VIDEO: Marines Targeted in Brutal Attack by Teen Mob 

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Last week, nine teenagers were arrested in San Clemente, California for assaulting three Marines.

The Marines reported the incident happened at about 9:50 p.m. on Saturday on the pier. They had asked the teenagers to stop setting off fireworks.

This request sparked a brutal attack. Hunter Antonino, a Marine involved, detailed the beating and stomping they suffered.

How It Happened

CBS News reported that locals had reported a disorderly group of teens just before the assault.

A public video displays the Marines speaking to a large group of teens and young adults, estimated between 15 to 40 people.

Footage from Fox News shows a teenager hitting a Marine who was walking away.

Spectators recorded the violent beating. The video reveals the Marines in defensive positions, protecting themselves from multiple kicks.

The Los Angeles Times reported that two adults stepped in to stop the violence.

Upon deputies’ arrival, the injured Marines refused hospital transport.

Marines In The Clear, Teens Not

Investigators used videos to identify the involved teenagers. Duncan stated additional footage, not public, offered clearer images of the culprits.

By comparing these images with school records, Orange County deputies and the local school district identified the assault suspects.

The Orange County Sheriff’s Department charged nine juveniles linked to the assault.

Five were charged with assault with a deadly weapon and are now in juvenile hall. The other four were charged with misdemeanor assault and battery.

“This is considered an assault with a deadly weapon because of the amount of suspects we are investigating,” said Orange County Sheriff’s Department Sgt. Frank Gonzalez.

“The weapons that were used were their feet while these victims were on the ground. So, regardless if the victims choose prosecution or choose medical attention the sheriff’s department is going to investigate this to the fullest and try to determine who the suspects are,” he continued.

SEE MORE:Teen mob attacks Tennessee Kroger location

The full report from the Orange County Police can be found on Facebook or other sources such as USA Today.

Mayor Chris Duncan stated that detaining juveniles for misdemeanors is unusual. Normally, they face the process without custody. But the assault’s severity warranted their arrest.

Duncan confirmed the main suspects’ apprehension but suggested others might still be free. However, authorities believe they’ve captured the key offenders.

San Clemente’s community has firmly condemned the actions of these minors and young adults against the Marines. KTLA 5 reported that in the aftermath of the event, a sign was found on the pier saying, “SC supports our marines.”

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  • Paul June 5, 2023, 1:51 pm

    Punks like this are out in force because their parents don’t parent! They need a good ass beating. One on one they would be torn apart, so they mob up and think they can get away with this sh!t. Start letting people defend themselves instead of prosecuting the innocent. Make it open season on criminals instead of pleasing down to a slap on the wrist! The whole judicial system is designed to coddle the criminals and punish victims! Start throwing lawyers and judges in prison for letting these punks slide, they are just as responsible for their actions as the criminals!

  • Tim June 5, 2023, 11:17 am

    So 3 marines had their butts handed to them by 9 underage teenagers but were saved by 2 normal, everyday adults on the street. Why do we place such hero worship on marines?

  • Stan d. Upnow June 4, 2023, 6:57 am

    No surprise; it’s Cali-fornia. Since the place has been willfully turned into a criminals’ paradise, courtesy of the Progressive-Socialist prosecutors and their hands-off approach to enforcement, it’s no wonder this happened. I mean, when scumbags can go into a store with a shopping cart, load it up, then walk out the door without paying and Nothing happens to them, what do you expect? Wait, it’ll get much worse. Same with the other Progressive-Socialist hell-holes.

  • someolboy June 3, 2023, 10:30 am

    Too many young people in this country now have no moral “compass” and as a result we now see this type of behavior… what you need to ask yourself is where does this leave us as a nation if this behavior is not corrected by means of stopping the crap they are teaching this generation in public schools and universities?

  • bob USMC June 2, 2023, 12:27 pm

    Send them over to MCRD for a week and see how tough they are!

  • Vietvet June 2, 2023, 12:21 pm

    Justice for the marines? I doubt it. This the People’s Republic of California. A real left looney tune state.

  • callmeBob June 2, 2023, 12:21 pm

    Turn those unruly kids into fertilizer

  • Frank June 2, 2023, 10:24 am

    Being a former Marine I suggest that the Marines muster not a few good men but a platoon or maybe even a company of Marines go into SC and clean f**** house with these f**** punks beat the living crap out of them no respect this is what parents of today are raising POS garbage never want to see it happen but by chance if we where as a nation ever to be taken over by another country, these little bastards be the first crying for our military to protect them then let’s see what their actions might be when foreign soldiers are beating living crap out of them for no good reason or shooting them. Punks what they are. And if they are not prosecuted as adults shame on the town of SC this is destruction of government property yes that’s right they belong to the US Government and are protected by laws prosecute them to the fullest. Then again it’s California Newson will I’m sure step in to show his brainless opinion to save the children no adults knew exactly what they where doing.

    • someolboy June 3, 2023, 10:54 am

      Kalifonia has become a different country all together, except for the great patriotic men and women residing at Camp Pendleton and associated military bases through out the state.
      The State of Kalifornia and Kalifornian’s took a turn for the worst a long time ago by not stopping the influx of illegal immigrants from the South, as is now apparent by the overwhelming numbers of “Latinos” in the population, their gangs, their low income neighborhoods, their uncontrolled appetite to fraud and bankrupt welfare and their lack of respect for the very country they now reside in and their obvious ignorance and disrespect for law. Their focus seems to be to turn our country into the very pig sty they escaped from, in Mexico, which makes zero sense, as they came here to work & have a “better life.”
      The indoctrination of young people in schools and universities needs to be stopped, other wise we will fall as the nation the world looks to for hope, freedom and a better way of life.

  • yamaholic June 2, 2023, 10:23 am

    I’m surprised none of the Marines were carrying…the punk ass kids are sure lucky they weren’t!

  • Randy D. June 2, 2023, 9:46 am

    Those FT’s are in LOTS of trouble. To attack a Marine is a FEDERAL CRIME. Good luck being let off the crime with NCIS!

  • D.J. June 2, 2023, 8:44 am

    Reminds me of a scene from the movie
    “ The Sand Pebbles “ .

  • Sgt. Henry Gibbs USMC VIETNAM VET. June 2, 2023, 6:20 am

    The mob was lucky. The Marines could of hurt bad or killed a few of the mob. Mobs are daring until one or more fall.

  • Kane June 1, 2023, 11:03 am

    The San Clemente Beach is remember was more wealthy than most military towns and a bit snobbish. At the time Ocean Side was cheaper property and more crime. In San Clemente Marines were usually ignored but treated decently if you stayed in your lane. The whole state seems to has decended into madness under the lefy wing policies and that trend is speading east.

    Hopefully, the 1st Marine Division Commanding Officer will NOT place San Clemente Beach under restriction. Hopefully Marines will be allowed and encouraged to go into town in large numbers to prevent the cowardly masses from swarming a handful lone Marines. I guarantee that the tax payers in San Clemente prefer the Marines to firecraking cowards in the video that will be coddled by the Governor and the DAs.

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