Top Five Inside-the-Waistband Holsters

in Authors, Columns, Concealed Carry/EDC

Editor’s Note: The following is a post by Mark Kakkuri, a nationally published freelance writer who covers guns and gear, 2nd Amendment issues and the outdoors. His writing and photography have appeared in many firearms-related publications, including the USCCA’s Concealed Carry Magazine. You can follow him on Twitter @markkakkuri.

Read Mark’s previous articles in this “Top Five” series:

There’s probably no more basic accessory for the concealed carry of a handgun than an inside-the-waistband holster. And, while there are some objective qualifications for any holster – such as stability, security and safety – we can expect some subjectivity, especially when it comes to fit and comfort.

So, as with many things in the category of personal defense, what’s right for me might not be right for you. With that, here are my top five inside-the-waistband holsters; the ones that are right for me.

1. CrossBreed SuperTuck

Top Five Inside-the-Waistband Holsters

The Crossbreed Supertuck retails for $69.75.

Combining a leather backer and a plastic carrier to form a single holster system, the CrossBreed SuperTuck looks too big to be comfortable at first. But after you get it on, it proves to be remarkably comfortable and secure. And stable. And simply amazing for all-day carry comfort.

Two steel belt clips hook on to your gun belt, distributing the weight of your carry gun across the leather backer. A form-fitting plastic carrier, custom fit to your gun, receives your gun with a sure “thwack” as the plastic form bends over and then into the crevices of your gun. Much of the retention occurs via plastic around your gun’s trigger guard (and other places) and your gun belt does its part too.

After installed, you can pull your shirt over your gun and holster and tuck it in, although I virtually never do this, preferring instead for a covering garment to simply drape over the gun and holster.

SuperTuck is tuckable – as the name implies – but its strength is its unbelievable comfort. The most difficult aspect of this holster is actually installing it on your person. Don’t worry though. You’ll master it in minutes and wear it for hours. Retail: $69.75.

2. Multi-Holsters IWB

Top Five Inside-the-Waistband Holsters

Multi-Holsters’ IWB sells for $59.95.

Here’s an all-plastic holster built on the premise of simple equals good. And good it is. Multi-Holsters has more than one IWB holster model and all them pretty much share the same attributes: perfect fit, strong clip to grab your gun belt and easy in and out of your waistband.

Despite being made from strong – and therefore hard – plastic, these holsters aren’t uncomfortable. Worn between 3 o’clock and 5 o’clock (locations on the waist for righties) the holster is well-hidden by a covering garment but puts your gun’s stock in a perfect position for a fast draw.

If you don’t wear your gun all day but take it on and off when running errands or other duties around house or town, the Multi-Holsters IWB makes it easy. This is the holster you choose when you prefer convenience over all-day comfort for your medium-sized pistol. Retail: $59.95.

3. Galco Royal Guard

Top Five Inside-the-Waistband Holsters

The Galco Royal Guard sells for $150.

For just a little more installation hassle, a Galco Royal Guard will do everything the Multi-Holsters IWB will do but more comfortably.

Made from ultra-durable horsehide, the Royal Guard is custom-fit to your gun and puts the rough side of the leather out and the smooth side in. This seemingly backwards leather design allows for terrific retention of whatever gun you order it for while keeping the rig stable as you wear it with a slight forward cant.

The mouth of the holster stays open for re-holstering via a metal lining and the leather belt loops go around your gun belt and snap in place. There are two loops because you’re supposed to put a pants belt loop between them; this helps keep the Royal Guard from sliding fore or aft.

Due to its durability and fantastic comfort, not to mention good looks, Galco’s Royal Guard is a good holster for the gun you’ll never get rid of. Retail: $150.

4. Blade Tech Klipt

Top Five Inside-the-Waistband Holsters

The Blade Tech Klipt sells for $29.99.

Here’s the value holster that’s so good you’ll want one for each handgun you carry concealed, especially the smaller ones.

Shown bearing a S&W 638 J-frame, Klipt’s precision manufacturing holds this gun securely, relinquishing it only with a firm, straight up tug. I’ve also used a Klipt to carry a Ruger LC9 and it’s the same story. Simple, thin, tough and easy on/off. There’s nothing to adjust or change on the Klipt – no screws to tighten. Just insert your gun and clip it on your gun belt.

To get it off, just pull the belt clip away enough so that it clears the bottom of your belt. Do this 1,000 more times – the Klipt can handle it and keep hanging on.

The other significant benefit to the Klipt is its weight – or lack thereof. If you’re into saving fractions of ounces in your concealed carry rig, Klipt will help you lighten up. Retail: $29.99

5. High Noon Public Secret

Top Five Inside-the-Waistband Holsters

The High Noon Public Secret has an MSRP of $106.95.

The Public Secret is packed with features and unbeatable durability and strength. Like the Royal Guard, it’s made from horsehide, rough-side-out. Unlike the Royal Guard, the Public Secret carries guns in a straight drop and attaches to your gun belt via one of the strongest J-clips I’ve ever experienced.

Offering an excellent sweat shield and a stitched-in sight track, the Public Secret takes care of you and your gun. A reinforced holster mouth allows for one-handed re-holstering and the smooth leather lining offers great retention and a smooth draw.

Best for subcompact guns, the Public Secret makes appendix carry a breeze, although you can wear it in other locations on your waist too. Looking at the Public Secret makes you wonder if it’s just too thick for the comfortable concealed carry of a gun. Wearing the Public Secret proves it’s not. Retail: $106.95


There. My Top Five IWB’s. Did you notice what other accessory I mentioned with each holster? That’s right – a gun belt. Granted, these are great holsters that can function with a standard belt, but you’re doing yourself a disservice if you don’t use them with a real gun belt. It makes a significant difference in the quality of carry so be sure to get one.

OK, your turn. What other IWB holsters should be on this list and why?

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  • Berkus Rudis April 26, 2018, 2:58 am

    Any list HAS to include Wild Bill\’s offset IWB leather holsters. And his gun belts with Chcago screws are a must as well!. Not even close.

  • Mike February 23, 2018, 11:22 am

    I had to stop reading when the very first holster is the crossbreed.
    The crossbreed is a copy of another mans work, if you like the design why not go to the source, Tucker Gunleather “The Answer”. The CompTac MTAC is even better than crossbreed. The crossbreed holster leaves metal parts (fasteners) against your body and they will rust if having rust touch you is a “good buy” then by all means by the cheap copy.

    • Jim Hilbun February 28, 2018, 6:21 pm

      Agreed! The “Answer” has been around long before rossbred copied it. I have the Answer for every gun I carry. The most comfortable and easy to put on/off.

  • andrew Nebra February 6, 2018, 1:05 pm

    Where is Clinger Holster on this list? They make one heck of a kydex concealed carry holster. The best I’ve ever worn.

  • OHIOROBERT February 5, 2018, 2:19 pm

    If you have to tuck your shirt in none of these work.
    DeSantis all leather tuckable is the one that has escaped my “drawer full of opinions”

  • Ron Stidham February 4, 2018, 5:09 am

    Wilson Combat Feather Weight IWB is as its name implies light weight, super soft leather that is very comfortable and adjustable cant. I carry a full size 1911 appendix style all day, most comfortable holster I have worn. EASY draw. EASY reholster. Try it, you’ll be glad you did under priced I would say,

  • Jim Marnin February 3, 2018, 4:00 pm

    Are top 5’s based on advertising $ spent with author, site or others? Where’s Comp-Tac?

  • Nick M February 3, 2018, 8:27 am

    So many have a cant built into it, and it tilts the wrong way for a right hander.

  • David Lowry February 3, 2018, 2:44 am

    N82 (Nate Squared) Tactical is the best IWB holster I have ever worn. Very comfortable. I wear mine all day every day carrying a Glock M22. It has a fine retention system that works very well. I have tried many others, wear them for a day or 2 and then go back to my N82. I have never seen them tested by a third party but I feel they would do very well. They are very reasonably priced in several styles ( I like the tactical), try one you will like it.

  • Markus Rudis February 3, 2018, 12:43 am

    Wild Bills Concealment Supertuck. It looks like the public but the j clip is offset so the gun fits thinner and with great balance. Its also 65.00 for good cowhide. Terrible customer service though. Cross your fingers that they give you what you have ordered.

  • Indianray February 2, 2018, 9:33 pm

    JM4 tactical. Easiest, quickest on/off holster. Leather so comfortable you forget you are wearimg it and a gun. Perfect amount of retention. Each size works for multiple handuns.

  • Joe February 2, 2018, 12:34 pm

    I have a drawer full of opinions…

    • Cyrus February 2, 2018, 1:21 pm

      That’s the funniest thing I have heard all day . . . I have the same drawer!

      • LJ February 2, 2018, 4:21 pm

        Ditto – take your pick!

  • Dennis Tucker February 2, 2018, 11:38 am

    Have to wonder about someone that places a Galco Royal Guard over a Milt Sparks Summer Special.

  • Wade February 2, 2018, 10:54 am

    Just an opinion piece. You know what is said about opinions and ‘other’ things, everyone has one. This article just goes to show us how biased and wrong those opinions can be. My opinion, of course.

  • Ken N. February 2, 2018, 10:28 am

    This is a great author. I love reading his stories. They are straight to the point, and convey information exceedingly efficiently, without having to skim through irrelevant data.

  • Edward Glenn February 2, 2018, 9:51 am

    I’m partial to the Sticky Holster. There are no clips, they can be positioned anywhere to suit, they stay put for the draw, and there is just enough padding to keep the gun from poking you. However, you have to pretty much take them off to re-holster. Oh, they can be bought for $30 for most guns.

  • Robert Ragus February 2, 2018, 9:41 am

    I love the Sticky holster. It is the easiest to put on,very comfortable, and way cheaper than anything else you have on the list. By the way I switched my Alien Gear holster to a Sticky.

    • Leighton Elliott February 2, 2018, 10:00 am

      I too got a ‘Sticky’ IWB tuckable along with a Traditional Hanks 1 1/2″ gun belt. Very comfortable even in hot weather with the breathable soft leather backing..

  • Christopher Wilson February 2, 2018, 8:54 am

    How does AlienGear not make this list? I have a bladetech, LAG, and a few others I have acquired over the years . .. none of them compare to my alien Gear!!!

    • Andrew February 2, 2018, 9:36 am

      I agree with you there. I figured it would be 1st or a close 2nd. Seems to me that once again someone wrote an article who doesn’t know their was from a hole in the ground.

      • Tim February 2, 2018, 10:46 am

        Can you read the words or you just look at the pictures? Article doesn’t say these are the top five holsters in the industry, it says they are the author’s top five.

        • Rhet Redpath February 2, 2018, 1:06 pm

          To Tim…the title says TOP FIVE, not the author’s top five!! And, as someone who has several IWB holsters, not one of those mentioned matches the Alien Gears that I have, on terms of versatility, comfort, quality, or price! Example, full holster for my Kimber Micro 9 with Crimson Trace grips…around $29. From the comfort point of view, for reasons known only to the universe, I have on occasions carried both my all steel 1911, and my Beretta 96FS, all day, without either of them becoming a nuisance. Couple that to their sheath exchange policy and customer service…you have a winner in every department.

          • Rhet Redpath February 2, 2018, 1:07 pm

            My apologies…the article DOES, in fact, have the journalist’s cop-out, mentioning these work best for him….maybe it IS time HE took a good look at Alien Gear as well.

    • DavidInCO February 2, 2018, 5:52 pm

      Thank you!! Dito.

  • Daryl Poe February 2, 2018, 8:15 am

    Versa Carry.

  • Joseph Massimino February 2, 2018, 8:14 am

    I don’t see how you could leave alien gear out of the top 5.

  • Jerry February 2, 2018, 7:49 am

    My favorite an oldie but goodie–milt sparks summer special. Have one for my full size 1911 & one for my s&w mp shield.

  • David Smith February 2, 2018, 7:17 am

    I can’t believe Aliengear didn’t make this list. I carry a Beretta Nano in one , and hardly even notice it. More importantly , nobody else notices it at all.

  • Terry Loftis February 2, 2018, 7:10 am

    Those are the top 5? Give me a break, the G-CODE/HSP INCOG beats those and by far is more comfortable, easier to deploy and also has the option of an additional magazine pouch (mag caddy). Also way more adjustable and many more options.

  • ScottA February 2, 2018, 7:07 am

    My IWB holster is a Carbon Fiber We the People. Comfortable, adjustable, secure. I have for 3 different carry pistols and love it.

  • Jay February 2, 2018, 6:56 am

    I appreciate holster articles and so many options available! There is a reason for all the options! There is and never will be a one holster that works for everyone. If you go holster hunting I can almost guarantee you will have a drawer full before you find one the fits your needs and you are comfortable with! I have several different holsters, for different firearms, different situations and dress and more than likely you do to!

  • Daniel Sullivan February 2, 2018, 6:52 am

    If you get a chance you really need to look at this company called MK-Tek holsters out of Massachusetts. It’s a semi-small husband and wife run holster company. They make amazing holsters! After I buy a gun I buy the holster from them every time. The quality and craftsmanship that they put in to each holster is really 2nd to none. The owner Todd is a former US Army Ranger (retired) and him and his wife are just great people. I highly recommend them to anyone. At the very least just check out their website Truthfully amazing holsters. Thanks

  • Roberto Escalante February 2, 2018, 4:20 am

    N82 Tactical, by far the best inside the waistband holster; most comfortable hardly know its there. Allows me to daily carry a G29.

  • Ernest Burdick February 2, 2018, 3:50 am

    I use IWB holster over my crossbreed super tuck every day. It’s more comfortable and adjustable. My second choice is a Nate82 IWB standard holster, very comfortable.

    • Kolt 1911 February 2, 2018, 7:05 am

      I agree Ernest. Aliengear. Comfortable, durable, affordable. You will forget you’re wearing it.

    • Forestman52 February 2, 2018, 10:01 am

      I humbly disagree, I’ll wear my Crossbreed supertuck while my aliengear sits in the closet. I suppose it’s true no one holster works for everyone.