Sneak Peek! Bond Arms Developing Lightweight Aluminum-Frame Derringer – NRA 2019

in Authors, Industry News, Jordan Michaels, This Week
Sneak Peek! Bond Arms Developing Lightweight Aluminum-Frame Derringer – NRA 2019

This sample is a prototype, but the size and weight will be the same in the final version.

Small, powerful, convenient, and maybe even stylish, Bond Arms’ derringer handguns have been described using a wide variety of positive adjectives. But “lightweight” hasn’t been one of them. At something around 22 ounces, all-steel derringers are hefty little guns for their profile, especially when compared to half-polymer semi-autos.

That’s set to change in October, when Bond Arms plans to release an aluminum derringer that tips the scales at nearly half the weight of a standard model.

We caught up with Bond Arms’ spokesman Dylan Hunsucker at this year’s NRA Annual Meetings and Exhibits, who gave us a sneak peek of their new offering.

The machined aluminum derringer weighs 12 ounces and measures 0.55 inches at its widest point. For context, a standard derringer with a 3.5-inch barrel weighs 22 ounces and is nearly an inch wide.

The aluminum derringer cuts price in half along with weight and width: Bond Arms plans to sell their new model for between $299 and $350. That’s compared to their all-steel models, whose MSRP hovers just under $700.

Hunsucker said that initial models will be chambered in 9mm, .38, and potentially .357.

SEE ALSO: 21st Century Derringer! Bond Arms Back Up .45 ACP & 9mm Defender—Full Review

Sneak Peek! Bond Arms Developing Lightweight Aluminum-Frame Derringer – NRA 2019

The standard model almost looks overbuilt compared to the new lightweight model.

Sneak Peek! Bond Arms Developing Lightweight Aluminum-Frame Derringer – NRA 2019 Sneak Peek! Bond Arms Developing Lightweight Aluminum-Frame Derringer – NRA 2019

When asked whether an aluminum derringer will produce more felt recoil, Hunsucker pointed out that the smaller chamberings will mitigate that concern, and as with all derringers from Bond Arms, the gun’s low bore axis forces felt recoil back rather than up, which reduces muzzle flip.

Customers shouldn’t be worried about durability, either. While most of the handgun is constructed from aluminum, a steel firing pin plate absorbs the majority of the stress on the gun during firing.

As with all Bond Arms derringers, the new aluminum model has the capability to swap barrels within the aluminum line, allowing customers to use whichever barrel or chambering fits their specific need. In this line, for example, a user might want to practice with the 9mm barrels but carry the .357.

Standard steel barrels range between $130 and $235, so customers can expect aluminum barrels to be priced well below that.

SEE ALSO: Boberg Is Back – The Bond Bullpup 9mm CCW

Sneak Peek! Bond Arms Developing Lightweight Aluminum-Frame Derringer – NRA 2019
Sneak Peek! Bond Arms Developing Lightweight Aluminum-Frame Derringer – NRA 2019

All Bond Arms derringers are manufactured in Granbury, Texas.

Sneak Peek! Bond Arms Developing Lightweight Aluminum-Frame Derringer – NRA 2019

On the right is one of the first aluminum-frame prototypes. The final production model will feature the matte finish like the model on the left.

Hunsucker stressed that their engineers are still perfecting their design, and the model they displayed at NRAAM was just a prototype.

Bond Arms began in 1995 with the idea that the Remington Model 95 over-under, single-action derringer could be converted from an Old West anachronism into a modern and reliable handgun. This new aluminum model might be the next evolution in that idea.

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  • Ray September 12, 2021, 3:32 pm

    Is this project dead, now? Last I heard, from someone at Bond Arms, they were hoping to have this model out by late Spring or early Summer of 2021. I called back in June and was told nothing had moved forward in terms of production.

    What is its current status?

  • melvin meade October 20, 2020, 2:49 am

    consider the 32 hr mag

  • Grigori August 31, 2020, 6:34 am

    I would love to have one of these in 9mm +P. Would be a great backup for EDC with ammo interchangeability. The one thing I really hope is that they don’t cut corners like NAA and American Derringer and produce guns that keyhole. Keyholing is totally unacceptable in any firearm I carry for defense.

  • w b hopmeier August 25, 2020, 11:44 am

    Please send me lit. about your new mini and light wt. aluminum derringers with double barrels. Cal. .380, 9mm, 38, and anything between, but no .22 cal. design. I want knock-down power. My wife has a small hand and needs a light — very light wt. gun to carry. The kick back is not important, as she will only be firing two shots.

    Thanks Bruce

  • Ron Bergeson October 28, 2019, 3:06 pm

    Any news on when the Slim Line will be available as I would really like to have one for my Christmas present this year? Thanks

  • Willie-O May 7, 2019, 9:47 am

    I own one of their standard .410/.45LC models and love it. It\’s built like a tank and the quality is immediately evident. I have no doubt that their engineers and QC people have done their jobs, but my initial thought was S&W\’s aluminum revolver designed for the U.S. Air Force and the civilian version that followed – both models were failures due simply to the aluminum being too weak. Granted, it came out in the 1950\’s and there have been major improvements since, but…..I think I\’ll just stick with the original.

  • I Love Liberty May 7, 2019, 1:08 am

    I would possibly like one of these if the price were lower than $240. They are only two shots. You can get very small 9 millimeter pistols that are six shot or more for $300.

  • archie brown May 6, 2019, 11:02 am

    I like the Bond derringers and they serve a purpose and I own one with three sets of barrels. But the aluminum model in 357 at 12 oz. seems like a hand killer. And aluminum barrels? They have a steel liner, right? And the barrel latch looks like it’s held on with a rivet and washer. I know this is a prototype and the rest will be different. It could be a good idea. Just my 2-cents. Archie

  • Jamim Pereira Souza May 6, 2019, 10:35 am

    So smol , is stronger?

  • Irish-7 May 6, 2019, 10:34 am

    I’ve been anxious for any modification that will bring the price down on Bond guns. However, if the aluminum models do not include a .45 LC/.410 GA, then I won’t be interested. I guess I’ll keep saving for a stainless steel Bond………

  • Tekhen May 6, 2019, 8:25 am

    Will this lighter weight version also be a part of their slimline? I hope so and after seeing .38 and possible .357 with a lower price to boot. I hope the overall finish will also be with the look of the backup. If so, $ being saved.