BREAKING: NRA Supports Ban on Bump Stocks!

BREAKING: NRA Supports Ban on Bump Stocks!

Donald Trump with Wayne LaPierre and Chris Cox. Looks like a deal has been made on bump stocks.

The National Rifle Association Thursday came out in favor of banning bump stocks.

Top dogs Wayne LaPierre and Chris Cox said in a joint statement that the nation’s gun lobby “believes that devices designed to allow semi-automatic rifles to function like fully-automatic rifles should be subject to additional regulations.”

On the heels of this incredible, jaw-dropping announcement, Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said that President Trump is aware of the current calls from Congress for prohibiting the popular accessory.

“We’d like to be a part of that conversation,” Sanders said Thursday afternoon.  “We’re open to that moving forward.”

I’m speechless.

You can read the full statement below. I’d be interested in hearing your thoughts.  I need a moment to process all of this.

In the aftermath of the evil and senseless attack in Las Vegas, the American people are looking for answers as to how future tragedies can be prevented.

Unfortunately, the first response from some politicians has been to call for more gun control. Banning guns from law-abiding Americans based on the criminal act of a madman will do nothing to prevent future attacks. This is a fact that has been proven time and again in countries across the world.

In Las Vegas, reports indicate that certain devices were used to modify the firearms involved. Despite the fact that the Obama administration approved the sale of bump fire stocks on at least two occasions, the National Rifle Association is calling on the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE) to immediately review whether these devices comply with federal law.

The NRA believes that devices designed to allow semi-automatic rifles to function like fully-automatic rifles should be subject to additional regulations.

In an increasingly dangerous world, the NRA remains focused on our mission: strengthening Americans’ Second Amendment freedom to defend themselves, their families and their communities.

To that end, on behalf of our five million members across the country, we urge Congress to pass National Right-to-Carry reciprocity, which will allow law-abiding Americans to defend themselves and their families from acts of violence.

  • Rodger DeRamus. April 19, 2019, 2:51 pm

    There are far more deaths due to gang violence than there are from law abiding gun owners. It is just hard for me to understand why those that are anti-gun can’t put 2 and 2 together to see that law abiding gun owners don’t go out in their own neighborhoods and shoot up homes, cars and other gang members. Gangs don’t go to gun stores and purchase weapons and ammunition. They break in and steal them.

  • Jerry Ameri February 23, 2018, 12:31 pm

    3287 people die EVERYDAY in car accidents , 1573 people were stabbed to death in 2016. 656 people were beaten to death…. people are the problem, ban them…..

    • Wayne R Cook November 30, 2018, 9:23 am


  • Doyle Oden February 23, 2018, 11:08 am

    Ask Nevil Chamberlain what happens when you give them what they want. Don’t worry, it will be fine, just let them have what they want and we will be just fine. This attitude of appeasement did not only insure that England would fall first, but it was the striking of the match that insured WWII would happen. Just sayin….

  • Commonsense February 23, 2018, 6:37 am

    The bumpstock is just a novelty, an an ammo wasting accessory. It’s fun for a few times, but really, who’s going to miss it all that much?

    What about Trumps tweet regarding turning the buying age to 21? That got my feathers ruffled a bit.

    You can go to war and fight for your country for two years, come home and not be able to buy the same style rifle you just used to defend your country, to defend your family? No, that’s not right. That can not have the support of the NRA!!!

    • Scotty Gunn December 1, 2018, 4:28 pm

      The bump stock issue isn’t about a plastic stock that you don’t like. It is about sticking together for our gun rights. It is about ATF allowing something, then taking it away later, screwing the owners out of about $125-$200 each . Confiscation without compensation. Once we start to yield ground , there will be no stopping it.

  • loupgarous February 23, 2018, 5:02 am

    About time. Bump stocks are an answer to a question no one asked. A dumb-ass modification which showed its main utility in Las Vegas hotel room.

    • Scotty Gunn December 1, 2018, 4:31 pm

      You don’t need high power scopes either. Nor do you need any mag over ten rounds. You shouldn’t be allowed to possess more than a hundred rounds at any given time. You don’t need ranges longer than a hundred yards. See where it will go when people like you fail to stand up?

  • mocatz October 13, 2017, 11:40 am

    we are in a cold civil war, it can go hot in a minute. if you don’t give up bumpstocks now you’ll be giving up your rifles tomorrow. those stocks are toys, pacify the left or you will look like monsters to “ordinary people” thereby drawing attention to the gun hobby. give them the stocks and kill the las vegas gun ban movement! Again, those stocks are toys, don’t look like a monster.

    • Brad November 24, 2017, 9:45 pm

      Bump-stocks are not necessary for someone to bump-fire any (ANY) semi-automatic firearm. As a mater of fact, a belt loop works just a good and doesn’t cost a additional penny.

      Are we going to ban belt-loops next?

      The only thing we really need to ban is ignorance. But we all know that’s never going to happen, don’t we.

    • loupgarous February 23, 2018, 5:07 am

      I agree. The NRA does NOT need to spend valuable political capital defending bump stocks.

      There’ll be plenty for them do fighting that broom-riding harridan Dianne Feinstein’s assault weapons ban and NFA extension bill. If we prevent THAT we’ll have done something. Her friends in the Jackass Party know perfectly well what happened the last time they got an Assault Weapons Ban passed – an electoral disaster in the following mid-term election..

      • Wayne R Cook November 30, 2018, 9:24 am

        Because of her, I’ve been buying ONLY mean looking BLACK ANODIZED weapons lol

    • Commonsense February 23, 2018, 6:50 am

      Yup. Novelty items at best anyway. Must have been why Trump threw it out there when it wasn’t even used in this school shooting.

      It was his “Trump card” so to speak. A little ground that could be given without actually giving any actual ground on anything “guns”. What’s it going to be? Magazines? Or anything Kalifornia? No thanks. I’d rather just give them the novelty bump stocks, come to an agreement on how to arm and train teachers (BTW, it’s already been done in certain school districts) and move on to the next issue.

      A brilliant move if you think about it. Give them something when they are screaming for your guns. “Ok, here, you can have the bump stock, we are compassionate people, it has no practice use.”

      • Wayne R Cook November 30, 2018, 9:25 am

        Seven thousand Teachers in Texas applied for training and went into classrooms blessed by knowledge and armed.

    • Roy February 23, 2018, 4:08 pm

      Pro 2A are monsters and not “ordinary people”? Didn’t know that. Well let’s not stop at bump stocks then. Wouldn’t want to be labeled worse. Pacify the left? Good luck with that.

  • NRA Life Member October 9, 2017, 1:14 pm

    “There are only 2 sides of this debate… You either support peace or you support violence. Any device intended as a work around of Federal Firearms Laws should be illegal…. Period. The Statutes regulating and limiting civilian ownership of Combat Weaponry are there for the sole purpose of preventing sociopaths like Stephen Paddock from obtaining the fire power he had in that Hotel room. It’s been made repeatedly & painfully obvious, background checks are not going to stop people like Paddock. They hide among Us every day. Hell some of them Post on this Blog… The only thing that will help stop them, and it STILL won’t stop them all, is regulating and limiting access to the equipment..How would you feel if that was your child or wife or mother shot up by somebody with a bump stock? As I said above…You’d be singing a different tune…Are you embarrassed yet? You should be… And speaking of embarrassing; Have you seen the latest NRA Ad? The One with the fist? It’s anti patriotic, seditious crap. It was paid for and sponsored by the NRA…”

    Couldn’t have said it better…
    The NRA has turned itself into a Right Wing Cash Machine dedicated to the sole purpose of supporting it’s Management Team in a life style none of it’s members enjoy…(remember when the United Way’s salaries came out?) 70 cents of every dollar given to the United Way is spent on bloated salaries for it’s bloated management team….The NRA has done the same thing by preying upon the insecure ignorance and stupidity of self absorbed War mongering fools and Peter Pan wannabees. The equation is simple…Support the NRA, support Wayne LA Pierre’s 900 hundred thousand dollar salary and jackasses like Ted Nugent who they brag about being on their side…

    It’s correct to say there are 2 sides of this debate…You either support United States of America and it’s mission of Life, Liberty & Justice for All, or you support a Fascist Right Wing Regime dedicated to tearing this Government down in it’s own twisted self interest’s..It’s really that simple..

    • goose February 23, 2018, 10:47 am

      any one that has fired a full auto knows that b stocks, imitate thay do NOT duplicate, real arms people have tested and more than once have concluded the firing rate is only about half that of a fully auto military weapon that being said, how can thay be called fully auto, now if a ban on ALMOST fully auto is brought forward, can you see ware this could go?
      P.S. if the NRA top people are talking about banning anything to do with weapons it is time to walk away from the
      N.R.A. at least fire or recall those two at the top!

    • Roy February 23, 2018, 4:28 pm

      Ban bumpstocks and we’ve solved the sociopath problem. Never knew it was that simple. NRA right wing fascism does not support USA or its mission, but left wing fascism does? Problems solved. Nice job.

    • BRENT BAIRD March 9, 2018, 9:22 am

      simple solutions for simple-minded people like yourself , sir

  • Bobs yer uncle October 8, 2017, 6:37 pm

    I did hear some mention of suing the NRA over this issue, which disregards the fact that it was approved by the previous admin. and the NRA had no involvement.I never saw adds in any NRA publications or any mention of bump stocks I am extremely suspicious that a person with such substantial calculation and means would have chosen to use firearms and of the type and style some would like to see banned, way to convenient. Anyone see the movie The Accountant?

  • Ray October 6, 2017, 8:50 pm

    I think this whole situation is sad. Here’s a compromise…
    A Bill for bump stock devices. Clone the form for a handgun purchase. Rename it to pertain to bump stocks (and like devices) submit your paperwork the same way at your retailer upon purchase. If 2 or more are bought at a time the same rules apply as would handgun purchases (all the rules and laws are already in place) Just one new form for the paper pushers! We already need to do that to buy a handgun. This devise simulates a machinegun, which is heavily regulated, taxed, ect. I would rather fill out a form and wait a few minutes for the check. Then be able to play, than not play at all. NO OTHER BACK DOOR ATTACHMENTS TO THIS BILL!
    In return:
    A bill that forces ALL states to comply to constitutional carry. Legal action against any state that refuses to comply. Immunity to firearm confiscation and Free legal representation (of their choosing) for any law abiding Citizen of the united states that a non complying state brings charges against.
    One of you web savvy folks start poll for/against 🙂

  • CockyRocky October 6, 2017, 12:43 pm

    Don’t be foolish and disavow the NRA… just yet. They are every gun owners ally. Hopefully, they know what they are doing.

  • Roman October 6, 2017, 12:24 pm

    I am a gun rights advocate.
    I have a fairly decent collection and I am a firearms safety and tactical instructor.
    I have no problem banning bump-stocks. There is no real need for them and they are sloppy.
    Thats as far as I would go.
    Suppressors are fine, and we could also repeal some other restrictive laws about classifications.
    But in the big picture, lets target the mentally deranged potential killers in advance, and those who are morally obligated to at least SAY SOMETHING. His girlfriend said SQUAT despite his exhibited behaviors in her presence. Prosecute her.

    • Frank Trisko October 8, 2017, 8:23 am

      It is not a “Bill of Needs” it is a “Bill of Rights”

      • Paul Skvorc October 11, 2017, 4:45 pm


        The second amendment is not about “safety”. It’s about having the FIREPOWER to keep the GOVERNMENT in check. If the second amendment weren’t ALREADY “watered down”, the POLICE – AKA GOVERNMENT – would not be allowed to use ANY weapon that the PUBLIC wasn’t allowed to use. Put conversely, the PUBLIC should have a right to own ANY “weapon” – including tear-gas, shields, flak vests, gas masks, etc – THAT THE POLICE HAVE ACCESS TO. I’m fine with disallowing “bump” stocks AS LONG AS the POLICE CANNOT HAVE FULLY AUTOMATIC WEAPONS!

        And by the way, I too am an NRA LIFE MEMBER for more than 40 years.

        • Dennis Eoff December 30, 2017, 9:52 pm

          I agree 100%. each time we give in they want to take a little more. The gun or stock is not the problem!

      • Wayne R Cook November 30, 2018, 9:28 am


  • Sam Meyer October 6, 2017, 11:03 am

    Blannelberry speechless??? Who says nothing good ever comes from a tragedy.

    • Gun Toting Democrat October 6, 2017, 4:57 pm

      Took the words right out of my mouth…

  • Andrew October 6, 2017, 9:54 am

    Fuck anyone who sells out the 2nd Amendment. Trump and the Nra included

    • Gun Toting Democrat October 6, 2017, 4:56 pm

      @Andrew… Fuck You and anybody else that supports the murder of innocent men women and children by word, deed or proxy… I would bet real money that if that had been one of YOUR family members shot to hell by that creep, you would be singing a different tune…Time for you jackasses to wake up, grow up and realize that you’re not the only people that live on this Planet…

      • Frank Trisko October 8, 2017, 8:28 am

        It is not a “Bill of Needs” it is a “Bill of Rights” I have been myself the victim of a criminal with a gun and was shot at the age of 14 (1978) back when 14 yr olds were not getting shot very often. I had committed the grievous offence of knoccking on his door to tell them we could not babysit. That said I oppose banning bump stocks or anything that infringes anything in THE BILL OF RIGHTS

      • Cam October 13, 2017, 11:48 am

        “Fuck anyone who sells out the 2nd Amendment. Trump and the Nra included”
        And my mom was shot 8 times by a dirtbag who count legal own the illegal gun he had.
        And I still believe the quote above.

      • Roy February 23, 2018, 6:19 pm

        I assume your admonition includes you? Gun toting Democrat. The planet is a big place, so by all means, pick a spot other than here. 2A USA

      • Ted January 5, 2019, 10:42 am

        Yea you either stand for the 2nd or you don’t that’s how we will lose it. No one wants anyone to lose their life. You know how much blood is behind our freedoms I wouldn’t want to see it. Don’t be a coward stand up for your country. Time for you to grow up and be a man.

  • Ray October 6, 2017, 9:38 am

    N.B. they said bump fire should be regulated, not banned. The door is open to amnesty those out there and potential register them going forward.

    To all the other NRA haters: who else you got? What would the country be like without NRA? Answer: UK

    • Gun Toting Democrat October 6, 2017, 5:07 pm

      The NRA sold it’s Soul to the Devil the day they elected Right Wing Racist Wayne La Pierre President. It has been in a downhill slide into Far Right Extremism since then.. In private these creeps actually agree with and promote the writings of Nazi wannabe bigots Andrew Pierce. (aka The Turner Diaries)…The NRA’s original Charter was about supporting Gun Safety and promoting Shooting Sports such as Competition Target Shooting, Gun Safety and Hunting. They supported Organizations like the Arbor Day Foundation, Duck & Pheasant’s Forever and Wild Habitat Foundations…They even gave money to the National Parks… The NRA lost it’s way long ago and until it purges itself of creeps like La Pierre & Ted Nugent and their ilk, it will remain lost…

  • Bill Williams October 6, 2017, 8:35 am

    Whether he had the bump stock or not, it wouldn’t have changed the outcome of the shooting. They still haven’t mentioned how he was able to get everything up to his room without looking suspicious. Wouldn’t a metal detector have caught him? Wouldn’t that be the simple solution to preventing what he did.I f we’re determined to ban things; ban buildings that are more than three stories high or ban large public gatherings. The guy was obviously mentally ill, so it’s easy to assume that he has acted like a psychopath his entire life. That fact that he wasn’t in a prison or home for the insane, is a result of our permissive society.

    • Derek October 6, 2017, 10:58 am

      Hi Bill, I’m puzzled what you’re saying. Our permissive society allowed a nut to buy guns? Are you advocating mental health checks? We could do that for drivers licenses too if you’d like. Please explain where your line in the sand lies.

  • Jeremy October 6, 2017, 8:03 am

    A person proficient enough essentially has a fully automatic weapon when a bump stock is installed. Is it as reliable or as accurate as a gun designed to be full auto? No, but the rate of fire is damn near identical. This was a product designed to go around the ATF laws of fully automatic weapons for those who wanted to own weapons that could simulate full auto fire without special licenses. It was clever trick but now it’s over guys. You see they also put a stop to that auto glove as well. The bad news is we all know they won’t stop with just bump stocks, they’ll go after magazine capacity, “assault weapons”, and whatever else they feel the time is right for. I’m just glad this lunatic didn’t use a suppressor, because a lot more people would have died and suppressors would also be banned. I hate to be a conspiracy theorist but if there’s a mass shooting next with a suppressor one has to think 🤔

    • Kevin Calongne October 6, 2017, 8:32 am

      You obviously know nothing about suppressors.

      • Rupert October 6, 2017, 9:11 am

        I think that was sarcasm, in case you didnt catch it

        • Rupert October 6, 2017, 9:15 am

          At least i hope and pray it was!

  • Tom October 6, 2017, 7:24 am

    So NRA who’s next? Who will we throw under the bus next time some incident occurs? Will it be AR owners, Garand owners or maybe hand gun owners? I could care less about bump fire stocks and I have no need for one but others do. So again I ask who will be next when you seek to appease people that want total disarmament.

    • Greg Meyer October 6, 2017, 8:47 am

      “I could care less,” or I could not care less? They mean opposite things. The first means you do care, maybe a lot, and there is room to care less than you do. The second means what it says.

    • OxyJohn October 6, 2017, 12:17 pm

      These others you mention…. Why would anyone not in a war zone or not up to no good NEED a fully automatic gun? Yes, they could be fun to play with but you can go to many ranges pay a few dollars and shoot a real fully auto weapon. Or you could just get the proper permits/licenses to own a real one (It’s not as easy for a mentally deficient person to pass the ATF screenings).

      • ben jacob October 6, 2017, 1:21 pm

        “need”, did you just expose your heresy! “need”??

  • Mark October 6, 2017, 4:03 am

    To all of you clamoring to get this law passed, need I remind you folks that you don’t need a bump fire stock to bump fire a rifle. Might make the process more efficient and accurate, but in this particular instance, the guy could have just utilized the bubba method while pointing in the general area he wanted to and bump away. Go out to youtube and take a look, you’ll see what I mean. It’s not hard to do at all. Tried it a couple times myself when I got my first AR. But since I am the law abiding sort, and not planning any sort of massacre, plus the practice of bump firing is pretty darn expensive, I’ll just stick to shooting groups on paper and and random plinking. But I have to say, all this hand wringing and calling on Congress to “just do something” while folks are barely over the shock of what happened, is pretty tasteless. Not to mention the historically proven fact that plays out every time, like someone above mentioned, they get an inch, they will demand a mile. Personally, I could give a crap less about bump fire stocks, but if a guy can afford the ammo to waste, then hell buy a dozen and have a blast, literally. ONE instance of misuse (which we don’t even know all the details on yet about the shooting) DOES NOT justify banning them.
    For Gun Toting Democrat
    Sir, you are an embarrassment to both your party, and as a supposed gun owner. If you really felt like this about the NRA, as a life member for 3 lifetimes, then you would have called them up years ago back when Pelosi and Feinstein began their careers and told them to take your ass off the membership list. Since you didn’t, well…maybe you should do it tomorrow.

    • Gun Toting Democrat October 6, 2017, 7:01 pm

      To Mark…The NRA sold it’s Soul to the Devil the day they elected Right Wing Racist Wayne La Pierre President. It has been in a downhill slide into Far Right Extremism since then.. In private these creeps actually agree with and promote the writings of Nazi wannabe bigots like Andrew Pierce. (aka The Turner Diaries)… The first time I ever heard of the Turner Diaries was in 1991 and it was a featured Ad in the American Rifleman… The year La Pierre was elected President of the NRA..The NRA’s original Charter was about supporting Gun Education & Safety. Promoting Shooting Sports such as Competition Target Shooting and Hunting. They supported Organizations like the Arbor Day Foundation, Duck & Pheasant’s Forever and Wildlife Habitat Foundations…They even gave money to the National Parks… The NRA lost it’s way long ago and until it purges itself of creeps like La Pierre & Ted Nugent and their ilk, it will remain lost…

      I’ve been a Life Member since 1985… If I could get my money back, I would.. There is no place in our society or in my life for any organization that promotes the violence and bigotry like the NRA…They have wrapped themselves and hide their true agendas behind the 2nd Amendment to promote their own salaries, and it makes me sick… The SA has nothing to do with it..

      For the record… Wayne La Pierre’s annual salary is over $900,000.00. And that’s just HIS salary.. Guess who pays for that? YOU DO. If you think He actually cares one crumb of crap about the SA or You or your “Gun Rights”, then you’re just about dumb as the POS he doesn’t care about…

      Ya know what’s embarrassing? Watching so called educated adult people claiming to be Christian Patriots defend and promote violence based on racism, bigotry and ignorance. There are only 2 sides of this debate… You either support peace or you support violence. Any device intended as a work around of Federal Firearms Laws should be illegal…. Period. The Statutes regulating and limiting civilian ownership of Combat Weaponry are there for the sole purpose of preventing sociopaths like Stephen Paddock from obtaining the fire power he had in that Hotel room. It’s been made repeatedly & painfully obvious, background checks are not going to stop people like Paddock. They hide among Us every day. Hell some of them Post on this Blog… The only thing that will help stop them, and it STILL won’t stop them all, is regulating and limiting access to the equipment..How would you feel if that was your child or wife or mother shot up by somebody with a bump stock? As I said above…You’d be singing a different tune…Are you embarrassed yet? You should be… And speaking of embarrassing; Have you seen the latest NRA Ad? The One with the fist? It’s anti patriotic, seditious crap. It was paid for and sponsored by the NRA…

  • Jaque Bauer October 6, 2017, 1:19 am

    I don’t own a bumpfire or any other devices that increase the firing rate of a firearm. Ammo costs are too high to spray and pray on a regular basis. But a day at Knob Creek and a weeks overtime pay shooting the real thing with tracers is great fun. For those that poo poo on full auto fun you don’t know what your missing. It’s like a first time at skydiving. Or driving a Nascar. Or going weightless. Maybe you guys are old and crotchety now but we’re once barnstormers. If I have the right to drive a full size car with greater killing potential than a plastic bump fire stock then I should be able to own such a stock. I am quite sure the authors of the 2 nd Amendment would have loved to own such a device on today’s arms and approved it. Remember the 2nd is not about hunting or target shooting. It’s about giving the people arms to oppose tyranny and oppression. The Declaration of Independence says it all. The 2nd codifies it.

    • Dewey October 8, 2017, 12:15 am

      Guess what? You and your inbred, illiterate buddies are NOT going to do jack-s*** to oppose “tyranny or oppression”, EVER.
      Bump-fire stocks are Viagra for the dickless (and brainless).

      • Richard November 1, 2019, 6:19 pm

        Dewey , you ignorant 3rd grade mentality fuk, name calling has branded you that , well done, and as far as bump-stocks being for the dick less, I’m thinking you need viagra and have no dick to make such a stupid comment, some things are just plain fun to do, if you don’t like it, don’t buy it. And try keeping that hole above your chin, if you have one, closed, no one wants to hear you whine,

  • Mark October 6, 2017, 12:39 am

    Do they really think this will satisfy Feinstein & Co. If the NRA is caving on this you can forget the HPA, what a joke! The Vegas shooter was wealthy enough and with no criminal record could’ve afforded numerous legal machine guns. All you “pro-gun” people cheering this on are idiots! Your guns are next on their list.

  • Robert Smith October 5, 2017, 11:44 pm

    ” devices designed to allow semi-automatic rifles to function like fully-automatic rifles”
    Like the human finger? A practiced shooter can do it even without a bump-fire stock.

  • Richard Steven Hack October 5, 2017, 10:27 pm

    1) Bump fire stocks have never been used for a crime prior to this event, as far as we know.2) Bump fire stocks are TOYS for people who like to shoot firearms faster, exactly the same as collectors of fully automatic firearms.Banning an object used for a one-off crime is stupid. It deprives law-abiding people who use them legally of their entertainment.There is a little notion called “freedom” which everyone who proposes banning these devices fails to recognize. People have a right to do what they want provided THEY don’t hurt someone else. The fact that a criminal uses the same object as those people to do a criminal act does NOT justify depriving those other people of their freedom to use that object.Not to mention the obvious slippery slope which occurs when you start banning things people “don’t need.” That SAME argument has been used repeatedly by the anti-gun crowd to demonize semi-auto pistols and semi-auto rifles and magazine with greater than 10 rounds.People don’t NEED a car that goes faster than 55mph, but we don’t ban them even though it might save thousands of lives every year when people exceed the speed limit.People who who propose banning an object because people don’t “need” it are part of the problem. That includes the NRA who apparently is caving in in order to avoid further negative press. I get that people want to “make a deal” but there IS NO deal to be made. Ban one object on this basis and you’ll end up with no Second Amendment eventually.It’s that simple.

    • Jeremy October 6, 2017, 8:17 am

      While I pretty much agree with your statement, this is more than just a ordinary “one crime”, it’s the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history. It’s not like a couple of guys robbed a bank and killed a couple of security guards and police officers, he killed 59 people. The NRA has more important battles to fight in the near future so I think they just threw the towel in for this one as a casualty of circumstances. Was it to avoid negative press? Probably. Was it to show they could work with gun legislators? Probably. Will it help cure the hunger gun legislators have for taking more and more away from the gun market? Absolutely not, that is an insatiable hunger. It really is a case of you give an inch they want a mile, but if you give nothing they most certainly will want everything. The second amendment is the one thing that separates this country from the rest and if that’s taken away what is America?

  • matt fosdick October 5, 2017, 9:59 pm

    Not another penny from me to the NRA. I am done paying them three times a year fro 27 years. POS

  • daryll October 5, 2017, 9:51 pm

    All they are good for is wasting ammo. Why do you think the Military went to 3 shot burst. Besides you can make one yourself for less then $30.00. I never wanted one and still don’t.

  • Rich October 5, 2017, 9:46 pm

    Wrong answer!! I agree that bump fire is gimmicky and certainly not a substitute for real, select-fire firearms BUT don’t give these liberal scum ONE thing!! Because then it will turn into something else they’ll want to ban! And then another and then another. Look where it got us in the eighties, we fell for the “common sense” gun control line. NO MORE!! I keep hearing the whiny liberals repeating, “If not now, when?!”—The answer is: NEVER!! We know your endgame is to ban all guns and that this is a game of inches, they’ll slowly chip away until they get everything. I refuse to be punished by having MY right to own whatever I want within the confines of the law because of one cowardly piece of human garbage. I’ve got news for everyone if you don’t already know, THERE ISN’T ONE LAW THAT WOULD HAVE PREVENTED THIS!! This turd would’ve found a way even if bump fire stocks weren’t available to him. The answer is to stop being RE-active and start being PRO-active!! It is shameful that these liberals are using this tragedy to further their agenda! But then again, they have no shame!!

  • randy October 5, 2017, 8:05 pm

    Im all for it also.bumpstocks are garbage.

  • David October 5, 2017, 7:56 pm

    Bump stocks are a quick, easy, efficient way to mimic an automatic rifle but for anyone that’s determined, there are a plethora of ways to convert a semi-automatic gun into an automatic.
    Personally, I think this legislation is warranted if it only applies to bump stocks and congress doesn’t attempt to attach vague wording that can be used to confiscate guns for some other non-related attachment. We know, without question, the end-game for some is to ban all guns of any kind, so it’s important that we are watchful in making sure that bipods, forward grips, scopes, suppressors, etc. aren’t included as an excuse to confiscate the whole gun.
    Once the bump stock is banned, kits of all kinds will be available with parts to make your own.
    In the wake of the recent tragedy, congress is forced to act. However, the informed know, you’ll never legislate away determined evil. The harder you make it, the more determined they become and the more incentive they are given to show they can’t be controlled by taking as many lives as possible. If guns are somehow banned, homemade bombs will follow. That unfortunately, is the nature of evil.

    • matt fosdick October 5, 2017, 10:00 pm

      Brother you got that right.

      • matt fosdick October 5, 2017, 10:03 pm

        why did they feel the need to ‘moderate” what i posted ? I will not EVER purchase anything for Guns America again. Period

        • CockyRocky October 6, 2017, 12:32 pm

          They probably thought your last name was offensive.

    • Monte craig October 6, 2017, 7:20 am

      The proposed bill bans any device that increases rate of fire.

  • Dewey October 5, 2017, 7:42 pm

    Guaranteed that the president will sign this, he’s a Republican after all. To all of you who think that the R means pro-gun, wake up. Also, there is no EFFECTIVE difference between simulated full-auto and real full-auto. Full-auto is a lot like playing with yourself, it’s a lot of fun until you turn 14 or 15. Grow the hell up.

    • hecliff45 October 5, 2017, 10:06 pm


  • Swen October 5, 2017, 7:18 pm

    Trump said for every new regulation 2 must be erased or did I hear wrong

    • Dewey October 5, 2017, 10:27 pm

      Yeah, hold a politician to a campaign promise. Let us know how well that works out.

  • Harold Cokayne October 5, 2017, 6:18 pm

    2017 Oct 05
    All citizens should have the right to self-defense along with protection of life and property by any means.
    I am a veteran and a father and believe that it is all citizens duty to protect each other.
    I also believe that the Second Amendment affirms the right of each citizen to use and own firearms with out any restriction of kind or type. This is so that each citizen can defend themselves and each other from the powers of a tyrannical government [like the prior Obama administration]. Simply our government and law-enforcement should NOT be able to own or have weapons that a citizen can not own.. Simply our communities should not even have SWAT / STRYKER Combat Vehicles.
    Simply Freedom is not free and any politician who subverts the US Constitution and Bill of Rights should be dutifully removed from office.
    signed Harold L Cokayne USN 1975-1992 ARNG 2007-2011 Retired

    • Dewey October 5, 2017, 10:11 pm

      Big talk, lead the way keyboard commando.

  • Ed October 5, 2017, 4:23 pm

    I agree. These are class 3 devices. Or should be.
    Ed Robinson,
    Benefactor Member

  • Marcus October 5, 2017, 3:58 pm

    No, no, no. No banning a worthless gimmicky toy without getting something back like attaching it to the SHARE Act and giving me my $200 back!

  • Gun Toting Democrat October 5, 2017, 3:58 pm

    It’s long past overdue…I’ve been a Life NRA Member longer than you’ve been alive…. It’s long past overdue that these sad desperate armchair Men Of War be pulled up short against & held accountable for the violence heaved upon this country by NRA supported Psychopaths hiding behind the 2nd Amendment…
    I would ask you, Mr. Blahnellberry what it is exactly you are speechless about? That it took so long to speak out or that the NRA FINALLY has the guts to stand up to the Rightwing Nut Jobs that have kidnapped 2nd Amendment for their own twisted Right/White violence laden agenda’s or the fact that by your actions & words You are as complicit in murder as the Sociopath that pull the trigger?….You and people like you (manufacturer’s included) should hang your heads in collective shame and pray to your “Christian” God for forgiveness…I promise that if that had been a crowd of Mexicans or Black People the NRA would have at worst invented some sort of Liberal Conspiracy, (that crap is already circulating across the darker side of the Internet) or at least remained silent on the entire matter..

    These are the first common sense words to come out of the NRA in far too long…
    I for One, welcome them…

    • Dewey October 5, 2017, 10:12 pm

      Well stated! Amen!

    • Dewey October 5, 2017, 10:26 pm

      Let’s not forget the redneck credo, “all gun laws are an infringement”. Let’s see what that would look like, no age restrictions,
      no background checks at all, handguns in vending machines? No thanks. I think that all gun transfers should include a background check and an IQ test. Can’t break 90 IQ? Sorry, no gun for you, but the Army recruiter will be happy to help you out.

    • George Smythe October 6, 2017, 4:33 am

      You’re a breath of fresh air in this here echo chamber, arent you! I bet you’re a handsome fella ta boot!

  • Greg miles October 5, 2017, 3:28 pm

    No new laws . This will weaken the nra

  • Rick Goodman October 5, 2017, 3:27 pm

    I present to you the NRA sacrificial lamb. They sacrifice this lamb in hopes that it will satiate the gun control gods but alas the gods are never satiated and those foolish enough to think a mere lamb is enough will find that they will only stop with the slaughter of all the sheep.

    • Dewey October 5, 2017, 10:20 pm

      Get over it. NOBODY is comin’ fer yer gunz. There is no need, you have no freedoms left, they allow you to have guns so that you can hold on to your ridiculous, patriotic fantasies of “throwing off the shackles of a tyrannical” government”. You might want to look into how much truth there is in any of the NRA’s fear-mongering claims. While you’re at it, look into how many Republicans have been responsible for gun control legislation. No doubt you’ll be surprised then you’ll be confused and finally, you will simply refuse to believe the truth.

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