Wowsers!!! ATN’s 1280 ThOR 5 XD Thermal Rifle Scope — SHOT Show 2023

in Mitchell Graf, SHOT Show 2023
Wowsers!!!  ATN's 1280 ThOR 5 XD Thermal Rifle Scope -- SHOT Show 2023
ATN 1280 ThOR 5 XD Thermal Rifle Scope

ATN came to SHOT Show 2023 with a sword and was out for blood. They just undercut everything in the world of thermals! They debuted a prototype for their all-new ThOR 5 XD (for “Extreme Definition”) thermal rifle scope with an MSRP of only $5,495.

While some of you will read this and scream about the price, consider that this is the second-ever 1280 thermal riflescope on the civilian market, and it costs $12,500 less than the competition.

GunsAmerica will eventually get one of these ThOR thermals to review to see how it performs in the field. But in the meantime, let’s take a look at the specs and features.

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  • Sensor: 1280×1024 60fps 12-Micron
  • Human Detection Range: 2150-4000
  • Core: ATN Gen V Quad Core T
  • Micro-Display: 1024×768 OLED Display
  • Eye Relief: 90mm
  • Video Recording Resolution: 1280×960 @ 60 FPS
  • Ballistics Calculator: Yes 
  • Mount: 30mm Standard Rings Included
  • WiFi (Streaming, Gallery & Controls): iOS & Andriod
  • Battery Life: 10 Hours
  • Waterproof Rating: Weather Resistant
  • Operating Temperature: -20 to 120 degrees Fahrenheit 
  • Warranty: 3 Years
  • *Specifications subject to change without notice

The most sought-after feature of thermal scopes is the clarity they provide. While many factors play into what sort of image the user ends up seeing, the biggest component to this is the type of thermal sensor used.

For quite some time thermals with 640 sensors dominated the market by providing the best clarity people could get and 320 sensors were the more budget-friendly alternative. Jump to mid-last year, and the first 1280 thermal showed up on the market. It provided four times more resolution than a 640 sensor and offered an extreme definition with wider fields of view. 

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ATN followed suit with the ThOR line and they are producing six different models of the ThOR 5 XD, three with a laser range finder built in, and three without.

Each group will have the following magnification options: 2-20, 3-30, and 4-40. The rep was telling us that the models that have the 1,000-yard rangefinder will also be able to calculate ballistics data onboard and then display holdovers on the display for taking shots at further distances. 

While there is a ton to unpack with electronic optics, the ThOR 5 XD features the same user interface as other ATN thermal scopes to keep things simple. There are multiple buttons on the top of the housing to zoom, video, power on/off, and adjust the settings. The front of the objective also has a manual focus for fine-tuning the image to whatever distance objects are being observed. 

Wowsers!!!  ATN's 1280 ThOR 5 XD Thermal Rifle Scope -- SHOT Show 2023
Controls on the top of the ATN 1280 ThOR 5 XD.

The ATN ThOR 5 XD will ship with a QD scope mount and should be available in 60-90 days. As previously stated, the starting MSRP for this thermal without a laser rangefinder is $5,500 and it will go up from here depending on the model.

While it may still seem like a lot to some readers, for those familiar with the world of thermals this is a game changer. As mentioned, GunsAmerica will be doing a full review down the road so stay tuned to see how this optic performs. 

The ThOR 5 XD has yet to be posted on ATN’s website, but you can still visit them HERE.

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About the author: Mitchell Graf is passionate about hunting and competition shooting. During college he was the shooting instructor for Oklahoma State’s Practical Shooting Team, and these days he spends as much time as he can chasing after pigs and coyotes with night vision and thermals. You can follow Mitchell’s adventures over at his Instagram @That_Gun_Guy_

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