Hunt365 - Year Round Hunting

Killing Coyotes 101 – Daytime and Night Hunting Problem Coyotes

in Authors, Get Hunting, HUNT365, Paul Helinski, Specialty Publications, Technique, The Game We Hunt, Varmints
This is a very basic explanation of the caller we discuss in the article. It helps to see how it works and to hear the actual sounds if you want to understand this lengthy and detailed overview of how to kill coyotes


Killing Coyotes 101 - Daytime and Night Hunting Problem Coyotes
Killing Coyotes 101 - Daytime and Night Hunting Problem Coyotes
A large male coyote like this guy can be the most ruthless adversary you have ever encountered in the stewardship of livestock. The fox in the henhouse is nothing compared to coyotes on the cattle ranch.
Killing Coyotes 101 - Daytime and Night Hunting Problem Coyotes
Many Florida cattle ranchers leave the tips on the horns of the cattle so that they cows can defend themselves. This cow was killed while birthing a calf. The skeleton of the calf is nearby and they ate that first. This carcass is well spoiled but can be hunted over for several days as the coyotes dig into their handiwork.
Killing Coyotes 101 - Daytime and Night Hunting Problem Coyotes
Even hunting over a kill at night you are going to have to invest in some kind of calling system. You can download sounds for a little as $1.99 for your Ipod, and you can play them on a boombox. This is the Alpha Dogg caller from Primos. It is the best caller on the market.
Killing Coyotes 101 - Daytime and Night Hunting Problem Coyotes
The screen is fairly easy to access the sounds with, and you can set up your own hunts ahead of time.
Killing Coyotes 101 - Daytime and Night Hunting Problem Coyotes
You are going to want to try to hunt coyotes at night, which means you should expect to find a way to shoot during pitch black. The most common way to do this is with a night vision riflescope. You should also invest in some night vision binoculars. .
Killing Coyotes 101 - Daytime and Night Hunting Problem Coyotes
This is a unit made in Belarus currently being sold under the name Yukon through Amazon and other outlets. It is the best inexpensive Gen 1 night vision scope we have found. The IR illuminator control you see is an infrared flashlight built into the scope, and we have never seen it spook coyotes. The reticle is electronic, and floats, but it is reliable out to 100 yard and can be zeroed in daylight.
Killing Coyotes 101 - Daytime and Night Hunting Problem Coyotes
The LaserGenetics ND3 from Gamo is an inexpensive method of night vision that doesnt’ require you to remove your existing 1″ tube scope, or to re-zero your rifle. It is a green laser flashlight that spotlights your target downrange. So far the green light has never spooked any game any we have pointed it at, including coyotes.
Killing Coyotes 101 - Daytime and Night Hunting Problem Coyotes
Don’t be afraid to grab no-name night vision Binocs on Ebay for cheap. This one uses a 9v battery and when they come on usually sell well under $200. It doesn’t have IR but on a moonlit night you don’t need IR for open field glassing. Recently a new pair of NV binos hit Amazon under that Yukon name and we hope to check them out as well. There are plenty of NV monoculars in the $100-$150 range that work great and have built in IR.
Killing Coyotes 101 - Daytime and Night Hunting Problem Coyotes
The big male in the picture here was taken with a Stag M4 carbine using the Yukon night vision and DRT 78 grain .223 ammo.
Killing Coyotes 101 - Daytime and Night Hunting Problem Coyotes
You may want to use a decoy along with your caller. The Primos Alpha Dogg can also power the Primos decoys, but even though we bought a few to try, this Mojo Critter has become our favorite. During the day especially a moving decoy gives the dogs something else besides you to concentrate on.
Killing Coyotes 101 - Daytime and Night Hunting Problem Coyotes
Don’t be squeamish about killing juvenile coyotes. They will be practicing their hunting skills on your turkey poults, deer fawns, pigglets and livestock if you let them. so kill them when you can. This is one of Dwayne’s hunting clients Wayne Puffer who used our resident Ambush Rifle in 6.8SPC to kill this dog. That is a Vortex Viper PST riflescope and Wayne used the LaserGenetics ND3 to spotlight the coyote. ,
Killing Coyotes 101 - Daytime and Night Hunting Problem Coyotes
The Alpha Dogg packs up pretty small and doesn’t require an extra case. It is sure to be the star of your coyote killing if you decide to get one.

Primos Alpha Dogg Caller
Yukon Night Vision Riflescope
LaserGenetics ND3
Kissimee River Hunt & Fish

Know your enemy” is something of a misnomer when hunting coyotes. They are not creatures of habit, but of instinct and opportunity. Creating what a coyote believes is an opportunity kicks in its instincts, and that is how you get a wily coyote within shooting range. If you are overrun with coyotes and you don’t know what to do, this is an overview of the basics, based on over six months of research with our guide Dwayne Powell in Okeechobee, Florida. The state of Florida is second only to Texas in beef production, and coyotes are an incessant problem on the cattle ranches, especially with newborn calves and birthing mothers.

We have hunted these creatures during the day, at night, when the ground is wet and when the ground is dry, when it is hot and when it is cool, and there is almost never a time when coyotes do the same thing. There are times when you won’t be able to lure them out, and others when they will stand 30 yards in front of you and let you shoot at them. But of one thing you can be certain. Make sure that your rifle is zeroed and that you shoot really well, really fast. She or he who hesitates is lost when hunting coyotes. They don’t give you a lot of time, even on the easiest day. More of Dwayne’s clients miss coyotes than all the other types of game combined. The Creator in His infinite wisdom made the coyote a ruthless, heartless, killing machine that is extremely suspicious and careful. You have to be no less than that if you expect to eradicate them from your property and hunt coyotes successfully. It really isn’t about coyote hunting. It is about coyote killing.

On the ranches, the coyotes watch for cows to give birth, and during labor they attack. While the mother is disabled in the birthing process the coyotes pull out the partially born calf, then they kill the mother cow from the inside. There are few more despicable creatures than the coyote, so you should never be afraid to hunt them in what we would normally think of as an “unsporting manner.” In our experience the most gauranteed way to hunt coyotes is at night over one of their kills. If you are not a sport hunter and you just need to get rid of coyotes, this is often the best way to kill off problem animals. Apparently coyotes have iron stomachs, because they will eat a large kill for several days, even though the meat has long spoiled. If you have a fence or thicket (where you are sure there is no coyote den) located 30-50 yards away on the crosswind to the kill, set up a ground blind parallel to the location of the rotting carcass.

There is always a chance that the dogs may come from behind you, but more than not they will come in opposite you, and this will give you a chance to see how many dogs are coming in before you take your shot or shots. In our experience, coyotes almost always come in crosswind to their destination, not from downwind as you would expect. Many coyotes hunters keep a shotgun with buckshot across their lap just in case the dogs come in close from behind them, but hunting with a quick and light AR-15 style carbine in our experience makes that unnecessary. Just leave your scope on 1x power and only suck in the magnification if and when you need it.

You should assume that you will have to call the dogs in with an electronic caller. The night is long, and the kill won’t last for more than a few days, and certainly not long enough for you to monitor the comings and goings of the coyotes with a game camera. In the future we hope to have some head to head comparisons of the many callers. Inexpensive callers will have the basic sounds you need for coyotes, but beware of the volume level because they tend to distort. If you aren’t on a tight budget and you view your caller as a long term investment, the best caller by far is the Alpha Dogg from Primos, MSRP $319, at retailers generally under $250. It comes with 75 sounds and the new ones even have whole progressions of calling sounds called “hunts” programmed into them. The Alpha Dogg is loud and clear, and doesn’t distort even at its highest volume. The speakers may be turned in different directions as well so that you can cover more of a radius, as opposed to a direction. We haven’t even used half the features on the unit, even though we have bought several of the accessories.

If you are hunting over a kill, you should start right away with the actual coyote sounds. Don’t bother with wounded game or mating calls. The dogs know that the game is there and they are near enough to guard it from other packs, so all you have to do is convince them that other coyotes are moving in on their kill. You can start with random howls and barks, or go right to the serenade call. There is a video in this article so you can listen to some of the calls. Over a kill the dogs will generally come right in, but during the day they won’t be as reckeless. At night there is an extremely good chance that the coyotes will completely ignore any possibility that you exist. Coyotes that haven’t been under hunting pressure have nothing to fear, and we have found that the big males will even even stand their ground after the shooting starts, because they perceive that you are something trying to move in on their kill. This is why, before getting into the more touch and go aspects of coyote hunting, we have to tell you that hunting over a kill is your best option. If the dogs kill an animal on your property, do your best to stake it to the ground and plan to hunt over it that night.

If You Don’t Have a Fresh Kill to Hunt Over

We had to start the article with the ideal circumstances because if you don’t have a fresh kill to hunt over, coyote hunting is much more complex. Coyotes eat different things at different times of the year, based on opportunity. One week your local pack may be feasting on turkey poults, the next week on piglets, the next week on deer fawns, and the hardest time we have ever had to get coyotes out to a caller has been when the frogs were plentiful. You may have heard of “match the hatch” when trout fishing, and coyote hunting is much the same thing. The trick is to figure out what they expect to eat that day, and hope they aren’t already full by the time you get to them.

The Alpha Dogg caller has dozens of sounds, many of them meant to attract coyotes. The distressed game sounds are inviting, and we do use them, but they are not as powerful as the actual coyote sounds themselves. Once you have been out coyote hunting a few times you will see that most “coyote hunting tips” are kind of a joke. One day you could play a distressed pig sound and bring in a dog, and the next trip you could play that same call in three different sets and come up with nothing. The only consistent calls for us have been the coyote howls and barks and the various serenades. Whether a coyote is hungry or not they will defend their territory, and mother coyotes with young pups can’t resist the call to defend her flock. The serenade is the coyotes biggest weakness, and one you should not be afraid to exploit. During the spring all you might get is pups coming in, but don’t be afraid to shoot them. The older a coyote gets, the more experienced and wary he becomes. If you think coyote puppies are too cute to kill, remember that by next year they will be full grown, and even as puppies they would think nothing of eating you. In the spring you should endeavor to kill every puppy that is born on the land you want to protect, then kill the mommy. Once a pack of coyotes gets the taste for livestock or pets they will be a constant threat. The only answer is to kill every one of them.

By far the biggest challenge to successful coyote hunting is that most hunters are not self trained to take snap shots. At Dwayne Powell’s Kissimee River Hunt & Fish he is hunting over 8,000 acres of private cattle farm on an exclusive hunting lease. Surrounding the ranch is 30,000 acres of public land, and another tens of thousands of acres of other private cattle ranches, many of them hunted only by the ranchers and their families. That means a constant influx of coyotes, but you would think that with all the hunters coming and going, it would be easy to keep up with them. It isn’t, because very simply, most hunting clients either fail to take the shot, or miss when they finally got around to shooting. It is extremely disappointing, and it is why we can’t stress enough that if you plan to coyote hunt, especially during daylight hours, you had better tune up your snap shooting skills, and make sure that you know exactly where your point of impact is at 30-100 yards.

During the day, unless they come in behind you and stumble upon you, it is rare that a coyote will come in closer than 80 yards before he circles and eventually smells you. You should spray down with scent killer before you go out, and cover yourself completely in camo, but your breath has scent, and they will pick it up eventually. Unless you are in the woods during deer season, you won’t be in the woods with other hunters generally. On private land you may have to worry about hitting cows or other livestock, but you don’t have to worry about shooting people. If you see a half a dog, shoot it. That may be all you ever see. Waiting for him to come around for a picture perfect broadside shot behind the shoulder isn’t going to happen during the day. You will almost have a split second to raise your rifle and take the shot at a moving target before the dog disappears, so be prepared, and don’t hesitate.

That is why by all accounts it is easier to hunt coyotes at night. They are far less cautious, and you almost always just woke them up with your caller before they came to investigate. Coyotes hunt at night and they are extremely susceptible to the caller. It is unusual for them to find food during the day, but at night they not only hunt all the time, it is not unusual for them to try to steal a wounded animal from another dog’s attack, or to expect other dogs to call them into a fresh kill. At night a coyotes instincts are at their peak, and this makes it also the peak of their vulnerability. In most places coyotes have few natural predators, and they know that man is mostly around during the day. Their eyes, ears and noses are tuned to what they can find to eat, not to what might be hunting them, and that gives you a tactical advantage. You may have resisted hunting at night because it is expensive, and humans are definitely out of our element at night in the wild, so it is a little spooky, but if you have a genuine coyote problem, you may not have a choice. Once you educate a coyote that he is being hunting, the chances of killing him during the day will dissolve to almost zero. Find him at night, kill him at night, and take your pictures for Facebook in the morning.

The brand or type of caller itself isn’t as critical as the fact that you have a caller of some type. We have called in coyotes with a $45 caller, a $125 caller and a $250 caller, with and without extension speakers. It is a no-brainer to settle on the Primos Alpha Dogg once you buy one because it is so good, but you don’t have to start there as an initial investment. Primos sells the sounds online for as little as $1.99 and you could make your own calling routine with an Ipod and a boombox. There are however advantages to a professional caller with a remote control. You can technically control the Primos caller from 200 yards away, which gives you a ton of freedom to lay out your target field between you and the caller.

If you are creative, and you use professional sounds, you will call in dogs. We can’t stress enough that no one thing works all the time anyway, so you might as well try what you can afford and see what happens. If your coyotes have no pressure and this is the first they have heard any electronic call, you have a good chance of success, but you are better to not push the capabilities of the caller. Don’t increase volume to the point of distortion. Just like fly fishing, one thing that is “wrong” to a coyote is going to keep them from coming in to you. There are also some mouth calls you can buy, but unless electronic calls aren’t legal where you hunt (no idea where that would be), there is no point practicing with a call when you can just hit the play button. We are not purists when it comes to coyotes and haven’t even tried the mouth calls.

You are probably asking “what about baiting?” and yes, we have tried that. But it only works with a committed bait pile, which can be difficult to maintain and can worsen your coyote problem. Early morning hunting can be good in a location where you put out bait the night before, but just putting out bait, like a hog carcass or spoiled supermarket chicken , doesn’t seem to work on the night you put it out with the caller. Because they didn’t kill it, they probably think that something else did, and that something is probably dangerous. Eventually, if you leave any kind of fresh meat out all night,(except during prime frog season), the coyotes will come in at some point and try to drag it off. If you stake it down they will work on it some, but you would have to stay out and awake all night to catch them at it. Their own kill is a whole different story, and that you can reliably hunt over the next night. A bait pile works much the same way. Once they get accustomed to the food being there with no outside threats, you can hunt over it easily, but it is also going to draw in more coyotes, which you may or may not want. You could maintain a bait pile for two weeks then get busy and not be able to hunt it, and find that you are losing a calf a night to all the hungry coyotes that came in to feed and now don’t want to leave.

About the best piece of advice you will find in the hunting columnists on coyotes is to get up and move your set if it isn’t working, especially hunting during the day. You aren’t going to slowly draw a coyote in from a half a mile away. They just aren’t that curious, and they are extremely territorial. Ground blinds work great for coyotes, so you can pick up your set and move on after 20 minutes or so without a lot of difficulty. If nothing comes in within 20 minutes, our experience is that nothing is coming in. Don’t hang in there. Pick up the blind, get in your vehicle and move, then spray down, sneak into your next location and set up quietly, then get on the caller. If a dog is going to come in it will be because you startled him and his instincts forced him to react. And again, remember that he is going to eventually get a whiff of you, so kill him as soon as you get a look. And when you move, don’t forget about the wind. As you walk in to your set, use a ribbon or some baby powder to see where the wind is coming from. The dogs are usually going to come in perpendicular to the wind directly towards the sound of the caller.

One last note about day hunting is that it helps to have some kind of moving decoy. These are generally some sort of battery powered critter looking thing that spins or wabbles. We bought about half a dozen and can’t seem to find much of a difference one to the other. There are some decoys that look like an actual animal, like a deer fawn, and some that are just a tuft of hair. If you use a fawn, you are stuck with fawn sounds, or at least you would assume that. We generally use the generic Mojo Critter decoy and set it in some something that it will rustle. At the very least a decoy gives the coyote something to focus on besides you, and if he believes it is a struggling and vulnerable animal, he may charge right in, though we have never seen that during the day.

Night Hunting for Coyotes

There are two approaches we have engineered for night coyote hunting , both from a minimalist, as inexpensive as possible, approach. The first is to buy a night vision riflescope. We have found Gen 1 scopes with built in IR to work just fine out to 100 yards or so, which is coyote distance in most areas. The scopes being sold under the Yukon name in the $400 price range are slightly better than the ATN brand at the same price. Neither are super clear or have super distinct reticles, but both can be zeroed during the day with an integral pinhole scope cap, and both seem to hold zero reasonably well. The IR on the Yukon is integral and runs from the same battery as the scope, unlike the ATN which uses a separate 123A battery for its IR. You don’t have to use an IR illuminator on clear and starry nights, but it never hurts. Coyotes can see some of the IR spectrum but we have never seen them spooked by IR illuminators. The downside to a night vision scope is that they tire your eyes to look through them for very long, and the reticle is electronic and precise long range shots are almost impossible.

The alternative to night vision is a strange device made by Gamo called LaserGenetics. They call it a “target designator” which sounds like something from Operation Desert Storm, but really it is just a green laser flashlight that you mount on to your normal riflescope. Depending on how tightly you focus the beam, the LaserGenetics flashlight illuminates your target out to several hundred yards, and gives you a viable and somewhat easy shot , without ever having to replace your scope or re-zero your rifle. It sounds like a joke. You would think that a mighty hunter projecting an inch thick green laser beam in the middle of the night out in the wilderness would stick out like a sore thumb, but this is not the case. It is the kind of thing that you have to see to believe, but the green beam doesn’t spook game at all. We now own six LaserGenetics ND3 lights and we have tested them on dozens of coyotes, hogs, and even alligators. None of them are spooked by the green light, or even seem to notice it at all. The LaserGenetics lights have to be the greatest discovery in the history of night hunting ever.

You may also want to get a pair of Gen 1 night vision binoculars, or at least a monocular. Whether you are hunting with a night vision scope or the green light, neither of them were created for glassing a large area, and it gets tiring attempting to do so with your rifle. Inexpensive Gen 1 binoculars are not easy to find under $400 but a new pair under the Yukon brand has just come on to Amazon of late for $300. We have yet to review them. The pair you see here is Russian, under the Baigish brand, and you can find them around at times for under $200. Again, Gen 1 without IR is fine for starlight and moonlight in open fields, but if you want to see under trees and inside thickets you have to get the IR, or a higher generation of night vision. It is a good investment in coyote country. You will find that in most places where coyotes are a problem, killing a few will alleviate your problem only for a short while. There is very little hunting pressure on coyotes and if your land has the requisite water and food to bring in one pack of dogs, another will follow soon after you kill the first. The subject of “predator hunting” may be popular, and it may seem like there are a lot of people out hunting coyotes, but there are far less hunters than coyote problems nationwide and in many parts of the country the farms and ranches are being overrun. You probably have so little pressure on your coyotes that you can go out any night, set up the caller and kill several with no preparation whatsoever.

Win the Battle, Win the War

Very few hunters really “get” the coyote game because it is so different from almost all other hunting. You may be riding around in the middle of the day tending your cow feeders when a coyote walks right in front of you. That is why you have seen us call the Kel-Tec PMR-30 and PLR-16 perfect ranch guns. Likewise that Ruger Single Nine in .22WMR. If ever there was a wild west in the hunting world, it is coyote hunting. A quick gun is going to be better than the ideal gun any day of the week, and a big heavy bolt or lever rifle may be great for some things, but it isn’t going to be quick enough for coyotes in many cases.

The most telling story about coyotes from this summer was the frogs. Dwayne spent all night out with a client listening to coyotes chase frogs while completely ignoring the caller. It was agony hearing the dogs less than 200 yards away, playing with frogs until 4am in terrain too dangerous to enter at night. The very next day, after an unsuccessful hunt that night, another client killed a coyote that walked right out in front of the vehicle. The gun was the Springfield XD-S .45ACP in his pocket . We would have put this article out months ago if not for those events. It taught us there that is no magic formula for coyotes, even at night. You just have go out and try it with your available resources, and if it doesn’t work, move, and try again, and move and try again. Ultimately you are waiting for the coyote to make a mistake, and they are cunning and ruthless predators. While you may be a great hunter, with the right camo, the right scent killer and right caller sounds, coyotes do the hunting game for a living. After a couple more months of research with a dozen or so more hunting clients, Dwayne has come to the conclusion that your surest bet is to hunt over a recent kill at night. But if all else fails, we have heard that wily coyotes have a particular weakness for Acme dynamite. If you get frustrated enough with them circling you just out of sight, give it a go.

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  • Will March 5, 2018, 11:14 pm

    If you can imagine or go on you tube as see, wolves keep coyote in check. No wolves (Mountain lion, grizzly bear either) the food chain is broken. Too many coyote then less fox, and less deer, rabbit or hare, grouse, ect.. Yes some of the mice and rat population are lower. I grew up learning the ways of the wild world in the boreal forest of northern Canada. This is a strange time in North America. I went out in my area last week to count the coyote around our country home after two hours I was shocked to learn how many coyote live here! Too many coyote, the tracks in the snow, the scat on the trails, the howls that wake my family up at night, show how close they come to our home. Thank you for confirming what our Vet. said about the disrespectful coyote. We have to control this beast because out forefathers started it. And yes I do love this world and all the animals in it. Again thank you!

  • Pyrenees owner February 20, 2018, 11:00 am

    I live in Nova Scotia, Canada, and we have a definite problem with coyotes. For all of you who think they are harmless, please take the time to research the tragic death of a young girl, named Taylor Mitchell, who was killed by coyotes on a hiking trail here in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. You may think differently after reading about this incident. I am hoping to eventually get rid of the coyotes in my vicinity, as I can no longer enjoy going for a walk, for fear of being killed. I have just recently become the proud owner of a Great Pyrenees dog, and when she is big enough, I will hopefully feel safer, for they are excellent guardian dogs who are known to kill coyotes. We are thinking about trying to shoot the coyotes if possible, and I have gained a few good pointers on this site. Thanks

  • kevin January 22, 2018, 7:54 pm

    I was pursued by 5 coyotes on an early morning duck hunting trip. When i came drifting down the creek at 3:30 AM in my kayak, i came up to an abandoned dock in the meadow, that is where they were hanging out and they jumped in and tried to circle me. I assumed they thought i was a deer crossing the creek so I started yelling and shining the light on them but they didn’t stop the pursuit, i knew i needed to get out of there. My gun was not loaded as it was 3:30 AM so I paddled as fast as I could until I didn’t hear the huffing and grunting. Once they knew they couldn’t catch me, the chase stopped. After this incident, it took me over 5 years to go (comfortably) into the woods in the dark. The fear from that cold november morning is always in the back of my mind and any time I get a chance to kill a coyote, I will! Believe me, if they think they can eat you, they will try.

  • Edward August 30, 2016, 1:46 am

    Thanks for all the info.

    Live in the rural California coast south of SF. We have lost two cats and 4 prize roosters to a single Coyote. Have been shooting at 140 yards with no scope and getting perfect hits so ready to take this POS out. Luckily have an excellent Fish and Game Warden so got a permit our of respect and will wait till full moon to take out cleanly.
    Appreciate the article and advice.

  • Refugio Reinmann August 7, 2016, 5:26 am

    TravelEzine.EU – For and by travellers

  • emma May 25, 2016, 12:47 am

    i agree with the other comments. coyotes are a serious problem and the population needs to be lowered. however, i believe they’re just doing what their instincts taught them…. even though they kill livestock, and best friends (sorry about your dogs) they don’t necessarily all need to be killed. i’m sure all of us wish there was a way to keep these creatures off our properties without killing them…but until we find a way, this is the only way to save our farm friends!

  • emma May 25, 2016, 12:46 am

    i agree with the other comments. coyotes are a serious problem and the population needs to be lowered. however, i believe they’re just doing what their insticts taught them…. even though they kill livestock, and best friends (sorry about your dogs) they don’t necessarily all need to be killed. i’m sure all of us wish there was a way to keep these creatures off our properties without killing them…but until we find a way, this is the only way to save our farm friends!

  • richard musumano March 22, 2016, 3:57 pm

    your guns will not be able to help you fat pigs get ready to burn pigs

    • Jerald milfner December 23, 2016, 11:10 pm

      U fucken piece of shit. U will be the one to die at the hands of our guns.

      • C Cain August 7, 2017, 10:54 pm

        Anyone who thinks coyotes aren’t a problem is an idiot. They probably don’t live in the country and get all there food from a store. A guess it’s true about God teaching paitience so just overlook the idiots

  • Brian Farmer February 27, 2015, 8:23 pm

    I own a sheep ranch and sometimes lose over 100 lambs in a year to coyotes. Sometimes they kill 10 in one night and only eat part of one of them. The next day they kill more wanting fresh meat and blood. Luckily we have a great trapper that keeps their numbers down only losing a few. Coyotes hunt for sport as much as for food wasting most of their kill.

  • M. Meyers January 30, 2015, 5:15 pm

    You had my undivided attention at the first three words. The use of words and concepts such as “know your ENEMY” and coyote “hunting” along with “Once a pack of coyotes gets the taste for livestock or pets they will be a constant threat. The only answer is to kill every one of them.”…in a nutshell you have, with one article, taken any trepidation I may have and transformed it in to courage…that what needs to be done is the correct thing to do and I can do it.
    Thank you for taking the time and consideration in doing your research and writing about it. It is very much appreciated.

    M. Meyers

  • Phillip January 8, 2015, 7:49 pm

    This lit is great for first time predator hunters at night. Being a poor country boy, its surprising after all the hunts I’ve done, coyotes are just starting to interest me. The only ones I’ve killed were during deer hunts and one on a fawn kill. They must be a crafty beast as I have never seen one make a mistake like other animals have. thanks

  • Melinda November 5, 2014, 12:40 am

    I am researching coyote hunting because I live in Mississippi, where the coyotes are crazy! Everynight they are within a 100ft of my house, they run through my pasture, throughout the hilly lands, it sounds like there are 30 or more. I am a good shot, but never have hunted coyotes. I don’t have NVG’s which I feel are a necessity because I live in such a rural area, I would love to do a coyote hunt for Veterans, Wounded Warriors project, something of the sort as I am a Marine Corps Veteran myself. I roughly have 14 acres, but the coyotes come through anywhere between 9pm-11pm and again around 4am. They wake me up every night. Need help!!!

  • Mike August 20, 2014, 12:59 am

    For all you non-believers out there about how crazy the coyote can get, let me tell you this. In 2010, I bought a house, I have only 30 acres of property, this all happened in 2012. I have two huge farms on both sides of me. I took a backhoe and made a 1 acre pond cause my kids love to fish, yes it is stocked. The pond is about 80 yards from my house. My son is 16, my daughter is 18. Yes, they get along fine. I have lost 3 cats and 2 dogs to them, 1 dog was a German Shepard, the other was a husky. I tell you this because if it wasn’t for those two dogs, i wouldn’t have no kids, here is my true story. My son 16, daughter 18, were complaining about being bored on a saturday afternoon, i said, u guys want to try our luck at the pond, they said yes, so we all grab the poles and headed for the pond, i told them to go ahead, i would grab the cooler and be down there in a couple minutes. The dogs we had went every where on the property with us. I went to the bathroom, came out to get the cooler, my wife filled it up, all the food we needed and the phone rang, it was a buddy of mine, aint talked to him in awhile, well i lost track of time, the next thing i know my grown kids came screaming into the house saying that our dogs were being attacked by a pack of wolves, i hung up the phone and said, come on kids, get real, no wolves live in our state, not that i know of. My daughter is screaming at me yelling at me at the top of her lungs, telling me that her and her brother would be dead if it wasn’t for our two dogs that protected them. I really thought my daughter was over reacting until my son said, i think she’s right, they came right at us, so i grabbed my nine, and the 12 guage, ran out the door, around the back of the house, went behind the garage and past the two huge sheds, what i saw next, you will not believe, but all you coyote lovers will tell me I’m lieing, when i got to the corner of our last shed, i saw between 15 to 30 coyotes ripping my two dogs apart, right behind my last shed, they were trying to make it back to the house, i fired my shotgun at them to see if i could save my dogs, it didn’t even make them hardly even look at me, i emptied my 12 at them, killing 3, dropped the shotgun, took my glock and emptied that into the rest of the pack as best as i could, only killed 2 more as they were scattering on a dead run. I lost my two best companions, do you have any idea how close i came to losing my kids, and we didn’t even know they were around this area. Do you know what its like to hold one of your best friends dying in your arms while hes licking your hand asking for help, it fucking sucks, and im a retired marine, it was like losing a war buddy all over again. Want to know how serious i am about killing the bastards who killed my dogs and almost killed my kids, i put a sign in front of my house that says ” coyote killers wanted ” inquire within, for every fucking coyote that someone brings me, i give a 20 dollar reward. My wife even makes them lunch and supper if they want to night hunt, i want them all dead in my area, my kids are grown and are still afraid to leave the house, you ppl think they don’t attack humans, I’m lucky i didn’t have to bury my kids instead of two beautiful dogs that gave their lives to save my kid’s lives. 27 coyotes have been killed on my property since this happened, not counting the 5 i got that day. You freakin ppl that are animal lovers have never been face to face with those ruthless killers have you? Nope, DID NOT THINK SO!!! My wife and i at the beginning of this summer rescued a puppy that someone left on the side of the road for no reason, his name is yelp, it took a whole lot of money to bring his malnourished little butt back to the living, but he made it, i’ll pay as much money as i have to to get rid of those bastards so they don’t get our new little yelper, you can believe this if you want, or you don’t have to, i really don’t give a rats ass, but if we don’t at least control them somehow or someway, you or your animal could be next if you live in the country like we do, thx for reading, mike

    • Ranchwife August 30, 2014, 4:55 pm

      Thank you for sharing your story. We are so sick of the freaking libtards and pita people squawking noise, just IDIOTS. Just freaking IDOITS! They have taken over Colorado.
      We live on a nice sized ranch in a large ranching community in Colorado. Over the years the coyotes have become adapted to people. It’s much more common to see them close to the house during the day. We have game cameras around and once in awhile would get a got photos of a lone coyote. Now its a common occurrence and more than one.
      Today we just bought our selves a Primos Alpha Dogg and are planning on eradicating every single damn coyote.
      For years we have had little to no issues and terminated them as needed. We have had more problems with wild pack dogs over the years. I killed a couple wild dogs one year; they were after a new born foal and her momma. The big lead dog came at me only to meet God. Our horses were fine just upset. This year must have been a great calving (what ever it is called) year for the coyotes because now they are out of control and have no fear of humans, coming right up to the house and barns. Yesterday, I was hiking behind our ranch house trying to locate any remains of our dear barn cat. Never found Tom but I came upon 3 coyotes. I was able to wound one and really expected the big one to challenge me but he must have thought the pissed off cowgirl with a bad attitude and a Glock 40 and a rifle coming at him was his worst nightmare. Their nightmare has only started. I tracked the wounded one and never found him, he was hauling ass towards the neighbors safe haven of junk. Hopefully he bled out because it was a fairly strong blood trail. I back tracked and found an area right behind our house that looks like 10 or more coyotes have been bedding down there. I showed my husband the area and he went out last night and got a good chest shot at the big coyote. Today is war!!

      I am really sorry about your dear forever faithful dogs! I too know what it feels like to hold your friends head in your lap as he dies. Some times being tough just reeks!!
      That incident taught your kids a valuable lesson and thank God they are safe and can educate others.
      Enjoy Yelp, your new buddy.

      Thank you for your service!

      • tammy December 6, 2015, 11:43 pm

        i am an animal advocate. and i say kill the coyotes they kill for sport as well as food and they are cruel killers . i saw them kill a groundhog a fawn and my cat got attacked. they rip their prey in half while their victims scream it is horrible . i wish they would kill them all i live in southern michigan and i cannot let my pets outside at night and we only have 15 acres in the country but the coyotes are out there every single night killing everything. they are killing machines!

    • Sharon Dockins August 25, 2016, 7:31 am

      There getting bad here also…DNR is ones who set them out here to kill our deer. Now they got abounty on coyotes here.

  • Ish Kabibble May 28, 2014, 6:13 pm

    If you don’t hunt coyotes, they get too habituated to humans and human settlements. That’s when you start losing small domestic pets to their predation. And worse. On at least one occasion, a pack of coyotes worked cooperatively to stalk and kill a human who was out on a wooded park trail for a jog.

    But hunting coyotes isn’t likely to eradicate them. They’re too wary, and too well adapted to be stamped out so easily. About the best you can hope for is hunting pressure will convince them to relocate someplace where the living is easier. Which will give your livestock, house cats and yappy little lap dogs some breathing room.

    Eastern coyotes are different from western ‘yotes, genetically and behaviorally. And they’re as different to hunt as quail are from geese. A hungry western coyote will bee-line to the sound of an e-caller like a San Diego sailor just released from six months sea duty heading to his favorite Tijuana cat house. Eastern coyotes, OTOH, are very wary of breaking cover, and are a challenge just to lure out of the undergrowth where they hang out.

    Camouflage is gilding the lily, because no canid can see green anyway. Dogs and coyotes and wolves see the world entirely in shades of blue and yellow and gray. So even blaze orange, which is required in most states during big game season, is no hindrance. What _will_ catch their eye, however, is any glossy material or shiny surface, regardless of the color. Some of the most successful predator hunters I know never wear anything to hunt in except Carhartt brown.

    I advocate the use of e-callers in conjunction with a mouth caller. Compared to mouth calls, e-callers have three primary advantages:
    1) You can play any type of sound your e-caller supports without having to buy multiple callers. Each individual mouth caller, OTOH, only can play a limited range of sounds. The type of mouth caller that you play a Ki-Yi on, for instance, is a different device from the one you’d need for playing a crow fight. E-caller don’t care either way.
    2) The e-caller requires no practice to play the sound properly, first time, every time.
    3) & most important, the e-caller doesn’t necessarily lead the coyote directly to your position. It is believed a coyote’s stereo hearing can fix the direction to the source of a sound to within 1°. Positioning your e-caller some yards away from your stand fixes a stalking coyote’s attentions elsewhere, giving you a better chance to mount your rifle and train your muzzle on it without your movements giving you away. A decoy also helps in that regard, but in my experience coyotes and foxes are less impressed by them than bobcats are.

    Compared to e-callers, mouth calls are cheaper, easier to transport, don’t need batteries, and are quicker to put into action. That last point is especially important when you’re moving to and from the site of your intended stand. An e-caller is a tool of premeditation, but a mouth caller is a tool of opportunity, much easier to get tuned up on the spur of the moment. If you chance on a coyote while away from your prepared stand, it just takes too much time and too much fidgeting to get an e-caller positioned and operational. A mouth caller takes no longer than a cigarette to produce and get fired up.

    Mouth calls require the active use of one hand to operate (normally). E-callers don’t. Which makes a difference when you’re trying to operate a rifle. But you can change volume or pitch on a mouth call (or change the sound itself, within the limits of the device and operator skill) without moving visibly. To make the same changes to your e-caller, you have to fumble with the remote. You risk being spotted.

    E-callers’ battery life suffers in extreme cold, can die unexpectedly, and no one makes one that is well and truly waterproof. In the same extreme cold, however, spittle can and will freeze in an open-reed mouth caller, rendering it useless.

    Neither device alone is a perfect solution. Together, they come much closer. When I am in the stand, I often will play a sound on the mouth call that complements what I’m playing on the e-caller, trying to pique their curiosity. For instance, predator on one and prey on the other.

    But the calling is mostly window dressing. The stand is the thing. A coyote’s ears might make hum curious, but it’s his nose makes him comfortable. Even a half-starved eastern coyote will take the time to circle downwind of its prey and let its noise “have a look” before it goes rushing in.

    And there is no fooling a coyote’s nose. Dogs are used to detect the odor of cocaine that’s been dissolved in gasoline, and coyote’s nose has roughly the same number of scent receptors as the best scent hounds (~40x more than a human). But unlike bloodhounds and beagles, coyotes don’t get free meals. No Alpo for Wile E. Every meal they ever ate came to them as a direct result of following their nose. So you can bathe in whatever you want, wash your clothes in whatever you want, and slather yourself in whatever noxious concoction you want, but if a coyote catches wind of you, he’ll still smell the garlic on the pizza you ate two nights ago, because it’s still in your bloodstream, which means it’s on your breath, and that’s not an odor that occurs in nature.

    So you’ve got to play the terrain and the cover and vegetation to give the coyote opportunity to circle downwind of your call without scenting you. Because if you fail and he winds you, worse than getting ‘burned,’ you’ll have edumicated him, and he will forever associate whatever sounds and decoys you used to lure him in with the scent of a human. And he’ll never make that mistake again.

  • Ish Kabibble May 28, 2014, 4:47 pm

    If you don’t hunt coyotes, they get too habituated to humans and human settlements. That’s when you start losing small domestic pets to their predation. And worse. On at least one occasion, a pack of coyotes worked cooperatively to stalk and kill a human who was out on a wooded park trail for a jog.

    But hunting coyotes isn’t likely to eradicate them. They’re too wary, and too well adapted to be stamped out so easily. But hunting pressure will convince them to relocate someplace where the living is easier. Which will give your livestock, house cats and yappy little lap dogs some breathing room.

    Eastern coyotes are different from western ‘yotes, genetically and behaviorally. And they’re as different to hunt as quail are from geese. A hungry western coyote will bee-line to the sound of an e-caller like a San Diego sailor just released from six months sea duty heading to his favorite Tijuana cat house. Eastern coyotes, OTOH, are very wary of breaking cover, and are a challenge just to lure out of the undergrowth where they hang out.

    Camouflage is gilding the lily, because no canid can see green anyway. Dogs and coyotes and wolves see the world entirely in shades of blue and yellow and gray. So even blaze orange, which is required in most states during big game season, is no hindrance. What _will_ catch their eye, however, is any glossy material or shiny surface, regardless of the color. Some of the most successful predator hunters I know never wear anything to hunt in except Carhartt brown.

    I advocate the use of e-callers in conjunction with a mouth caller. Compared to mouth calls, e-callers have three primary advantages:
    1) You can play any type of sound your e-caller supports without having to buy multiple callers. Each individual mouth caller, OTOH, only can play a limited range of sounds. The type of mouth caller that you play a Ki-Yi on, for instance, is a different device from the one you’d need for playing a crow fight. E-caller don’t care either way.
    2) The e-caller requires no practice to play the sound properly, first time, every time.
    3) & most important, the e-caller doesn’t necessarily lead the coyote directly to your position. It is believed a coyote’s stereo hearing can fix the direction to the source of a sound to within 1°. Positioning your e-caller some yards away from your stand fixes a stalking coyote’s attentions elsewhere, giving you a better chance to mount your rifle and train your muzzle on it without your movements giving you away. A decoy also helps in that regard, but in my experience coyotes and foxes are less impressed by them than bobcats are.

    Compared to e-callers, mouth calls are cheaper, easier to transport, don’t need batteries, and are quicker to put into action. That last point is especially important when you’re moving to and from the site of your intended stand. An e-caller is a tool of premeditation, but a mouth caller is a tool of opportunity, much easier to get tuned up on the spur of the moment. If you chance on a coyote while away from your prepared stand, it just takes too much time and too much fidgeting to get an e-caller positioned and operational. A mouth caller takes no longer than a cigarette to produce and get fired up.

    Mouth calls require the active use of one hand to operate (normally). E-callers don’t. Which makes a difference when you’re trying to operate a rifle. But you can change volume or pitch on a mouth call (or change the sound itself, within the limits of the device and operator skill) without moving visibly. To make the same changes to your e-caller, you have to fumble with the remote. You risk being spotted.

    E-callers’ battery life suffers in extreme cold, can die unexpectedly, and no one makes one that is well and truly waterproof. In the same extreme cold, however, spittle can and will freeze in an open-reed mouth caller, rendering it useless.

    Neither device alone is a perfect solution. Together, they come much closer. When I am in the stand, I often will play a sound on the mouth call that complements what I’m playing on the e-caller, trying to pique their curiosity. For instance, predator on one and prey on the other.

    But the calling is mostly window dressing. The stand is the thing. A coyote’s ears might make hum curious, but it’s his nose makes him comfortable. Even a half-starved eastern coyote will take the time to circle downwind of its prey and let its noise “have a look” before it goes rushing in.

    And there is no fooling a coyote’s nose. Dogs are used to detect the odor of cocaine that’s been dissolved in gasoline, and coyote’s nose has roughly the same number of scent receptors as the best scent hounds (~40x more than a human). But unlike bloodhounds and beagles, coyotes don’t get free meals. No Alpo for Wile E. Every meal they ever ate came to them as a direct result of following their nose. So you can bathe in whatever you want, wash your clothes in whatever you want, and slather yourself in whatever noxious concoction you want, but if a coyote catches wind of you, he’ll still smell the garlic on the pizza you ate two nights ago, because it’s still in your bloodstream, which means it’s on your breath, and that’s not an odor that occurs in nature.

    So you’ve got to play the terrain and the cover and vegetation to give the coyote opportunity to circle downwind of your call without scenting you. Because if you fail and he winds you, worse than getting ‘burned,’ you’ll have edumicated him, and he will forever associate whatever sounds and decoys you used to lure him in with the scent of a human. And he’ll never make that mistake again.

  • Ish Kabibble May 28, 2014, 4:33 pm

    If you don’t hunt coyotes, they get too habituated to humans and human settlements. That’s when you start losing small domestic pets to their predation. And worse. On at least one occasion, a pack of coyotes worked cooperatively to stalk and kill a human who was out on a wooded park trail for a jog.

    But hunting coyotes isn’t likely to eradicate them. They’re too wary, and too well adapted to be stamped out so easily. But hunting pressure will convince them to relocate someplace where the living is easier. Which will give your livestock, house cats and yappy little lap dogs some breathing room.

    Eastern coyotes are different from western ‘yotes, genetically and behaviorally. And they’re as different to hunt as quail are from geese. A hungry western coyote will bee-line to the sound of an e-caller like a San Diego sailor just released from six months sea duty heading to his favorite Tijuana cat house. Eastern coyotes, OTOH, are very wary of breaking cover, and are a challenge just to lure out of the undergrowth where they hang out.

    Camouflage is gilding the lily, because no canid can see green anyway. Dogs and coyotes and wolves see the world entirely in shades of blue and yellow and gray. So even blaze orange, which is required in most states during big game season, is no hindrance. What _will_ catch their eye, however, is any glossy material or shiny surface, regardless of the color. Some of the most successful predator hunters I know never wear anything to hunt in except Carhartt brown.

    I advocate the use of e-callers in conjunction with a mouth caller. Compared to mouth calls, e-callers have three primary advantages:
    1) You can play any type of sound your e-caller supports without having to buy multiple callers. Each individual mouth caller, OTOH, only can play a limited range of sounds. The type of mouth caller that you play a Ki-Yi on, for instance, is a different device from the one you’d need for playing a crow fight. E-caller don’t care either way.
    2) The e-caller requires no practice to play the sound properly, first time, every time.
    3) & most important, the e-caller doesn’t necessarily lead the coyote directly to your position. It is believed a coyote’s stereo hearing can fix the direction to the source of a sound to within 1°. Positioning your e-caller some yards away from your stand fixes a stalking coyote’s attentions elsewhere, giving you a better chance to mount your rifle and train your muzzle on it without your movements giving you away. A decoy also helps in that regard, but in my experience coyotes and foxes are less impressed by them than bobcats are.

    Compared to e-callers, mouth calls are cheaper, easier to transport, don’t need batteries, and are quicker to put into action. That last point is especially important when you’re moving to and from the site of your intended stand. An e-caller is a tool of premeditation, but a mouth caller is a tool of opportunity, much easier to get tuned up on the spur of the moment. If you chance on a coyote while away from your prepared stand, it just takes too much time and too much fidgeting to get an e-caller positioned and operational. A mouth caller takes no longer than a cigarette to produce and get fired up.

    Mouth calls require the active use of one hand to operate (normally). E-callers don’t. Which makes a difference when you’re trying to operate a rifle. But you can change volume or pitch on a mouth call (or change the sound itself, within the limits of the device and operator skill) without moving visibly. To make the same changes to your e-caller, you have to fumble with the remote. You risk being spotted.

    E-callers’ battery life suffers in extreme cold, can die unexpectedly, and no one makes one that is well and truly waterproof. In the same extreme cold, however, spittle can and will freeze in an open-reed mouth caller, rendering it useless.

    Neither device alone is a perfect solution. Together, they come much closer. When I am in the stand, I often will play a sound on the mouth call that complements what I’m playing on the e-caller, trying to pique their curiosity. For instance, predator on one and prey on the other.

    But the calling is mostly window dressing. The stand is the thing. A coyote’s ears might make hum curious, but it’s his nose makes him comfortable. Even a half-starved eastern coyote will take the time to circle downwind of its prey and let its noise “have a look” before it goes rushing in.

    And there is no fooling a coyote’s nose. Dogs are used to detect the odor of cocaine that’s been dissolved in gasoline, and coyote’s nose has roughly the same number of scent receptors as the best scent hounds (~40x more than a human). But unlike bloodhounds and beagles, coyotes don’t get free meals. No Alpo for Wile E. Every meal they ever ate came to them as a direct result of following their nose. So you can bathe in whatever you want, wash your clothes in whatever you want, and slather yourself in whatever noxious concoction you want, but if a coyote catches wind of you, he’ll still smell the garlic on the pizza you ate two nights ago, because it’s still in your bloodstream, which means it’s on your breath, and that’s not an odor that occurs in nature.

    So you’ve got to play the terrain and the cover and vegetation to give the coyote opportunity to circle downwind of your call without scenting you. Because if you fail and he winds you, worse than getting ‘burned,’ you’ll have edumicated him, and he will forever associate whatever sounds and decoys you used to lure him in with the scent of a human. And he’ll never make that mistake again.

    The bottom line is that the coyote is a nuisance that given the opportunity can pose a threat to human life. Either you control them or they will control you. Instead of asking the government to spend tax dollars needlessly to keep them shy, skittish and scarce, you instead could rely on sportsmen who will pay for the privilege through hunting license fees. You’d have to be pretty dense not to choose the option that pays you rather than the one you have to pay for.

  • CL May 26, 2014, 2:24 pm

    Just lost a 9 yr old cat 3 weeks ago. This cat along with her 2 brothers, the parent cat (cousins of neighbor cats which have disappeared), and another 10 yr old who have exisisted here their entire life, are now becoming the endangered species. I’ve also heard other reports of many other animals including calves being taken in my county. I live in a mountain area next to a river. It really helps to have info on how to get “this” eco system under control, since it is up to us to undo the damage we didn’t contribute to (state brought them in to control overpopulation of specific animals, method unproven). The assortment of smaller “Critters” around here contribute to each others circle of life. How would it help any for this animal to be the king of forest? There was once a time when the lion could lay with the lamb, and everything lived on vegetation including all animals, with everything available for sustainability. Nature didn’t have to fight for survival until it then knew it would have to, because The One that gave Us dominion Over This Earth before our eyes were opened, had to thereafter provide us with a covering (first death was of an animal). Why don’t We All that anticipate this future recurring event, realize that we must be vigilant for innocents that Our Father gives to us responsibility for, to maintain protection for them while this system is flawed?

  • Bill May 9, 2014, 8:48 pm

    FU Jennifer. I’d like to see the look on your face as a coyote is carrying away a pet that you loved. We should consider taking a gun to you methinks.

    • C Cain August 7, 2017, 11:00 pm

      I think she should be turned loose in the woods at my house. We have lots of chicken houses and our coyote get a little bigger and braver than most

  • matmoo1223 April 16, 2014, 6:52 pm

    I am also wondering why the anti hunter/shooters are reading this. I am in a tree stand now hoping to see the coyote I caught on my trail cam last week (to put a .223 in it) . Have my turkey decoys out. Never shot one before thanks for the tips.

  • Jennifer Grier March 31, 2014, 10:54 pm

    The idiot who manages the blog, “Killing Coyotes 101,” is a misguided, uneducated, egocentric WANKER! I would suggest he/she do a little conservation education, as well as learn about ecology and the natural environment. Honestly….I cannot believe there are such IDIOTIC people inhabiting the earth. I thought the low brow, Neanderthals went extinct a gazillion years ago??

    • Administrator April 1, 2014, 9:16 am

      Aw isn’t Jenny cute!

      • Kristy Pelon April 22, 2014, 12:00 am

        Aww isn’t the Admin cute! (LOL!)
        It’s okay, I understand, guys, that don’t know how to deal with their problems sometimes like to take their frustrations out on the worlds most innocent animals like like deer and rabbits! Or you’ve just been brought up hunting that you don’t life any differently.
        I wish that you all could be tough like my dad. My dad didn’t shoot animals. He has something that only REAL tough guys have: Compassion.

        Compassionate Guys = Cute Girls
        Hunter Guys = Heifer Girls

        • Al February 2, 2016, 11:03 pm

          @ Kristy and Jennifer. It appears that you both are Vegans, that or extremely ignorant hypocrites !! I envision you both to be the type that love throwing a 2 inch thick steak on the grill. A steak that came from a cow that was beat to death with a sledge hammer while in a 6 ft. x 6ft. pen. Then get on sites like this spread you’re bleeding heart bullshit. If you are vegan, then why are you permitted to kill plants to eat and attempt to condemn those that like to hunt.
          Lastly, I am curious as to how much you two contribute to the well being of wildlife ?? I am guessing about as much as most of the animal right’s tree hugging individuals, which if any, is pennies compared to what hunters contribute. IIf you think Coyotes are loving cuddling animals, I’d like to invite you out to the ranch and give you the opportunity to watch a pack of Coyotes, start eating a new born calf while it’s still alive, being born in and is still mostly in the birth canal… Then turn on the cow, because she can’t get to her feet… ripping of he. r ears, crushing her nose and throat… Any time you would like to visit, let me know. Until you really understand wildlife, proper balance and management and are willing to contribute to installing windmills for water and clearing land for feed. I suggest, you two not show your ignorance by opening you’re mouths on topics you have no clue…..

    • Pam Pannell September 3, 2015, 6:24 pm

      OK… stand there and o nothing, when your toddler is being dragged off by coyotes, yes, it happens, or your pet dog that you have loved for 12 years is grabbed 10 ft from you!!!! You are the idiot!

  • ROB S. March 23, 2014, 6:12 pm

    What I don’t understand is people against “US HUNTERS” and what we do is why are they looking at what we write about hunting, all you anti- hunters should worry about yourselves and not what we do, oh and I believe in God as well but you people that preach about God, just go to church and make our creator proud, none of you know what these critters are capable of, maybe if you have an encounter with one you will change your mind.

  • Mike Lowe February 22, 2014, 9:08 pm

    I have used these Adventure lights to Keep an eye on my dog when he is on the hunt.

  • Steve February 22, 2014, 9:01 pm
  • wayne January 25, 2014, 10:56 pm

    Well written, well thought out and researched piece! I’ve hunted a LOT of coyotes- You’re right on. Fast on the target and trigger is a requirement for success. If you’re not accurate, and you’re scope dead on, don’t waste the shot and teach them to fear you. Go dope it in, practice and be ready first. One addition from personal experience: A mechanical decoy and a caller in late afternoon, set up and ready just before dusk, on a well used trail where it crosses another is an easy hunt too. My son and I just sat down backed into a bush to use as a blind and had one literally run past us 12 feet away from behind us to get at that wiggling decoy. He never even saw or smelled us. He was intent on getting that wounded looking decoy. We just sat down didn’t even have our rifles chambered yet when it ran by us. We were still talking! I chambered a round and dropped it 6 feet from grabbing the decoy- It slid to a stop face down and didn’t know what hit it…Good times.

    • Jennifer Grier March 31, 2014, 11:03 pm

      Wow………really? I’m guessing you don’t read much if you think this nonsense is worthy reading, let alone the content. I am thinking that the person who wrote this manifesto probably has a serious self-esteem issue, or possibly an erectile disorder. REAL men who are intelligent, secure, and capable do not have to go around shooting defenseless Coyote pups and write a manifesto for others to salivate over. It is truly Frightening that people like the person who wrote this exist in the world!

      • Russ May 11, 2016, 8:52 pm

        They have started building across the street from me and in the last 6 months coyotes have killed 2 of my goats. Ones name was Lulu. I don’t normally get attached to livestock as they are food not pets. I normally call them breakfast, lunch, and dinner. sometime i call snacks. All joking aside Lulu was more dog than goat. She followed us everywhere. Yes even into the house and she would crawl up in your lap and fall asleep. Well last night some coyotes attacked and killed her. People these are not dogs they’re just ruthless killers. I’m at the outskirts of town and they jumped a 5 foot chain-link fence to get her. they ate her internals and left her to rot. I think everyone that likes coyotes should have to live through this it will change who they are. They killed Lulu that’s more than enough for me. And Jennifer I have a B.S. degree. You need to educate yourself. You spout off not knowing what your talking about. Live it and you won’t be a liberal you be a just like him. Grow up!!

  • I am cool December 30, 2013, 10:20 pm

    Your all ridiculous. Why can’t you all keep your beliefs to yourself. If you like God, then great. If you don’t believe in a higher power great. If you like women, great! If you like your shit pushed in by dudes pretending to be ugly females, great! Why does anybody have to defend what they believe in. Just believe what you believe. But don’t ruin the right to freely believe. If you love dicks in your ass but hate hunting, understand there are people who don’t love dicks pushing shit back up their ass, just like you don’t like poor helpless animals being killed. So believe what you want, but don’t take that right away from others.

  • Thomas December 25, 2013, 4:34 am

    Great article! The farm I hunt on has a serious coyote problem. They’ve killed my friends cats, and I have personally witnessed three coyotes chasing a small deer in the daytime. I can’t believe how many stupid liberals are on here bashing you for killing coyotes after you shared how they target mothers giving birth to calves. It’s bad enough they kill people’s pets, deer, rabbits squirrels, and untold other animals, but to kill a doe or cow while she’s giving birth, then eat her fawn or calf…I just don’t understand why people would have a problem with you stating how “ruthless” they are, but liberals don’t make much sense these days!!!

  • god doesn't exist December 11, 2013, 9:17 pm

    Haha religious fools I kill coyotes all the time. If thats wrong why doesn’t the all powerful magic man in the sky stop me?

  • brayc November 6, 2013, 11:28 pm

    Coyotes are a worthless scourge. They are overpopulated and it is up to man to control them. They kill local game animals in my area that are preferred. To the moron who is defending them, that is like saying God’s creatures are fire ants too. They are another useless scourge that are nearly impossible to control. You are a moron, plain and simple. Keep your ill-informed opinions to yourself.

  • Ricky November 3, 2013, 1:01 am

    Wow, you say you grew up on a farm and it would be impossible for a coyote to take on a calf that has barely had its first breath. You say that a 1500 pound cow would be raging to protect its offspring. Clearly you were pretty useless on that farm you so-called grew up on. A cow having a calf is an incredibly pain suffering and stressful event, ask any woman who has had a child. I’ve been witness to coyotes ripping at calves as they have been coming out of the cow more than once. This has has happened when I went out to feed the cows. I have lost calves every year to coyotes every year I have been in this business. Because of this I joined a shooting club and bought several rifles that can score at 1000 yard events. This has helped but have had best luck with snaring as the snare waits patiently 24 hours a day until it has to go to work. The snares have outpaced the guns 4 to 1.
    Maybe when you pull your head out of your ass, you might see the real world. Not talk about something you know nothing about.

    • Administrator November 3, 2013, 8:52 am

      Amen to that! If you look in old trapping books, snares have always been the best medicine for coyotes. The problem is that you can catch stuff you don’t want to catch, including calves. You would greatly improve your ratio if you sold some of the rifles and bought an ATN night vision, or even the GAMO green light.

      • exnavy123 February 13, 2014, 5:01 am

        Admin Man, You thonk G*D might shine down his light upon the GAMO green light and make it work in cooler climates? Have you ever used “it” in the fall or cooler evenings? From the non-rec’s on from folks that have purchased the POS and found it useless below 40 degrees, or that the green lazer does in fact spook game at night, including feral hogs and rabbits?
        Out of respect to your religion, I also spelled god the “orthodox way.”
        Religion has no place at this venue or it’s context.
        FWIW, My rural (Alachua, Fl.) hunting buddy recanted that his neighbor had two well over 100 # bad to the bone Rotties. These yard dogs were not pets when it came to attitude. The yotes killed both, knawing both dogs heads off and left the bodies. It was a turf war killing to make a point, removing an obstical to the yotes activities in the area and their abilities to go where they wanted to when they wanted to.
        Yote have become brazen because they know humans basically are just an annoyance.
        There used to be an abundance of rabbits (yes, bunnies) at the secured Aviation authority property of Tampa International Air Port. When they put in the veteran’s expressway, running north to south from rural Hernando and Pasco counties, the “coyotes came down the cleared road beds (4 lane divied highway) and straight into the heart of Tampa, Florida.
        Whatever, if any crowd control is practiced there, is done only by Aviation a
        Authority personnel, if at all. No firearms allowed on that property.
        The now retired equipment manager of the Auburn Tigers football team had a pack early one morning trying to climb his 12 year old son’s ladder tree stand. The boy fired some shots, hit no yotes, but what surprised me was the retort did not run them off!
        On that same wonderfully wild lease of 1800 acres, I took to carrying a S&W 9MM sidearm when coming down off ridgelines well after dark thirty as activity picked up. That white roof on my LEO green painted FJ-40 Landcruiser (Jeep on steroids) was a welcome sight in the dark after a long walk to get to the road below.
        What a beautiful place, esp. in the spring when the gobblers were booming down in the bottoms. G*D had graced that property with an abundance of granite rock and it saved the natural growth from planted pines. There was the densest proliferation of natural dogwood than i had ever seen before or since.
        For those of reasonable Biblical reading, that particular tree variety ought to get your attention.
        Like I said, G*D had shed His grace upon that land.


  • Lynn October 9, 2013, 12:39 pm

    My husband sent me this website link after my daughter’s beloved Shetlie Gracee was taken by coyotes. Thankfully, they only got one of our Shelties as we have 3. Of course, I want to avenge Gracee and protect my other pups. Reading this article informed me that coyotes are difficult to remove. I have done other research as well and found that is the common theme. We live out in the country on 80 acres. My husbands family has owned this land for 100 years. Even he has been affected by our loss as we have never experienced losing a pet to a wild animal (he’s lived here 50 years). Reading the posts helped me see that we are not alone, and that coyote attacks are common. My daughter blames herself for letting the dogs out when she got home because she was watching them while we were in Montana hiking around Big Sky. When we got home, my husband and I went to look for Gracee. After 3 hours of searching, we found part of her collar, her door sensor, hair, and 2 leg bones. We learned that coyotes don’t leave much. We had closure. Now, I carry a revolver with me when I mow the property, split and stack wood etc. We are more vigilant and aware. If we come across the coyotes, I will shoot, to protect my shelties. The coyote would do the same if I endangered their pups. We all have someone to answer to, and now those coyotes will answer to me. Thanks for letting me tell my story.

    • Pam Pannell September 3, 2015, 6:16 pm

      I live in city limits with homes all around me! My miniature Schnauzer was attacked by 2 yotes less than 10 ft from my porch….with me standing on it!! I don’t want to hear all this God vs Darwin crap! I just want the yotes DEAD!

  • Tony August 20, 2013, 11:05 pm

    Wow. People get upset over killing a coyote. They kill our chickens right in front of us. They come up to the back door looking for pets. They even come into houses to grab a dog.
    I’ll shoot a coyote in the head 30times unloading my AR-15 with the anger I have towards them.
    They bark in the middle of the night outside our window scaring the crap out of our pets.
    Thank you for this informative lesson. I’m better prepared to kill a coyote now.

  • K.R. Chouinard May 16, 2013, 6:54 pm

    I am sickened by the people who like this article. Clearly, you and the writer know nothing about coyotes. Thank you for making everyone from rural areas look incredibly ignorant; that will help us continue to lose our land to the wealthy who exploit it. Besides, you prove every day that you aren’t any more in touch with nature than city people.

    • Administrator May 16, 2013, 10:49 pm

      wtf is wrong with you?

  • Katie April 29, 2013, 4:44 am

    Thanks for the information in the article. I’ve never hunted coyotes before but after losing my chickens last week, and watching a pack of those ruthless animals stalk some wild geese hardly 100 yards away from me in broad daylight today, you better believe I will be on a no mercy hunt for them from here on out. Maybe I’ll have a nice new fur coat for next winter! And perhaps another one for my neighbor who keeps losing his calves to those beasts as well.

  • Robt January 6, 2013, 7:22 pm

    Excellent article. Right on the money. They are called Wiley Coyotes for a reason!
    Thaks for sharing the great information

  • RJMurphyF December 18, 2012, 11:08 am

    They’re all around my property, I hear them, but they don’t cross the line. I have two Great Pyrenees, coyotes know them, instinct.
    The bears don’t even come in. I live in northern Michigan.
    Love to shoot a coyote, I know the neighbors hate them, they come through and kill everything they can, they sweep the landscape of small game, then move on.
    Maybe I’ll cross the fence line some day…..
    Great advice in the article, but I’ve heard meat in a bucket, and some cyalume sticks, work fine at night.
    When they smell meat in a forest, a spinning lite pinwheel wouldn’t keep them away.
    But a couple good adult male Pyrs will.

  • ANGEL December 18, 2012, 10:52 am

    coyotes are heartless? so you think encroaching on their territory and killing them is the answer? don’t go where they live duh…..they are just defending where they live just like you would if someone came in your yard / house acting crazy…they are animals… and whoever wrote this article is an asshole. Guns were made to defend yourself/family/home and to hunt if need arises…I am a responsible gun owner i do not go out looking for things to kill that is just sick.

    • Disgusting Fatbody May 6, 2015, 10:16 am

      You are a total faggot! Coyotes are vermin and should be eliminated with no mercy and nothing you say to the contrary matters. You arent a ‘responsible’ gun owner, you are a Fudd and a douchebag, I hope coyotes drag you into the woods and lay droppings on your carcass.

    • Disgusting Fatbody May 6, 2015, 10:33 am

      You are a joke. You are not a responsibke gun owner, you are a total scumbag.
      Its NOT the coyotes territory, its ours. Everywhere is ours and the coyote is vermin that is to completely and mercilessly eliminated.
      I suppose when your hovel gets overrun by roaches and ants that you will be ok with letting them crawl on you and your family while you sleep for the crime of ‘encroaching’ on ‘their’ territory!
      You are a joke!

  • Seventy December 16, 2012, 12:33 pm

    My submission was intended as a polite rebuttal to some of the statements and assertions put forward by “Thirteen”. It contained no name-calling, derision, or malice. Nor any proselytizing. Just my opinions, which readers can agree with or not. No offense to anyone’s sensibilities was intended. Unfortunately, nowadays any reference to religious beliefs seems to upset a segment of our society. One wonders why. Experiencing nature, whether hunting, fishing, or whatever, simply reinforces my beliefs, which pose no threat to anyone.

  • scotty December 15, 2012, 7:21 pm

    Geesch…I grew up on a farm and live on a working farm. This Administrator chap, who wrote this article, obviously never lived on a farm, ever really spoke to a farmer or rancher about coyotes and never saw a live birth of a calf. Since I am the first two and have see 1000’s of the third (calf live births), I call this article B*llsh*t. I have never seen or ever heard from my parents, elders or my neighbors, a story about a coyote attacking a cow or a calf during birth. As Gary C. stated earlier, “if it really was something other than a coyote eating the placenta after the fact”, which is the truth of the matter, about coyotes. Think of how stupid his premise is, a 25-35 pound coyote and a 1500 pound (who can knock the snot out of most any cowboy and every pick-up truck) heifer. Other than maybe a rabid animal, a coyote does not want any part of a 1500 pound hurricane, especially one with a calf.

  • melissa December 15, 2012, 6:04 pm

    Growing up in western Tenn. We had a major problem with coyotes. Huge packs would run thru the nite. We had a hunting farm for deer and quail. Coyotes were open season all year round with no limit. My most remerable experience was on a impromtu Nite hunt. In the back of 4-wheel drives just shooting anything that moved. There must have been Hundreds of them! Most of them were fearless to our presence and were easy kills( some were killed by running them over!) we “hearded” them into the cornfield and and killed many that were too tired to escape Maybe they were old or pregnant I don’t know. I was only 17 at the time. But had been working the farm for about 3 years. We had always had a shoot on sight policy and even trapped them. We encouraged deer hunters and quail hunters to shoot them that were on the land at the time. and we had Neighbors who would call us to tell them when a large pack was coming thru. But still I had never seeen such a round up as I seen that nite. It wasn’t hunting, it was war. There tactics are amazing!. they would try and lure us away as a large group come thru. they tried to encircle us and surround us when we got out of the trucks. The coyote is not to be underestimated that is for sure.

  • Gina December 13, 2012, 9:27 pm

    Nice article. We had an old dog in the area for years. I watched his head go from brown to grey and never got a reasonable shot at him. He always crossed behind the farm equipment and somehow knew when I had a rifle pointed out the tractor cab window. On top of that you never saw him within about 200 yards. I’ve gotten a number of coyotes over the years but more domestic dogs. The tree huggers love to drop their dogs off in the country because farmers and ranchers will take them in. BS! They pack up and go after the calves with a vengance. I put predator control dogs (Kuvasz and Anatolians) out with the herd and never lost a calf. I did find dead dogs but coyotes are too smart to get into it with a 150# guard dog that’s serious. I’d sit at the edge of the pasture in my old truck and watch for the coyotes circling the pasture looking for an opportunity to outwit the dogs and pick them off while they were distracted. They eventually figured out what we were doing and moved to my neighbors ranch. The trick is to set the pickup out there and not move it for about a week then it becomes part of the scenery and they have checked it out; so they’ll come pretty close to it without being too suspicious.

  • Jim December 12, 2012, 7:40 pm

    Thank you for the information on hunting yotes, it helps us understand a good hunting experience. As in deer hunting everyday brings a new experience to remember and talk about. Hunting yotes is great you never know when they will show up or from what direction. More have gotten away then bagged.
    Good luck hunting the varmits.
    Western Wisconsin Hunter

  • A. Brown December 12, 2012, 5:42 pm

    If you want to talk about heartless killing creatures, look to the Canadian Wolves this country imported! I am from Northern Idaho and I do hunt yotes on my 150 acres. They come in and pick off the weak in a herd, however, the wolves will maim the whole heard then go back and eat the hindend out of some of them and just leave them wounded to die on their own.

    Heards of elk will stand in a river to get away from the wolves. They tire then drown. I guess that is better than being half eaten.

  • Forrest G Adams December 12, 2012, 2:32 am

    very informative article. One of the most comprehensive I have ever read.

  • Joe December 11, 2012, 11:26 pm

    I purchased the Alpha Dog this fall. I tested it out in the yard, my home is a little off the path. Yotes were around my house within minutes. Looking forward to hunting coyote after deer season is over.
    Thanks for the well written article.

  • Duffman December 11, 2012, 10:20 pm

    If you don’t like to read about guns and hunting don’t read the articles.

  • Bonehunter December 11, 2012, 12:50 pm

    You can tell that this was an article written by a novice coyote hunter. These creatures are smart but are very curious and will come from long distances. Now I don’t know where they did all there hunting but out west I have seen them come from over a mile1/2 to the very electronic caller they were using. Very well written I just don’t think they have enough of a background of hunting coyotes to say night hunting over a kill is the only or best way to kill them. I love killing coyotes but I also take pride in the video and challenge of the calling the quarry in more than the night time massacre. I third that I love god country and killing them song dogs.

    • Administrator December 11, 2012, 3:00 pm

      It is specifically a novice article to let people know what the issues are. And it opens with the statement that coyotes are not creatures of habit, which means there is no one way to do anything. Any given day or night you can hunt coyotes and be successful, or fail. This is a suggested starting point.

  • Jeff December 11, 2012, 10:11 am

    Dave T,

    I second that! I love God, Country, and shooting coyotes. Our founding father were very similar.

  • dave t. December 11, 2012, 5:56 am

    I liked this article. I love God, my country, and shooting coyotes. Its fun!

  • Jimbob December 11, 2012, 2:33 am

    Especially informative article. Having “visited” Eastern San Diego for a few years, there was nothing more terrifying than listening to the yip, and shrill siren of a sound that 1, then 2, then a dozen or more would be heard drifting across the golf course than to hear that they had scored yet another errant dog or cat. It would go on for a few minutes, rising, until suddenly it would stop, like the snapping of a stick, then nothing. Good luck.

  • Travis McManemin December 10, 2012, 10:48 pm

    Thought Seventy wrote a great letter. I enjoy coyote hunting, especially after seeing what they can do to a 425 acre small game and deer lease. Being able to have free speech, which was a right that America fought for, and I might add die for, is very important to me. I don’t appreciate someone speaking for me, without my permission, saying what I like, or dislike. The most important thing in my life is my relationship with MY Heavenly Father. At the end of the day, thats all that matters. This old world is just a speedbump on the road our Creator has made.

  • Bboomer December 10, 2012, 10:13 pm

    Wow, a simple article on coyotes and we get into Darwin and God and on and on. I’m not a hunter, but here in the Carolinas coyotes are taking cattle, pets, anything they can take down. I have a big male cat that almost lost his head to coyotes.
    They have no natural enemy. Like I said, I’m no hunter, but I’d rather kill them than have them kill my dog or cat.

  • Richard December 10, 2012, 7:22 pm

    I have both the ADN night scope and the green light flash lite each is mounted on AR platforms and I also wear night vision goggles and have taken my share of yotes with all three of these. I really favor the green lite on with goggles as this seems to not wear out the eyes as much. Happy Hunting and a Merry Christmas and a Happy and prosperous New Year .

  • Marty F. December 10, 2012, 6:58 pm

    Thanks for this excellent article. I think most people would prefer if you left your religious beliefs out of the informative articles. I come here for guns and hunting discussion, not discussion on God and creationist theory.

    • Larry T. December 11, 2012, 9:13 pm

      Agreed! I thought it was an excellent article as well. No need for the other dicussions.

  • Seventy December 10, 2012, 12:43 pm

    A very insightful and informative article, which I feel would have been even better minus some of the gratuitous vitriol. A rancher protecting his livestock, i.e. his livelihood, through predator hunting shouldn’t require explanation, or justification, to any rational person. Nor should it be villified.

    Freedom of religion (and even from religion) is part of our great nation’s foundation, and it never ceases to amaze how some individuals (on both sides of the issue) profess to be more enlightened in these areas than the general population. Perhaps it’s a gift…or maybe a product of natural selection. I doubt that Walt Disney, the foremost modern day promoter of anthropomorphism as depicted in his animated movie characters, intended his work as a religious exercise, yet it seems to have influenced some thinking along those lines. Hunting, whether for food or for self-preservation, has been documented since the beginning of recorded time. I don’t presume enlightened understanding of The Creator’s intent, but I know that He created species useful for food, beasts of burden, many beautiful to behold…and others seemingly less useful to humans, i.e. mosquitoes, houseflies, and harmful micro-organisms which cause illness and death. I’ve read no treatises criticizing the killing of these latter species. I’m no expert on what comprises a “ruthless killer”, but Orcas, Great Whites, and numerous other predator species seem primarily dedicated to eating (killing) and reproducing. Those who choose to reject the existence of a Creator (especially at this time of year) can take cold comfort in their belief that this imperfect, often painful, earthly life is all that there is. Hardly a cause for joy.

  • Jim December 10, 2012, 12:22 pm

    Grow up 13. Have some knowledge of what you speak. Yotes are hard enough to kill with a rifle. They are reproducing and gaining in population just fine. They don’t need any help. And they are A KILLING MACHINE.

    They are not a PET.

    Again GROW UP.

  • Deryl December 10, 2012, 11:16 am

    Great article. Here in Louisiana we have an abundance of coyotes and they are a major problem on many levels.

    I have read other articles claiming trapping to be the most efficient way to “collect” the worthless hides. Trapping did not appear any easier.

    To the “PETA-freaks” and to those more Holy than the rest of us, I say, you are completely detached from reality. Coyotes are nothing more than land sharks that are highly adaptable and have the effect of a plague if allowed to go unchecked. Their pressence is NOT limited to rural areas and they can present a danger to all forms of life, not only with their aggressive nature to kill, compounded by their willingness to hunt in packs, but by disease, as well.

    To Administrator….when you devalue the opinions of others based on your opinion, your intolerant nature is illuminated and your opinion become worthless to “thinking” people.

    • Administrator December 10, 2012, 11:18 am

      Trapping and poisoning can both take a toll on the livestock. Coyotes are notoriously hard to trap and snares are the most successful way to do it, but you have to know how to lead the dogs where you want them.

      • Jeff December 10, 2012, 4:12 pm

        Here in Oregon my buddy’s brother in law had a trapper ask if be could set up some on his property. He said okay but told him he didn’t have a problem. Twenty eight yotes later….

        I have them going after my chickens in the middle of the day. I find the Remmington 1100 quite effective with deer slugs. Two shot two kills, one in the side of the head and one chest while she look straight on at me both with no sight just the bead at the end of the barrel.

  • Gary C December 10, 2012, 10:54 am

    Hmmm. After almost 20 years of recreational coyote hunting, and knowing full well that Florida isn’t California, I’d still say that much of this article is FUD. I can understand the hate that must fill a stockman’s heart if and when he loses a calf or cow to a coyote? (if it really was something other than a coyote eating the placenta after the fact), but other than that, I take exception to much of what is posted here.

    Don’t make it harder than it really is. Wal-Mart khakis, a hand full of 3.5″ shells, a good shotgun, a noisemaker, and possibly a decoy are all you need. Forget the lasers, rifles, expensive sights, camo, cover scents and all that other crap the experts tell you that you have to have. That .22WMR idea is ridiculously dumb, bag of screwdriver stupid. They are wrong. Coyotes are curious and easy target if you have any W-O-O-D-C-R-A-F-T at all. Anyone who tells you other wise is an idiot or a salesman.

    • Thomas December 25, 2013, 4:38 am

      You’re an idiot. Coyote are not easy to hunt, and you sound like one of those guys who thinks he knows every thing, but in all reality…doesn’t!

  • Fagan December 10, 2012, 9:49 am

    Great article. Very informative. But a magical god in the sky didn’t “create” these vicious predators. They evolved by natural selection over millions of years to do exactly what they do now. No god is required.

    • Administrator December 10, 2012, 10:31 am

      There is no real evidence that your electric razor works because of electrons flowing around a magnet, but you probably aren’t stupid enough to doubt that. Any other questions?

      • Joe December 10, 2012, 1:27 pm

        Great article and alas I am one of those poor folks that lives in a state Minnesota that has way too many yotes and we cannot use Night Vision to hunt them (because of the it would affect the natural selection process) .
        Now I agree they are killing machines and I would like to point out that St Thomas Aquinas summed up what both the diehard evolutionists and creationists tend to ignore:
        “For Aquinas, there is no conflict between the doctrine of creation and any physical theory. Theories in the natural sciences account for change. Whether the changes described are cosmological or biological, unending or finite, they remain processes. Creation accounts for the existence of things, not for changes in things. An evolving universe, just like Aristotle’s eternal universe, is still a created universe. No explanation of evolutionary change, no matter how radically random or contingent it claims to be, challenges the metaphysical account of creation, that is, of the dependence of the existence of all things upon God as cause. When some thinkers deny creation on the basis of theories of evolution, or reject evolution in defense of creation, they misunderstand creation or evolution, or both. “
        Rather than excluding Darwin from the curriculum, the schools should add Aquinas.
        So maybe this will end the debate and let us all agree that Coyotes need to be controlled as efficiently as possible, I have lost too many chickens to these critters and I shoot on sight yotes as fast as I can when I do see them

        • Administrator December 10, 2012, 1:43 pm

          You probably can use the green light though. It works just as good.

          • Joe December 10, 2012, 2:02 pm

            Fuzzy point in the law can’t use laser pointers either unless you are disabled. If anything the liberals seem to prevent tools that would make hunting safer in order to make it equal for the animals. The result is a greater chance for accidents in my humble opionion.

  • Andrew December 10, 2012, 9:19 am

    Let me reiterate: keep your “quick gun” in your truck! If you walk in the house, barn, etc. to grab it, your buddy will pull out his rifle and pop the thing while you are loading your gun on the porch. Coyote hunters who are farmers: they follow the combine to get the critters you drive out while harvesting. This is especially true when cutting beans or wheat. Those dogs will follow the machine or just sit spread out over the length of the field waiting for the impending feast. Let your responsible auger cart men and wagoners carry as well. The numbers you take will help protect your and your neighbors cattle, and they don’t hardly bat an eye when that big, loud machine rumbles by. Just make sure that you step down since the law doesn’t typically allow hunting from your vehicle. Good luck ladies and gentlemen!

  • thirteen December 10, 2012, 9:06 am

    @ author(administrator) “The Creator in His infinite wisdom made the coyote a ruthless, heartless, killing machine that is extremely suspicious and careful.”

    Really?! Do you even understand how blatantly you just exposed your ignorance? Do you not understand that He loves ALL his creations, not just humans? I realize this may be a challenge for your infantile mind to comprehend but, The Creator didn’t make hardly any animal a “ruthless, heartless, killing machine”, especially not coyotes. ALL living things are trying to survive. Any Canidae is a pack animal, and cares for the members of their pack the same as you do yours. Quite opposite from “heartless” I would say. I suppose it makes it easier to justify being a “mighty hunter” when you can demonize your victims, eh? Be a real hunter, put down the gun and try it with a knife or anything that will put you nearer the ability of your target, rather than skewing the odds ridiculously in your favor. Oh, wait…that might actually allow you to get close enough for one of two things to happen: either you get your ass handed to you by your target or… you actually begin to understand that your “ruthless killer” is just another of His creations trying to survive by using the instinct He graced it with, rather than maliciously trying to interfere with your petty existence.

    Now before you get your panties in a bunch and presume me to be some anti-hunting, anti-gun, stinky hippie…let me assure you I couldn’t be farther from that. I just respect ALL of His creations, and will only kill when I absolutely must. I grow so tired of you overly macho wienies who glorify killing anything you deem to be your “enemy” on this earth. Oddly enough those “enemies” typically mirror humans’ best qualities in their societal structures and behaviors. Coincidence? I challenge you to put some effort into recognizing this, and understanding the complex circle of life He created? At the very least have the slightest compassion and respect for your “target” and try to understand it beyond being a “ruthless killer”.

    • Fagan December 10, 2012, 9:53 am

      Species evolve through natural selection. There’s no evidence that coyotes were created in their present form by a magical god in the sky.

      • Administrator December 10, 2012, 10:37 am

        Oh my dear boy, I guess you missed the memo. You see, it’s like this. The G-dless educational elite have completely ignored the advice of real science for over 20 years to remove all that natural selection bunk from the grade school textbooks you are quoting. Natural selection was disproven decades ago by studying animals with extremely short lifespans. Never in millions of generations has one species “evolved” from another, despite just about every type of stimulus they could think of. You see Darwin was an idea man, and you have been taken in by fools who don’t want to believe in a Creator with an immutable law that we will all answer to in the end. But alas, G-d made them too, and none of us are perfect.

        • DK December 10, 2012, 11:17 am

          OMG. Did you just say evolution doesn’t exist? And start yammering about the big Thunder God in the sky meme?

          Uhhh, I like this site, I don’t post here often and this is why. The Big Thunder God in the Sky theory so called Christians have. As a graduate of a lifetime of Catholic education I had God shoved down my throat by some crazy priest and some really smart nuns. It’s all about perspective and ultimately education. Have you ever thought God used evolution to continue our growth?

          I didn’t think so….. but that is what education for you.

          • Administrator December 10, 2012, 11:27 am

            It actually wasn’t them who came up with the whole monotheism thing. Think 2,000 or so years before. Before you get too carried away you might want to actually speak to a real scientist, especially just about any modern physicist. Science has concluded that there is no other answer but an intelligent Creator, but if you insist on clinging to your 4th grade textbook because of what some priest shoved down your throat, well, it’s not that uncommon.

    • Noose December 10, 2012, 12:49 pm

      I’ve hunted since the age of 6 and I was taught by my father and grandfather to respect the land and the creatures that live upon it. I hunt nothing if I don’t have purpose for hunting it. Whether it be food or management. Hunting coyotes is a necessity in this day and age. They have been allowed to overpopulate and become a threat to humans, domesticated animals and livestock.

      Coyotes have an absolutely undeniable place in the world and I’d never want to see them wiped out, but God gave us dominion over the animals and with that comes great responsibility. Animal populations “must” be managed and hunters are the core of good management.

      I hunt coyotes regularly and yes I do derive a sense of pleasure and accomplishment from it, because I know and understand that I am part of the natural process of this planet.

    • Betsy November 1, 2013, 12:01 pm

      I have deeply studied God’s Word and I understand about Creation and the “Fall of Man”. I know about His Creation and it is good. However, sin entered the World by Man and because of it, ALL living creatures were made susceptible to the consequences of sin (when sin and death entered the World). Coyotes, before sin were perfect, after NO! They steal, kill and fight to survive — I understand that; it is not how they were originally created to be.
      But they are not going to kill any more of my pets. I am going to take responsibility for those I love, I am going to do all that I can and if that means going out to shoot these HORRIBLE PESTS that is exactly what I will do…THAT IS FAIR. I also know this: that one day all things will be made new (even the coyote) and my hope will be satisfied. God, in keeping with His generous character… extravagant in grace after grace will restore our beloved pets. And I will see my sweet Naucity again….because I know Him, the Creator I will be there to see my beloved lost pets, what a JOY that will be. John 3:16

    • Lynn January 28, 2015, 4:09 pm

      these are relentless they hunt and kill everything they are NOT native to florida and they are now all the way south they have killed the natual wildlife off in some areas the ground nesting birds are almost gone the redwing dove ,quail,killdeer,medowlark night hawk rabbit florida deer the eggs are sought out….not to mention pets and livestock..theyneed to be hunted and killed in areas that are not and never were native to them untill a few years ago I will kill everyone i see……cats catch birds but they dont hunt and destroy nest

  • George December 10, 2012, 8:43 am

    We need coyote hunters and trappers please support your local trappers and conservation
    Trappers trade is dissappearing.

  • George December 10, 2012, 8:38 am

    I would like to try out this type of hunting here in New York its hard
    For us to see them it’s so much cover here it protects them from us these
    Dogs put dent in the deer population for 6 yrs and I don’t see a increase in
    Deer numbers I see it going down in the Catskills area we need coyote hunters

  • Paul December 10, 2012, 8:13 am

    I have been a yote hunter for a lot of years, your article was spot on for new or seasoned varmint hunters. Well written article.

  • Mike Hughes December 10, 2012, 7:41 am

    great info. I would love to get down to Dwaynes’ sometime

  • Thomas Brown December 10, 2012, 7:05 am

    Thanks for this most interesting and informative article. I am new at the coyote hunting game. Just found out how much more work I really have in front of me. Thanks for the help.

  • Tugboat Bromberg December 10, 2012, 6:50 am

    I thought that this was a very well thought out article. I have wanted to hunt song dogs here in WA State and now I have a primer of sorts to give it a go.