Trends and Calibers
If you have been following the trends in personal defense, you have probably noticed a lot of talk about the resurgence of the “snub nose revolver”? It seems the armed community is rediscovering the advantages of the small revolver over the pocket auto! A sub-topic of this discussion is whether the .22 Long Rifle and the .22 Winchester Magnum Rimfire are suitable calibers for personal defense. The purpose of this article is not to rehash the entire debate on the subject. Instead, it is to simply share the data and results from my personal testing of both calibers and to see if the .22 Magnum has a significant advantage over the .22 LR. Hopefully, you can review the data and reach your own opinion on the subject.
Revolver Options – Smith & Wesson Rimfire Centennials

Two of the most popular rimfire revolvers are the Ruger LCR and the Smith & Wesson Centennial models. Both are available in .22 LR and .22 Magnum. I am partial to the Smith & Wesson J-frame series and own both a Model 43C and a Model 351C. Both are chambered in .22 LR and .22 Magnum respectively and are Centennial-type pistols with an internal hammer, making them double-action-only. They feature an aluminum alloy frame and cylinder with a stainless steel barrel. To further reduce weight, there are lightening grooves machined in the backstrap and the bottom side of the trigger guard. According to Smith & Wesson’s website, both the 43C and the 351 weigh 11.5 ounces. Each comes from the factory with a fixed notch rear sight and a high visibility XS white dot front sight. The factory stocks are a soft rubber over-mold boot type style. The most significant difference is that the 43C has an eight-round cylinder while the 351C has a seven-round cylinder. MSRP on each model is $759.00.
I have owned both Smiths for several years and have found both to be completely reliable. As with other .22 caliber revolvers, the 43C requires more cleaning due to shooting the LR lead rounds. This is not a concern with the .22 Magnum because all of the magnum ammunition features a plated bullet. I have found the XS front sight is exceptional and wonder why Smith & Wesson will not offer it on any of their centerfire J-frames!
Ammunition and Testing Protocol
One of the significant factors that inspired this test is Federal’s introduction of their Personal Defense Punch in both .22 LR and .22 Magnum. This is the first .22 LR ammunition I am aware of that was developed and marketed specifically for personal defense. Having both these options caused me to ask two questions. Is the .22, in either long rifle or magnum, a viable option for personal defense? Second, is the .22 Magnum significantly better than the .22 LR?

We tested three loads in each caliber. The .22 LR loads were the Federal Personal Defense Punch 29 grain nickel plated flat nose, the CCI Mini-Mag 36 grain Copper Plated Hollow Point, and the CCI Mini-Mag 40 grain Round Nose. In .22 Magnum, we tested the Federal Personal Defense Punch 45 grain Jacketed Hollow Point, the Speer Gold Dot Short Barrel 40 grain Gold Dot Hollow Point, and the Hornady Critical Defense .45 grain Jacketed FTX Hollow Point.
I ordered two blocks of Clear Ballistics 10% FBI ballistic gelatin for the evaluation. I shot the test loads through bare gelatin and then through 4 layers of denim cut from an old pair of Wrangler jeans. The gelatin was placed 10 feet from the muzzle of the revolver and the chronograph was placed in front of the gel block. Each shot was chronographed, measured for penetration, and then recovered and labeled. The temperature for the test started at 72 degrees and increased to 80 degrees by the completion of the tests. I understand gel is not the same as flesh and bone. However, it provides a consistent medium to compare how loads perform.

According to the FBI Ballistics unit, a duty round fails its requirements if it penetrates less than 12” or more than 18”. Readers should consider that these requirements were written for law enforcement where there is a need for penetration of barriers such as sheet metal, auto glass, and sheetrock. Law enforcement is also tasked with taking a suspect into custody, so rapid incapacitation is important. For the armed citizen, the goal is to stop the assault. It is very rare that a citizen may need to shoot through a barrier. In addition, most armed encounters, by citizens, are at very close range.
The below charts are the simplest way to relay all of the data given.
.22 Long Rifle Test Results
The most obvious result is that, regardless of the bullet weight and design, none of the .22 LR rounds expanded or even deformed. The Federal Punch, with a 29-grain projectile, averaged 1,187 fps and 1,203 fps with an average of 11.138” through bare gel and 14.33” through denim. The other two .22 LR loads had a heavier projectile that resulted in lower velocity and less penetration. With penetration being key, the Federal Punch clearly outperformed the other two loads.
Federal Personal Defense Punch .22 LR | |||
29 gr. Nickel Plated Flat Nose | |||
Bare Gelatin | 4 Layers Denim | ||
Avg. Velocity | 1,203 | 1,187 | |
Avg. Penetration | 15.13” | 14.33 | |
Min. Penetration | 13.25” | 11.50” | |
Max. Penetration | 16”+ | 16”+ | |
Expansion | None | None | |
*3 rounds exited | *2 rounds exited |

CCI Mini-Mag .22 LR | |||
36 gr. Copper Plated Hollow Point | |||
Bare Gelatin | 4 Layers Denim | ||
Avg. Velocity | 993 | 1,009 | |
Avg. Penetration | 11.35” | 11.90” | |
Min. Penetration | 10.38” | 10.63” | |
Max. Penetration | 12.25” | 12.75” | |
Expansion | None | None | |

CCI Mini-Mag .22 LR | |||
40 gr. Round Nose | |||
Bare Gelatin | 4 Layers Denim | ||
Avg. Velocity | 938 | 940 | |
Avg. Penetration | 11.40” | 12.78” | |
Min. Penetration | 10.0” | 9.25” | |
Max. Penetration | 12.0” | 16”+ | |
Expansion | None | None | |
2 Exited |

.22 Magnum Test Results
The .22 Magnum loads were more comparable to each other, and were closer in weight and average velocities. In our tests, there was no significant difference in the three loads. Average penetration was very similar and, in bare gel, all three loads expanded consistently. When shot through the four layers of denim, all three loads failed to expand or deform. In examining the recovered projectiles, I did not see where the denim plugged any of the hollow point cavities. My conclusion is that the denim slowed the projectiles down to a velocity that did not allow expansion.
Federal Personal Defense Punch .22 Magnum | |||
45 gr. Jacketed Hollow Point | |||
Bare Gelatin | 4 Layers Denim | ||
Avg. Velocity | 1,055 | 1,064 | |
Avg. Penetration | 12.28” | 11.08” | |
Min. Penetration | 10.25” | 10.31” | |
Max. Penetration | 13.25” | 11.65” | |
Expansion | Yes | None | |

Speer Gold Dot Short Barrel .22 Magnum | |||
40 gr. Gold Dot Hollow Point | |||
Bare Gelatin | 4 Layers Denim | ||
Avg. Velocity | 1,080 | 1,076 | |
Avg. Penetration | 12.48” | 11.81” | |
Min. Penetration | 10.88” | 11.20” | |
Max. Penetration | 14.25” | 13.06” | |
Expansion | Yes | None | |

Hornady Critical Defense .22 Magnum | |||
45 gr. FTX Hollow Point | |||
Bare Gelatin | 4 Layers Denim | ||
Avg. Velocity | 1,018 | 1,013 | |
Avg. Penetration | 11.76” | 11.09” | |
Min. Penetration | 10.63” | 10.33” | |
Max. Penetration | 13.50” | 11.60 | |
Expansion | Yes | None | |

Long Rifle or Magnum?
For a better comparison, the average results for all the loads is shown in the table below.
Comparison Chart | |||
Load | Caliber | Avg. Penetration Bare Gel | Avg. Penetration 4 Layer Denim |
Federal Punch 29 gr. | .22 LR | 15.13” | 14.33” |
CCI Mini-Mag 36 gr. CJHP | .22 LR | 11.35” | 11.90” |
CCI Mini-Mag 40 gr. Round Nose | .22 LR | 11.40” | 12.78” |
Federal Punch 45 gr. JHP | .22 WMR | 12.28” | 11.08” |
Speer Gold Dot 40 gr. HP | .22 WMR | 12.48” | 11.81” |
Hornady Critical Defense 45 FTX | .22 WMR | 11.76” | 11.09” |
So which caliber is the best for personal defense? Before we look at performance, we should consider availability and cost. In general terms, the .22 Magnum is more than twice the price of the .22 LR. According to Federal’s website, a 50 round box of .22 LR Punch retails for $10.99 while 50 rounds .22 Magnum Punch retails for $25.99! If you decide to carry CCI Mini Mags, they come in a 100-round box that retails for $12.99. From a cost perspective, the .22 LR is the clear winner. This equates to the ability to practice more often and, hopefully, be more confident and proficient.
The only area where the .22 Magnum really excelled was in the bare gelatin testing where all of the rounds expanded. However, when you are starting with a .22 diameter projectile, is expansion really significant? I’m not so sure! The magnum also has a significantly louder report, more felt recoil, and muzzle flash.

The Author’s Conclusion
I will say that this is one of the most labor-intensive editorials I have done in some time. I will also say that it is worth the time and expense. I contacted my friend, Mark Fricke, and shared my results with him. Mark does a lot of testing and his results closely mirror mine. As for a choice, I have the advantage of owning exact pistols in both calibers. I recognize that this is not the normal case for many. That said, if I could only own one, I would definitely select the 43C in .22 LR. The performance of the .22 LR Federal Punch load was impressive. Given both the wide availability of .22 LR ammunition and the very reasonable cost, in my book, it is a hands-down winner.
These results reflect a very limited test protocol. Should you consider carrying a .22 for personal defense, I suggest that you do your own research and due diligence. Then, determine if it meets your requirements. Perhaps this article can assist you in that determination.
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Great research and a lot of work ! Very interesting and very helpful !
Thank you . . .
My recent article on the .22:
Great article and convincing evidence that a .22 mag doesn’t make much difference in a shorter barrel
That being said, I think a Walther PPK-S in .22 lr with 10+1 capacity would be the way to go versus a hammerless revolver
Because of ammo reliability as well as terminal ballistics, there is NO rimfire that would be my first (or second or third) choice for a personal defense firearm. However, a .22 may be the only choice for someone with an infirmity that keeps them from using a centerfire. And the difference between bare hands and a .22 is greater than the difference between a .22 and a .45.
I understand your concern. I will say that I had zero issues during with the several hundreds rounds we fired during this test. The quality ammo, CCI & Federal, appears to be very reliable. Bill ammo and some of the other manufacturers, not so much.
Since these “new” Personal Defense rounds are marked as such and accordingly priced, it would be an interesting follow up to have a response from the manufacturers of each as to what if any measures were taken to improve the reliability of ignition. Seldom if ever do I go to the range and not see multiple 22LR rounds on the ground with primer strikes and failure to fire. I have always heard that this issue was the Genesis of the 25ACP, needing the reliability of a center fire with the base footprint of a 22LR. IF these “new” rounds are in fact intended to perform for the application in which they are marketed, it would seem to me that some additional measures would be taken to address this, and be thus advertised. Simply sticking a new fancy bullet in the same mass produced primed rimfire case does not sere to instill a level of confidence, nor justify the added expense for packaging and marketing.
As for the sticking issue, I have found that many 22LR are over lubed for a revolver (or bolt action rifle), and a simple solvent wipe down makes extraction much easier and reliable.
The bottom line is as follows –
better the (insert ANY model/cal here) than the “Dirty Harry .44mag” that happens to be at home in the gunsafe. I’ve had a Beretta 950BS (.25 acp) in my pocket (almost) daily for almost 35yrs. It has served as either primary or a “back-up”.
Its the barrel length. Snubbies don’t give the mag enough barrel to utilize the extra powder. Put them in longer barrels, or rifles and the difference becomes clearer. How many people wear the equivalent of 4 layers of denim? When it gets that cold, you might step up to a .38, a 9 or a .357, either mag or SIG. Still, a well placed shot should deter any further aggression. Good article.
My past experience with .22 WMR revolvers was not so positive. Extraction was very sticky and sometimes just plain difficult. My old Smith & Wesson 651 was a pretty good shooter but the old Federal 50gr. JHP were the best in that gun and extracted a bit better than other loads. The CCI’s all stuck in the chamber so bad that I kept a rawhide mallet handy to get the cases out of the chamber by tapping the ejector rod down. The barrel and was always cleaner in my Smith & Wesson 34 in .22LR and ejection was always positive and without effort. The cylinder and barrel were always filled with unburned powder in the 651 .22 WMR. Tedious to say the least.
I have a personal preference for the lcr. great trigger the coating on the cylinder allows easy removal of fouling(22s are dirty lil birds) it’s accurate as well.
I have a personal preference for the lcr. great trigger the coating on the cylinder allows easy removal of fouling(22s are dirty lil birds) it’s accurate as well.
I don’t think trying for expansion should be a big goal in using .22 for defense. It is a pretty rare event out of a short barrel, as this testing suggests. And that right there takes away most of the advantages of using .22WMR instead of .22LR.
But I DO think .22LR can be effective for defense in a revolver; the revolver config minimizes some of the downsides of the less-reliable rimfire, and one need only check how many people are killed by .22LR every year to see that it can indeed be lethal. I advocate using 60-grain heavy .22LRs, such as those made by Aguila. Expansion? Never. Penetration? Plenty, and they sometimes turn on their side as they do so, as well as demonstrate a reasonably well-known tendency of .22s to bounce around inside the body and inflict significant damage.
One must of course aim carefully, but this is true anyway.
I’ll never criticize one’s choice of defensive weapon . That
is not within my nature , knowing that no firearm is the perfect
fit for all individuals .
I will mention the penetration of the .22 WSM round . One
could cause inadvertent damage behind the target , and would
hope they are aware of the possibility of that situation .
Choose whatever “ floats the boat “ , but be aware of the
unexpected and unintentional hazards .
Good shootin’ !
My better half was unable to carry her S&W Model 60 at her employers. No matter what we tried, with the required uniform, printing was too obvious.
Because of the area where the office was located (a lot of vagrants and Crack Heads), she wasn’t comfortable being Unarmed. On a whim, I picked her up an NAA Mini Revolver in .22 WRM, with the optional .22 LR cylinder. She loves the gun, and AR 15′ can keep all 5 rounds in a 3″ circle. I’m going to have to pick up some of the Federal Punch in .22 LR for her to try, instead of the Hornady Critical Defense se’s been using
I’d prefer that she could carry something in a bigger caliber, but the uniform issue prevents that. She’s petite and has trouble operating a slide, so that stopped that line of thought.
But even a .22 is better than nothing at all. Same for a SA gun. Though she’s gotten pretty quick at drawing and cooking the wee gun. Even my LCP II was printing on her.
I appreciate the work you put into this article Rob. I’d wondered if the .22 Mag had any advantages out of such a short barrel, and your work showed the advantage is minimal.
Now, to find some of that “Punch.”
when it comes to minis having control of it is important. if you are using a 22mag frame naa try a black widow or mini master grip on it and see how her ability to quickly handle and deploy improves. yes concealment is a little reduced but it’s a good trade. the naa store sells these
Did you guys try a PHLster Enigma with a snub or similar carried completely below the belt line?
Because of the superior expansion, the Magnum wins hands down. The seven shot snubby is a winner, too. The .22 concept is great for shooters who are sensitive to recoil. An acquaintance sent his daughter off to college packing a .22 pistol. I think it was a wise choice. One thing some of us might not realize is that a 22Magnum revolver is extremely loud, every bit as loud as a .38spl. I would like to see this gun made with an external, shrouded hammer. I really prefer the single-action option. Stay safe.
Old story about a guy who was continually harassed/threatened by an obnoxious co-worker. He finally had enough and brought his .22LR revolver to work. The next time the threats occurred he pulled out the gun and told the idjit to knock it off. He said that’s ‘only’ a .22, it ain’t gonna hurt much. The worker said yep but it will ‘only’ hurt much SIX times. The message was received and there were never any further problems.
Moral of the tale is – any gun is better than no gun.
FWIW if I had to go to either I would choose the 351C as it holds SEVEN rounds, YMMV of course.
great article very informal
Thank you sir.
Dude in the pic with the aimpoint hat on probably shouldn’t put those 22 shells into the pistol he is holding. Looks like a 38 to me. This little story comes from the UP, where we don’t necessarily hunt or shoot humans, as we simply do not have that problem. I have several 22s and 22 mags. Both rifles and pistols. My favorite 22 mag is a SS revolver, S&W 651 (they called it a kit gun) 4 inch barrel, excellent sight. It’s accurate, and I am very confident at 25+ yards with it. I carry it various ways, on a waist belt center back while e-biking, strapped onto my 4 wheeler when cutting open (miles of) forest trails, strapped to my canoe gunnel while river fishing, etc. The 4 inch barrel will double or triple your accuracy. (I did put rubber grips on it).
I use whatever ammo, as at close range there all about the same. Now when I happen to take out one of the Henry’s, the small Savage SS bolt, or even the savage O/U 20 guage w/ 22mag on top, the higher power ammo can give a little better mark at 100 yards, but there all still pretty close. The real challenge is paper plate size at 200 plus, freehand that is. I even asked Anthony at Henry if he could come up with a “mini bolt” youth model in 22 mag for me. He did respond!… unfortunately with a not available. So would a buy a 22 mag with a 2 inch barrel? Nope! Should S&W bring back the 4 inch 22 mag? Absolutely.
The dude in the hat is me! 😎 The ammo in the photo is proper for the pistol shown. Zoom in and it’s clear from the cylinder and sleeved barrel that it’s not a .38.
Rob (hat dude)
Actually, ammunition costs are not (should not be) a prime consideration in choosing a self defense weapon. Yes, I need a couple hundred rounds to get comfortable with the weapon, but after that, it mainly rides along loaded but quiet.
Now, in contrast, I have competition guns that eat a hundred rounds+ every month. On these, ammunition costs are a factor: lots of practice, relatively fewer rounds for matches.
So, realistically, I’d go with the .22 magnum for personal defense. You’re only going to pull the trigger twice or maybe three times in actual crisis situations in your lifetime. That’s going to render you temporarily deaf, and if it’s at night, blind, too.
It ain’t like a range day or a shooting match. You gotta get out of the fantasy world.
Thank you for doing this test. I have to imagine the .22lr “Punch” round would be a great hunting choice for a rifle.
With that said, I carry my 9mm or .45acp. . . . . .I doubt this .22 loading would stop the threat from a drunk meth head.
We have a habit of thinking about what would stop a sane person, and this is not who we will be facing in many scenarios.
great article although you might have gotten better results with the standard 22 LR round by using the CCI Segmented HP.
I did test this load. How ever it only penetrated 6”-8” which is inadequate for personal defense.
I did test that load. How ever it only penetrated 6”-8” making it unsuitable for personal defense. I limited the article to three loads in each caliber
I did test that load. How ever it only penetrated 6”-8” making it unsuitable for personal defense.
One thing to consider regarding using any rimfire revolver for self defense L.R. or Magnum is the intrinsic objectionably heavy trigger pull weight in a revolver platform. This is unavoidable due to the fact that manufactures are compelled to use heavier spring systems to reliably ignite rimfire ammunition. Even improved designs such as the Ruger LCR have a much heavier trigger pull weight than their center fire counterparts.
At first glance it may not seem to be much of an issue for the average ‘ HE Man” among us but certainly can be for the elderly or women where hand strength issues are real, and that is the group most likely to consider a RF revolver for self defense. Not so much for carry perhaps but certainly for home defense a mid weight .38 special like an early model S&W model 10 which always have a sweet trigger may provide a better option. If locked in to using a rimfire it might be a bit more prudent to consider a compact size auto loader.
There don’t seem to be any ballistics for CCI HP?
Could I sense some anti CCI bias?
I did test this load. How ever it only penetrated 6”-8” which is inadequate for personal defense.
Excuse the wrong reply. The data for the CCI 36 gr. HP load I shown right before the photos.
Do bias at all. It’s there.
Thank’s for this interesting comparison. While I won’t carry any 22 as my primary defense weapon it could be what you have on hand, for a lot of reasons, when you find yourself in trouble. In that sense, your comparison is really helpful to realize the limitations of such calibers. I am really surprised to see so little difference in velocity between the LR and the Mag though. Probably the barrel is way too short for the Mag. Nevertheless it would be equally interesting to compare velocities of the same rounds in standard rifles, maybe also the Mags loads are too much watered down. Anyway, thank you
Great comparison article. How about a comparison of the muzzle flash. My experience with a .22 WMR handgun was thwarted by the significant muzzle flash nearly blinding me on my first shot. I found my vision impaired enough to question my confidence on follow up shots.
A great idea but I don’t have access to a range that will let me shoot after dark.
Interesting but I’ll stick with the .38 snub that I’ve been carrying for years!
I carry a S&W 442 performance center, every day.
Back during the Detroit riots, my friends mother shot two intruders with her semi auto Marlin. Distance was about 15 feet. First bad guy was shot in the mouth. Second man shot in the middle of the chest. They ran out of the house but the second man died in the front yard. The first man went to a hospital. The bullet had badly damaged his tongue and broke off teeth. He was on parole for a previous crime and sent to prison. Later, he was stabbed to death in prison. In this case, the 22 LR was an effective deterrent.
I own a S&W 351PD Airlite- the 22 Magnum hammer model cousin to the authors 2 guns. All last summer and into late fall my little revolver rode in a Galco horizontal shoulder holster. The combination weighs nothing. Working on my property,on/ off the tractor,running chainsaws the little gun was up out of the way. It seems in my case anyway that most outdoor work is at waist level and a belt holster quickly becomes annoying. Heres something: If you have a choice buy the 22 Magnum and heres why- you can run 22 LR in them. Thats right. I have some inserts I bought years ago, 22 mag to 22 lr. I can run solid bullet or shotshells mix and match. Hows that for versatility? Yes these are expensive little revolvers but the quality is there- just dont dink with the trigger/ springs to show what a brilliant gunsmith you are- S&W got it balanced right. If its too much for your dainty finger to squeeze get something else.
If a .22 is all you can shoot due to disability, fine. Any gun is better than no gun. If you can handle a .38, and choose to carry a .22. I question that!! I think as a practice weapon .22’s are great!! Just shoot your carry gun also.