White House Puzzled by Black Friday Gun Sales

in 2nd Amendment – R2KBA, Authors, Current Events, S.H. Blannelberry, This Week

(Editor’s note: This article was a submission from freelance writer Max Slowik)

At a daily briefing at the White House, press secretary and spokesman Josh Earnest was unable to provide an explanation for why Americans are buying more and more guns in record-setting numbers.

Americans bought more than 185,000 firearms on Black Friday, setting a new record for greatest number of background checks performed in a single day, edging out the previous record by about 6,000 checks.

“I don’t know [why], I really don’t,” said Earnest, writes the Washington Times. The briefing took place days after President Obama again called for increased gun control in response to the San Bernardino terrorist attacks.

“It’s tragic that in the immediate aftermath of a series of high-profile mass shootings, that people feel like they have to go out and purchase a gun,” said Earnest. “That ready access to guns and that proliferation of violent weapons of war has not led to fewer gun deaths. It’s tragic that even in the situation where we have lots of guns on the streets that lead to lots of innocent Americans being killed, that the response to that is that a whole lot more guns end up on the streets. That’s tragic and ironic.”

Earnest also pushed for the widely-panned “no-fly no-buy” list, a policy that would prevent anyone on the TSA no-fly watchlist from passing a background check to buy a gun.

“It is not our view that we should wait until somebody who’s on the no-fly list, walks into a gun store, legally purchases a gun, and kills a bunch of innocent Americans, before we pass a law preventing it,” he said. “That’s a common-sense view. The President believes that that’s in our national security and that’s why we believe quite strongly that Congress should take action…and close the no-fly no-buy loophole.”

The proposed legislation has been slammed by Second Amendment advocates and civil rights watchdogs on both sides of the political aisle, including both NRA and the ACLU.

The “no-fly no-buy” proposal would further deny Americans their rights without due process, behind a wall of government secrecy. Earnest was unable to say if this or any other proposed legislation could have prevented the San Bernardino attacks.

It’s hard to imagine that anyone at the White House has failed to link proposed gun control laws with the sale of firearms–after all, the President has had the nickname “Gun Salesman of the Year” since his first year in office. If anything, the confirmed presence of radical terrorists acting on U.S. soil has given Americans even more reason to buy guns.

With the President now in his last year in office, it’s easy to write off policies like these as last-ditch attempts to pass any anti-gun legislation; “no-fly no-buy” stretches “common sense” beyond its limits, to the alarm of people across the country. But it also shows just how far the current administration is willing to push the issue.

For the pro-gun community, it’s not a huge surprise to hear that there are politicians who would make a due process exemption for gun owners. But “no-fly no-buy” goes farther, putting it in black and white terms for everyone to see.

About the author: S.H. Blannelberry is the News Editor of GunsAmerica.

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  • Rem870 November 23, 2016, 4:55 pm

    People buy guns because the only solution to a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.

  • JoeUSooner October 14, 2016, 10:53 am

    “… proliferation of violent weapons of war has not led to fewer gun deaths.” Obvious insanity (denial of reality), at its most extreme.

    The FBI (and Obummer’s own Department of Justice) has publicly verified that the rate of all violent crime – including murder – in America has dropped to half(!!) of the rate in 1993… while gun ownership has doubled. What prevents this two-watt-bulb-for-a-brain from understanding, or even just recognizing – that? I repeat… obvious insanity (and a healthy dose of intentional dishonesty, of course. We ARE, after all, referring to Liberals/Socialists).

  • Patriot 2015 December 21, 2015, 4:02 pm

    This white house has been puzzled for the last seven years, vote in more Democrats

  • Surculus December 20, 2015, 5:02 pm

    Since there’s still apparently no official means for an individual to get themselves removed from the no-fly list, is it any wonder that the bruiting of a “no fly – no buy” EO from the White House press corps would lead to an increase in purchases?

    • Mark Bartholomew July 4, 2016, 7:43 am

      what happens when the White House decides gun owners should be on the no fly list?

  • R James Martin December 20, 2015, 2:27 pm

    Where is the Supreme Court? Are the media the only ones that their “prior restraint” precedent apply to? There are too many unconstitutional reasons a person has their 2nd Amendment rights abrogated already. If you can’t fly you can’s buy? How about borrow, or touch, or look at? Talk about a camels nose! You might not be able to buy a car because you might have an accident and injure someone? Somebody better come up with a licensing procedure for nannies before we are “prevented” to death.

  • Steve December 20, 2015, 10:46 am

    the gov’t just doesn’t get it!…. we are just as fearful of them( the gov’t) as we are of terrorists.

  • Bill Tilghman December 19, 2015, 6:09 am

    Josh Earnest is the Bagdad Bob of the White House staff. Frankly clueless and constantly lying is no way to grow up, Josh… These idiot-logues think if you don’t adhere to their set mindset, you must be an ignorant peon and are only worthy of being led around by the nose and treated like drones.

    November 8th 2016 is the day we let these elitist politically correct fools that we the people are in charge.

  • Kcurtis December 19, 2015, 12:55 am

    I wonder if this communist knows that the second amendment is put there so that we can protect ourselves from a tyranicle government. Obama wants to fundamentally transform America, into what I don’t know.

  • Rod December 18, 2015, 11:35 pm

    The 185,000 were the checks that were done for people that don’t have a CHL or LTC. How many guns were sold without the background check?

  • Chris Baker December 18, 2015, 8:35 pm

    Until the president can find it in his heart to protect us from the terrorists that he’s letting come in with the hundreds of thousands of refugees he can stick it where the sun doesn’t shine. The whole idea that someone on the no fly list, by accident or with no other reason can be deprived of a constitutionally guaranteed right is appalling to me. There is no due process involved in getting stuck on that list. No criminal record is needed, just someone saying “I don’t think he/she is safe to fly with” can get you on it. I think that even criminals who have served their sentence should not be deprived of their constitutional rights either. If they aren’t safe to let out don’t let them out. If they will never be safe (life sentence) execute them. All executions should be done as painlessly as possible since it’s not punishment. Punishment is to teach right from wrong. Only someone who is judged to not ever be able to learn right from wrong should be executed. If the criminal hasn’t learned right from wrong why are we letting them out? Makes no sense. If they have learned right from wrong, why shouldn’t they be allowed to have their constitutional rights restored upon release? If they convince the judicial system they’ve learned and then repeat or attempt to repeat, execute them. Allow one year or 6 months or something short for appeals and then get it done. Letting bad guys go is why there are so many criminals in the first place. So the no fly list is stupid. It would make everyone on the plane safer if I was on the plane with my handguns. Any normal, law abiding citizen should be able to be armed wherever they go. Restricting where you can bear your arms is an infringement to bear those arms. The second amendment is absolute. The only legal gun laws in this whole freaking country are the ones where it is a crime to use them to hurt other people unless it’s in self defense. I don’t know how many gun laws there are but most of them are unconstitutional.

  • Timbo December 18, 2015, 3:34 pm

    It would take about ten minutes for EVERY American gun owner (NRA member, Republican, or Tea Party conservative) to suddenly “appear” on their “no-fly” list.

  • Timbo December 18, 2015, 3:16 pm

    How long do you think it would take for every NRA member, registered Republican, and anyone who ever contributed to a conservative organization to suddenly “appear” on the no-fly list if we allowed them to enact legislation like that? Maybe ten minutes or so!

  • Bob December 18, 2015, 3:03 pm

    The good people at the White House are puzzled because they don’t understand that when seconds count, the Police are only minutes away. They are cocooned in Secret Service protection 24/7, so why would they want or need to think about self defense? Face it, the word ‘reality’ doesn’t have the same meaning in Washington, D.C., as it does in our communities.

  • Old Vet December 18, 2015, 2:28 pm

    If Odumbo were a General Staff Officer he would have been relieved of duty and shipped to Greenland or some other out of the way place by now. Then again he has caused the demise of several Staff Officers for questionable reasons himself?? Go figure!!

  • Larry December 18, 2015, 2:18 pm

    The blind leading the dumb & clueless. We must put adults into positions of power this time!

  • Rodney December 18, 2015, 1:53 pm

    ISIS Attacks France – Hollande bombs ISIS
    ISIS Attacks Russia – Putin bombs ISIS
    ISIS Attacks America – Obama Blames Guns

    • Chris Baker December 18, 2015, 8:37 pm

      And spoons made Michelle fat.

  • RAPTOR555 December 18, 2015, 1:38 pm

    Not having a clue of what happened just shows how disconnected this administration is from the reality of the real world.

  • Tom K December 18, 2015, 12:37 pm

    If we had Closed Borders, these illegals and no fly people would Not be in our country, and buying weapons to harm Americans. Obama has given them access to America, so what did He expect? Our Government’s Liberal policies have made this all possible, so don’t blame the law abiding armed citizen for govt’s. doing, which is their intent anyway.. To create enough chaos to bring about a new one world order.. God has foretold the end result in the Bible.. I used to think OB wanted to be an America’s dictator, but he’s not in power, but the people behind him, the Free Mason’s, the Jesuit order of Catholicism, are the ones calling the shots. It doesn’t matter who the President is, the goal has always been the same since the beginning of America..

  • dward December 18, 2015, 12:16 pm

    He doesn’t know why. Funny. Here is why. When you think you are going to take a right away from US citizens, they are going to make sure you don’t. When or if they ‘outlaw guns’ only outlaws will have guns’. That has been said many times. However, as I have absolutely no intention of turning in any of my guns, and as I believe the rest, or most of the rest, feel the same way, that only makes the owners of the 300million guns outlaws. So, I guess I would then fit that saying. What is it another great American said “from these cold dead hands”.

  • James D Langham December 18, 2015, 11:49 am

    The answers are simple. Due to the San Berdu event the people who are for gun ownership hear the anti gun advocates and Government officials wanting to stop the sale of guns. A law has been proposed to hold gun manufacturers libal for people using a firearm to cause injury or death. This would be the same as holding the auto manufacturers libal for drivers causing injury or death. This would be the same for gun or auto dealers as proposed by some politicians. Note that more people are injured and killed by automobiles every year than guns. A majority of violent crimes involve the use of an automobile, maybe we should ban autos from being sold to the public.Or as a minimum do a background check including the no fly list for all sales and transfer of autos.

    We need to identify what drives people to the deliberately takind the life of others. The vast majority of people abhore the killing of another. On a final note Timothy Mcveay kill over 100+ people without the use of a gun, just commonly available chemicals and an automobile. Our politicians are as much at fault for spreading anger and fear as the mentality unbalanced pundits. Stop the hate.

  • Scott E. High December 18, 2015, 11:38 am

    This White House has always been puzzled about everything. A weak and insecure manager in the business world often surrounds himself/herself with “Yes Men” in order to maintain the status quo and avoid being out thought. Since this president doesn’t appear to be the sharpest tool in the box, the “tools” surrounding him simply reinforce his inadequacy.

  • CKS December 18, 2015, 11:29 am

    Puzzeling the white house is not a difficult task!!! We allow IDIOTS to drive the bus!!!

  • Lemuel December 18, 2015, 11:10 am

    Letter to Mr. President and Congress

    The continuing and growing purchase of firearms by United States Citizens are a manifestation of fear. Fear of not only terrorist, but also the fear of a run-away government’s ever growing desire to take away our liberties and rights. The President (dumb ass) seeks to disarm law abiding Americans. Is he afraid we will rise up and declare our government repressive? Is he preparing the way for the restriction of defense against foreign and domestic subjugation of the American Citizens? The IRS can already seize assets, levy repressive taxation and deprive citizens of their freedom without due process. Our congressmen and legislatures (You blinded by greed and power bastards) should take note of our forefather’s rebellion against taxation without representation. The government has infringed on our liberties and freedom saying it is acting in defense of terrorist and criminals. I once read where the actions of George Washington would have been seen as terrorism.
    I went to war when my government called. Now do I need to consider going to war against my government.
    Why are American citizens buying weapons at an increasing rate? “BECAUSE WE CAN AND THE GOVERNMENT KEEPS THREATING TO TAKE OUR 2ND AMENDMENT RIGHTS AWAY”

    • AmericanMan December 18, 2015, 11:33 am

      Isn’t it just pure justice that the Democratic Party’s symbol is the Jackass!

      • Chris Baker December 18, 2015, 8:41 pm

        It’s an insult to jackasses everywhere. They should use the serpent as their mascot animal. Same serpent that tempted Eve and Adam in the Garden.

  • Dwight December 18, 2015, 10:56 am

    The usual from the administration.
    So, folks, I have a question – heres how my conversation goes with an anti gunner:
    When they say look at all the deaths that could be prevented – I then compare gun deaths to car deaths or drunk driving deaths and say how you want to fix those, pass more laws for drivers and drinkers?? Then they say well if it just saves 1 its worth it. Then I say ban booze and drugs then it will save more than one life – right? And ban abortion that will save thousands!
    Then they say you really dont need more guns, or any guns, guns are not needed., I say, you dont need more shoes or more outfits but you want them! Then i get the reply, well you can live without guns but not without shoes. Well then i say you can live without booze but how did that go over in the 1930’s ??? Then they say, well guns only reason is to kill. I say they are also for sport, for skills matching in target shooting, for hunting, and for self defense !!! Then they say well guns still aren’t needed and you are a nut..
    That’s how my conversation with a aniti gunner goes. Any ideas on a new tactic?

  • AmericanMan December 18, 2015, 10:25 am

    Josh Earnest…another tool of pre-programmed stupidity. In case you are reading this, Josh:
    A major act of terror/murder occurs in the least likely of places…a Christmas party…which translates to the average American as: “If it could happen there, it can happen here.”
    I know you are just reading from the script they give you, but to actually say, “It’s tragic that in the immediate aftermath of a series of high-profile mass shootings, that people feel like they have to go out and purchase a gun,” is the height of liberal absurdity!!!
    Josh, when a killing/terror act like that in Paris or San Bern happens, the NORMAL response is to take steps to protect yourself and your family…this means purchasing a home or personal defense weapon. THAT is why gun sales spiked…and also because Americans love good deals…which happen on Black Friday.
    When threats happen, smart, self-reliant people take steps to be responsible for themselves and those they love. On the other hand, liberals tend to stick their collective heads in the sand and cry and whine saying, “Make it all just go away!”
    This Administration with its bevy of fools like Earnest is such a blight and embarrassment to America. God, please help us get through these final 13-months. Save us from this clown show.

  • Pat Bryan December 18, 2015, 10:20 am

    The real problem, not mentioned of course in the article, is that the gun owners and gun owner wannabes have been so marinated in NRA and right wingnut propaganda that anytime a government official begins to discuss anything like the regulation of firearms sales, the gun folks just cease all rational discussion and man the battlements.
    Do you not understand that much of this is just a firearms marketing gimmick?
    Take for instance the new Democrats sponsored gun bill. This has absolutely no chance of passing because of its irrational definition of the guns it wants to prevent. That is plain to you and me. The law will go nowhere, like all the irrational gun control attempts before it.
    However, NRA and the right wingnuts will step up their propagandization, continue to drive for more members and more money, and spread hatred fear and lies.
    Constitutional originalists, such as we have on the Supreme Court now, could easily define the second amendment as applying now just like when it was written: you can own as many guns as you want.
    As long as they are all single shot caplocks.The real problem, not mentioned of course in the article, is that the gun owners and gun owner wannabes have been so marinated in NRA and right wingnut propaganda that anytime a government official begins to discuss anything like the regulation of firearms sales, the gun folks just cease all rational discussion and man the battlements.
    Do you not understand that much of this is just a firearms marketing gimmick?
    Take for instance the new Democrats sponsored gun bill. This has absolutely no chance of passing because of its irrational definition of the guns it wants to prevent. That is plain to you and me. The law will go nowhere, like all the irrational gun control attempts before it.
    However, NRA and the right wingnuts will step up their propagandization, continue to drive for more members and more money, and spread hatred, fear and lies.
    Constitutional originalists, such as we have on the Supreme Court now, could easily define the second amendment as applying now just like when it was written: you can own as many guns as you want.
    As long as they are all single shot caplocks.

  • Tripwire December 18, 2015, 10:15 am

    How did almost a million people get on this no fly list? That’s a number I’ve heard spoken of, not one I know for for sure, but again, how did they get there? Who are they? How many are 80 year old granny’s ? Is it people who have spoken out against Government intrusion into their lives? Hell, I may be on that list, I’ll never know because I don’t fly.
    As for owning guns, I do, because I like guns, I like shooting guns, I like owning all I can afford, I don’t shoot most of the ones I own very often but I like knowing I have them, but my main reason is I don’t trust my Government, I don’t trust the people that twice voted for Obama, they have proven twice that they are not concerned with what’s best for America, they are stupid enough to vote for an obvious communist hack, also I suspect he’s a Muslim which is fine, it’s his right, but he has proven time and time again that he will side with Muslims over Americans every time, he has done everything he can to destroy my country so no I don’t trust those who voted for him, I trust myself and a very few friends, others will have to prove themselves. So I own guns to protect myself and my country from stupid fools like this white house hack Learner.
    For me it’s simple, don’t like porn, don’t look at it, don’t like booze, don’t drink it, don’t like guns, don’t own one, but get out of my face about it, I like a drink once in a while and any man who says he don’t enjoy seeing a good looking woman naked is not somebody I care to be around, and I like guns.
    End of story.

  • Big Bob December 18, 2015, 10:11 am

    ROTFLMAO!!!!! They really DON’T get it do they?

  • GOD & GUNS SUPPORTER December 18, 2015, 10:06 am

    Yes, I can see the Whitehouse is puzzled, but, isn’t that the normal state of the administration – out of touch with reality, and living in their dream world? Obama thinks he’s king,and that dog won’t hunt!!

  • Ratster December 18, 2015, 10:02 am

    If they are “puzzled” by this they have no business running the country. Nobody could be that stupid.

  • Griffendad December 18, 2015, 10:02 am

    I heard the Administration just sold Taiwan 1.5 billion dollars of weaponry. Who’s in the gun trafficking business now….
    I’m sure all pieces will be accounted for upon arrival and will be distributed to the appropriate individuals who have passed an Americanized background check.

  • donald comfort December 18, 2015, 10:01 am

    Unfortunately there are many,many things on which this administration is Very confused about, firearms being just one,

  • Steve Harmon December 18, 2015, 9:55 am

    Poor Josh, clueless once again. Good news though Joshy, not one of the victims had a gun, right? Ha ha ha ha, You can’t fix stupid. #PCFree

  • Bill December 18, 2015, 9:49 am

    Once again this administration confirms what every sensible law abiding American knows: OBAMA AND HIS MINIONS HAVEN’T GOT A CLUE!!!

  • Joe C. December 18, 2015, 9:37 am

    Simple: The public feels compelled to be responsible for their own protection because the govt. is invested in amplifying racial division, backing thugs that get shot by police and responsible citizens and incompetent in homeland security and foreign policy (and everything else for that matter)…just saying.

  • Keith Rockefeller December 18, 2015, 9:29 am

    Their ideology blinds them to the fact that what they believe in is not in line with what the majority of Americans, basic human nature, or simple reality.

  • Ken Grenier December 18, 2015, 9:28 am

    The White House and their brain dead slaves are great at shifting focus away from the real issues with gun control.

    No matter how many controls that might be put in place, the tally of murders are mostly done by criminals with stolen guns as are the thousands of Black-On-Black murders in all major cities.

  • ibjj December 18, 2015, 9:27 am

    Our news media carry a large portion of the blame for these slaughters. History repeats itself: As with the terrorist attacks and ransom attempts on civilian passenger airliners some years ago, until the mainstream media cease their constant barrage of sensationalistic journalism, the attacks will continue.
    Too many “me-too” attacks have already been perpetrated…when the glory hounds no longer get media coverage and their moment in the sun, the atrocities will cease. Make the event a 1 column inch on page three, not 1 inch headlines on page one with supporting pronouncements by the president of the United States. And contrary to his denials, Obama loves these atrocities, since they help push his various gun control agendas. (Lo mismo por el Bitcho’)
    A sidelight to this is the bean counters in the front office, sensationalism brings viewers, hence higher Nielson Ratings, followed by advertising dollars… for potato chips, trucks, and colas.
    The biggest scumbag glory hound extant is a news person. ALL newscasts should be scrolled down a screen as a printed page only, (no deep cleavage announcers) …devoid of any commercial advertising, and the editorializing of news should be outlawed. Take it to an editorial (aka opinion) page.

    A side note to the Editor-the word “president” was intentionally not capitalized. He doesn’t rate it!!!

  • blh557 December 18, 2015, 9:25 am

    So, essentially, “Pre-Crime” in action minus the “Precogs”… hmmm, where have I heard that, before?

    “May the FARCE be with you!” (New Josh Earnest saying)

  • John December 18, 2015, 9:03 am

    Now I know why the country is in trouble, these guys cant figure out the basics.

  • Rick December 18, 2015, 8:40 am

    Interesting he couldn’t answer the question.. The mass shooters were not on any list..
    So passing more laws to accomplish, What ?????
    Why aren’t we looking at these people and trying to find the common link with them….Tv, child abuse, single parents ????
    Go after the problem not the weapon. Anything can be used as a weapon…..

  • Chris December 18, 2015, 8:35 am

    Does anyone here know anyone who is on the “no fly list”?

    Best I can figure potential terrorist on are one the no fly list.

    Seriously, you don’t want to let a student into the US because she is muslim but you will let a person known to have terrorist connections buy a gun?

    NRA Life member

    • Methadras December 18, 2015, 4:58 pm

      Even people on the no-fly list wouldn’t know they are on the no fly list.

    • Altoids December 19, 2015, 11:07 am

      Dude! You don’t have to be a terrorist to end up on the no-fly list. Ted Kennedy ended up on it. Six year olds have been found on it. It’s almost arbitrary.

      …and if this is approved, you can bet the entire membership of the NRA will wind up there

  • Chris December 18, 2015, 8:35 am

    Does anyone here know anyone who is on the “no fly list”?

    Best I can figure potential terrorist on are one the no fly list.

    Seriously, you don’t want to let a student into the US because she is muslim but you will let a person known to have terrorist connections buy a gun?

    NRA Life member

  • Jay December 18, 2015, 8:27 am

    The obummer administration has been the best firearms/ammunition sales administration in the history of the USA and they haven’t got a clue! That’s par for the course!

  • Mark December 18, 2015, 7:53 am

    Our county is 27 miles wide by 25 miles high.
    We normally have 2 patrolling cars on the road 24-7 unless it is lunch time.
    If there is a fire or major accident at the opposite corner of the county,and someone is breaking into your house, you have a 25 min. Response time.
    The sheriff dept. Is doing the best they can, but a lot can happen to your family in 25 minutes while waiting for police protection.
    And don’t quite there, participate in ID PA shoots,and learn the basics.
    And take your wife too, I want her to be able to find the safety, reload,,and safely shoot, even in the dark.

  • Bullmark December 18, 2015, 7:36 am

    Have all the Politicians give up their bodyguards with their weapons and see if they continue to sing the same tune. We need to elect people that believe in the Constitution they are sworn to protect.

  • Lowndes December 18, 2015, 7:36 am

    He’s just the PAID LIAR doin his job.

    Ask him if the Paris, France, terrorists could have pulled off the same attack in TEXAS.

    I’ll tell you what would have happened: 500 people in the concert audience would have stood up and SHOT THE TERRORISTS TO PIECES. Then they would dump the pieces in the trash and continued with the concert. Ask THE PAID LIAR about that.

  • Gary December 18, 2015, 7:15 am

    They don’t understand that they have lost the faith of the American people,
    Hey Washington DC….we don”t trust you!

  • BigC December 18, 2015, 7:11 am

    Is ANYONE surprised by this? This White House is puzzled by EVERYTHING!!!!!

  • Magic Rooster December 18, 2015, 6:54 am

    All this from an administration that just signed the NDAA , putting 100,000 surplus 1911s up for sale. Imagine 100k more “military style/type” guns “on the street”.
    The phrase “on the streets” applies to criminals, not the law abiding citizens who LEGALLY purchased firearms on BF.
    What a joke, but the media is hard selling and the moronic sheep are listening.

  • Anon45guy December 18, 2015, 6:43 am

    Captain Obvious to the White House:

    We’ll give you a hint…185,000 guns were sold because, well, we like guns.

    Your rhetoric on guns being the problem is ridiculous. Especially given ‘Fast and Furious’ – heck, you armed some of these bad guys.

  • DAVID December 18, 2015, 6:37 am

    The White House is stupid – like a fox.

  • Jerry December 18, 2015, 6:29 am

    BECAUSE, the WH is loaded up with incompetent MORONS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Jack December 18, 2015, 6:24 am

    It is probably not too hard to puzzle this white house.

  • Roger December 18, 2015, 6:21 am

    They have begun to use the term “common sense” to describe what they think needs to be done. Common sense to them maybe, but not to people who have common sense, per se.They are just trying to hoodwink people.

  • John December 18, 2015, 5:45 am

    QUOTE ““That ready access to guns and that proliferation of violent weapons of war has not led to fewer gun deaths. That’s tragic and ironic.”

    What’s tragic and ironic is that this guy doesn’t know the FBI data shows that he’s wrong. But AGAIN it doesn’t stop the anti-gunners from spouting the same lies over & over….I guess either they think we’ll eventually buy it, or they are trying to convince themselves.

    • Bill Tilghman December 19, 2015, 6:15 am

      Absolutely correct – they never heard a lie that the weren’t happy as a clam to gleefully proclaim as a true fact.

  • James D Langham December 18, 2015, 5:21 am

    The answers are simple. Due to the San Berdu event the people who are for gun ownership hear the anti gun advocates and Government officials wanting to stop the sale of guns. A law has been proposed to hold gun manufacturers libal for people using a firearm to cause injury or death. This would be the same as holding the auto manufacturers libal for a drivers causing injury or death. This would be the same for gun or auto dealers as proposed by some politicians. Note that more people are injured and killed by automobiles every year than guns. A majority of violent crimes involve the use of an automobile, maybe we should ban autos from being sold to the public.Or as a minimum do a background check including the no fly list for all sales and transfer of autos.

    We need to identify what drives people to the deliberately takind the life of others. The vast majority of people abhore the killing of another. On a final note Timothy Mcveay kill over 100+ people without the use of a gun, just commonly available chemicals and an automobile. Our politicians are as much at fault for spreading anger and fear as the mentality unbalanced pundits. Stop the hate.

    • Mike C December 18, 2015, 10:11 am

      Cars and driver error kill more people each week than just about anything else- it’s equivalent to a jumbo jet crashing each week with full load of passengers. If the gov is truly concerned with preserving lives, regulate cars / drivers licenses, and leave the gun topic (2A!) alone. The San Berdu idtiots and other grave lawbreakers don’t get guns legally anyway, no amount of regulation or stupid control laws will ever prevent that. Bogus regulation will only keep us law abiding citizens unarmed and vulnerable.

    • EW December 19, 2015, 9:09 pm

      And we can directly tie the reason that most Americans don’t know the answer to that question…why do people hate & kill…to the effort of that same Enemy Intelligence/New World Order. It has been hard @ work for over 100 years making sure it has engineered our country to where the answer eludes the common man. That would be teaching kids the Bible…in school & @ home…even @ what passes for “church” or “Bible study”. When we know what’s between Genesis & Revelation, we know Who made us, why we are here, how we should live, & why we hate & kill…the latter being because we suck. Suck meaning we rejected our Master, so we’re living in a broken universe because we asked for it. How is suppressing the knowledge of The Christ workin out for us here in the good ol’ USA? How is the indoctrination of generations of Americans in the religion of “evolution” workin out for us? NOT GOOD, PEOPLE…NOT GOOD. Really, think about it…what reason do you have to take care of anyone else, put anyone else’s interests before yours w/out doing it to honor God? Any other reason is selfish, works-based, just checking a box. If we knew God as a people, we would be enjoying each other, doing hard things to help people out, & seeing people like God sees them…WORTH SOMETHING, WORTH YOUR TIME, VALUABLE. I think most of you would agree that you don’t shoot or blow up people when you’re busy taking care of them, waving @ them, holding doors open for them, or having them over for dinner or out to lunch to see how they’re doing.

  • Brian December 18, 2015, 3:41 am

    Ask the worse President ever if it would be fair for those on those lists who cannot own or purchase a gun also shouldn’t be able to vote.
    God Bless the USA and Springfield Armory!

  • Gary December 16, 2015, 9:24 am

    So essentially with the no fly no buy we are punishing people before they break any laws? How is that anywhere close to common sense? Mr Ernest honest law abiding Americans exercising their 2nd amendment rights and buying a gun does not put “weapons of war” on the streets. Do not equate us to the people who would do harm in order to push your agenda! If you really can’t figure it out the reason we buy guns is because we want to. Either for safety, or sport, of simple because we like them. Same reason people buy cars or houses or anything else. Owning a GUN DOES NOT make you evil. Your actions do. Actions like trying to deny people their rights or pushing your views on someone else regardless of how much you harm them and discount their beliefs.

    • Michael December 18, 2015, 7:58 am

      Demonrats don’t know the meaning of “common sense”. If they did, bringing Muslims to OUR country would be banned completely. Common sense is controlling our borders, not having gun free zones, not turning over large parts of our food supply to foreigners, jailing lawbreakers such as Obama and Hillary, and most of all keeping God in our schools and everything else we do.

      • Dale December 18, 2015, 9:20 am

        AMEN, I am with you 100%!!!!

      • Jim December 18, 2015, 10:10 am

        It is anything but common sense if this president believes it is common sense.

      • Greg b December 20, 2015, 4:10 pm

        “the more the words the less the truth”… Proverbs .don’t listen to these long government all rhetoric filled soliloquies. Thank you for your excellent description of our current situation.

    • Robert December 18, 2015, 9:45 am

      Gary, very good assessment. Now pull a copy and mail it to Ernest at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Washington, DC. But, no matter how sensible your argument the progressives are about control, not freedoms or honoring their oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States. They probably take copies of that to start up their fires in their fireplaces causing more carbon in the air.

  • cameron December 15, 2015, 11:17 pm

    So who is considered a terrorist they could say anyone is if you stock up on ammo water food etc you are considered a terrorist. They could no fly list anyone for the dumbest reasons and its funny the first thing he says is about national defense which is their fall back when they bs someone hoping to shut them up.

  • Tom Horn December 15, 2015, 5:35 pm

    Gee! They can never figure out why any Americans would want to exercise their Constitutional right to protect themselves.

    Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. The Great and Powerful Oz will take care of you.

  • Dave December 15, 2015, 11:13 am

    He’s not puzzled. He knows the reason and doesn’t want to confirm it.

    • trugrits December 18, 2015, 11:24 am

      He doesn’t want to admit people are not falling for their propaganda lies and people do believe that guns protect law abiding citizens better than calling 911. The government only has one agenda in mind concerning gun control and it is take the guns away so the citizens are at the zero mercy of the government. The present government is the biggest threat to the citizens, period end of story.
      It doesn’t take an Einstein to realize why mass murders happen in gun free zone. Only one that doesn’t understand that is the government. OOPS! Who am I kidding? The government knows exactly why that is same as the mass murderers know why. People are sitting ducks without guns.

  • taxx73 December 14, 2015, 8:42 pm

    Hey white house here’s a simple answer. We won’t be victims anymore!! LEAVE OUR RIGHTS ALONE!!!!

    • Tom thumb December 18, 2015, 6:53 am

      That’s right go fuck with other shit… dumb ass

    • DavidG December 18, 2015, 2:02 pm

      The man is just another obama pawn pushing for something only the new world order government wants. If we were to actually give up guns they would ram the United Nations troops right down our throats and then we will have another nazi germany concentration camps all over the USA people being murdered left and right by new world order troops on USA ground. This man needs to be voted out of office along with all the socialists democrats. They are no good for this country and will bring the country to its knees before destroying the country.

      • DavidG December 18, 2015, 2:06 pm

        It’s my right to speak my mind not be censored by people like you. Wake up this is still America post my comment or be branded a socialist democrat.

        • Winston December 19, 2015, 12:27 am

          US politicians ( both parties ) are not socialists- they are all fascists. Fascists believe in an expanding police/ military State, corporate empowerment and ownership of State assets, one- sided nationalism ( with us or against us ), carefully defined scapegoats to create fear and mobilize the police power of the State, distorted religious views bordering on fundamentalism, and military worship and military adventurism.