911 Audio: Pro-Gun Pastor Shoots Robber Then Leads Him To Salvation

in Authors, Defensive Use of Firearms, Rapid Fire, S.H. Blannelberry, This Week

Texas Pastor Benny Holmes was carrying more than just the Word of God when a would-be robber broke into his church Tuesday night.

The pro-gun pastor commanded 27-year-old Lee Marvin Blue to stop, but the crook was intent on stealing the church’s laptop computers. Pastor Holmes fired and hit Blue in the shoulder, but what happened next is nothing short of a miracle.

As Blue lie bleeding on the ground, Pastor Holmes led the criminal in the sinner’s prayer.

“Do you know Jesus? The Lord Jesus?” asked Pastor Holmes. “Say, ‘Lord Jesus, forgive me. I have sinned. I repent. Come inside my heart. Live inside of me. And I won’t do this again. In Jesus’ name.”

Surprisingly, Blue recited the words.

Blue, who already has an extensive criminal background, was arrested and transported to an area hospital to be treated for his wounds.

Blue was charged with burglary of a building, but no charges are anticipated against Pastor Holmes.

If the name Pastor Benny Holmes sounds familiar, that’s because he’s the same man who earlier held a woman at gunpoint back after she tried to steal UPS packages off his front porch.

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  • Gregory December 18, 2016, 2:54 pm

    Guns are to blame for killing people the same way that spoons are to blame for making people fat .