Trench Art Inspired Novelties From Empty Cases & Bullets – Lucky Shot USA – SHOT Show 2017

in SHOT Show 2017
Trench Art Inspired Novelties From Empty Cases & Bullets - Lucky Shot USA - SHOT Show 2017

This is the swag bag from Lucky Shot. Usually I say no to them, but this was so cool I had to take it. If you own a retail gunshop, I think this product line will do really well, and for those of us who just want the stuff, the owner was kind enough to give us his SHOT Show floor discount code.

Lucky Shot USA
(Coupon code SHOT20 for 20% Discount and Free Pair of 9mm Earplugs!  Plus Free Shipping on orders $50 or more.)

One of my tasks for this year’s SHOT Show was to find interesting products that our GunsAmerica Stocking Dealers could carry in the store, or things to make their store more accessible and/or secure.

On the former, I found Lucky Shot USA. Several of the big box chains carry them already, and I think it is a slam dunk for anyone who has a retail establishment full of gun nuts.

It was really nice of the founder to offer you all this SHOT floor discount, and totally unexpected. We are not getting a kickback from the sales, but he also gave me his “swag bag” from the show, with the items in the cover photo. There is a lighter and pen made from 50 cal cases, a die cut M16 bottle opener, one of his trademark bullet through the shotglass novelties, and that pair of 9mm earplugs that are in the SHOT deal. And it was all inside a replica WWI messenger bag!

All of the Lucky Shot products seem to be high quality and with a lot of attention to detail. They are made in the USA, and the packaging is gift quality. You can reach Lucky Shot at the link above, or 407.985.3966 X 102.

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