Vote for Adam Kraut to the 76th Seat on NRA Board of Directors

in Authors, Industry News

Vote for Adam Kraut to the 76th Seat on NRA Board of Directors(Editor’s Note: The following is an open letter written by Adam Kraut, Esq. to the GunsAmerica faithful.  This young, talented attorney needs YOUR help in becoming an NRA board member.  You can learn more about him here.  If you have questions for Adam, please leave them in the comment section below.)

Recently, I was informed that I was not elected to the NRA Board of Directors in the general election. After some internal debate with some close friends I have decided to pursue the 76th seat at the NRA Annual meeting. I wanted to be on the board (and I still do) and I felt that it would be a disservice to all those individuals who supported me to not try. After all, you want someone who is tenacious when it comes to representing your views, right?

The 76th seat is a one-year term that is elected by the members who attend the NRA Annual Meeting. ALL NRA members (regardless of level) who have been a member prior to March 9, 2017 can cast their ballot in Room B403 (fourth floor) on Thursday 2 PM to 6 PM, Friday 8 AM to 6 PM and Saturday 8 AM to 4 PM.

Over the course of my campaign I stated that I wanted to see the NRA push for more youth firearm education, not just through Eddie Eagle but in our schools. We teach our children about sex, drugs and how to drive a two-thousand-pound mass of steel at high rates of speed, so why are we not teaching them about something they are likely to encounter and how to safely act around one? We should be pushing to have firearms safety back in schools. We should be pushing for kids to learn marksmanship. We should be pushing to have shooting teams re-implemented at schools.

SEE ALSO: Attorney, Aspiring NRA Board Member Clarifies Court Decision Saying ‘2A Rights Forfeit 4A Rights’

This is just one of the topics that I think the NRA needs to address in order to continue to turn young individuals into young shooters, gun owners and future Second Amendment advocates.

I would also like to see NRA affiliated clubs hold open houses and invite members of the public to their range for a day of firearms education training and shooting. It has been my experience that the best way to change someone’s negative opinion about guns is to give them a positive experience with one. Want to make the NRA less scary to people? Have an NRA member show them what the NRA is really about. The personal one on one contact will do more than millions in advertising could ever hope to accomplish.

At the end of the day, regardless of the outcome, the campaign has been a very exciting process. I was privileged enough to meet a number of individuals who supported me through the course of it. The conversations I was able to have with people like you was enlightening and entertaining. Regardless of the outcome, this has been a truly humbling experience and I thank you all for sharing in it with me.

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  • Dewayne Roos April 29, 2017, 12:05 pm

    David, they are many, many activists against guns. Why not have a smart, proactive person advocating for them and for education on gun safety. If you are going to malign someone you don’t know, offer proof or information rather than your “fishy” opinion.

  • David Powell April 28, 2017, 7:25 am

    I find this guy VERY fishy. Just the fact that he’s out and about the gun world campaigning is a red flag. He strikes me as some sort of activist, and perhaps a double agent.

    • Tod April 28, 2017, 8:59 am

      You must not watch gun videos on Youtube.