ASA Shoot Showcases New Silencers and Legislative Victories

in Authors, Tom McHale
Gemtech's The One suppressors covers almost all of the rifle bases.

Gemtech’s The One suppressor covers almost all of the rifle bases.

Sometimes irony is the best medicine.

My favorite example is how the aggressive efforts of the gun control lobby ended up achieving exactly the opposite result. Turn on the way back machine and set the dial for the 1980s and 90s decades. Back in the day, before shake weights, we faced some serious setbacks from the gun control crowd. That’s when waiting periods and background checks sailed through Congress. Oh, and we did, in fact, pick up a genuine gun ban during the Clinton administration.

The ironic result of this amphibious frontal assault on the entire gun industry was a very unintended consequence. Yeah, the hoplophobes won some battles, but they quickly turned the tide of the war against themselves. You see, faced with imminent extinction, the firearm industry circled the wagons and started working together. On the same side, they started getting things accomplished like the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act. This basically ended the threat of an endless series of liability lawsuits that would have quickly bankrupted the industry. Can you imagine if anyone was allowed to sue the adult beverage industry any time they sent a stupid late-night text they later regretted?

One such example of industry cooperation and a tangible and meaningful way is the American Suppressor Association. I had the pleasure of attending a pre-NRA Annual Meeting suppressor shoot where participating companies not only showed their wares, but educated media on the industry’s efforts to promote safety and environmental benefits of silencers.

Strategic Edge Gun Range hosted this year's ASA shoot. It's an incredible facility.

Strategic Edge Gun Range hosted this year’s ASA shoot. It’s an incredible facility.

Sponsors of the ASA include many of the suppressor industry movers and shakers: AAC, AWC, Liberty, SureFire, Gemtech, SilencerCo, ThunderBeast Arms, Daniel Defense, AccuSport, OSS, Silencer Shop, Arsenal Attorneys, and Freedom Munitions.

Strategic Edge Shooting Range hosted the 2015 event. Located about an hour south of downtown Nashville, this facility is leading edge and offers ranges from 25 to 1,200 yards. It’s even equipped with video systems to monitor hits and misses on the longer ranges.

I had the opportunity to try a couple of newer products while there. One thing about suppressors, you really have to try them to appreciate the performance.

SilencerCo's Salvo 12 in action against the clays.

SilencerCo’s Salvo 12 in action against the clays.

First up was the SilencerCo Salvo 12 at the sporting clays station. This innovative product uses a series of internal rods to guide the shotgun wad through he suppressor body while allowing hot gas to flow through internal baffles. I found that the Salvo adds a bit of weight to the muzzle, but I thought it was a welcome addition. My swing was easy, and the extra weight provided a little extra insurance against me stopping the gun when I released the shot. Yeah, cheating, I know. The Salvo is shockingly effective at reducing the muzzle blast – it makes a 12 gauge sound more like a .22 rifle. As most of the suppressor body is below the barrel, I didn’t find sighting to be a problem.

With its integral suppressor, the Daniel Defense ISR meets the 16" barrel length requirement, so only one tax stamp is needed.

With its integral suppressor, the Daniel Defense ISR meets the 16″ barrel length requirement, so only one tax stamp is needed.

Daniel defense was also present, even though their primary products are guns and not silencers. But don’t forget the Daniel Defense ISR, or Integrally Suppressed Rifle. This is a 300 AAC Blackout rifle with the suppressor permanently mated with the barrel. The entire assembly reaches 16 inches from the receiver, so it’s not classified by NFA as a short barreled rifle. You still need to acquire a tax stamp for the suppressor, but only the one. It’s a sweet handling rifle. One more thing. Even through the suppressor is “built-in” you can remove baffles for cleaning.

Gemtech had a multi-purpose silencer on the range that covers virtually all of your rifle requirements. Appropriately called The One, it’s intended to work with 5.56mm full-auto all the way to 300 Win Mag with everything in between. It offers 32 dB of sound reduction in a compact package just 7.5 inches in length.

I had some serious fun with a Daniel Defense rifle and SilencerCo Saker suppressor.

I had some serious fun with a Daniel Defense rifle and SilencerCo Saker suppressor.

The folks at the ASA are doing great work. As we speak, they and their industry partners are working tirelessly to get suppressor use legalized in all 50 states. According to the ASA, “Since the ASA’s formation in 2011, twenty pro-suppressor laws or regulations have been enacted. Twelve states have legalized suppressor hunting; six states have passed “Shall Sign” or “Shall Certify” legislation and two states have amended their ownership laws. Eleven of these changes came in 2014. 2015 promises to be the most productive year yet.”

About the author: Tom McHale Literary assault dude writing guns & shooting books and articles. Personal accountability rocks!

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  • Roger April 22, 2015, 11:26 pm

    Any progress in California? That would be a miracle.

  • RICK April 20, 2015, 11:20 pm

    what is the best suppressor on the market ,,TO BUY?????????????? PLEASE LET ME NO WHAT YOU THINK

  • RICK April 20, 2015, 11:19 pm

    what is the best suppressor on the market ,,TO BUY?????????????? PLEASE LET ME NO WHAT YOU THINK

  • Dave Nelson April 20, 2015, 3:10 pm

    In spite of the ridiculous gun laws in England, if you own a legal firearm in England you get a free suppressor, compliments of the government of England.

  • Jeremiah April 20, 2015, 2:36 pm

    I can see a suppressor in my future. I shoot several thousand rounds a month, and even with ear plugs plus ear muffs, the sound of multiple detonations has been slowly taking a toll on my hearing over the years. The sonic crack is yet another sourse of noise pollution, but much less than the sound of the explosive propellant. Hearing, like eye-sight, is a precious sense that needs to be guarded at all costs.

  • michael fenchak April 20, 2015, 10:04 am

    I am 100% for usage of a silencer, but I think paying the ATF $200 for a stamp is over priced. I could see a $ 50-$75 dollar range a lot more reasonable. more shooters would start buying them if this cost was reduced.

    • Joe Blakeburn April 20, 2015, 11:23 am

      I agree with Will and Michael completely. But there are two types of taxes, revenue and restrictive. Restrictive is for the specific purpose of restricting the purchase of the item. So the anti folks set the $200.00 level intentionally, to do exactly what Michael points out – to make fewer people buy one. Of course the same logic applies to silencers as to firearms generally. A (bad) silencer is too easy to make to prevent a bad guy from making one. So the only folks who won’t have silencers are those willing to obey a law. The wealthy being the exception, of course. On the other hand, if you think about it, having a silencer costs about the same as a high quality ground blind plus a set of really cold weather clothes. Hmm, I may have started to rethink not having one . . . .

      • ekharb June 2, 2015, 11:35 pm

        When the $200 tax was began it was worth 9oz pf gold now $200 is a weeks groceries for my family.matters not should be repealed

  • Mahatma Muhjesbude April 20, 2015, 8:21 am

    What is TRULY needed is a complete repeal of the 1924 NFA and the GCA of 1968. Then we wouldn’t have to be extorted to PAY a tax stamp fee, and waive our rights to due process to help fund a rogue agency for what the Constitution originally allows us to have for free!

  • Will Drider April 16, 2015, 2:47 pm

    What is truely needed is a “universal” silencer body (the registered part) and a modular components to enable you to buy and NFA Stamp one unit, and change sub components to fit a large range of calibers. Thread adapters for muzzel, threaded end caps to tubes/extentions, baffle/core caliber inserts and your there. This “Set” should take you from 22LR to .30 caliber magnum. Buy the NFA Part and your primary caliber then add components as you want to add calibers. All components must mate with the primary NFA body to be functional so you could not make multiple devices from one Set or from the purchase of components. There are a few multi caliber unit out there but none like this.
    My last wish is for someone to make a three position safety for the 1911. Safe, Fire with slide locked (minor detent) and Fire. Pretty simple to do. Suppress the noise of the action cycling.

    • BDub April 20, 2015, 10:59 am

      What is truly needed is suppressors removed from the NFA. They should be an off-the-shelf gun accessory, and not serialized “firearm”.

      • Mason Hamilton April 20, 2015, 2:28 pm

        Well you know that is just plain uncommon practical sense. We all know how rare that quality has become in political decision processes. Interesting enough no such licenses are required for the pneumatic tool industry that employees sound suppression devices almost identical to firearms suppressors on many types of air tool equipment. They do this because they are concerned about their legal liability for hearing damage from these tools. Perhaps a class action suit (with necessary federal permissions) against the ATF/NFA for disregarding public hearing safety might put the practical need for sound suppressors in a more intelligent light as a public health concern – for those not intelligent enough to understand them in advance.

    • Dan April 20, 2015, 7:40 pm

      OSS does what you are seeking.