, it BECAME a political war, like Gulf War II. Gulf War I was a military war –and the results were different. Things are not black and white — there’s LOT’S of blame to go around for everyone. Even me.

  • BMF May 1, 2012, 3:44 pm

    My dad trained with them in WWII. I was always fascinated by this “gun of guns”. I could not shoot one now due to physical limitations unless it was a matter of absolute survival. I will buy a Springfield Armory version for “just in case” to reside in the empty slot in my gun safe. We all have an “empty space” in our safe for something special. I will always take it to the range when we all go shooting for the boys to shoot. I know they will grow to love and appreciate such a timeless firearm. A truly “machined machine”, not stamped, laminated, or injection molded and assembled by a person who loves their work and the product. GET THEM WHILE YOU CAN. Expensive today looks like a steal down the road.

  • Charlie April 30, 2012, 10:27 pm

    Please don’t mind my spelling, the beginning should have been “this is great”, not “this great”. I’m tired and still have to go to work tonight yet. I know I missed a few sylibles.

  • Charlie April 30, 2012, 10:24 pm

    This great, I thought I’d be reading an artical on M1’s and it turned into the comedy section. I passed up a six number M1 Springfield for $1,000 this past summer and kicked myself in the ass since then because the numbers matched. I think it was 1946. I’m not a rifle expert but always wanted an M1. On the other hand, they’re frickin heavy!! I thought and thought, I do have 11 hand guns in various calibers (not many compared to may people I knopw) but thought about the rifles. Now this is just in case the shit hits the fan but, I got an Armilite AR30 in 300 Win mag just in case I needed a long range caliber for the you got to kill this guy shot, then I figured well, most likely if we were invaded (and believe me, they ARE here, I saw them and yes did report it) the enemy will no doubtedly have AK’s of different sorts, semi or full auto ect., so why not use their type of weapons so when I come across an enemy and are able to down him or maybe he was already dead, I can use his ammo? I don’t know about you but every time I go to a range and see other guys with AK’s, this is also the reasoning I here mrom a lot of them. I also have an SKS in the same round. The hefty 1911 45 already saved my life 3 years ago but at close range my 380’s are also deadly, if on top of the situation. Vegetarian? funny, I’ve recently became one along with my wife due to health issues and in PA, you can’t use semi auto’s for big game anyway, BUT!! Like I said, if the shit EVER hits the fan here, the two legged beast has no chance with all us guys with fire arm in the civilian mode. Just pray that the Govmt. doesn’t deny us that right, this country will fall without our arms!! Everyone wants to get the guns from us with the gun laws, they keep saying that kids get killed with guns….bla bla bla….my firm belief for any kind of valid gun control should be only this. To keep the guns from being stolen from us and to keep our dead wondering children from shooting themselves and on down the line, everyone buying a fire arm of any kind should be required by law to show proof that they own a bolted down safe, of any size that meets the requirements to safely house all the firearms in their possesion. Deed done! No one will get your guns!!! What’s wrong with that?? I know no one will get mine, I was broken into and they stole our TV. By the time I got down stairs, they were gone. Fortunately, my guns at that time were up stairs. Now, I have a huge floor safe that hopefully the local hood can’t break into but we feel much safer with our 9 and 45 by the bed giving “them” no possible way to walk with our firearms. Our 5 dogs are great alrms too!! Anyway, I guess you guys can take a poke at me now! LOL!!

    • Dave May 14, 2012, 11:13 am

      Your 6 digit would certainly be a wartime M1! 1942 prolly! absolutely not a 1946. Mine is a March ’42 #522XXX

  • marty April 30, 2012, 9:28 pm

    In the early 50’s my dad and I went to a National Guard Armory where we lived and they were selling brand new, still with the cosmoline 1903 Springfields for $7.99. My dad bought two. Years later as a teen I traded the rifle for a broken down chevy in which the engine blew after 500 miles. Today if, there was a way of kicking myself I would.

  • Clay Pryor April 30, 2012, 8:50 pm

    While you are athe CMP web site, be sure to take a look at the apps that support the CMP at including NM Collector Software – CMP Edition (

  • Tim April 30, 2012, 8:50 pm

    RM1Special – I ordered this several years ago. I recieved a knock on the door and my rifle was handed to me. Looks like it came off the assembly line. Shoots like a battle rifle. Its my favorite plinker. Half price of a M1A.

    • jimmyjames May 14, 2012, 9:57 am

      mine too but I still want an M1A for some strange, inexplicable reason. It’s a sickness…

  • chaz April 30, 2012, 5:40 pm

    Great rifles,but way to expensive.If I had to choose between a surples gun and a new springfield M1A I would probably choose the latter. Don’t get me wrong,I would love to have one of these surplus rifles but not at these prices and or condition.

  • Jay Bruce April 30, 2012, 4:46 pm

    Well, I carried an M1 Garand starting in 1952 when I joined the Marines. It is a beautiful piece and very accurate on all the ranges I fired. I constantly fired Expert Rifleman with scores of greater than 230 out of 250 possible up to 500 yards. I love that rifle!

  • Stan April 30, 2012, 4:33 pm

    Hello, thanks for the info. Some time back after joining the TSRA, I looked at trying to qualify to purchase firearms from the CMP. I meet all the qualifications, but I cannot find any documentation for the time I shot intercollegiate small bore for the University at Arlington rifle team. I also successfully completed the Concealed Carry License but decided not to register for personal reasons (I carry anyway). (I also participated in club matches at Haltom City Gun Club as a child where the club instructor and my father taught me to shoot. This is what inspired me to pursue a position on the rifle team in college.) After the failure to find any proof of these activities, I became frustrated with the process and didn’t follow up with completion. Now, years later, I would like to finish this process, but still have no documentation for these activities. Where I am now is fairly barren of shooting ranges. I also have to watch expenses, thus the frustration of having to pay to get this qualification. Any suggestions for a cost effective way to provide proof of participation in a marksmanship related activity or otherwise show familiarity with the safe handling of firearms and range procedures.
    Thanks in advance,

    • Dave May 14, 2012, 11:03 am

      Scroll up to my previous post if you will. You can join the Garand Collectors Association and never leave your home. The EXCELLENT magazine will be well worth the price- Under $50 when I joined. Very nice and helpful people as well!

  • Tony April 30, 2012, 4:05 pm

    I am 66 a Viet Nam navy vet, retired from verizon after 31yrs, collecting SS, My biggest Sin is I was born in Great Britain to British Parents, they natrualized in 1955, I never had a Passport or narrulization papers, I never needed anything, papers or otherwise, It was an absolute Nightmare when the new Jersey DMV went to digital licenses, after driving and being in the US since I was 2, suddenly I have to have papers? Asking me how I got into the country and who am I, Huh Its still pathetic, now I have to show proof of Citizenship to but a rifle? I have a Firearms Purchase card for the state of NJ and have a Cabinet full of rifles, pistols and shotguns, I have bought and collected over the years, when I buy a pistol I have to get a seperate pistol permit which takes a few months, but that is all I need why the foot in the Butt for a rifle ??

  • A. D. Wallace April 30, 2012, 3:14 pm

    So silly to have a single focus. 😀 I’m a vegetarian and vote democrat, served in the military, own animals, have a number of guns that I strongly believe I have a right to own, and believe in keeping the government out of my business. This mix is probably a better reflection of what most people are and believe. I would encourage y’all to not alienate those of us that believe in both gun rights and progressive causes. I want one of these weapons to protect my property and put threats in the ground when they surface. ‘Nuff said.

    • Terry April 30, 2012, 5:11 pm

      Guns + progressive = oxymoron. do you know what a progressive is A.D. ? try communist, last time I checked they don’t realy like our 2nd amendment. are you protecting your property from yourself?????

    • chris1450 April 30, 2012, 8:04 pm

      would be a better mix if your werent a vegetarian and a democrat.. other than that I agree with you. 🙂 democrat and government out of my business just don’t match. Progressive causes mean nothing more than socialism. I’ll take care of my self thank you. I don’t want to take care of everybody else who won’t. Ever hear of human nature?

    • Bryan February 4, 2013, 11:54 am

      Given all the issues you just stated you believe in down conservative lines, may I ask why exactly do you call yourself a liberal? I would think that even if you believed all other issues down liberal lines, you’d still be more aptly described as moderate.

  • RT April 30, 2012, 3:06 pm

    I am an ex marine with Namm combat experence and can put them down range just fine.
    All the cute humor about the vegetarian is fun but remember to eat your vegies.
    I eat all I can, I wanty my heart to keep up with my desires and future plans.
    Don’t be dumm guys ain’t nuthin wrong with earth food.

    • RT April 30, 2012, 3:07 pm

      Thats cool

  • Jack Whetstone April 30, 2012, 3:01 pm

    Retired Law Enforcement Officer (28yrs)/ NRA member/ Illinois Rifle Assoc. Would this meet requirement of affiliation?

    • Administrator April 30, 2012, 3:03 pm

      Check the list for IL. I think it requires current membership. You can just call them.

  • 'DOC'-8304 April 30, 2012, 2:58 pm

    I find that equating meat with shooting is like equating beauty with women. Zen Archers are Buddhists, I would not want to go up against several of then, even with air cover’ M-60’s, and M32’s. They are Veggies. What you eat has noting at all to do with what you like to do or what kind of person you are. The NVA and the VC were mostly Vegetarian and who won THAT war? There are many kinds of beauty, just as there are many kinds of shooters. Some shoot to kill. Others shoot for skill. I’ve seen enough killing to last me more than one life-time, I shoot for skill. I still get a thrill if my old .22 LR breaks a bottle or pops a can, and I do love to ‘walk’ a can up and down a sand dune with a .223 at 50-100 yards — or get that one or two inch group at 400 yards with my SSG-69PII. And I am 95% veggie and maybe 10% meat. If I need a deer, antelope, or bear — I know where to go — and have no problem. If I NEED it. So lighten up you guys! — The ChiComs are mostly Veggies and look at what THEY have done with the ‘new world order’. Begin a veggie has nothing to do with a love of weapons — they do far more than just kill. They can help center you, ground you, focus you — they CAN be a form of Meditation. If you let them. I’ve seen more wounds that most folks cause that’s what I did, and find it is more a disdain for war and peoples ‘Mind Set’ than a disdain of weapons that keeps me from even thinking of a ‘kill’ at the end of the downrange target — I find that I do love firearms and their beauty and accuracy (or lack thereof). I drilled with a 1903 and fell in love with the one my grandfather brought back from WWI — second rifle I ever fired — I was ten, the first was a ’94 Winchester Rifle in 30-30 that shot 5 inches low and 3 1/2 inches right at 100 yards. The 1903 shot dead on with ladder sites out to about 350 yards. Both were beautiful rifles.

    • joshua welsh May 1, 2012, 6:16 am

      hey pal we won all the battles in nam it the fricken sissy politcos the pulled us out it the hippies that protested that pulled us out then we go and hire one just like them to run this great nation whew makes me sad…p.s we all have seen alot of death its how you deal with that defines you

      • Geebers May 1, 2012, 1:45 pm

        It’s like Mr. Welsh had pointed out, it was the Polioticians that defunded the Military Police Stop Action… And, dare I say it! YES! The Democrats pulled the rug out from under us when the treaty for peace was about to be signed… We had the Chicoms Loc, Stock, and Barrel… We had won! And, now the Liberals/Dems are playing the same game all over again with Iraq, and Afghanistan. It took us nearly 50 years to tame the Germans. And, now these damn Dems/Liberals think we can do it as soon as the conflict ends… Normally, they would be called Morons. However, they couldn’t be more off than on. So, we should call them “Moroffs.” And, Hitler was a drug addict as well as being a vegetarian… Know your ancestry, know your history, this will help you to know yourself and the direction you take in life…

        • superbee68 May 3, 2012, 7:00 pm

          the south vietnamese lost that war because the demacrats stopped there funding.

          • chuck January 21, 2014, 7:19 pm

            Your full of shit ,they only wanted all the,they didn’t care who was fighting seen alot of M16 dropped and never been fired .

    • Dave May 14, 2012, 10:55 am

      Our soldiers WON that war! Congress defunded it and we had to give back what we paid so dearly to gain! Not to take away from the resourcefulness and dedication of our enemies there, but we were better fighters and shooters than them.

    • Elnonio May 14, 2012, 2:20 pm

      Interestingly, Vietnamese today will tell you that WE won the war (been there, got it first hand). Logic goes that we not only won many (no, they won’t say all) engagements, we bombed and mined their country to ruin, and they are just now starting to recover. Of course, as a polite guest, I didn’t point out that mines north of the DMZ weren’t ours, nor did I point out that South VN sure is doing nicely. Then again, we didn’t bomb the heck out of it either.
      As far as the vegeterian thing, come on people, it’s a red herring. I don’t hunt. When will that become “suspect” in your eyes?!
      Liberal? Damn right. Liberal, same root word as liberty. I’m all about liberty and freedom, including freedom from being stereotyped by what you may think a liberal is.
      Yut! Out,

  • Jack Whetstone April 30, 2012, 2:34 pm

    I am a retired Law Enforcement Officer (28yrs) a NRA member and hold a CCW Law Enforcement permit. Would this be all I need for CMP qualification? From reading the above, I believe it would and would like to apply to the CMP asap.

    • Chuck Fugee May 15, 2012, 6:56 pm

      Just got my SA M1 (late ’55) and it is beautiful. Removed the Cosmolene (minimal), oiled her up and good to go. I am NRA and Texas State Rifle Association. That and my CCW, along with the ID mentioned got my gun to me within 2 weeks of ordering. CMP is incredible.

  • Dan A April 30, 2012, 2:29 pm

    You can only order rifles and receivers via mail. It says so in the first paragraph on the “ordering information” page. Won’t allow fax or email.

  • JR April 30, 2012, 2:18 pm

    Vegetarian: Native American word for “bad hunter”.

    • Sargint Rock June 25, 2012, 10:33 pm


  • Aardvark40 April 30, 2012, 2:01 pm

    Seems to me that if the M1 is an “M1 Grande” then the M1 Carbine must be an “M1 Pequeño”

  • Joe Barker April 30, 2012, 1:22 pm

    I cut my teeth on the M1-Garand in the very late 1950’s but at my age with arthritic thumbs, I don’t want to receive an M-1 Thumb. Yes, I saw many of them while in the Army and it happens. So I’ll pass on the M-1 Garand and pick up an M-14 instead, with all the new changes made to it verses the Garand.

    • Richard April 30, 2012, 2:49 pm

      YES SIR! The M1 Garand is a great wall hanger and that’s about it!

  • Grande Garand April 30, 2012, 1:08 pm

    Hitler was a vegetarian.

    • Russell Patton December 10, 2012, 12:24 pm

      He liked children and dogs, too. He has a special spot in hell along with Stalin, Sadam, Usama Bin Ladin and the musicians.

      I just bought an AR-15 Colt 6920 and wife says too many guns. I think you can never have too many guns.

  • lcjones April 30, 2012, 12:51 pm

    I take my coffee black & read took fast–I miss the pun/joke. Think it is fairly neat & I’ll bet he laughed until his stomach hurt at the responses that came his way. The computer stuff is good but but can’t believe all we read. Have already got two Garands & have no use for a Grande.

  • Kevin April 30, 2012, 12:48 pm

    sadly my chance of getting this historical rifle are drying up even faster now, I have yet to complete any form of training that hasn’t been under my father. And being a social phobic person by nature Id feel out of place even trying to do most of this. Had this page book marked for a few months now, but I have a feeling I wont be getting one. By the time I can afford one, have all this work done, and everything in check only collectors with enough cash to collect cars and such will be able to afford these. I just hope someday to be able to hold and fire a weapon that both of my grandfathers most likely trained with.

    • Administrator April 30, 2012, 12:55 pm

      Aw come on go take a hunters safety class or something, and put it on the credit card and go shooting Kevin.

      • Tim Phelps May 1, 2012, 7:23 pm

        “Put it on the credit card [and worry about it later]” is the sure path to financial irresponsibility. =) Seems this nation went through a credit crisis recently due to people spending money they didn’t have on items they couldn’t afford, using money they couldn’t pay back. Though the Admin’s right on one thing, Kevin; you can’t hold yourself back from enjoying life, and get hit with the “woulda/shoulda/coulda” regrets later! Save your pennies, get a training certification, and get yourself something you know you’ll enjoy. Just remember, the rifle is expensive, but so is the ammunition to shoot it. 😉

      • Doug June 28, 2012, 3:16 pm

        In most states the hunter education courses are free. Even in NJ (one of the strictest states) they are.

    • Dave May 14, 2012, 10:44 am

      I was in a similar situation- no time! I joined the Garand Collectors Association which is recognized by the CMP and that was all I needed to do! I am glad I did!! GREAT articles and high resolution pictures in their PRINTED magazine. My heart speeds up like a kid when is shows up in my mail box! In the first issue I received they showed how they determined the start date of a new method of annealing the receivers at SA. through blowing up the photos taken in SA and looking at receivers in production- luckily there were calendars all over the plant in the background! Print is so much better than web in a lot of ways. I am reluctant to take my laptop into the “study room”. I ended up buying my March ’42 on an auction site because the listing had many errors- It was a gamble, but I won a complete ’42 with field upgrades that all made sense – and all SA! The stock is an older unmarked replacement and the barrel is a Danish VAR- what I wanted anyway, as I bought this as a shooter for $699 prolly worth 2X now!. Thinking about searching for a March ’42 SA barrel/tube/sight just to say I have it…GCA Mag also tells you neat things like how to “factory accuracise” your front sight-
      Again GREAT magazine!

      To all the lefty’s posting here, I don’t hate you because you will vote for BoBo, but I’ll never-ever buy anything from you. It would be an inferior product as your judgement and research skills are horrible.

  • Carl Swickerath April 30, 2012, 12:44 pm

    Only 63; so mom and pop had to buy for me back in the good olod days. 1st was an original Colt 1911 – not the A1 – beautiful shape, and for some reason it had a blued finish. 2nd was an M1 Carbine, around 1963 – 22.00 including the shipping. 3rd was in the ’90’s for 300.00 : a special price for WWII vets. Got a ’42 dated Winchester in 95% condition that had all Winchester parts! Luck of the draw. Am all set now to go to Anniston and pick me out another M!….hope they have them when my retirement check comes in!

  • US AR RET April 30, 2012, 12:33 pm

    I’m guessing that our Veggie man above, like me, is US Army Retarded.

  • Mike Love April 30, 2012, 12:22 pm

    I have one question. What if the person ordering has an FFL? Would that suffice for them? I would like to order a few M1s.

    • Administrator April 30, 2012, 12:24 pm

      it says you can send an FFL as proof of firearms experience, so I assume that means you have to send the 4473 questions regardless. If you are sending the FFL they can choose to handle it how they want regardless. It doesn’t cost you anything. You would have to check them into your book anyway, unless the book is under a company and these are personal. If think about it, it is the Civilian Marskmanship Program, which means it is a program to sell guns to individuals. They probably have to sell you the gun as an individual regardless.

  • Uncle Mikie April 30, 2012, 11:28 am

    Clearly, the vegetarian joke went over everyone’s head. Look at the last word in the comment. It is Grande, not Garand. Like in the coffee drink? Duh.

    • Travis April 30, 2012, 2:55 pm

      Or another case of autocorrect hell!

    • terry callahan May 14, 2012, 8:51 pm

      Uncle Mike, I thought he was referring to a Mexican burrito…:)

  • Slaughterhouse Operator April 30, 2012, 11:23 am

    This entire conversation thread just made me LOL at my desk. This is a great article and I will be ordering a RM1SASSP

    thanks, GA for the info!

  • Brian April 30, 2012, 11:05 am

    Just wait until our messiah/prez is voted out of office and the Korean M-1s can be re-imported. They aren’t going anywhere until then. Who is going to buy them other than us? The europeans?

    • John Gill April 30, 2012, 12:28 pm

      Yeah … we will need them when the new president sends our children over to Iran to die.

      • Terry April 30, 2012, 4:44 pm

        Thats right john, you tell’em. We’ll just keep obama and live the wounderful life like all free thinking communist!

        • poolshooter47 April 30, 2012, 11:20 pm

          You a frind of Allen West??

      • joshua welsh May 1, 2012, 6:03 am

        the way i remember it when i joined the corps it was my choice to enlist there by making it my decision to be sent wherever last i checked there still aint a draft dont want your kid hurt keep them home the real men got work to do

        • billy tyrannosaurus October 16, 2012, 3:18 pm

          Real men? Perhaps decades ago… these days it seems like all firefighters, military,police etc. Are just mental deficients looking for a pat on the back. You can take your fatigues and snide attitude and cram it straight up your ass.

          • Sniper 1970 November 27, 2012, 8:12 am

            Say this to the face of a former Marineor other military personnel that have seen brothers or best friends killed in war. Talking about shoving something up someones ass. Boy, you won’t enjoy the outcome. Either 1800 yards away or 3′ in front of me, come see me. It makes no difference. You will not like the outcome! Remember that if you have the balls to talk about what we do to serve our country faggot sissy boy, say something and lets make a date to see each other!

          • jonhu November 27, 2012, 7:22 pm


  • Ray Atkinson April 30, 2012, 11:00 am

    I remember buying NRA Springfields and Colt Automatic pistols for $14.00 and $7.00 or visa versa? that was about 194?….I also understand that our present Dictator just killed a bill allowing thousands of M1 into the country..

    • dan April 30, 2012, 1:19 pm

      he is commander in chief ,,i served and i respect that

      • Richard April 30, 2012, 2:44 pm

        THANK YOU DAN for pointing that out! Damn anti American idiots!

      • poolshooter47 April 30, 2012, 11:18 pm

        Back pat Dan…

      • Jeff S May 1, 2012, 10:28 am

        I also served. And he is the commander, but I don’t respect the man.

      • Bryan February 4, 2013, 11:45 am

        I might have respected him…if I didn’t respect the constitution more. The more he tries to tear it apart, the more he’s my enemy.

    • Matt Worner June 20, 2012, 5:48 am

      Not to put too fine a point on it, but if you have read Vittel’s “Law of Nations” you may recall that a “natural born citizen” is the child of two citizen parents. This was the meaning of the phrase as understood by the Founding Fathers of this country. The Kenyan was, and is a citizen of Kenya by virtue of a Kenyan father. By Kenyan (British at the time of his birth) law; and the physical place of his birth is not germain to the discussion. The office of Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the United States is vacant. (As is the space between the pretender’s ear lobes.) The pretender is a puppet of George Soros et. al. who want nothing less than the destruction of government by the hoi polloi.

  • Allen Benge April 30, 2012, 10:38 am

    When they say this may b e the last batch of M1 Garandcs available, they ain’t just whistin’ Dixie. Our Kenyan in Chief just signed an order stopping the re-introduction of 1 million Garands and other WWII and Korea rifles from US. The rifles from CMP may not work and/or may not be safe, and are sold AS IS would rather pluink down the cash for a Springfield Armory M1A1, seeing as I have a Springfield XD40. Great guns.

    • John Gill April 30, 2012, 12:30 pm

      Right on! Very clever! BTY please wash your sheet for the next gathering. You looked a little grungy at the last cross burning.

      • John M April 30, 2012, 6:31 pm

        Why did you have to attempt to make Allen’s post a racist remark? Until reading your post I took the Kenyan comment as a poke regarding Obama’s citizenship status, nothing more, nothing less. I am not a racist, but I am prejudiced. Liberal hippies piss me off.

        • poolshooter47 April 30, 2012, 11:18 pm

          Would love to know how to tell a liberal from anyone else but I have noticed that when someone disagrees EVERYONE gets painted as a liberal…ignorence is a clear and present danger…

          • terry callahan May 14, 2012, 8:48 pm

            Liberalism is the clear and present danger.

          • MadMike June 25, 2012, 11:42 am

            poolshooter, its not hard at all.

        • Jeff S May 1, 2012, 10:27 am

          I have to agree with John M on this. I did not read any racism into Allen’s commit. It seems that we are all quick to rip on one another.

          • Administrator May 1, 2012, 10:38 am

            No, liberals are too quick to play the race card. It is just an empty attack because anyone who bothers to investigate Sherrif Joe’s research will find that the evidence is overwhelming that the birth certificate is a fake.

        • Dan Duffy February 1, 2013, 8:24 am

          What about your every day just liberal person? FML. . I have hair down to the middle of my back, pulled 8 years military. 55 years young and love marijuana since I was 13. Dont abuse it. Hardly even use it, but appreciate it. I play blues like I was born to be Jimi”s Brother. Well not that good but damn. And I am a white man with no racism or prejudice. Just the ability to recognize stupid. It comes in all colors, and political Ideals. Am I a hippie? maybe maybe not. Do I like Guns? Helll yes! Will anyone take them from me? HELL NO!! But those that think all our problems fall on Obama have another thought coming. And those of you that think we can separate our nation are Plain fools. We need to stick together prejudice or not. Racist or not. The government is a farce. You see nothing but what they want you to see. Do you actually believe that Romney would have been better? He one of the rich that sold us to China. GTFOH! They are like busy attorneys. Obamahasnt done anything he said h would as they wont let him> Our country falls again even farther than it did when Bush was in Charge BTW he started this mess In the views of many. Oh the Good OL boys say they dont want our guns but I trust not anyone that has Blood in their eyes. And Damn when we Go to war for oil at least we should get some. They sit at the same tables for lunch. When the real shit hits this country the politicians that raped her and sold her off wont live here. They will watch a civil war then come back in to make big bucks rebuilding. So I really dont care what you are as long as you have my back. I have yours for the asking. We are American! This is our f*(cken Country

          • Howard June 25, 2013, 7:09 am

            Romney has a valid US birth certificate. Start there.

          • Doug August 30, 2013, 8:23 pm

            You sound like a southern man to me maybe not but you should be.

      • Tim Phelps May 1, 2012, 6:57 pm

        John, highly unnecessary and unwelcome for you to bring accusations of racism and poor laundering skills into the conversation. Allen’s light jab at the president is only echoing the nation’s general sense of dissatisfaction with Obama’s leadership performance. Let’s not make things personal. 🙂

  • Roy April 30, 2012, 10:27 am

    When I was in Korea we were told to throw all the Mi Grands over the hill, this is at the time when we were on the front lines. What a waste but there was no way we could bring all on them back. I did find a Russian ppsh41 that I did bring back. Roy

  • Ken April 30, 2012, 10:17 am

    I received my M1 from the DCM in the mid 80’s for $126. It is a six digit Winchester (1941). My wife received her M1 from the CMP and it was in the $200’s, also a Winchester (1942). Since my M1 is an early Winchester and impossible to find the correct repair parts for, my wife allows me to shoot her M1 at Camp Perry each year in the Garand match and is as accurate as any NM M1 I’ve ever fired. We also own a Springfield NM M1 in .308 that I shoot occasionally for the Pres. 100, NTI and Hearst matches. These are magnificent firearms.

  • PeteyRaymond April 30, 2012, 9:58 am

    I sincerely doubt that a “vegetarian” would be randomly surfing the GunsAmerica website. I suspect that Mr. Wisniewski is “veteran” who is just trying to inject a little humor into the posting. I get you, Mr. W. Thank you for your service.

  • amish sadiqqi April 30, 2012, 9:54 am

    I also am a vegetarian, and I to wish to purchase one of these fine firearms for my wife.

  • 10X in MN April 30, 2012, 9:37 am

    re: the vegetable wanting a firearm.
    The message has the word Vegetarian in it, and then it goes on to use a word that harmonizes with firearms. Now what is wrong with that picture. Red meat, for sure, is part of the equation for a shooter. About the only thing that green stuff has in common with this fellow is first of all it takes it to buy an M1, and you lie in it when putting a paper puncher down range 1000 yards into a 30 inch bull. I say this with love, of course.

    Dr. E

  • 10X in MN April 30, 2012, 9:36 am

    re: the vegetable wanting a firearm.
    The message has the word Vegetarian in it, and then it goes on to use a word that harmonizes with firearms. Now what is wrong with that picture. Red meat, for sure, is part of the equation for a shooter. About the only thing that green stuff has in common with this fellow is first of all it takes it to buy an M1, and you lie in it when putting a paper puncher down range 1000 yards into a 30 inch bull. He needs to look into canasta for a sporting pastime. I say this with love, of course.

    Dr. E

  • tom April 30, 2012, 9:35 am

    Hate to say it because I am showing my age but when i got involved in High Power shooting I purchased my MI Garand from the DCM for $68.00. Still got it and will put it in my will for the kids. Oh, how times have changed.

    • Toby April 30, 2012, 10:24 am

      Hey Tom! I’ll give ya $100 for it! 🙂 Hey, 47% profit ain’t bad!

    • MWKeith December 10, 2012, 6:23 am

      Times haven’t changed, it’s the dollar that has changed. Worth less now, totally worthless as soon as Obambam and his hearthrob, Geitner, get done spewing $. Still shootin my Eddystone ’03 knock off. Slow is good for match. Who needs auto load for targets. May do the Garand thing after the fine writing here. Budgets are tight.

  • Joe Kubik April 30, 2012, 9:32 am

    I have an SA that I bought from a gun range shop, but it was obvious it was a CMP re-sale; the rifle had many PB (Pietro Beretta) and Danish parts, thus it had been loaned to Denmark around 1950 at the beginning of NATO, and maintained by Denmark until it was returned to the USA in the late 1990s. The M-1 machinery used by Winchester during WW2 to make 500,000 Garands had been shipped to Beretta, which was the designated NATO manufacturer for spare parts and additional rifles for European countries, and many of these had replacement parts made by Beretta. In addition, many of the countries met the terms of the “loan” of those Garands by making their own spare parts; in Denmark’s case, they made, among other items, their own replacement barrels. My brother also purchased a Danish Garand from a gun dealer in our home town; that one had one of the famous Danish Garand barrels, “famous” because buyers found that they were very accurate, essentially “match” quality items. We both enjoy our rifles; our Dad was a WW2 GI (+1980), and I felt his presence when we took our rifles to a range to get them zeroed. All in all, we also had my son and one of his daughters fire them as well, so they understood better what their grandfather used to help win the “Great War”. They are truly historical firearms.

  • David April 30, 2012, 9:11 am

    Would love to have a service grade but am supporting two households and barely make my ends meet.

  • Greg Smith April 30, 2012, 7:43 am

    I would like to purchase a surplus M1 Garand from the government for a surplus price .thank you GW Smith

  • Albin Wisniewski April 29, 2012, 6:29 pm

    I am a vegetarian and I would like to know were I can purchase one M-1 Grande

    • Texas BeefEater April 30, 2012, 7:31 am

      Dear Albin,

      Re-read the above-article again, since it points out how, when, where, why and how to get “the greatest battle implement ever devised…” (with thanks to Gen Patton)

      …did you attend a public school?…just asking……

      • david April 30, 2012, 9:10 am

        That person may not have attended public education but the “vegetarian” part should give it away as to why they asked their question on the bottom of the article. It takes red-meat to help supply brain cells, unless your a rabbit (then you taste great with potatoes).

        • Bob April 30, 2012, 6:11 pm

          You have to either be a redneck, hillbilly,from the south, or from a 3rd world to eat rabbit. What is next? Goast.

          • Fred May 1, 2012, 2:06 am

            That would be “Goat”, moron.

          • Ben May 5, 2012, 2:48 am

            I have 5 Garands and they are the best rifle I have ever owned! I am a redneck and I also eat rabbit, squirrel, Possum, armadillo, and anything else I can shoot and cook!

          • Tim August 1, 2012, 2:08 pm

            Or you would have to be eating at one of Chicago’s best restaurants (The Berghoff) where I first had rabbit. Congratulations Bob. You won the ignorant award.

          • James Graves November 27, 2012, 8:58 am

            Well Bob, the “rednecks. hillbillys or those of us who proudly live in the south”, DID NOT ELECT THE MORON IN THE WHITE HOUSE!, You yankey’s did, proud of yourself?

          • Bryan February 4, 2013, 11:36 am

            The word “either” is only appropriate when talking about exactly 2 options.

            “from a 3rd world” would either have to add “country” to the end or change the “a” to “the” in order to be correct.

            “hillbilly,from the” needs a space after the comma.

            “Goast” would have to be “Goats” or “Goat”; either one would be correct.

            “Goast” is also a questioning statement, and should end with a question mark instead of a period.

            Also, rabbit is a fine mean enjoyed in many fine restaurants. Hunting is also a more sustainable and green way to eat than raised livestock.

            Seems that there is a lot you could learn from rednecks like me.

          • Howard June 25, 2013, 6:49 am

            Better all of those than from a blue state wanting to take guns and electing Wondermonkey twice.

            Tell ya what Bob, I’ll buy the beer – can’t wait to get you in the local pub with your mouth. Any time.

          • Jerry August 1, 2014, 8:34 pm

            You’ve obviously never tasted rabbit cooked properly. Oh BTW it’s Goat not Goast, I wonder did you make it through third grade?

          • Rick P December 4, 2015, 2:04 pm

            I’ve tasted rabbit, but “goast”?? I am rarely a “redneck”, “hillbilly” I love the south even though I am 15 miles north of the Mason-Dixon line. I believe all Americans who believe the Constitution is the framework for our laws should be respected and not labeled. This country is already divided by the media, lets not play into their hands by labeling each other when people who think alike should stick together when the government prompted by “gun grabbers” attack our rights. I realize some comments are comical, but the ones that are well meaning should be respectfully tolerated.

        • Fred May 1, 2012, 2:04 am

          If you were actually smart you’d know that should have been “you’re” rather than “your”. What happened to your brain cells? Eaten away maybe from too many liquid drugs, a.k.a. booze?

      • dan April 30, 2012, 1:08 pm

        didn’t you?

      • Big Zeke June 21, 2012, 12:49 pm

        Do you molest children………………………… just asking?

      • Big Zeke June 21, 2012, 12:52 pm

        I mean Beefeater do you molest children ……………………….just asking?

        • Donald H. Conner July 7, 2012, 1:47 pm

          “Big Zeke” (???) Why don’t you keep these pathetically stupid remarks to yourself? All you have accomplished by saying such a thing is to show the entire world just how mornically imbecilic you really are. To say nothing of completely disgusting and offensive to all. You need to find a psychotherapist who can work with you (if that’s possible) and help you get past the idiocy of your thinking. Either that, or go back under the rock from which you crawled out from under, and resume your troll life with the rest of the vermin.

      • don March 8, 2015, 7:15 pm

        Because only smart people have rich parents to take them to private schools!

    • Mike Balog April 30, 2012, 9:11 am

      Vegetarian ??? What are you going to do with an M1 Garand ? Shoot Water Mellons in field ?

      • Fr April 30, 2012, 9:39 am

        Gents..don’t be baited by those who would attempt their own self aggrandizement by looking down their noses at us gun lovers and hunters.

      • Mutt February 4, 2013, 12:42 pm

        “Yeah, a watermelon makes a fine meal.” The Patriot, 2000

    • poolshooter47 April 30, 2012, 11:11 pm

      …Albin…wasn’t he one of the chipmonks??

    • Nat-X May 1, 2012, 8:32 am

      Hunting? No. More likely home-defense after our looming economic collapse. So I encourage every vegetarian to get a semi-automatic rifle and don’t be afraid to take the rabbit-of-opportunity when the Wal-Mart shelves are empty.

      • ardy May 2, 2012, 5:14 pm

        Wal-Mart will be the bringer of our demise! At least try not to make everything you buy made in a third world country by someone that makes pennies a day!