Guinness World Records Says Why it Snubbed 1,000 Man Shooting Event

in Authors, Current Events, S.H. Blannelberry, This Week

Guinness World Records is speaking out about why it refused to acknowledge a 1,000-man shooting event sponsored by Henry Repeating Arms and the National Rifle Association that took place earlier this month in Phoenix, Arizona.

“Guinness World Records does not monitor mass participation records that, each time the record is broken, increase the danger posed to the general public or environment,” said the famed record-keeping organization in a statement.

“As the activity proposed by the NRA is not one we feel can be safely monitored on a global basis, we unfortunately are unable to recognize it as a record,” it concluded.

Called the “1,000 Man Shoot,” the event was put together in an effort to raise money to protect and defend the Second Amendment.

Held at the Ben Avery Shooting Facility in Phoenix, one thousand shooters, hundreds of range officers and onlookers gathered to watch the participants fire two shots from a special edition .22-caliber Henry Golden Boy Silver rifle all at the same time.

The event went off without a hitch.  The shooters fired their first shot simultaneously, waited two minutes and then fired their last should simultaneously.

The NRA had requested that a representative from Guinness attend the event to document the new world record.  However, Guinness refused and did not initially explain why they weren’t attending.

A look at the 1,000 Man Shoot. (Photo: Henry Repeating Arms via Facebook)

A look at the 1,000 Man Shoot. (Photo: Henry Repeating Arms via Facebook)

The NRA-ILA stated in an article last week, “The reason for Guinness’ refusal is not clear, as a search of the organization’s records database shows that they recognize a host of firearms-related records.”

This Monday, Guinness released the aforementioned statement, pointing to “safety” as its primary reason.  Since Guinness World Records does monitor other various gun-related records, including, “Trap shooting – fastest 25 targets (American Trap)” and “Most clay shooting targets broken in 12 hours (team)” and “Smallest gun, pistol” among many, many others it does appear that Guinness is being forthright about its reason for not attending the event.

In other words, it’s reason for “snubbing” the NRA’s 1,000 Man Shoot wasn’t driven by politics or an anti-gun agenda but a regard for safety as, according to them, it’s not possible to pull off a similar event in other countries with the same degree of care and attention.  I’m not sure I totally buy it, but at the same time, it’s hard to prove Guinness is prevaricating because it has honored and documented other gun-related records in the past.

Oh well.  Hopefully, the NRA and Henry made a lot of money at the event.  And if anything, this controversial “snub” by Guinness is only helping to raise the profile of the event and possibly more money for the cause of protecting and defending the 2A.

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  • MAS April 27, 2018, 8:12 am

    I didn’t even know this silly book still exists. They DO realize, of course, that they were started by a freakin’ beer company, right? OH, the horror of alcohol – it’s so bad it had to be prohibited!

  • Jay November 28, 2016, 7:39 am

    So Guinness is now aboard the liberal train of patronizing, oppressing and excluding citizens under the guise of safety, gun safety, which of course is what they always say to take away our rights and make laws one at a time, to chip away at them and nothing changes except for the law abiding citizen in the first place!

  • elgavilansegoviano November 25, 2016, 2:33 pm

    ,,,,,,I say Boycott the GWR, Hack the website and expose their crooked ways, the watch them implode!!,…..

  • Noel P. November 25, 2016, 1:11 pm

    There are few who proport to recognize safety other than Henry Arms. This is a slam in the face of American hunters and those that enjoy shooting sports in general. This was predominatly a .22lr shoot, firing out across the plains about as safe as it gets; a whole lot safer than ‘Live Birds’ etc. that they do recognize. Why in God’s name do we care what Guinness World Records says. They should stick to their brewery rules and drink and quit pretending to represent world opinion.

  • Noel P. November 25, 2016, 1:11 pm

    There are few who proport to recognize safety other than Henry Arms. This is a slam in the face of American hunters and those that enjoy shooting sports in general. This was predominatly a .22lr shoot, firing out across the plains about as safe as it gets; a whole lot safer than ‘Live Birds’ etc. that they do recognize. Why in God’s name do we care what Guinness World Records says. They should stick to their brewery rules and drink and quit pretending to represent world opinion.

  • JungleCogs November 25, 2016, 12:56 pm

    Wow, NEWSFLASH!!! The Marxist PC culture has infected the Guinness World Records.

  • Archangel November 25, 2016, 12:20 pm

    No doubt their participation in other gun related records will be diminished due to political pressure as firearms in civilian hands is vilified leaving us defenseless to those who want to be in charge without contention.

  • gary November 25, 2016, 10:16 am

    They are Brits for most part, I do not give a Rats ‘A’ about their opinion on anything. They can put their records where the sun don’t shine.

  • william massi jr November 25, 2016, 4:49 am

    To Bad. I Think. That GWR, Should Close There Books And Move On. The N.R.A. Don’t Need Them. Nor Do We. ??????

  • Zulus November 25, 2016, 3:39 am

    Oh just another crook to avoid at all costs.
    Drain the basket.

  • Will Drider November 22, 2016, 10:22 pm

    Sound like a valid reason. Surely GWR was contacted in well in advance of the scheduled event and event organizers had the negative response in hand but continued to market it to their advantage. They make it sound like they got turned down while on the firing line.
    It was a cool event but the crying for inclusion must be caused by the Snowflake hats being worn. The concept for GWR has its origins at a Shooting Party! GWR does have several shooting records and it has frozen several other types of record categories due to safety concerns. Its only a snub if there was a feeling of entitlement by those participating, think about that.

    Have a Pint or three and move on.

    • Noel P. November 25, 2016, 1:17 pm

      Son, you should stick to political tweets and stay off of gun columns. Your veristy is hard put on the safety issue. Henry is about as safe as it gets and the firearm of choice has been around since the “Latr Unplesantness” as we call the American Civil War. Even queen Hillary would not find a lever action to be out of line. Go on to the next trend that gives a hoot about your fairness.

    • Edward Allen November 26, 2016, 12:19 pm

      If safety was really the reason, I would think that they would “snub” eating contest as well. you are more likely to die from ingesting large amounts of food, then from a well organized shooting event.

  • Jeremy Wessels November 22, 2016, 12:30 pm

    No more Guinness for me. Never cared for it anyways 😉