WashPo Freelance Writer: ‘I own guns. But I hate the NRA’

in 2nd Amendment – R2KBA, Authors, S.H. Blannelberry, This Week

David Fellerath has a beard, so he must be credible. WashPo describes him as “a freelance writer, hunter and community organizer.”

David Fellerath is a freelance writer who recently penned a op-ed for the Washington Post entitled, “I own guns. But I hate the NRA.”

It’s exactly the type of misguided nonsense you’d expect from a closet anti-gunner. I’ll break down some of the excerpts from it.

“I own guns. But I hate the NRA”

Let’s start with the title of the article. Everyone is entitled to an opinion. And certainly the National Rifle Association is far from a perfect organization. It has its flaws. But even those who have serious disdain for the gun lobby’s inflammatory rhetoric and doomsday prognosticating have to acknowledge that if the NRA didn’t exist, one’s Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms would not be what it is today. There’s no doubt that America would have gone the way of Europe with respect to firearms if it weren’t for the continued efforts of the NRA.

So, yeah, you can not like em, I guess. But as a gun owner you have to respect their grind and the way they’ve been able to keep gun-grabbers from gutting the 2A.

“But when a U.S. congresswoman was shot in the face, the NRA made certain that no law was passed that would have made her safer.”

Law don’t make people “safer.” Laws work retroactively in that they mainly provide a framework for the legal system to adjudicate how one ought to be punished for acting in a certain (unlawful) manner.  Sure, to a marginal degree laws work as a deterrent to many citizens, but not to those drug dealers, gang bangers and sociopaths who break laws on a daily basis.

Would more laws have stopped the Charleston Shooter, the Sandy Hook Shooter or the Aurora, Colorado, shooter?

Don’t think so. If one wants to create a “safer” environment for oneself and family one has many options (guard dogs, security alarms, less-lethal weaponry), but the optimal action is to become an armed and trained citizen as one’s relative safety is ultimately proportional to their capacity to handle a threat or a danger.

“My guns are long guns, intended for hunting and skeet shooting. Relatively few crimes are committed with hunting weapons, which are designed to shoot animals, not humans. (In fact, knives are more commonly used to commit murder than long guns.) Meanwhile, the death toll from handguns is staggering, especially when we remember that the majority of gun deaths are suicides.”

Subtly, Fellerath is suggesting that the Second Amendment is about hunting and sports shooting. It’s not. It was created to defend against tyranny.

Moreover, he is insinuating that handguns ought to be banned, noting that most gun-related homicides involve the use of handguns. Yet, what he fails to mention is the staggering number of defensive gun uses where good guys with handguns used them to defend themselves, their property and/or their loved ones. Estimates suggest that there are at the very least 100,000 DGUs each year, a large percentage of which undoubtedly involve the use of handguns.

If one is going to be honest about the effect handguns have on society, one needs to examine all the relevant stats, not just the one’s that fit one’s agenda.

“Rather than being our American birthright, gun ownership should be a privilege earned after thorough examination and training, like driving a car. But in 21st-century America, arms-bearing is an inalienable right, thanks to 27 anachronistic words of a constitution ratified in an 18th-century world of slow-loading muskets.”

Again, Fellerath loses sight of the true intent of the Second Amendment, which is to safeguard against tyranny. By protecting one’s natural right to self-defense and one’s fundamental right to keep and bear arms, the founders and framers were also ensuring that a free people would remain free. There is nothing anachronistic about it, as dictators, despots and hegemonic regimes are always a threat to liberty.

As weapons technology evolves it only makes sense for a citizenry to keep up with the times.


These are just a few of the problems with Fellerath’s article. There are more. If you want to be mildly amused by the author’s misguidedness, you can check out the article by clicking here.

About the author: S.H. Blannelberry is the News Editor of GunsAmerica.

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  • OFBG July 8, 2015, 10:31 pm

    I’ve seen these “I’m a gunowner, hunter..whatever, but I don’t agree with the NRA” arguments for decades. In fact, some 30 years ago I might have agreed with them (for different reasons). But that was then, this is now.
    What disturbed and angered me the most about Fellerath’s piece was his opinion that every time an atrocity like the Charleston shooting occurs, the NRA trots out the same “obscene” response, that if the victims had been armed they could have shot back. How, precisely, is that any more obscene than the reaction by people like him that when such shootings occur, “the NRA has blood on its hands?”

    • Tom Horn July 9, 2015, 10:53 am

      “… NRA trots out the same “obscene” response, that if the victims had been armed they could have shot back. How, precisely, is that any more obscene than the reaction by people like him that when such shootings occur, “the NRA has blood on its hands?”

      Look, America has always been a dangerous place, always will be. With Freedom come risk and responsibility. What is obscene about protecting our children and loved-ones. We supply bodyguards for the President, Senators, Congressmen, and I am sure Mayor Bloomburg has a large contingent of bodyguards. I love my children much more than any of them. Why would we not provide them with the same protection for children while they are in school. Liberal, politically correct, hog wash!

      And, if you are a firearms owner and do not belong to an organization that is fighting to preserve our second amendment rights in the face of the ongoing attacks against them, you are a leech.

  • contract44 July 8, 2015, 12:09 am

    A tried and true liberal tactic is purport to be the voice of reason coming from your fellow gun owners, that we are being unreasonable to support handgun ownership. If we are fighting each other, the liberals hoot in delight. If we don’t stand firm, you can bet all of us with guns will become felons when the 2nd Amendment is no more. We will not like the country where good guys have to go underground.

  • Jerry July 6, 2015, 8:49 pm

    I read a publication called the “Rifleman” each month and one of the things I learned from the articles was the ongoing efforts of the NRA to keep our 2nd amend. freedoms. Many times the NRA fights stupid court rulings that infringe on those rights by initiating lawsuits to fight the court decisions. Many times the NRA has made significant progress in those cases. That is the main reason I just became a “Life” member. If you have ever been in a situation where someone is intent on taking your life, or that of your family, then you will appreciate the laws that allow you to defend yourself with the same weapons that the criminals use to violate laws.
    It will never be possible to remove all weapons from the criminals and as long as they have the means to take your life, then you should have the right of self defense.

  • SEAN KENDALL July 6, 2015, 4:31 pm

    If this author thinks that his long guns will be over looked by the gun grabbers (not with standing his assumptive rewrite of the purpose of the 2nd A) he is a fool. When they came for the hand guns, I stood by and didn’t say anything. When they came for the assault weapons, I stood by and didn’t say anything. When they outlawed hunting and took my scoped rifles and shotguns, I didn’t like it but I understood it was for the greater good. When they outlawed all self defense with bats or other force multipliers I understood that we had to keep society safe for all of us. When they invaded my home and took all my surplus or hoarded food because of the food shortages they caused by other regulations and my children starved – I finally understood what freedom is about. Now, the party heads and petty local bureaucrats live high on the hog (that I used to hunt) and we proles are pressed into work gangs to serve the greater good I wish I had a gun to shoot myself with.

    • FH July 6, 2015, 10:13 pm

      “I finally understood what freedom was about.” Thought provoking and emotional but absolutely spot-on. I wonder how many people in Poland, Austria and France thought the same thing?
      United we stand. God bless us all and Semper Fi to the end.

      • Scott July 7, 2015, 10:46 pm

        Outstanding Marine – Semper Fi!! I fear we will always be flawed – due to the concept of if we forget to learn from the past we will be doomed to repeat it!! Ignorance is Bliss!! Molon labe, for the true Spartan!!

  • DaveGinOly July 6, 2015, 3:30 pm

    “My guns are long guns, intended for hunting and skeet shooting. Relatively few crimes are committed with hunting weapons, which are designed to shoot animals, not humans. (In fact, knives are more commonly used to commit murder than long guns.) Meanwhile, the death toll from handguns is staggering, especially when we remember that the majority of gun deaths are suicides.”

    He seems to be making an argument that HE is less dangerous because he owns long guns, as if it’s the firearm that makes people dangerous. The corollary to that line of thought is that he believes OTHERS are more dangerous with handguns because HE would be more dangerous with handguns. This is called “projection,” an affliction of many liberal minds.

    “Rather than being our American birthright, gun ownership should be a privilege earned after thorough examination and training, like driving a car. But in 21st-century America, arms-bearing is an inalienable right, thanks to 27 anachronistic words of a constitution ratified in an 18th-century world of slow-loading muskets.”

    Aside from the right v. privilege argument (which is a good argument), there is a very practical reason why firearms and cars are not analogous. A gun being carried in public is holstered (or slung, in the case of a long arm) and only becomes a potential threat to others if actually employed by the bearer. Day in and day out, tens of thousands (if not hundreds of thousands) of Americans carry firearms in public that are never actually deployed or put into use. On the other hand, the automobile becomes a threat to everyone in or near its path as soon as it starts to move, and a large part of the operator’s duty is to assure that it remains under his or her control such that injury to others and damage to property does not result. Automobiles are actually used in public, and they are potential threats all nearby whenever they are in use. The common use of an automobile represents an imminent and constant threat that a carried weapon does not.

    I have stock response to the “anachronism” argument. My response is, “Yes, that is true; the founders never imagined such weapons as we have today in the hands of the citizenry. But it is equally true that the founders never imagined such weapons in the hands of government. Which do you think they would fear more? Which do you think they would have considered the greater threat to personal liberty and good government?”

    • studi30 July 9, 2015, 10:13 am

      Japan has the highest suicide rate in the world. Japan doesn’t permit its citizens to own guns.

  • Larry July 6, 2015, 2:07 pm

    There are lots of terrorists & common thugs who own guns. It appears that little David here could be either, probably both. A real POS for sure.

  • davud July 6, 2015, 1:22 pm

    *** an 18th-century world of slow-loading muskets.”***

    actually, the framers were well aware of vastly more powerful weapons in the hands of civilians – namely, artillery pieces. merchant shippers would commonly outfit their vessels with cannon to fend off pirates.

  • eray July 6, 2015, 12:41 pm

    The second US military turns its weapons on an American, it will no longer be US Military , it will be an invading enemy of American and Americans. The responding American citizens under attack will then be the US Military. Then, whoever wins , wins. Thatt is just the way it is and has been throughout time.

  • DBC July 6, 2015, 12:25 pm

    This douche is not a gun user, probably a Bloomberg stooge!

  • Original intent July 6, 2015, 12:00 pm

    “slow loading musket….” … I have always loved this argument. Depending on how you look at (if you limit your options to black and white, zero real thinking) either the 2nd amendment applies to muskets because “hey that was what they had at the time” Or the 2nd amendment written in a time when the main line, top end military technology was a musket (or a muzzle loading rifle) and intended civilians access to front line military hardware. Now because most people can process at least some nuance, The 2nd amendment as usefully/honestly interpreted obviously did not fore see nuclear weapons or even mass fire rocket artillery etc.., and would never have sanctioned civilian ownership of such. It clearly was not the intent of the framers to limit civilians to the musket as firearms technology evolved… oh and pistols existed in the 1700s and before, so I can only assume the framers, intended those and their decedents to be covered by THE 2nd as well.

    • DaveGinOly July 6, 2015, 3:42 pm

      Knives and swords of all shapes and sizes also existed at the time, but you never here an opponent of the 2nd Amendment supporting the right of the people to keep and bear edged “arms” of any and all types, because their use of the “anachronism” argument is insincere.

      • RetNavet July 6, 2015, 7:51 pm

        In 2011, there was 323 murders committed with a rifle but 496 murders committed with hammers and clubs. In 2005, the number of murders committed with a rifle was 445, while the number of murders committed with hammers and clubs was 605. In 2006, the number of murders committed with a rifle was 438, while the number of murders committed with hammers and clubs was 618. Another interesting fact: According to the FBI, nearly twice as many people are killed by hands and fists each year than are killed by murderers who use rifles. It seems fairly obvious that if more people had a gun, less people would be inclined to try to hit them in the head with a hammer.

  • Anthony July 6, 2015, 11:44 am

    Those are some of the dumbest comments I have ever heard. Everything this parasite aforementioned is inaccurate….
    I expect that his shooting skills are the same his knowledge of weapon tactics/battle skills. Remember folks
    infiltration” of real gun groups is our true enemy….. This individual is one of the infiltrator’s- his words are NOT ours….

  • Monica July 6, 2015, 11:36 am

    He reminds me of the urban dwellers who want a safer neighborhood, but hate the cops.

  • Ferd Berfel July 6, 2015, 11:33 am

    Community Organizer? Yeah…so basically they are just trying to say he doesn’t have a job.

  • Otis B July 6, 2015, 11:26 am

    Mark R. you are not a Marine in any form, claiming so is called stolen valor. I am a Former Marine you are not. You don’t even qualify as a ex-marine like John Murtha.
    You, like pajama boy Bill are a loony liberal luddite. I would say you both are followers of the cult of global warming.
    Bill ( pajama boy) it is good manners for you to shut up, after attempting to make sense of your liberal rant that was so far off subject even the fringe is perplexed. You sound like you believe Bush caused 911.
    So “NRA will never represent my position ” is that your anti-gun position?

  • Terry Langlois July 6, 2015, 10:46 am

    I happen to agree with the author of the article. I don’t hate the NRA, I merely loathe what the institution has become. When I was younger, the NRA was all about hunters and gun safety. It has since been taken over by the gun industry (60+ Board members and overwhelmingly gun industry dominated. Look up the photos of the NRA building in D.C. and see what a palace it is. Look up also the amount of money that is spent lobbying and for what purpose.
    The hyperbole of the supposed rebuttal, the usual rants about the supposed loss of our guns (I am a gun owner and don’t worry about Obama or anyone else coming for my guns. Scare tactics work with the undeducated) and the impending rise of a tyrant and so forth. Your little fully auto rifle will not win against the U.S. Army if you decide to take them on.
    Take the authors missive to heart and see if he strikes a chord in your thinking.

    • G.B. Symons July 7, 2015, 8:52 am

      “taken over by the gun industry” The country, in the mean time, has been taken over by the communist- progressives that laid their groundwork down in the 1950’s . The NRA was about hunting and youth programs back in a day before we were aborting our youth, back in a day before pedophiles were openly allowed in the Boy Scouts, and the Judaeo-Christian principals that cemented our civilization together undermined by secular humanist ones.Where have you been the last sixty years or so? The NRA has had to pick up the ball in an increasingly devious,slick, shift to the left, and “play the game” the way it’s played in Washington, and thank God for them. They constantly are asking for money, but they are up against a vast network of leftist foundations and organizations that, though not overtly “anti-gun,” pipe-line their resources to ones that are.And make no mistake! The anti-gun agenda is not about humanitarian principals, or “saving the children”. It’ about disarming the population, a prerequisite for the forcing of a socialist world down our throats.

      • Ray P July 7, 2015, 9:01 pm

        G.B. Symons your are 1000% correct do you here about the communist party anymore? Nope there all Democrats now they figured out they could get more of there program into our society from the inside out! They started in the 50’s very quietly and have infiltrated our schools and university’s and collages with left wing professors they are some real nut jobs and brain wash the kids into perfect little lefty’s who are not allowed to think for them selves and must depend on the government like there student loan, must pass classes by agreeing with left wing nut jobs or face failing grades

  • steve July 6, 2015, 10:31 am

    I don’t think of the NRA as much a rights group as a SALES group…..I love how anyone who might even question them is instantly ‘stereotyped’ as a commie or a liberal…..independent thinking is now frowned upon….freedom means following like sheep , one of 2 partys blame game adgendas. The NRA has a right to say and do as they please…..and some of us have a right to closely examine there actions and find some of them suspect , with out being liberal or a traitor..

  • steve July 6, 2015, 10:30 am

    I don’t think of the NRA as much a rights group as a SALES group…..I love how anyone who might even question them is instantly ‘stereotyped’ as a commie or a liberal…..independent thinking is now frowned upon….freedom means following like sheep , one of 2 partys blame game adgendas. The NRA has a right to say and do as they please…..and some of us have a right to closely examine there actions and find some of them suspect , with out being liberal or a traitor..

  • Retired Navy Spook July 6, 2015, 9:42 am

    This op-ed was published in our local newspaper last week,, and I had the same reaction as S.H. I AM and NRA member, and not the least bit ashamed of it. WRT the comment that citizens armed with AR-15’s are no match for an Apache gunship, I hope the U.S. military is never ordered to fire on American citizens, and the last thing I ever want to do in this life is shoot at a U.S. soldier, but if it comes down to that, there simply aren’t enough Apache gunships to go after every armed citizen.

  • Retired Navy Spook July 6, 2015, 9:40 am

    This op-ed was published in our local newspaper last week,, and I had the same reaction as S.H. I AM and NRA member, and not the least bit ashamed of it. WRT the comment that citizens armed with AR-15’s are no match for an Apache gunship, I hope the U.S. military is never ordered to fire on American citizens, and the last thing I ever want to do in this life is shoot at a U.S. soldier, but if it comes down to that, there simply aren’t enough Apache gunships to go after every armed citizen.

  • Dave Hicks July 6, 2015, 9:35 am

    In advertising it doesn’t matter what you say about the person as long as you get the name right. Ignore this idiot. I remember the NRA supported the 1986 firearms bill, I agree that the NRA has done some good lately ,but I’m not a member.

  • RetNavet July 6, 2015, 8:43 am

    “Community Agitator” who does that put him in company with?….”I own guns but hate the NRA”….Yeah, well, he would probably also tell you he is not a commie,douche-bag, registered (D)emorat, but I bet his mouth is shaped exactly like Obama’s ding-dong.

  • Dave Madden July 6, 2015, 8:07 am

    Wait…he’s a “community organizer”? That’s almost an “enough said” right there.

  • Slim July 2, 2015, 7:23 am

    This guy is clueless. He’s probably just a left wing radical liberal that believes in climate change and abortion on demand as well. He looks undercover to me. Wolf in tactical clothing.

  • Clarence Klekar June 30, 2015, 9:11 am

    This alleged freelance writer & hunter, Fellerath, lost his credibility with me when he stated his hunting weapons are designed to shoot animals, not humans… Really? Where do they find these guys and why are they given a platform like the Washington Post to spew their ignorance?

  • Will Drider June 29, 2015, 11:25 pm

    Though he is not widely published, he has also made the pages of Slate (boxing) and Al Jazeera America (soccer). The rest was very local of what I could find. Surely submitting an anti-gun and rebuke of the NRA Op-Ed to an anti-gun paper you will get published and dinner money, a no brainer. Send a pro NRA/GUN Op-Ed and you will starve.

  • John June 29, 2015, 10:13 pm

    I love when they hate the NRA. Always a good way to show you love guns by hatred of the greatest gun rights organization.Does this guy really think anyone is buying this crap. If you own a gun . You should be an NRA member. Power to stop the gun grabbers,comes from large numbers. Over 5 million members strong , we (NRA Members) have held on to our rights . Perfect or not, the NRA is doing one hell of a job. The membership fee is a small price to pay to stop the anti gunners. Think what it would be like without them. Then go ahead and join. We need every gun owners support to keep our 2nd amendment rights.

    • Terry Murphy June 30, 2015, 12:34 pm

      Thanks for the great article for us gun owners that hate the NRA. In fact in their mail solicitation a few years ago I kept their nickel and sent the envelope back postage due explaining how they did not and never would represent me. WHY DOESN’T SOME ONE START AN ORGANIZATION TO REPRESENT US.

      • Mark R. July 1, 2015, 5:08 pm

        I fully agree that the NRA will never represent my position with the right to own firearms. I am an avid hunter, who also shoots my firearms, pistols and long arms as a hobby, and I am worn thin with the NRA’s scare tactics of which are many. As a retired Marine I can state with absolute certainty that anyone who believes their ownership of semi-automatic weapons will enable them to fight the (their own) goverment is completely ridiculous. Have you ever seen an Apache helicopter in action? And you think an AR type weapon is of use to fight the Government! As the NRA solely uses its members to sell guns for gun manufacturers I support Congresswoman Gabby Giffords organization “Americans for Responsible Solutions”. It’s an organization attempting to facilitate real, reasonable laws for the ownership of firearms. Until you check it out by actually reading and learning what their goals are please save your BS rebuttals as I’ve heard them all; “if you give an inch they’ll take all the guns”, “only criminals will have guns” etc., etc., etc.

        • DRAINO July 2, 2015, 7:36 am

          You are the saddest excuse of a Marine I have ever heard of. And I know many.

          Great article Mr. Blannelberry. Well done.

          • Chief July 6, 2015, 1:05 pm

            I totally agree Draino ,poor excuse for a marine .To make a point the Afghans beat the Soviet army on horse back against tanks.I’ll beat the guy who made the comment is not from the South .We don’t quit.

          • rouge1 July 6, 2015, 2:43 pm

            I agree draino

          • DaveGinOly July 6, 2015, 3:00 pm

            Hard to imagine a real Marine who thinks technology, and not dedicated, motivated riflemen, wins wars.

          • Nate July 7, 2015, 12:59 pm

            The Afghans had much more than that…they had the backing of the CIA and American weaponry (Stinger Missiles) augmenting their horses. Oh, and lots of American money. Then…we just abandoned them, only to come back a few years later and do it all over again when it was good politics to do so.
            Please, before anyone else comments on Afghanistan history read about our interaction with it: “Ghost Wars” by Steve Coll is a great place to start.

        • Heavy Six July 6, 2015, 3:57 am

          Oh, I don’t know, the Afghanis and Iraqis did a pretty good job of fighting our soldiers and marines with their tanks and attack helicopters with not much more than small arms, RPGs and improvised explosives. There are over 300 million privately owned firearms in the US and well over 100 million citizens who own firearms. If even a tenth of those gun owners decided to make a stand there wouldn’t be enough soldiers, marines, tanks or helos to stand in their way.

        • oldfuzz695 July 6, 2015, 5:28 am

          Do you really think the U.S. military will fire on it’s own people? With no uniforms or markings to identify the enemy, just like Vietnam, they will lose. Japan was bright enough to say that the reason they didn’t continue on to U.S. shores was because every household in the U.S. had guns. “We would never succeed.” NRA or not, I adhere to the right to overthrow an oppressive, tyrannical government, and we are very close!

        • Jim July 6, 2015, 8:18 am

          Apache gun ships didn’t seem to prevent us from losing in the middle east, despite fighting peasants with flintlocks.

          I think I feel safer that you retired.

          • Chief July 6, 2015, 1:20 pm

            HAHAHAHAHA nice comment .I love when idiots get roasted on here .AMERICA !!!!!

        • Bill July 6, 2015, 8:55 am

          Yeah like name calling will get us anywhere. I partially agree with Mark the marine. To those guys who clean their guns in air-conditioned kitchens, and live the pampered american life..think they can compare to Pathans in the afghan mtns? Sorry, not even close. What we all need to do as americans is live three concept daily, Respect, Integrity and Manners. You know cops? Ask them why they don’t become irate when a bad cop is allowed to stay on the force? Ask then why the enforce laws that are unconstitutional, ask them what the hell their oath of service means? Does your Repub. congressman vote against liberty, though he is pro-2nd Amend? Get vocal. You say you support our military? They don’t allow them to fight in unconstitutional wars, go see them in the Vets hospital. Educate them that there is nothing patriotic about fighting in wars that have nothing to do with our freedoms. You think the buildings came down on 9/11 because of an arab took a few flying lessons in a cessna? Oh please, really? We are being lied to by the same people who orchestrated the Gulf of Tonkin incident. You think any of these repub candidates for pres. really cares about the concept of liberty? Jeb? ha..maaaybe Rand, but it is what WE do everyday that will make or break us. Respect everyone and everything, have Integrity everyday..and Manners just seems to be missing these days. Ok I’ll shut up.

          • Chief July 6, 2015, 1:23 pm

            So your saying Hillary is the answer? Lord help us all.

          • Bob Jameson July 7, 2015, 1:03 am

            You’re a special kind of idiot aren’t you. Your rant identified you as a liberal troll, but the minute you included the 9-11 Truther crap you cemented the fact you are off kilter.

          • studi30 July 9, 2015, 10:01 am

            Why are you accusing the Republicans with what the Dimocraps do? First of all the NRA was started in 1871 as a marksmanship program. The Confederate soldiers were beating the crap out of the Union army with their everyday long guns. Most Union soldiers had never seen a rifle, let alone fire one. If the Union blockade of the Cape Fear River at Fort Fisher, in 1865, hadn’t been successful, Johnny Reb would have continued the fight with his weapons brought in by the blockade runners. The NRA was the result of the Civil War. They taught marksmanship to our soldiers in WW1, WW2, Korea and many small police forces in small cities all over the US. At this moment the NRA is teaching 7000+ PINK PISTOLS firearm safety and carry. The Pistols are a group of gays and lesbians who want to defend themselves from gay bashing.

        • TJ Reeder July 6, 2015, 9:46 am

          As a former Marine I have to disagree with you, So having said that I will simply state that the whole world thought the few silly colonist armed with their “privately owned” muskets were crazy to take on the mighty British empire, sorta like a lone rifleman taking on that Apache chopper, As a former Marine you should know that freedom isn’t free and as a former Marine I ask you, IF the time comes when our freedom is at risk from an out of control Government will you sit on your a$$ and wait for the boot on your neck. If you have to think about that one before you answer then you are a different kind of Marine then I.
          Semper Fi forever!

        • hd47 July 6, 2015, 10:48 am

          Can’t believe that you made it to retirement – unless it was a very short carer with a medical (mental) retirement. I guess there is always that “1%” in any organization.

        • FH July 6, 2015, 10:56 am

          I’m going to raise the BS flag first and foremost with Mark’s comment. First of all, as a Marine when did you actually see an Apache helicopter in action? We use Cobra’s or did you forget that? As others have mentioned, I’m glad you retired because you and others like you have no place in my Corps. To that end, I’d be happy if you handed in your hunting firearms to the closest turn-in event. Maybe you can defend yourself with the Kabar your last unit gave you upon retiring.

          Like them or hate them, the NRA is doing a formidable job. Sure they use some scare tactics and the average person knows we are not going to go up against the government with our AR’s. We all know that the U.S. Military and most Police will abide by their oaths and war with their citizens will never happen. However, nut job politicians like Schummer, Pelosi, O’Malley and Feinstein are all about restricting our rights and by MYSELF I can’t do anything. The NRA has been up front and leading the charge with this. I’ve seen it here in Maryland many times, and all of us real pro 2A folks are inspired by our NRA rep (Shannon). She is fighting the good fight and I’m glad we have her.

          BTW Mark, your disgusting post as a retired Marine just inspired me to become Patron member of the NRA. Come to think of it, all the members of my family are life members. So pal, we don’t need you or your kind!

          • Chief July 6, 2015, 1:28 pm

            Thank You for your service FH and your comments Sir ,Hoorah!!

        • jim July 6, 2015, 12:12 pm

          Ever see a Viet Cong or Muhajadeen in action…

        • Jerry Gaines July 6, 2015, 12:13 pm

          I agree with DRAINO, you are a sad representation of the military forces of the US. I spent 27 years in the armed forces of our country and although I may not agree with every last detail of the NRA I am a Benefactor member and realize that the NRA is responsible for the freedom we have in this country to own and use firearms whether it is in Hunting, Trapshooting or recreational shooting. That are a great organization and without them this country would not be the same. Your comments about helicopters etc. don’t make sense. It is the mindset of the people including the military that can change governments when they no longer represent the people.

        • Larry July 6, 2015, 2:14 pm

          When they come for your guns, Sparky, you be sure to hand them over & get on your knees as you will have surrendered your citizenship & become a subject of the unlawful beige bozo regime.

          • studi30 July 9, 2015, 10:04 am

            Those that beat their swords into plowshares will soon be plowing for those that didn’t.

        • Ray July 7, 2015, 8:45 pm

          Terry and Mark R boy talk about being miss guided you guys take the cake! The only true bunch that protects us from the Gabby gungraber no law would have protected her from the nut job that shot her she jumped on the gun grab wagon to make money for herself and her traitor husband who took and oath like they both did to protect and defend the constitution of the united states not gut it or corrupt it like they are doing but hell there is money to be made by super rich A holes like Bloomberg who thinks he is a king and what ever he wants the masses should bow to his will so for them its a money making scam the thing about gun grabbers they will never ever be satisfied with a little they always return for a little more or your god given rights until you have none left so letting them wear you down is what they do and hope you just go away and shut up I will never be quite and will fight to keep my rights and because of you 2 who I think are phony anti gun A holes trying to come across as a gun owner your full of BS a true Marine would never give up or in like you say you are more like a Marine want to be I think you have no backbone

        • Scott July 7, 2015, 10:27 pm

          Outstanding Marine – Semper Fi!!

        • Billh July 8, 2015, 1:28 pm

          Mark R, you are correct that any one of us or our family would not stand a chance against an armed government response to lawful citizens actions that dared to thwart their freedom-denying “mission”. But that is not the issue of the second admendment. The reasonable response to government tyranny would first be peaceful resistance, then probably violent resistance, then armed resistance whereby an entire armed citizenry would join the fight to take back our lives and would outlast the government’s tyrannical efforts and bring back citizen approved laws and order and our freedoms again through aggressive armed defense of same. That is what the second stands for and why is was written into our constitution which by the way I believe you swore your allegience to protect at one time. I know I did. That duty never ends sir!!!

      • Glock_10 July 6, 2015, 10:10 am

        The GOA (Gun Owners of America) does represent Gun Owners. They do not compromise like the NRA does. They believe that the 2nd Amendment renders all gun laws Unconstitutional.
        I am a GOA member and an NRA life member since the 70s. The NRA has been infiltrated by the Liberals, Michael Moore is a Life member, Grover Norquist who is for gun control sits on the NRA board, he is BF with Michael Bloomberg.
        The Liberals blame the NRA every time they suffer a set back, but this is a ruse designed to make you think the NRA is an effective org. The Libs badmouthing is designed to get your fired up so you will contribute to the NRA who is busy compromising your Gun rights away with your money.
        You never hear the libs badmouth the GOA because if they did you would join or contribute to them like you do for the NRA.
        I wrote the NRA and asked them why they would let an known anti gun nut to be a life member with voting privileges?? No answer.
        The GOA is the only Gun Org that recognizes the danger in the current immigration scheme, they realize that all of these immigrants are going to vote Liberal and all Liberals want your Guns.
        Last thought, “the Right to Keep and Bear arms shall Not be Infringed”, what part of shall not be infringed does the NRA not understand???? It doesn’t say the right to keep and bear arms shall be compromised………..does it???

      • Anthony July 6, 2015, 11:49 am


        They do sir, It’s call GOA (Gun Owners of America)…

        When I joined the NRA years ago I think I have received about $12,000 worth of repeated letters asking me to join to date.

      • Jerry Hutchison July 6, 2015, 4:44 pm

        Terry, for your information there are other pro-gun organizations out there. The Second Amendment Foundation (SAF), is one.
        Also is the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA). You can Google them to find their web sites. They both do as much, or more, than the NRA to protect our 2nd Amendment rights without all the NRA controversy. I don’t agree with some of the NRA idiots who seem to speak for the NRA, BUT we do need them also, we need ALL the support we can get to save our Constitution and our Bill of Rights, because if the 2nd Amendment falls, they ALL fall and we live under tyranny.