Check out the ASR:
Buy one now: /tnw
TNW has a pretty damn cool survival rifle on the market. The TNW Aero is possibly the easiest rifle to pack in a survival or bug-out bag and comes in the 3 most popular pistol cartridges: 9mm, .40 and .45 ACP. It is solid in the way you want a survival rifle to be: strong but not so over-built that it weighs too much to be practical.
Before we get into the meat of this review, I want to talk a little about the thought process of a “survival rifle.” This term can mean a lot of different things to different people. It really boils down to what scenario or environment you would most likely find yourself in needing to survive. If you are in the Panhandle of Texas or Eastern Colorado you might think a bolt action in .308 (or bigger!) is the way to go. Downtown in a large city, that bolt action isn’t going to do you a whole lot of good and a short barreled pump shotgun could be a better choice. So we plan, or at least should plan, for where we are and were we will most likely be.
But what does someone pick that travels all over the country? Or someone who lives in a rural area but commutes to work in a big city? Or even say a pilot that could end up in a swamp, desert, forest—or even in a metro area? What do you choose when you need something that isn’t task-specific? In my opinion, this is where the pistol caliber carbine really comes into play. Is it the best choice for each one of these environments individually? Hell no. But it will do the jobs, with emphasis on the plural JOBS. Couple a pistol with a short and light rifle that both take the same ammo and magazines and you have a winning combination for just about any of the shit that can hit the fan. Oh, and make them in the most common calibers too.
Ok, now on to the review at hand.
Here are some specs on the Aero:
- 16.5″ Barrel Length
- 33″ Overall length and 17.25″ with Barrel Removed
- Available in 9mm, .40 and .45 ACP
- Uses Glock Magazines
- Weighs 5.5 lbs
- Hard Anodized Coating
- Semi-Auto Direct Blow Back
- Includes 4x Scope, Magazine and Upper and Lower Rails
- Collapsible AR Stock
- Available in different color finishes including Black, Pink, Grey and Green
The Areo Survival Rifle is a pretty simple idea. I mean that in a good way. Most survival equipment should follow the old KISS idea: Keep it Simple, Stupid. This is a blow back design–no gas system here to get fouled. It also helps with reliability with a spectrum of different loads and bullet weights.
The barrel is very easy to install and remove. There is a threaded sleeve that mates to the receiver to tighten everything up. The receiver also has a wide grove that the barrel indexes on to keep everything in alignment. Speaking of the barrel, TNW offers a threading service for those who want to instal a suppressor or other device. Our review sample has a plain barrel with a slight bevel to protect the muzzle crown.
The other big design feature of the AERO is its ability to change calibers. TNW offers conversion kits. If you have the 9mm or .40 you can change between those two calibers by simply swapping the barrels and using the correct magazines. To go to .45 ACP from either 9mm or .40, you have to swap the barrel, mag, and the trigger housing.
If you’re paying attention, you’ll notice that what we’d conventionally call a “receiver”–i.e. the piece of the gun that contains the trigger group and mag well on your typical AR–has been labeled a “trigger housing.” This is significant, as it means the lower isn’t the serialized part. The upper is, which means there are multiple options for how you can swap calibers.
The gun will soon be available in .22 LR, .22 MAG, and .17HMR. They also offer a pistol version that has an 8 inch barrel and no stock on the AR style buffer tube.
I ran the Areo with all sorts of different ammo. 119 grain steel cased Russian made cheap stuff all the way up to Hornady Critical Duty–all preformed well. During the first 50 or so rounds, I did have a couple of malfunctions. I had one failure to extract and three rounds that the nose got hung on the top of the receiver while the bottom of the case was still in the magazine. Those three seemed like magazine issues more than a problem with the gun. Whatever the cause, they did not repeat during the 500 rounds I put through it. I used factory Glock magazines and some aftermarket ones.
The trigger is good but not great. There is a bit of take up, not a ton but not a small amount either. It breaks clean enough and at 5 pounds. This is a survival rifle and the trigger is more than good enough for this job.
The review gun came with a 4X AIM brand optic. I had some issues with this glass. It took me longer and required more rounds to get it zeroed. I was never happy with the groups I got when using this optic. Even at 25 yards, repeatability was inconsistent. I am not saying that the Areo is ever going to be a target rifle, but I should be able to hit clays or shoot a 1″ group from 25 yards with a pistol caliber rifle. Never happened with the AIM scope mounted. It was so bad that I’d initially blamed it on the rifle itself.
I switched over to a Burris XTR II and everything changed. 5 rounds touching at 25 yards? No problem. 1.5 inches at 50? Yep, it can do that and bust clays on the berm one after the other. With a good quality optic, I was very impressed with the consistency of the review rifle. The Burris is probably overkill on this rifle as it is a big for packing this rifle in a back pack.
So what is the ideal optic for a gun like this? For a true survival rifle, I have to insist on iron sights. This is the Aero Survival Rifle. If I’m buzzing around in my plane, and I crash it, there’s no guarantee that the AIM scope is going to survive the impact. Or the Burris. Or any red dot. Irons, though–no worries. To really maximize the potential of the iron sights on this rifle, the ASR would need a much longer forend/barrel shroud, which would increase weight. Still, the railed top does allow for a decent amount of distance between the sights–better than you’d get on a full sized pistol.
The AIM is a good size and honestly would be good enough in most situations. And if I crashed and was lucky enough to walk away, I bet the AIM would, too. But I’d still throw a pair of backup sights in the pack, just in case.
I have had the Areo in for a couple of months during this review process. I carried it in a backpack in my Jeep as a survival rifle. I am confident it would have filled the roll nicely. I live in a big town, but travel into rural areas a couple of times a week. A breakdown type carbine is a great choice for my situation. Pack a bag with the Areo, 4-5 loaded magazine, 2 boxes of ammo, a first aid kit, water and a bit of food and I have a great little survival kit. Oh, and a Glock in the same caliber as a carry piece makes the whole package complete.
The only real way to test it, though, would be to head out and really rely on the rifle for a while. While we’re dedicated to the reviews we write here on GunsAmerica, that just didn’t seem practical. But this is package that has a lot of potential. As a personal defense weapon, the 9mm is solid. And the long barrel will push +P rounds past the 1,500 FPS mark. Typical 9mm will run faster than it will from a pistol–closer to the 1,200-1,300 FPS mark–possibly faster. Those speeds are excellent for self defense. And they’re enough to take down game.
The TNW ASR has an MSRP of $799 and the caliber conversion kits are around $200. That’s not bad for a gun that can do what this one does. While it has a serious side, the ASR is fun, too. Some survival guns just seem so bent on being a last-ditch option that that’s all they end up being good for. But not this one. I had more fun plinking with this gun than many of the rifles I’ve reviewed. And it is a great teaching tool, as there’s almost no recoil. That’s an important element, I think, as you won’t mind shooting it. Neither will your significant other. Or your kids. And when you’re out having fun, popping clays on the berm or poking holes in cans, you are building a set of skills and learning to use a gun that we all hope we’ll never need.

With the Burris, the accuracy was spot on–exactly what you’d expect from a survival rifle. These are two different groups while zeroing the Burris.
Bought one of these 2016 ASP 357 jam o matics. Hundreds of JHP/FMJ, different manufacturers, real Glock magazines. Polished feed ramp. Jams nose up every magazines. While some may function there are many complaints as verified by this one that they are not reliable. Magazine / ammo compatibility with a sidearm is just hype when the PCC is unreliable. probably a folding AKM style would be more real world useful.
Funny how most of the dumbass people that are bashing the gun have never even physically seen one, much less tested one in the field. Couple years ago, me and some guys in my survival group were looking for an all purpose survial riffle for a bug out situation. We decided on couple of these in 9mm to try out for many reasons. In a quick case scenario, if a SHTF situation occurred most people might only be able to carry whats on their back if they were seperated from their vehicle while trying to get out of dodge. The 10/22, 30-06 , 870 and AR/M4 are great but what if their in the trunk/back/whatever with rest supplies and you dont have time to grab all that $hit as you bale out and head up the mountain or in the deep woods? So we need one long gun that could be broken down and put in a mid size pack, match the same caliber as our sidearm, carried the same magazines to interchange, could stop a man size target out to 100yards, take a deer within maximum bow range (50 to 60 yards) and could shoot rat shot/shot shells up to 25 yards for small game. Well the aero survival did it all. We tested it. Yes, a few hiccups breaking it in within first 50 rounds but clearing the chamber was easy and after that every single round we put through it (500+) never faltered. We did manage to legally shoot a deer at 54 yards through the lungs with hollowpoint and it only ran about 35 yards and dropped (ive lung shot them with my 7mm and had them run 100+plus sometimes). We took 2 rabbits, a dove, 1 squirrel and even dispatched a nasty copperhead that kept coming back to our campsite with the shotshells (all taken legal). The shotshells have to be individually loaded each time as with any pistol or rifle (except revolvers or bolt guns). But 20 of these rounds in the pack are extremly ligh, will fit in your hand and a must for close work on small game and dangerous reptiles. As far as accuracy, not match grade (its not meant to be) but 2 to 3 inch groups at 50 yards. Perfect for survival and zombie/bad guy stopping. Reliability after break in? Like I said….ran flawless….even after being wet, dirty, banged up, dropped, and accidentally pissed on by the stray dog that followed us (this is a story within itself for another time…..but funny, interesting and a damn smart mutt!!!). So for all you haters, I’m sorry but your not gonna blow that smoke up my butt. How many trips would it hold up with same results? Not sure but I bet many more. Throw this gun in a pack with 4 or 5 spare 15 round glock mags (should have your glock pistol already on you), extra box of 115 grain FMJ, 20 rounds of shotshell, poncho, emergency food bars, canteen with metal cup, extra bottle water, iodine or water purifier staw , camo tarp, green foil sleeping bag, rope and parachord, fixed blade knife, firestarter kit, compass, first aid kit, good flash light and extra batteries, medications, sewing/fishing kit, multi tool, etc and little barter money (preferrly gold or siver coin) and you should be able to hang for awhile during civil unrest, natural disasters or Zombie apocalypse. This gun does what its supposed to and then some. If you happen to get a bad one, (which I think most of the kinks are worked out since first production), call their customer service. They have always been nice and helpful to me. They will make their product right Ive been told. And no, im not affiliated with them in any way, shape or form. Im just an honest guy that wants to make sure my fellow survivalist get a good product. And from what ive experienced, the Aero survival gun has conquered the quest of my perfect survival group firearm needs…..
I ve had my 9mm ASR for almost a year and shoot it regularly and love it. Its been reliable and accurate with in 50 to 100 yard ranges its perfect. Its also simple to convert and breakdown into the other calibers without any tools needed.
I bought mine when they were 565.00 I have #666. Problem most people have with feed and ejection issues is a simple non tool fix. It was designed for steel ammo and if you break it in with steel it will eat anything after that. Only problem I have is the 22 in lr or mag is running a year long without updates. I bought this for the 9mm and 22mag or long. Its junk to me if the 22 never happens or I get tired of waiting. I will want my $ back if it does not happen this year.
I have one of these that I use with a Liberty Mystic suppressor. Very accurate at 100 yds and a fun PCC with 147 gr 9mm loads.
It always amuses me when I hear that term SHTF and then some loud short range pistol carbine is attached to the article (such as this breakdown carbine). In my humble opinion, a SHTF situation will dictate stealth, range, accuracy and stopping power in terms of big game animals etc.. Many people think a light 22 LR is a good survival choice until you are confronted with an angry black bear or large hog in the woods, not to mention gangs of looters etc. The .22 LR can kill in some instances, wound and lay down suppression but as a stopper? The range of a pistol carbine is also short to medium and that offers limited protection as well. My choice is an AR Breakdown Pistol chambered in .300 blackout with a 10.5 threaded barrel, a suppressor and both .220 (1000+fps = total silence) and .110 grain ammo for maximum benefits (2600 fps = hard hitting). Remember SHTF in most cases = GOING QUIET and getting the job done. I’m not sure that this rifle would make a big difference out in the woods vs carrying a Glock 20 with hard nosed hunting rounds.
It always amuses me when I hear that term SHTF and then some loud short range pistol carbine is attached to the article (such as this breakdown carbine). In my humble opinion, a SHTF situation will dictate stealth, range, accuracy and stopping power in terms of big game animals etc.. Many people think a light 22 LR is a good survival choice until you are confronted with an angry black bear or large hog in the woods, not to mention gangs of looters etc. The .22 LR can kill in some instances, wound and lay down suppression but as a stopper? The range of a pistol carbine is also short to medium and that offers limited protection as well. My choice is an AR Breakdown Pistol chambers in .300 blackout with a 10.5 threaded barrel, a suppressor and both .220 (1000+fps = total silence) and .110 grain ammo for maximum benefits (2600 fps = hard hitting). Remember SHTF in most cases = GOING QUIET and getting the job done. I’m not sure that this rifle would make a big difference out in the woods vs carrying a Glock 20 with hard nosed hunting rounds.
My TNW ASR is accurate and fun to shoot suppressed. XTP 147 with 1050 at the muzzle puts the round it at 296 ft pounds at the 100 yrd mark. With 115 gr I get 331 ft pounds @ 100 yards.
Those aren’t bear stopping rounds by any means, but in SHTF situations, I suspect finding 9mm rounds for you PCC will be much easier by orders of magnitudes than finding 300BLK rounds.
So, all you people would put your life and the lives of your loved ones, on the line with a KEL-TEC????????? Jeeeesus how stupid!!!!!!
Ok guy’s and gals,’
I don’t work for TNW but I could talk like I do.
I was looking for a PCC at the beginning of, we’ll, reelection time and I spent endless hours searching sales, reviews, opinions, etc.
Endless hours of Hi-point (too fugly for me), Beretta, Kel-Tec, Just Right, Sten-like, etc. I was leaning towards the Sub-2K or maybe the JR but when I came across this one “squirrel” (I guess A.D.D. kicked in) and I really liked what I saw.
I never heard of them but I decided to take a gamble on the Oregonians and I’ve never looked back.
Easy to carry, easy to put it together, it would be easy on the wallet if it weren’t so darn fun to shoot and lastly easy to clean. I bought one when they were at a lower price point but I thought, at the time, a bit high. I have to be honest and say I don’t know if I would have made the same decision at $799.
Where it was at the time, I couldn’t be happier.
Great review.
This looks like a lot of fun. Similar to the sub2000, but at the same time different.
By the way, everyone I know who gets a sub 2000 tells me that it’s their favorite for target shooting. From your review, this seems like it would probably be the same. I wish I had the bread to get the two of them, but maybe after this great economy actually recovers, I will at least be able to afford one.
Simple question, why? Why but this when you can do the same with an ar-15? You can carry more rounds for the weight and they’re rifle rounds. Simple push pins to take down the gun and re-assemble it. You get more rounds, better performance out to two or three hundred yards, and they’re rifle rounds. You can still carry your pistol for close in defense. So again why invest in something that is inferior? I’ll stick to my ar-14 and pistol.
You reviews are excellent and the best written by anyone in the Gun community. Please always show a picture of the entire weapon system being reviewed. This puts into the picture the meat of the article; and oh yes the pun was intended.
I wouldn’t necessarily call this a SHTF rifle. As others pointed out, SHTF has different meaning to everyone. For self defense however, this would be an excellent tool. To those that question the usefulness of a pistol round in a rifle I have one word: overpenetration. Also, while I enjoy venison as much as the next guy, every place I’ve been to, squirrels, rabbits and even armadillos were much more abundant than larger game. So, a carbine that can harvest small game without vaporizing it, serve as an effective self defense weapon, and shares magazines with your sidearm is a definite win. Now if they acknowledged that not everyone likes Glocks and gave us some other magazine options (Springfield XD, 1911) I would gladly part with the $800 or so they are asking for it.
Not a single picture of all taken show the complete carbine from tip to tip. No way to really appreciate it unless you go to another site and watch a picture. That is lousy reporting.
As a retired LEO I can state absolutely that any such carriage of a firearm concealed in such a backpack, a bag or under a heavy jacket or coa t will get the carrier of such a concealed weapon a one way ticket as a monthly (or more) guest of the County Hoosegow, IF the carrier has no license to carry concealed. Carrying a weapon concealed still requires a license in most states, and even across state lines en route to another state from your home state, one must carry said weapons unloaded and the ammunition separate, USUALLY and due to most states\’ regulations on such things. Don\’t believe me? Try driving from any state in New England to Pennsylvania. You\’d have to go through both New York State and New Jersey, and many times (dependent upon your starting point) through New York City. Does the phrase \”up sh*t creek without the paddle come to mind?
So keeping in mind that this is a great rifle for the purposes, keep in mind the restrictions that may, MAY exist in your home areas regarding concealed carry of a weapon. Because the same rules that apply to a woman carrying a gun in her purse would apply to the rifle in the backpack. I\’m gonna buy me two of these!
you are absolutely correct. Don’t go near NJ or NY with any firearm! The laws are so convoluted in these states, (on purpose), that you’re better off shipping your firearm to your destination. Even if you carry it correctly, you are considered a “suspect” by these states first.
I’m not hunter, strictly target, since I was a kid in NJ where we won state champs 3 years in a row rifle team.- almost 40 years later I’m still scared to death anytime I take a firearm to the range – thinking about all the BS laws that intend to keep law abiding citizens on the defensive.
Really sad. If all goes well I’m leaving this year – great bumper sticker I saw “Last one out of NJ turn the lights out”
Just womndering…….
Are you licensed to carry those ovaries beneath your skirt?
A lot of you anti-takedown folks are missing a very valid point the author pointed out. That of being able to use the same magazine as that of your carry pistol. I don’t have a .223 or 5.56 pistol I carry. Couldn’t afford one if I wanted to. I did save up and carry a gen4 model 41 glock. Though I can hit consistently out to 200 yards with it that is mostly for cover fire so I have more time to scoot. Having a pistol caliber carbine that takes the SAME mags as my pistol just makes sense. I originally did this with a Hi Point JHP 45 and the Hi Point 4595. Excellent setup and the only drawback is no high capacity mags for Hi Points.
This Vernonia, Oregon company is great and needed here in the Pacific Northwest. They also make more than this featured rifle. It’s easy to participate in gun snobbery. If we are all on the same side shouldn’t it show?
Great review, and one that was useful to me in deciding whether or not to look for one of these at a local gun shop.
I like the concept of a $1000 carbine that can be made to fire either of two popular calibers. $1200 might be a little much for a three-caliber capability (for that much money, I’d just get three less expensive pistol-calibered carbines from Centerfire Systems through a dealer, for – as you point out – this is more of a “fun gun” and a last-ditch, close quarter defense weapon, so that less-expensive alternatives beckon at any large gun store that sells used guns).
Perhaps a better but similar weapon is the DOLOS AR pistol with a SIG brace and quick detachable barrel in 300 AAC. This is also back packable, and I would prefer the performance of 300 AAC loaded with 150 grain AMAX bullets to either of the pistol calibers mentioned. It is a sweet pistol and very handy with the SIG brace.
And this is better/more useful/easier to use than KelTec’s Sub2000 pistol caliber folding carbines or their SU-16 rifles in what way? At least the Kel Tecs are true folding designs and don’t have need to separate the barrel to store in minimal configuration. The ASR is nice but nothing new nor does it seem to improve on old technology.
With all the recent hype around “take-down” rifles (10/22, etc.) I think it’s easy to forget about a take-down rifle that most folks already have, that can fit in a medium sized backpack, uses a full power rifle cartridge and is a proven platform: the AR-15.
My go-to rifle, Colt 6920 with Aimpoint Pro, fits perfectly within many medium sized backpacks I own with the upper and lower separated. As a matter of fact, when en-route to a Nat Forest shooting spot, I usually carry my AR in a non-tactical backpack (black or muted colors), ammo, targets, etc. around hikers and mountain bikers with none the wiser.
I’m fairly confident I can pop my upper and lower back together quicker too.
I like it, perfect for how it is being used in this article I would like to see something like this in 300 AAC which would work on a similar chassi.
Well I have been trying to find a KelTec Sub2000, but they are “Allocated as are the CMR30 and PMR 30. I do have a Ruger 10-22 Stainless takedown, and a Henry AR7 (the one that breaks down into it’s own stock) and I am a Fan of takedown guns, but I can takedown all my AR’s including my AR-10 (with it’s A2 style stock I would need a pretty big backpack, but I have a big backpack … so).
I do like this Vernonia company, that little logging town has been murderated (Real word) by the tree huggers. That and I think this to be a fun ‘camp gun’ is all the reason I need to buy one.
I will stick with my Ruger 10-22 Stainless takedown.
Another “I never met a gun I didn’t “article from GA. Yet another firearm that makes no practical sense – an $800 “carbine” that comes complete with poor reliability /malfunction issues, pistol quality accuracy even with the Burris, a poor trigger – we all better run out and buy one just in case the zombie apocalypse happens tomorrow. Why not just call it the POS it is and be done???
Because it is not a POS or I would have called it one. Four malfunctions during the first 50 rounds and zero for the following 450? That is not a POS. I have no problem calling a turd a turd. The groups with the Burris are pistol quality? You must be a heck of a shot to have 5 rounds inside an inch from 50 yards. I also never said the trigger is poor. It is not great but it is far from poor.
What do you carry to be safe in the “big city”. I would be more wary there than in the woods.
I’ll stick with my KelTec Sub2000.
It fits in my backpack too.
Kel-Tec also makes the ugly, but reliable SU-16CA. It folds, it shoots 5.56/.223 and takes AR mags. It costs less too.
Carbines in pistol calibers are a solution for a non-existent problem.
Is .45 not big enough?
With the popularity of these backpacks, AR pistols, folding stock adapter(s) and the like, if the excrement ever hits the fan, wearing a backpack will likely make you a target for the goon squads with guns. (I mean cops and military).
Cops and Military see these articles and vids too, so you go thinking you’re all ‘clandestine” with your backpack, but reality would tell a wise(r) man that the folks we’d supposedly be hiding our carbines/AR pistols from KNOW that in the SHTF situation, if you’ve got a backpack on, they’re gonna wanna see what is in it. Just my opinion obviously, but it seems logical enough.
I totally agree and get a chuckle when I think about a bunch of fat-ass tactical ninjas running around a city during a SHTF scenario with a backpack full of guns, ammo, food, survival gear, etc. They’ll be the first people stopped and searched.
If I had to spend anytime whatsoever in a city during SHTF, I would be more apt to dress like a homeless guy and push a grocery cart around, with my tactical stuff hidden in the cart and conceal carry a pistol, versus being dressed tactically with a backpack. Study what homeless folks look like, dress like, behave, etc. and blend-in…THAT’s your camo.
I’m thinking a bum in the city, would be the meat not available in stores. you will be on the BBQ soon.
Fortify and hunker down where you’re at for as long as you can.
Migrate the sewer systems after that if you must.
Plenty of rat to eat, and bum gangs to hang with.
Good luck in the shithole city.
Getting out now would be much easier than later.
Excellent point. I totally agree. As The Trucker Prepper I was asked all the time why does my rig look like everyone else’s? Why not Mad Max it or give it a camouflage theme. I would politely point out they already answered their own question. They usually got upset. I’d smile and say in parting, “I don’t like to be noticed unless I want to be noticed.”
Your point is well made.
I personally like the thought of a blowback AR, but if I wanted something like this, and if I wanted pistol cal’s, I can get the same function out of an IMI Uzi Model B 9mm (or less expensive copy available out there), with 45 conversion, as opposed to purchasing this upper-serialized (as opposed to lower-serialized) item. I know there are guys like BarrelXchange who make 40 S&W and 357 Sig conversions for Uzi guns. The article also brings out a great point: SHTF firearm has a different meaning for everyone.
Is it NY legal ?
Nyaah! For what? The silly Zombie apocalypse? Sorry, NOT a “survival” rifle IMO. I have several rifles to fill the roll this one does, and whereas they aren’t ‘takedowns’ they are similar in most other respects.
It falls short in the bug out category, and doesn’t fulfill a ‘survival’ roll.
They should make two calibers to make it better; 7’62×39 the most popular in the world, because of the immortal AK47!!!!!!! and 22 mag. Any rifle, shooting pistol cartridges, is a toy!!!!
good luck finding any .22 mag ammo these days.
You should already have a good supply of whatever you shoot.
Nothing –0–will be available for you in a SHTF situation
“Any rifle shooting pistol cartridges is a toy!!!”
I am sure that will be a great comfort to the several hundred USSR troops Simo Häyhä killed with a 9mm of similar barrel length.
“Allways on semi auto. ALLWAYS from the shoulder!”
I have Henry 357 & Ruger 44mag carbine. Hardly toys. Actually badass weapons
Those are great.
Now all you need is a Henry BB44 & a Ruger GP100.357
Don’t look down the muzzle of my Liberty 100 (Calico Light Weapons Systems) and say that … you’ll hurt its feelings.
Was wondering how this would work in 357 Sig?
We have custom built 357 SIG AND 10 MM ASR’S for our customers
I just bought the 10mm I need to wait now for my background check I have the glock 29 subcompact but the mags will not fit the tnw
Interesting in a novelty sort of way. But there is nothing that this pistol caliber thing can do, that a rifle AR can’t do better. This would be a poor choice for SHTF.
The hi cap Glock mag compatibility and different kits chamber versatility makes it a SHTF champ.
Centerfire wont give you all that versatility or pistol compatibility.
SHTF is exactly what this was made for, and may be a value to some.
I could imagine a .22 (coming soon) & a 10 mm.(special order) barrel kit to go with a Ruger Mark III & a Glock 29 gen4, some extra 15 rd Glock mags. And your tidy pack is ready for anything from squirrel to bear. Have that on your back while you shoulder your 5.56 or .308, AR, AK etc.
Something to think about.
Would be nice if it was available in 10mm so you could take on larger game including bear.
We have built custom 357 SIG AND 10 MM ASR’S for our customers.
SMART….there you go.
Just made it worth it.
what 45 cal not big enough for you?
Is it Connecticut Legal?
Nothing is legal in my N.Y or your CONN. If your law is the same as the NYUNSAFE act then if it has a removable mag and one other ( falsh sup. pistol grip .djustable stock. ban. lug) then they claim it is bad and not allowed
This style of rifle is garbage,I see where it malfunctioned.Would you put your life behind that?
IP noticed that too, but he said it fired the next 500 rounds without a problem. So I’m thinking, that it being brand new out of the box, it needed to have a few rounds through it to smooth off the metal burs that come with drill and lathe work. For the price, it should have had that already done at the factory, but you know how things go these days. They just want to pump out as many as they can, as fast as they can, and rake in all the dough they can. And the guy said he had factory magazine and after market magazines. I’m willing to bet he had an after market magazine in it initially. Nearly all pistol caliber carbines do not work well with after market magazines. Hi-Point even tells you not to use anything but the magazines made for it and use of an after-market magazine will void the warranty. So stay away from the after-market magazines, and I’m willing to bet there will be no more feed problems.
I think my AR10 is a better piece Of course the back pack needs to be a little bit longer, but talk about game choice and your eating elk back strap instead of armadillo fritters.
I am highly impressed, would love to get a rifle to test in Arizona high desert conditions, dust, wind and dry. If it works in that, the odds are it will work well in everything.
Very impressive, ill be picking one up soon.
Uuuuhhhhhhhhhhmmmmm. ..kel-tek Sub 2000 anybody? Folds in half, same glockenspiel mags and now, lots of aftermarket parts/accessories available. Not saying it better, but I love mine, and it’s worth comparing if you’re looking at buying a tool of this type.
You’re exactly correct, sir.
You guys are right , but it’s been out of stock for 1/2 year, and the last people that had one were charging double.
$500.00…..still less than this rifle.
Not a bad set up if cash is no big deal to you. (I’m not in that club).
Manufacturers could make so much more money if they gave people a better value.
IE Ruger Take Down .22….cheap and good, and they probably sold a million.
I bought my Keltec sub 2000 on GunBroker at a good price just last month.
I own several pistol caliber carbines, Beretta Storm, HK USC, UZI, etc. But for a light weight foldable backpack type, I agree that the Keltec Sub 2000 is a better option. (I have had one of these too, but have since traded it for other reasons)
If you like the Keltec 2000 you will love what Red Lion Machining does for them! They have some amazing conversions for them. They are honest and spend time with you answering questions. They are quick shippers as well.
I enjoyed your review about this “wunder weapon”. Versatility, practical, fun, equals money well spent in my book. Originally, when I came across this title of the article, the Henry AR-7 22. came to mind. After reading this review, I have totally forgot about Henry’s product.
Semper Fidelis
Yes this sound like a good solid survival rifle and plinking rifle a swell, but $799 (over $800 with tax, shipping etc of you have to order it) is a lot of money for most people now days. If you want a solid (and I don mean solid) .9mm, .40S&W or .45ACP tactical light weight Carbine for a reasonable price buy a Hi-Point TS (tactical stock) 995 (.9mm version) for $269. I have put over 2,000 rounds through mine and the rifle works perfectly. Worked better than the more expensive .9mm Carbines I have fired at the range. I lot pf people don’t like Hi-Point but then it’s their loss. They are solid quality fire Arms that work and NO I don’t work for Hi-Point. Just putting this out there for people on a budget but want a solid Carbine for protection.
I agree. And on top of that, Hi-Point firearms carry a life time warranty which they stand behind and don’t try to jerk you around !
Lets’ talk about what this gun is and put aside form a moment what it is not.
First off, you’ve missed the point if you are comparing this platform to a specialized gun designed for a certain mission. The beauty of this gun is that it is a “multi-caliber/pistol caliber (MC/PC)” AR style platform carbine.
When using a MC/PC carbine in any caliber it becomes a force multiplier, versatile, and adaptable weapon as well as very reliable when based on a robust AR platform.
When you send a pistol caliber round through a 4” barrel it is one thing, but when you send the same round down a carbine with a 16” barrel you have vastly improved Range, Accuracy and Terminal Ballistics. Take for instance a 9mm x 19 round shot through a 4” pistol barrel which is a double tap favorite for many professionals. Now send the same round down a 16” barrel and you have vastly improved the terminal ballistics that more resembles a 357 mag and can reach out 50 yds. very accurately and not do too bad at a 100 yds. Form a shoulder fired position the rounds recoil is very light and can be brought back on target very quickly and very accurately. The 9mm carbine has multiplied the force and effectiveness of the same pistol round using the same magazine as the hand gun you have at your side. Not to mention the reduced weight and ammo inventory cost of using the same round and same magazine.
I find the versatility of a multi caliber (MC) carbine very attractive. With ammo in short supply now, if there is indeed an incident down the road ammo will only become scarcer. The MC aspect provides the versatility to shoot a variety of caliber rounds using the same reliable AR style carbine platform. I like the engineering of this weapon in that it has a quick solid caliber swap that comes with a family of common calibers. I am thinking about the 9mm using 9mm Glock Magazines to start with since that is my hand gun of choice. I will add a 22 LR for small game and 45ACP for larger game or simply when I want a bigger punch. The hardware for a caliber swap appears to be around $250, and at the end of the day I will have three calibers for the same gun in a portable purpose designed carry bag. Very Versatile
Lastly who is going to use a MC/PC weapon? I believe this is the future of guns for military and Law Enforcement where at some point you may need to shoot the round you can find, which due to circumstances, may not necessarily be your round of choice. With the ability to fire, 9mm, 40 Cal, 45ACP as well as 22LR, 22Mag and 17 you have a wide range of ammo that you can utilize and scrounge for. Think about this, if in deed you need to go mobile. Are you really going to be able fill the pickup truck full of guns & ammo, you may want to but prudence will likely prevail in the form of a woman that will have a broader opinion of what you need in the form of food, clothing, and shelter. At this point less is more.
Additionally pistol caliber carbines are an attractive choice for a small frame person such as a young man or woman. Yes this gun in the hands of a pissed off woman defending her nest is reminiscent of the frontier woman with a double barrel shotgun. The difference is that she can shoot a MC carbine very confidently and accurately because it is light weight with light recoil. If you haven’t guessed by now, I am posturing this gun for my wife at Christmas. Oh by the way I have been researching the PC/MC carbines that accept Glock 17 magazines for a while, and I am sold on the AR style platform vs the pistol fire mechanism with the magazine in the pistol grip. I do not have a horse in this race as far as manufacturers go, but I have narrowed my choice of firearms down to a short list that favors this gun. I truly like the fact that this weapon appears to be well thought out, US engineered, with good quality manufacturing on a good quality AR style carbine platform. I will certainly pay a little more for that any day.
Keep on spitting lead
“Oh by the way I have been researching the PC/MC carbines that accept Glock 17 magazines for a while, and I am sold on the AR style platform vs the pistol fire mechanism with the magazine in the pistol grip.”
What do you have on your list for a 9mm PCC?
I am also considering the PCC made by Olympic Arms and JRC (Just Right Carbine) there is anther new gun out there that is called the Nano that I cannot get much info on. It looks good as well but I do not know if it is a MC platform.
A large part of your multi-caliber benefit assumes that you can carry all the parts (receivers, barrels, magazines) required to change respective calibers for random circumstances – which is not probable. Invariably any multi-caliber parts will be left at base in favor of limited carry wts. – water, food, shelter and or other high priority materials. Predicting calibers available after a collapse is actually quite easy based on reported sales of those calibers over the past decade and or the dominant calibers used in law, your local nat. guard, and US Army. Personally, I will stick with four calibers – .22, 9×19, 7.65×39, and 12 ga. – and those based on my locale where flat land and limited line of sight – limits need for long range shots. In any case I don’t expect to be changing weapon calibers in the field. Agreed that the KelTec Sub-2000 is a better choice than the above.
I think most of you are missing the entire point of this, spectacularly. If, the SHTF were to occur, just how do you plan on aquiring additional ammo, after you’ve shot most of yours up. One backpack, 9mm,40sw,45acp,357sig,10mm. A lot of good your one rifle, and if your lucky, its one conversion to 9mm, is, when all you might come across is a partial box of 10mm or 357sig, cause everybody else has hogged the supplies left, and distribution has grinded to a halt. This allows the greatest chance of using the greatest number of caliber choices, should you be lucky enough to come across whatever pistol ammo you might come across, in the most portable manner. Realistically, i can shoot this is all our city indoor ranges, train with my defensive ammo of choice without having to use frangible, and not blow my eardrums out if i use this in the house or up and down the street. Yes, Im worried about reliability, but i believe most of the issues were break in and pro mag’s instead of Glock mags. This is a great idea, that looks like it works, for what ot is meant to do. Ie, 100 yards or so. Where I live, i just wouldnt be able to tell friend,foe, neighbor beyond that range