Paul Helinski

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Confirm Your Email Address – GunsAmerica Full Access

Hello and thanks for accepting our invitation to join the firearm enthusiasts at If you are on the website now and are looking for a confirmation code, it is ########. If you used the pop up box to subscribe, or you used our Contact Seller As Guest feature, you have been assigned a temporary [...]

Deer Hunter’s Secret Weapon – Get ‘Em Quick

I’m sorry that I didn’t get this out quicker for those of you who have deer season kicking in this week in your state. This product, the Walker Game Ear, shocked me when I got to test it this summer, and I had in mind that I should run the story before deer season, because it is an absolute secret weapon. If you haven’t tried these things, they have super sensitive microphones embedded in them, so they not only protect your ears from your eventual gunshots, they also allow you to hear like…well, a deer.

welcome to ga draft

Welcome to GunsAmerica! Since 1997, GunsAmerica has brought online gun buyers and sellers together in a safe, easy to use, and inexpensive environment. Our format is primarily classified ads, because most people know what they want to sell their guns (and other stuff) for, so you might as well just ask for that. We also [...]

Prepping 101: When There is No Dentist

Prepping 101: When There is No Dentist

It seems like everything that I look into when it comes to survival is not simple. You would think that the extent of survival dentistry you need to know doesn’t extend further than “yank the darn tooth,” but that is not the case. I sat down and actually read the book, “Where There Is No Dentist,” by Murray Dickson, and I highly suggest that you buy this $16 book, and some of the tools and medications that will make substantive dentistry possible. There are very few non-fatal injuries as debilitating as tooth pain (disk pain of the back being the only one I can think of worse), and if left to fester, tooth maladies themselves can be fatal. The book was apparently written to help volunteer medical workers in African villagers, but it includes everything that you will need in a survival situation.

Prepping 101: Grid Down Family Communications Nationwide - Inexpensive Ham Radios for Morse Code

Prepping 101: Grid Down Family Communications Nationwide – Inexpensive Ham Radios for Morse Code

About the scariest thing I can think of is to lose contact with my children in a world over the brink of collapse. Most young people don’t even have a land based phone line these days, so if the cell networks go down, that’s it. But there is a way, if you do it now, to establish a communications protocol with loved ones who are hundreds, or even thousands of miles away. As I’ve discussed a few times before in this column, the Amateur radio bands, otherwise known as the Ham bands, under 30 megahertz, are capable of reaching around the entire globe at certain times of the day. Full access Ham radios, covering several bands, or even all the Ham bands, sell for $300 to $10,000, but I found some small radios that cover only one frequency for as little as under $10. You have to still buy an antenna, but the overall cost could be as little as $50. As a bare bones mode of communication on a very tight budget I don’t think you can beat these little radios.

Prepping 101: Go to the Movies This Week!

Prepping 101: Go to the Movies This Week!

If you are a regular reader of this column you know that my subjects here of late have been extremely thick, and expensive. I try to be aware of just how much I am loading on, so I decided that this week is a good time to devolve into a bit of prepping theory again. I went to two movies this week, The Martian, and Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials. Between the two, it was as if Hollywood put on a clinic for what survival post-collapse is all about.

Prepping 101: Inflatable Concrete Buildings & Other Fallout Shelter Missives

Prepping 101: Inflatable Concrete Buildings & Other Fallout Shelter Missives

Answer:A $25,000 inflatable concrete building. Just add water.
Question: What is a Concrete Canvas Shelter?

Believe it or not, this is not a joke, and when I encountered this product it reminded me that I have been meaning to discuss the qualifications for a proper nuclear fallout shelter for some time. But I have to admit, of all the survival preparations I’ve written about for this column, this is one of very few I have not actually worked out for myself. That is why I found this product so interesting.

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Prepping 101: Thermoelectric Generators

Prepping 101: Thermoelectric Generators

Thermoelectric generators are not a new technology. “TEG” power was discovered in 1821, but I have to admit, it is new to me. I recently discovered three consumer products that create electricity from direct heat, and all three of them have survival applications. One of them is the best bugout or camp stove I have ever encountered, and I would take it one step further and say that it is the best bugout cooking solution I have ever encountered, period. A second is made for generating electricity while you cook your dinner, and I had marginal success with it. The third is made for a high level of direct heat electricity production, and you can drive it from your rocket stove, a camp stove, and they have models from 10 watts up to 100 watts that use waste heat from your wood stove.

Prepping 101: Survival Food by the Numbers - It's About Calories Silly!

Prepping 101: Survival Food by the Numbers – It’s About Calories Silly!

A few weeks ago I was interviewed on a radio show about this prepping column, and during the commercials I heard an ad for a specific survival food company that claimed to offer more “calories per dollar” than everyone else. On checking their website, that number is 250 calories per dollar. I have been buying and storing food for over a year now, since my original food article, and all this time I have had a really hard time explaining to people the importance of making the most out of their prepping dollars, and focusing on supermarket food, not survival food. The company itself didn’t impress me, especially after they bailed on sending review food when I explained this article. But then I realized, that’s it! It really is all about calories per dollar! And that claim of 250 calories per dollar may be high when compared to other brands of survival food, but compared to the foods below, all from Walmart, they are embarrassing for the actual food you get. Even expensive name brand Dinty Moore beef stew is 238 calories per dollar. Which would you rather eat? Other foods here are well over 1,000 calories per dollar, and one is over 4,000 calories per dollar.