Australian Authorities Hysterical Over Discovery of Underground Gun Bunker

The purpose of gun control is to disarm citizens so that they are helpless in the face of tyranny.  Those who understand this agenda vehemently resist coordinated efforts by governments to curtail one’s fundamental right to keep and bear arms. 

For us here, in the good ole U.S. of A, we have a Constitution to fall back on and competent gun-rights organizations that help us fight the good fight — 24/7, 365. 

Not to mention, we’re a nation of over 300 million guns, conservatively speaking. Needless to say, it’s easier for us to orchestrate a full-throated resistance to those who seek to render us soft targets.

For many others around the globe though, they’re not so lucky.  In fact, many foreign objectors to systematic civil disarmament are forced to take their battle underground — literally.  

Case in point, David Letizia, an Australian boxing promoter and former professional fighter.  

Letizia, aka the “Ice Man,” was arrested last year after police discovered his underground bunker and shooting range in the Perth Hills suburb of High Wycombe in Western Australia. 

SEE ALSO: Stop Using Australia to Justify Banning So-Called ‘Assault Weapons’

It appears someone ratted Letizia out to the police.  When the authorities came to investigate, they discovered his bunker, which was concealed by a trap door that had an inconspicuous sofa on top of it. (It’s pretty cool, check out the video above).  

Police then raided the bunker and seized all of Letizia’s firearms and ammunition.  It’s worth pointing out that Letizia was a licensed firearm owner and most of his firearms were registered uder the law. He was not a hardened criminal or street thug.

The major offense the “Ice Man” committed, evidently, was securing the guns improperly and failing to tell the city council about the construction plans for the bunker. 

“The Western Australian Police Force recently seized an arsenal of very high-powered firearms being incorrectly stored in a secret underground bunker, hidden beneath a storage unit in suburban Perth,” said WA Police Minister Paul Papalia.  

“Unbelievably, the worst offense this individual has allegedly committed is failing to apply to the local council for approval to build the bunker and underground shooting range,” continued Papalia, lamenting the state’s lax gun laws with respect to ownership of long-range rifles.

SEE ALSO: ‘Avatar’ Director James Cameron Regrets Gunplay in Past Films, Happy to Live in New Zealand Where ‘Assault Weapons’ Are Banned 

“This person was a licensed firearms owner. Most of the weapons down there were licensed,” observed the minister. “Why he needed that many high-powered rifles in a secret underground shooting range is beyond me.”

In the wake of this incident, Western Australian authorities plan to rewrite the state’s gun laws later this year. Per WAToday:

Under WA’s overhaul of its gun laws, high-powered firearms that are dangerous at significantly longer ranges and capable of piercing armour plating will be outlawed in WA, including 56 types of guns and 19 calibres of ammunition.

The state government will fund a market-value buyback scheme for gun licence holders who possess any of the soon-to-be illegal guns.

The WA also aims to institute mandatory mental health checks for prospective gun owners.

“Our laws are outdated, they allow some very high-powered firearms that really are designed for shooting rhinos or penetrating armour plating,” Papalia told 7NEWS.

“There’s not a justifiable reason for them (to be) in our State, that’s why we’re going to ban them,” he continued. “We make no apologies, there will be a complete rewrite of the firearms act. It will be modernised, just about every element of firearms ownership and use will be addressed.”

Mr. Letizia’s firearms license was revoked and he was fined $3,200 as a result of the discovery. He will need to appear before the city council later this year to answer for building a bunker without seeking permission first.

The rest of WA’s citizens will be forced to turn over their soon-to-be illegal firearms or else face prosecution. The tyrants are winning in the Land Down Under.

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  • Dutch February 26, 2023, 2:46 pm

    I’m 100% behind the bunker owners. The only real enemy of the people of any nation is government, when it’s not someone else’s, it’s their own.

  • RHT447 February 18, 2023, 6:46 pm

    Here in Texas, we call that a starter kit.

    “Why he needed….” See, that word “need”–not relevant.

    What’s the first rule of bunker club?

    “Individually, we do not bear arms because we are afraid. We bear arms
    as a declaration of capacity. An armed man can cope – either in the city
    or in the wilderness – and because he is armed, he is not afraid.

    The hoplophobe fears and, yes, hates us, because we are not afraid. We
    are overwhelmingly “other” than he, and in a way that emphasizes his

    Jeff Cooper

  • DS February 18, 2023, 11:44 am

    This is what happens when you allow politicians to run amuck and move to keep citizens under their thumb!
    A shame that Australia does not have a Constitution to protect its citizenry!!!
    Don’t you just love the “secured improperly” charge???…I really don’t see how they could have been any more well secured???
    America, wake up or we’re next to succumb to this mindless knee-jerk response to emotion! Banning guns does NOT stop crime, it only creates serfdom and tyrrany!

  • Bruce February 17, 2023, 4:50 pm

    I wonder how bad is the crime in the land down under…Tyrants will always take away your freedoms but they immune themselves to the laws they force on you……..

  • Jay Fisher February 17, 2023, 3:55 pm

    Well, sure! The gubmant didn’t get their tax dollars! That’s another thing it’s all about! Greed! They get their fingers in every pie! No matter how small. I love this guys bunker! I wish I had the money for something like that.

  • Dave February 17, 2023, 1:58 pm

    Once upon a time there was a free country called Australia. Then the communist pukes took over and started licensing and grabbing firearms.
    This video is an outrage. Hunting rifles being confiscated. That come on the heels of their government locking them all down and trying to kill off as many of them as possible with the JAB and throwing the non sheep in concentration camps.
    Fascist governments must be destroyed. Hopefully those who are now in the sights of these thugs thinking they will grab more end up getting the ammo first. This bullshit has to stop.

    • Jeff Slocum February 19, 2023, 7:45 pm

      There is a huge difference between communism and fascism, they are not interchangeable as, oh so many people seem to believe…
      Yes, it is an outrage what is coming for Australia, at the moment “hunting” rifles are legal for the most part. As for making a distinction between a hunting rifle and what(?) a black gun? More crap from the peanut gallery. My .308 is considered an Assault Rifle at my local gun range, my other .308 is just fine, it is a hunting rifle. Can you guess the difference between the two? IGNORANCE is our true enemy. Educate yourself before spewing ignorance.

    • Jeff February 19, 2023, 8:15 pm

      Communism and Fascism are not the same. I guess pointing that out is not okay….

  • kbphysicspe February 17, 2023, 12:53 pm

    The bunker is cool, but my, oh my, what a scary over & under double barrel shotgun!
    I like the idea for the range. If I ever build another house, I just might have to construct something like that.
    Anyone in Texas would be ashamed to have so few firearms & so little ammunition.

    • Jeff February 19, 2023, 7:33 pm

      Not sure what is scary about an over-and-under shotgun? (Of course it is double barreled, thus the “over” and “under”) I’ve got several double barreled guns, 3 shotguns one side-by-side and two over-and – under and two shotgun/rifle combination..

      • Big Al 45 February 21, 2023, 2:29 pm

        Jeff, does your sarcasm detector need a refill?

  • Walleye February 17, 2023, 12:52 pm

    Coming to America soon, compliments of the relentless anti-2A leftists, as well as all of the pathetically lazy gun owners who don’t fight back.

    • Stan d. Upnow February 17, 2023, 1:00 pm

      Can’t speak for everyone, but I’ve never met a single gun owner who did/would vote for Any Progressive-Socialist candidate for office favoring gun control.
      It’s not about “fighting,” it’s about determined opposition AND educating the ignorant about the truth.

      • Jay Fisher February 17, 2023, 3:57 pm

        It’s getting closer and closer to actual fighting. Almost tea party time!

      • Shanz February 19, 2023, 3:44 pm

        You can’t stop evil with voting.

      • Big Al 45 February 21, 2023, 2:34 pm

        Stan, there is NO “educating” for those who just plain don’t want you to have a gun.
        Abd they are growing in number, so your plan just won’t work.
        We ARE an almost equally divided Nation, and our side will NOT win the other over, so remember your great quote by Jefferson, and get ready.

  • Stan d. Upnow February 17, 2023, 12:43 pm

    Let these Aussie bastards explain what justifies confiscating Mr. Letizia’s LEGALLY-owned firearms because of a failure to obtain a construction permit for his bunker.
    Any excuse. Learn from this.

  • Some Guy February 17, 2023, 12:22 pm

    As much as I hate to see it, it always amuses me how giddy government officials get when they seize private property.

  • Bradley D Johnson February 17, 2023, 11:56 am

    It’s because of Mentally Deranged shitbags like the WA Authorities, That I WILL Continue to purchase AS MANY WEAPONS AS HUMANLY POSSIBLE !! These Same Pricks DEMAND NO ONE has any weapons, YET Uses these Very Same weapons as Intimidation towards civilians ! IF Civilians “aren’t allowed”, THEN LAW ENFORCEMENT SHOULD NOT BE EXEMPT ! You “autocratical figures” are a Complete a Total DISGRACE TO YOUR GREAT COUNTRY & “THE GOOD PEOPLE” that Make up Australia !! THE PEOPLE NEED to TAKE “THEIR COUNTRY” BACK !!!!
    GOD BLESS to all the Beautiful People of Australia !!!! PS; PISS OF THOSE GOV’T ASSHATS ! TAKEM !

  • Hondo February 17, 2023, 11:17 am

    I want that too, way cool.

  • Kevin February 17, 2023, 9:00 am

    The myth that Australia is populated by good looking women and tough men is only half right. There are a lot of cucks who call themselves men down under.

    • Anthony February 17, 2023, 10:55 am

      And judging by your comment your’e highly educated and a tough guy yourself.Stand in front of the tough half or even the women and talk smack !

      • Jay Fisher February 17, 2023, 4:01 pm

        This is a prime example of why we can’t band together and beat the government on this! We can’t even comment on an article without fighting amongst ourselves about silly stupid shit.

        • Jeff February 19, 2023, 8:12 pm

          Agreed. Although here it is just about a stupid comment about looks etc. But in many cases we have people comment with as much ignorance as the gun grabbers and those that believe the gun grabbers have valid points. It is a long hard road we face if we don’t all educate ourselves and band together.

  • Don Ellet February 17, 2023, 8:30 am

    “This person was a licensed firearms owner. Most of the weapons down there were licensed,” observed the minister. “Why he needed that many high-powered rifles in a secret underground shooting range is beyond me.”

    Because of you. He needed what he has because you, and people like you, want to control.

  • Link Lackluster February 17, 2023, 7:48 am

    Either build it yourself or do a Gus Fring (Breaking Bad reference) and leave no builder alive to talk about it. Rights are not granted by legislators…… but they sure try to make us think so. Continually fighting to remain free is exhausting, but necessary.

  • Dr Motown February 15, 2023, 8:23 am

    That’s one cool man-cave! Unfortunately most Aussies are thoroughly neutered and will submit to the new globalist gun laws coming soon

  • ClearlyInsane1 February 14, 2023, 10:01 pm

    The man was harming nobody and now they consider his actions (or the mere fact that he had these firearms) a threat to humanity and they need to punish him, confiscate his arms, and attempt to prevent others from doing the same thing. Wow.

    • Stan d. Upnow February 17, 2023, 12:54 pm

      They revoked his firearms license for failing to get a construction permit! Any excuse.
      He likely built that bunker for security against theft of his valuable guns. He didn’t get a permit for the bunker because he didn’t want anyone to know. A gun safe is a Huge target for thieves, according to convicted burglars. There’s a reason Nature and hunters use camouflage; it works.

      Would be nice if the guy who ratted on him has a fatal “accident.”

  • paul I'll call you what I want/1st Amendment February 14, 2023, 12:36 pm

    That bunker is way cool!!!!
    as for the rest of the story; thats what you get for being owned by briton/king…………

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