$50,000 One Mile TrackingPoint–SHOT Show 2015

in Choosing a Rifle, David Higginbotham, Get Hunting, SHOT Show 2015, Uncategorized

I want to clear something up here. This is SHOT Show coverage. We’re hitting booths at 90mph, picking up the information from hundreds of manufacturers, and bringing you guys the best of what we find. We’ve been taking some flack lately because we aren’t providing some full-on reviews of guns we’re seeing on the floor. At SHOT Show.

We try to get guns in as fast as possible. The sad truth is, though, that we may never be able to do a full on review of a Tracking-Point rifle. I mean all-out, high round count, out-to-a-mile shooting. That’s what these guns are capable of. They’re gigantic (some of them) and can reach out to a mile.

The cool thing about this system, though, is that you don’t need months with the gun in order to make it work. You don’t even need days. My first shot with a TP rifle was made on a stupid windy day, over varied terrain, in freezing weather. I sat down at a rifle, tagged my target in the view finder, pulled the trigger. A second or two later the gun bucked. Bang. 900 yards away, a steel gong rang. I watched the replay on an iPad. All in under two minutes. I have no idea what caliber I was shooting, or what platform I was working with. Or what the hold-overs would have been. It didn’t matter. Any of it. The gun thinks for you. You decide what to shoot, identify the target, and then give the rifle permission to destroy that target. And it does.

What I’m seeing from Tracking-Point this year is more of a move toward serious distance. Their Mile Maker is impressive. And they’re bringing in more common calibers in smaller packages, like their 7.62 x 39. The prices are still on par with nice luxury automobiles, but that’s part of the deal. These are guns that are wholly unlike anything else I’ve seen in the industry. They were when the debuted two years ago, and they’re more capable now. And no one has come close to catching them.

Check out the video for more information. You’ll be awed by what you see. I was the first time I worked with the gun, and I am still today.


TrackingPoint 2036

Somewhere down there, in all that snow, is an elk. But not for long.


TrackingPoint 2034

And they’re making the move to aiming devices run by Google Glass.


TrackingPoint 2033

The guns come in various sizes and configurations, from .223 on up.


TrackingPoint 2037

The optics on top are heavy, and large, but as the technology improves the size will come down.


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  • Sniper man July 17, 2015, 2:22 am

    Riflescope is more important gadget for hunting.
    Please visit-[ http://riflescopecenter.net/ ] to choose a Riflescope for you.

  • Pseudo February 7, 2015, 8:39 am

    Well “W Green” and “Vanns40” I am with you concerning “RollinsL” reply, to paraphrase your replies needs “a ban for export and why the built in disarming feature.”

    I am afraid law enforcement may have required this “school” ban under the pretense of anytime a “VIP” according to their definition, law enforcements, they can insure it has ben deactivated. But, I would bet dollars to doughnuts if someone really wanted to do some outrageous or terrorists acts, they would find a method to defeat this chip action.

    An often overlooked by feature by those who are so up on the technology band wagon with chips in guns I have to ask, what is to stop the authorities’ from just performing a blanket deactivation of all fire arms for whatever drummed up token reason at any time?

    So this is now hunting? I must disagree from my perspective, and to claim it as a money justification for the cost of a hunt is quite low. I equate it with a wannabe hunter who uses this to feel they have a “man” card, (not discriminating against women hunters here just using the term as it is typically used, use woman card if you wish).

    I equate this with, “everybody gets a trophy” syndrome our society has seemed to have adopted
    And the elimination of this fine old adage by Grantland Rice, ” it’s not whether you win or lose, it’s how you play the game.”

  • Vanns40 February 6, 2015, 7:46 pm

    TrackingPoint, to this day, still refuses to answer why they have patented a device that will deactivate a firearm within 1000 feet of a school or any other place that the authorities deem necessary. In fact, when confronted and questioned about it they denied it until presented with the patents. Why?
    Until they decide to start to answering why they would ever patent a product that could be used against gun owners I will never purchase a product made by them.

    • Joe February 7, 2015, 5:50 am

      For the same reason oil corporations bought out patents of fuel saving devises for fifty years, to protect their profit making product.
      If they hold the patent on the disarming device then nobody can profit by the ability to countermeasure their product…but them.

      • Vanns40 February 7, 2015, 10:00 am

        Then why, under criticism that it could be installed on all firearms and controlled by police or other law enforcement agencies, did they deny they ever had the patents or that was the intended use when the patent clearly states it as does the initial release? Why not just be honest and up front? I’ll tell you why, because once in production by TrackingPoint, anti-gun politicians like Boxer, Schumer et al, in the mostly North Eastern States, could ram through legislation mandating only guns equipped with such a device could be sold to the public. The same way the did in CA with micro engraving on firing pins and case heads.
        Any company that patents an idea like this then denies it, then hides it has to be suspect and has a lot of questions to answer to gun owners before they get one cent.

  • Rollin L February 6, 2015, 1:49 pm

    For those of you who either think this is too expensive, or takes too much of the human element out, you are missing the market for this. Probably because you are not in that market. Go read the story that inspired the creation of this company. It won’t make you feel any better, probably just envious, but how you respond to that is going to reveal much. The TrackingPoint rifle was developed for the hunter who invests a ton of money, in a very exclusive type of hunt, where every little advantage one can get will make the difference between a rewarding trophy and a very expensive hiking trip. Sure, the military potential is there, and no doubt that was also in the minds of the company personnel, but that was not the core mission. I am not in the class that could justify the cost of either the rifle or the hunt, but I appreciate what’s involved and what person of means this appeals too. I don’t expect to be hunting African plains game at several hundreds of yards with all kinds of atmospheric obstacles and human error to try to overcome, with maybe tens of thousands of dollars of investment at stake. Nor do I expect to ever hunt bighorn sheep or other game where long range shots with elements of angles and elevation having to be taken in to account to redeem an expensive and hard to get tag. Honestly, I don’t really hunt at all. But I have had the great pleasure of getting time on the XS1 in .338 Lapua and it is one amazing piece. Not for everybody, not for those who are “purists.” But it is right for a certain type of shooter or hunter, who can afford and benefit from the cost and ability of the product. Glad there are people out there who fit that description, even though it is not me.

  • W Green February 6, 2015, 1:32 pm

    Am I the only one who thinks this technology shouldn’t be allowed for export?
    Kinda a game changer if the extremist Islamic jihadists have an unlimited supply of these.
    Picture 100,000 of these sprinkled from Algeria to Afghanistan, and a peacekeeping force is on the ground.

  • RSG February 6, 2015, 1:12 pm

    Fair chase? When technology replaces the skill of the hunter, we may as well sit in our easy chairs at home to guide can’t-miss “hunting drones” in for the kill. And if it is just the kill we crave, why bother with free-roaming game with so many “canned hunts” available. If “sportsmen” do not have the patience and wind-in-the-face ability to hunt close enough to call their shots without the aid of electronic gadgetry, then they might want to pursue some other activity, shooting fish in a barrel perhaps.

  • Matthew February 6, 2015, 12:48 pm

    I watched the video and it really looks like it’d be more along the lines of a target/sniper and a spotter to confirm hit or miss but I think it’s cool.

  • Brian Meyette February 6, 2015, 12:25 pm

    what’s up with that giant microphone?? It looks like a bat (or maybe something else)

    The idea of shooting it at an elk, as in the example, is a bad idea. Some states are already banning this technology for hunting (and all should)

  • Joe February 6, 2015, 12:07 pm

    My house didn’t cost fifty thousand bucks.

  • shootbrownelk February 6, 2015, 11:34 am

    Count me out on this contraption, too big, too heavy. Solution, pay someone to carry it for you. Then wait until the scouting drone transmits pictures of the game animals that you’re too lazy to hunt. Then let the rifle shoot said critter, with NO chance of you missing…..I just threw-up in my mouth.

    • jm February 7, 2015, 1:16 am

      I fully agree. After killing the animal. Might as well pay someone to process the animal. Wrap it and pack in. Hell even hire a chef to sprinkle magic over it. Then someone to chew it. Absolutely retarded. Might as well save your money and go to your favorite restaurant.

    • jm February 7, 2015, 1:16 am

      I fully agree. After killing the animal. Might as well pay someone to process the animal. Wrap it and pack in. Hell even hire a chef to sprinkle magic over it. Then someone to chew it. Absolutely retarded. Might as well save your money and go to your favorite restaurant.

    • TexasSkipper February 8, 2015, 10:32 pm

      Your assessment is spot on. In fact, with all the technology involved, you’re not going hunting; you are just a means for your rifle to go hunting. Really, once your remove the possibility of failure or even the responsibility for said failure ( “Yeah, my software for my rifle failed to adjust for relative humidity”) hunting ceases to be a sport. While this may have a military application, outside of that, this is the dark side of technology where it concerns sport hunting as it removes the all-important human element.

  • Jim February 6, 2015, 10:16 am

    Nice, only thing is 800 yards is half a mile not a mile, but still, wow.

  • Pseudo February 6, 2015, 10:13 am

    !. What does this mean or imply? “$50,000 One Mile TrackingPoint–SHOT”
    2. I myself can see a military use, but used in hunting…well something does not seem quite right.
    3. I am certainly not a fan for more inane gun laws…but I have to think about some type of background and other form of keeping tabs on this item from what I have been reading about this item. I only say this because of possible scenarios, put this in the hands of a mentally ill person, especially if as in my item one comment, they are working a on a one mile accuracy version.
    4. Put this in the hands of some terrorists cells spread pout into about a dozen or more major cities with some planned actions all on the same day and time?
    5. I could see law enforcement being or having some concerns.
    6. To many unanswered questions for me at the moment.
    I guess time will tell? It is a innovative item.

    • sh68137 February 13, 2015, 8:51 am

      How much liberty are you willing to give to the Gov’t/ATF bureaucrats?

      “Only slaves need permission.”–SGH

      • Pseudo February 19, 2015, 4:45 pm

        I have no idea what you are talking about and obviously you do not either. Who is going to actually use this item some phony wannabe rich hunter or someone who has some malice intended, again possibly terrorists, the 5.56 AR type version is $7,500.00 and the AR 7.62 version is $15,000.00.

  • Ryan S. February 6, 2015, 9:27 am

    It does seem very lazy as far as hunting goes. It takes all the sport out of the sport. If I had a bowling ball that would give me a strike every time I rolled it down the lane, I would get bored very quick and probably never bowl again. And if a professional baseball player had a bat that would hit them a homerun every time they were up to bat, I’m pretty sure that bat would be banned very quickly. Heck, they even ban corked bats. To echo the other reviewer, I see a definite military use for this, and maybe a for-fun use for someone who has way too much money to toss around, but as far as hunting goes, this takes all the fun away.

  • sasnak1 February 6, 2015, 7:46 am

    I can definitely see a military use for this system. On the other hand I feel it takes the sport out of hunting and target shooting, when you know your not going to miss your target. The human part is taken away ie; breathing,heartbeat,holding steady etc. I am not saying I would not mind owning one,but I still have reservations.

  • Greg February 6, 2015, 6:58 am

    I looked at Tracking Point rifles…pretty neat. I then looked at the Remington 2020 in 30-06. Same stuff, same brains behind the scopes and you can get one for $1,895. I can pull my own trigger. Another good thing about the Remington…you can remove the scope and use it on another rifle. I’ve tried it on two of my 30-06 rifles. Just mimic the BC and velocity of the 168 grain bullet and the scope works just fine. Pretty neat stuff. Pity Remington has decided the 2020 isn’t valuable.