Taurus International Manufacturing
Taurus has their new concealed carry revolver here at SHOT show, and it is turning heads. This new little pistol is called The View, and it’s easy to see why. A substantial section of the gun’s frame is made of clear Lexan. The rest of the frame is aluminum alloy. But don’t worry about the strength of frame. The titanium cylinder and stainless steel-lined titanium barrel are going to take most of the punishment.
The View’s barrel is just shy of an inch and a half long. This little guy only weighs 9 ounces empty and about 17 ounces when loaded with five .38 specials. This is all set on a highly modified model 85 frame with a canted grip that makes for a fast instinctive aim. It should also help to control the recoil of this little gun. We haven’t shot it yet, but the folks who have say the recoil is rather snappy. Of course it is. Did we mention that it weighs a paltry 9 ounces. But that’s ok. This is not going to be a range gun. Sure you need to be proficient with your carry piece, but this is more of a true hold-out style gun. Grip and go. Point and shoot.
The view has a hammer, but is double action only. The 10-pound trigger pull is its best safety. The pull on the examples here are long, yet smooth through the travel.
Now back to the polycarbonate side panel. The Taurus rep said the company spent a great deal of time getting the hardness of the plastic just right. The Lexan is hard enough to do its job, but it has just enough flex that it will not crack around the screw heads, even if they’re over-tightened.

How about some goldfish inside, so we can be entertained when we aren’t using the gun.
How about some goldfish inside, so we can be entertained when we aren’t using the gun.
Seriously…the writer thinks that 5 rounds of .38 weighs half a pound!!! My loads don’t use 500 grain bullets, so they only weigh 2.3 oz. for 5 rounds.
The Taurus Vies fits a nitch many of us have been waiting for…small lightweight concibilitably revolver…small barrel length defense caliber revolver that us retired LEOs can reli on. A gun in the pocket is worth a thousand times one left behind because of too much weight, etc. I carry one of the two I own every where I go loaded with .38 mag safe ammo…why don’t you???? Had to use it when a street person decided to target my wifes purse and us with a ice pick…we won…Taurus, God bless you and your limited production of the VIEW .
You shot some poor street person over a few bucks in your wife’s purse? Should have just handed it over. Too many more like you and guns really will be banned
First off jamesie boy, how do YOU know how much was in her purse. Second, they both could have been stabbed with an ice pick and left to die. You go ahead and be a coward, just make sure when someone goes to rob and stab YOU, scream and let me know, and I’ll walk away, and let them do as they will. What you obviously DON’T understand is most criminals nowadays, prefer NOT to leave a witness, so Arthur, did the correct thing. And as a closing thought WHO THE F said he shot the perp, he could’ve just pulled his weapon, and your lowlife FRIEND, may have just ran away. Jus’ sayin’. 😁😎😇
Just purchased the Taurus no view and replaced grips with the Taurus rubber small frame grips and they fit well and now can control this little revolver for good shooting. Love this little revolver.
The View is still here. They replaced the clear side plate with aluminum. I have a View in my collection. Problem was the clear sides have fissures by the screws and taurus couldn’t fi x it. I did not sent mine back as they wanted.
I really like the style of this design . . . it reminds me of the old H&R “Vest Pocket” mini revolvers chambered for .32 S&W Short. I agree with everyone that the sideplate needs to be replaced with metal, although I think Lexan would be a popular option. It is not rated for +P, and solvents such as Hoppe’s 9 should not be used, both due to the Lexan as well as the clearcoat on the frame and cylinder (the Smith 642 and 342 has the same issue). If they came out with an all black version and lightened the trigger pull a bit, I’d definitely buy one.
I’d buy this thing just BECAUSE it looks like a kid’s cap gun! I loved those things so much when I was a kid, I’d take it in a minute just to fulfill an old fantasy that I could have a real one! I like those black scandium frames with grey cylinders for the same reason. I will have one or the other some day!
How fortunate for me. If I actually believed all of you experts I would go out and hang myself. My Taurus PT 92 has never failed. Its a pleasure to shoot, it has proven reliable, and the grip fits just fine. Its a little big to carry concealed though as is my Argentinian imported 1911, which turned 51 this year But, it too seems to do just what I need it to do. I believe the best concealed carry weapon is one that nobody knows you ‘re carrying. The New Springfield EMP in 40 caliber was purchased specifically to carry. and although it hasn’t been tested enough to prove otherwise, the initial reviews were enough to stir me to step up for the price. Oh and my revolver? Its a Blackhawk in .41 mag. See a pattern? No plastic anywhere. Don’t want it, wont buy it, no matter who worships at the altar of Glock. My money, my rules. If you got this far in my post you notice I haven’t berated anyones’ preference. Carry what you like, what you want, or what someone sold you on. Just use your brain and do it safely.
A big enemy of Lexan (General Electric’s trade name for its polycarbonate) and all thermoforming plastics is UV light. I’ve had lots of experience with polycarbonate using UV inhibitors in incandescent and fluorescent lighting applications and after long use it rapidly loses it mechanical properties, including its transparency. Natural polycarbonate has a straw color so blue tinting is added to make it look clear. Another weak link of polycarbonate is that it is soft and easily deforms under constant stress. The only thermoforming plastic I would use with a gun is the box to put it in. There is no valid reason to substitute Lexan for metal in a gun. There is a valid reason for aircraft manufacturers to disallow plastic in compression for an electrical grounding. That is trouble brewing in this little gun.
Wait til the chlorinated cleaning solvents hit this little jewel. Lexan will not stand up to perchlor or trichlor, it causes inter-molecular crazing and disintigration.
It reminds me of a music box with a glass lid!! I like it..
Regina Spector Music Box
my only question is,will it take +p’s ? I’ve shot small pistols in larger calibers and had no problem.the short Barrel does not give much of a kick and at 5 yards or less you do not miss.
Not ONE nice thing to say about the gorgeous gal?
I’ve got to say, I’ve never had a problem with any Taurus I’ve owned. As for the semi auto comparison with Glock, I have two Glock 17’s (Gen 2 and Gen 4) and one Taurus 24/7. I’d rather shoot the Taurus any day because the grip is superior. I shoot equally well with both but the Taurus is more pleasurable to shoot.
I’ve had two Taurus revolvers bind up on me (a 44 mag and a magnesium-frame 38), and a Rossi 357 (remember, Taurus is Rossi’s parent company). All three required a return to Taurus for repair or adjustment. If the new boss of Taurus has fixed these binding problems, great. But for this gun owner, I’d have to think LONG and HARD before buying another Taurus or Rossi. And it’s sad, because Taurus is quite the innovator.
Not to be a party pooper, but why do we need a clear Lexan frame piece on this? Gimmicky, but does it add anything of value?
The real problem I see with the see-thru gun where you get ot to watch all the parts move inside AS YOU PULL THE TRIGGER… Is that it’s kinda cool to watch. It invites dry-firing. Which is assuming tht the gun is unloaded… See where I’m going with this? Negligent Discharge. Doesn’t that happen enough already?
Now people will be pulling the trigger orders of magnitude more often just to watch the parts move, and we all know how sure thay are that it isn’t loaded…
Also, it might encourage people to look at it when actually firing, instead of the target, what is beyond it, the sights…
Its a distraction and a bait to break the most important gun safety rules. That is BAD.
Not saying the product is evil, just see some potential for serious down sides…
I was at the SHOT show and saw and handled ( if you can use that word ) the View, the grips is WAY to short to hang onto! I can see firing one round then have the gun spinning around your trigger finger and be useless. If the grip were at least one inch longer it MIGHT be acceptable but the way it is…….. I wouldn’t pay what they want for it. And being able to see the lock work, well I guess you would know when it needs cleaning. To me it is just a novelty and won’t be around very long. Of course in a few years those who bought them will try to sell them for twice what they paid, LOL
Very innovative. I applaud them for their product breadth and imagination. On cylinder binding: I’ve owned a total of 5 Taurus revolver manufactured from the mid 80s to 2006 or so. I had one with a binding cylinder which Taurus fixed promptly. I’ve owned about the same number of Ruger revolvers and one of them also had a binding cylinder that Ruger repaired as well. I feel that S&W probably has its occasional problems as well with cylinder binding. That being said, I own two smiths and both are fine.
What In The Hell Is wrong with Taurus…?
I thought GLOCK had the plastic gun in SPADES all locked up?
The photo of the gun from the backside, (looking at the grip; bottom left) appears they didn’t let the dough RISE Enough before baking, or, it was too near the lights in the display case and MELTED somewhat,,, OMG-LOL5X…
What a bunch of girls. It’s a gun for chrissake. It’s too light, it’s too ugly, it’s too pretty. It shoots .38 spl. and that will absolutely have a negative affect on whoever is on the receiving end. I have big hands, and while it’s not my first choice, I have successfully shot the NAA 5 shot mini revolver. This COULD be a niche gun or it could be for anyone not so prissy as to dedmand a specific gun or a specific caliber like nothing else in the world will work. Personally, I want one. AND I agree with those that have said that Taurus is getting better. Not only have they gotten very good at making guns similar to other manufacturers popular firearms, but they have become innovators. Just look at their Trackers and The Judge for example. Who has copied the Judge? Why none other than S&W. Time will tell on this little revolver but I think it has a future.
Actually, Taurus copied “the judge” off of the Thunder five.
Most of their guns are copies of existing designs.
Yea, because no other gun maker ever copies other good selling guns. (p3at,LCP,governer,Judge,Colt agent\cobra,chiefs special,Hi Power,CZ75,……the list is endless. Taurus has been around since the 60’s and I think are hear to stay. The more gun makers the better for us gun owners. If you don’t like it you don’t have to buy it, unlike Obama Care…..I will take Taurus making guns I like or do not like and spend my money as I like. You can keep Obama and have him tell you what you can and can’t buy.
Yea, because no other gun maker ever copies other good selling guns. (p3at,LCP,governor,Judge,Colt agent\cobra,chiefs special,Hi Power,CZ75,……the list is endless. Taurus has been around since the 60’s and I think are hear to stay. The more gun makers the better for us gun owners. If you don’t like it you don’t have to buy it, unlike Obama Care…..I will take Taurus making guns I like or do not like and spend my money as I like. You can keep Obama and have him tell you what you can and can’t buy.
Wow! They can’t even get thier normal revolvers to function that well without binding up. I hate to think what thier plastic gun will do.
Tom, Tom,. It is not a plastic pistol. the side plate is Lexan, the cylinder and barrel shroud titanium and frame aircraft aluminum. No they do make a poly pistol however this is not the one. Like the Ruger Poly revolver it works well. But Tom thinks Rugers are junk too. read before you post son.
Wow! They can’t even get thier normal revolvers to function that well without binding up. I hate to think what thier plastic gun will do.
Anybody that owns a Taurus is the pinnacle of stupidity and a product like this just shows their true colors. They should put led lights in it so it glows. Douchebags!
We are letting comments like this through because there is some frustration with Taurus in the past, for valid reasons. Mark Kresser has completely turned the company around and is working hand in hand with a whole new staff of management in Brazil to make high quality and high value products, with good US based customer service. Taurus is not an advertiser here and there is no contract on the table to advertise here. Affordable high quality products are in the best interest of all 2nd Amendment supporters, and Mark Kresser’s Taurus is going to be a new force in the market building a good new reputation.
I purchased the Taurus no view and replaced the Taurus rubber grips from my Taurus 380 and they fit my no view well and really help control when shooting. Love the little no view.
dude you are a moron! just cause a person owns a Taurus does not make them stupid. your a gun snob who probably pays more then is needed for gun that works the same as a Taurus. grow up and get real ass wipe
Agreed wellillbee. I have 3 Taurus .357s in 6″ scoped, 4″, & a Titanium snub 7 shot. They have never failed me and I shoot quite often. This binding issue is news to me. I’ve got less than a grand in all of them. Maybe if I were a Bankster like you I’d have a safe full of Kimber or Karr (?) custom shop Pistols in every caliber depending on what golf course I’m playing at that day. Sometimes ya just gotta shoot the caddy if you slice a shot off the Ladies Tee!
Glad I found this website, and I enjoyed the 1st dozen or so comments. I guess I’ll sell my stupid ass Taurus revolvers and donate the money to Sarah Brady since I’m too dumb to own a gun or hang out here.
Owning several TAURUS firearms among others, I have a certain amount of respect for their product. That having been said………. TAURUS , YOU’VE GONE TOO FAR….STOP !! before you lose all the respectability you have earned. This does not advance firearm technology. How many other manufactures will follow your lead…NONE.
And THAT goes for Clear Plastic side panels and BLAZE ORANGE front sights like on the Henry AR-7 Clone. That’s funny, “You are posting comments too quickly, slow down”, No, get a bigger server or hire more stupid censors.
Nick You know colored guns are illegal in the UK and Kalifornia. Bloomberg the former mayor of NY was anti colored. Hummm.
C’mon guys, such emotional outbursts diminish the value of your comments. I’m sure Taurus will not pay a great deal of attention to discussion like this. In my humble opinion, the market place will judge this curiosity. If the pink thing is overdone( I think it very well may be) then they won’t sell well and Taurus will be forced to take them off the market. I remember the pistol that had plastic bullet holders called “Trounds” which were supposed to improve functioning of the weapon. It was a laughable solution in search of a problem.
However, if anyone purchased one of those weird looking pistols,and held onto it, they now have a collectible worth multiple THOUSANDS!!
Here’s a problem that seems to be developing among the manufacturing community. There is a movement in the direction of making firearms look more and more like toys. It started with the Pink crap to appeal to the Ladies and now, if you look at the photo of the weapons lined up you see many more colors represented. What is the possible purpose for IRRESPONSIBILITY like this? I mean, who are you targeting with the “Marketing Strategy”? The 12 and under crowd? The “Gay” community? (I ONLY mention them because of their highly developed sense of accessorization), nothing “personal”. The MORE a gun looks like a toy, the MORE the Law Enforcement community has to HESITATE to IDENTIFY THEM before they can make a THREAT or NOT assessment. You ASSHOLES are going to get people KILLED with this JUNK. Put your DUMB-ASS marketing Nerds on a bus and send them on a field trip to their local POLICE Station for the day to LEARN what goes on in REAL LIFE with the WEAPONS they manufacture. STOP trying to be a BIGGER ASSHOLE than the previous ASSHOLE and one-up him with a weapon that DOESN’T look like a weapon. USE the brain GOD provided you with! A gun is a gun is a gun is a WEAPON, capable of projecting DEADLY FORCE, NOT some STUPID FASHION STATEMENT!!!! JERKS!
It is sad you use such language Nick. Yep you are a big man however if you can carry a gun you are the one who would shoot in road rage.
sorry rog, didn’t mean to ruffle your Gay feathers. I DID say nothing personal.
Nick, you sound like the ASSHOLE here. Nothing “personal”. No one will force you to buy it. It is ugly as sin though
Willie, or Wontie, one thing I have to say about the “Gays”, they SURE do “Stick Together”. You guys are AMAZING! SUPRISING though that you’re Sooooooooo sensitive to the use of a harmless word like ASSHOLE. And BOTH of you are “Skirting” the issue. It’s something you wouldn’t understand never having been on the business end of a gun before. Let’s hope you never have fractions of a second to assess a threat before you have to act. Go find someone that IS or has BEEN in harm’s way and ask THEM if the argument is valid. Fools like you 2 are the reason the “Anti” bunch has come so far. AND, the companies that allow their Marketing Department to steer their ship. It’s ALWAYS easier to attack the messenger than to act on the message. THAT would take actual INDEPENDANT THOUGHT and ACTION. You guys keep taking the Red Pill and hope the problems go away while others fight your battles for you.
First off jamesie boy, how do YOU know how much was in her purse. Second, they both could have been stabbed with an ice pick and left to die. You go ahead and be a coward, just make sure when someone goes to rob and stab YOU, scream and let me know, and I’ll walk away, and let them do as they will. What you obviously DON’T understand is most criminals nowadays, prefer NOT to leave a witness, so Arthur, did the correct thing. And as a closing thought WHO THE F said he shot the perp, he could’ve just pulled his weapon, and your lowlife FRIEND, may have just ran away. Jus’ sayin’. 😁😎😇
Can anyone say stupid? I don’t know maybe it’s something people will find fun to show off at party’s or to your local gun range but as far as saying it’s like looking into a very expensive watch? That’s just silly! Firearms are for protection and I just cannot see a thief saying “Hey I love that see through pistol” Prior to unloading it. Just my opinion.
Hey, maybe if they actually put a watch or compass in the Lexan….they will have gone total useless
gimmick-ery. At least when I drop it from the 2 fingered grip & +P loads I’ll know what time it happened.
My wife’s .38 S&W Ladysmith model 642 weighs 15oz unloaded and we had to swap out the fancy factory wooden grips with three-finger length rubber Hogue grips due to the unpleasant recoil. It is still a handful to shoot.
I cannot imagine the recoil of a two-fingered 9oz Taurus pistol shooting .38 S&W +P but my guess is it would sting like an exploding Black Cat firecracker in a lady’s hand.
Women don’t want to shoot guns that break their nails and make their hands bleed.
Perhaps a 9oz Taurus ‘The View’ revolver chambered in .22lr or .22wmr would have a more tolerable recoil.
.22 cal, are you kidding ? My lovely wife, all of 5’1″ 110 lbs, fires Sally, a Ruger 357, w/one hand, VERY ACURATELY ! She says, “have your wife throw a hanful of bb’s, the perp may slip on them, and do more damage to himself. My children were all firing a .22 handgun, and rifle, before they turned 3. We call those “starter pistols”. Two out of three of my kids, went military, and my middle daughter, now has 16 yrs in the ARMY. HOOAH !! If a woman is “afraid to break a nail, or bleed, you’d better teach her how to kneel, pray, and surrender. My wife is getting ready for her new toy, THE JUDGE, with a 2 in barrel. She fired one a few months ago, fell in love, end of story. PS, yes she raced her Triumph 650 Trophy, dragging her knee, in a 60 mph, 45° u-turn. All I can say, is she’s ALL WOMAN, and one MEAN ASS QT.
cool looking gun but calling it “the View” is fucking retarded. I do like that Taurus seems to have cleaned up their shop a little and seem to be more dedicated to putting out better quality lately. We’ll see how it is…
I help out a gunsmith and if Taurus has improved quality it is hard to tell. They also do not support their firearms with replacement parts because it takes forever to get them IF you can get them at all.
I worked in plastic industry 27 years almost all in Quality. Lexan is incredibly strong BUT many simple chemicals, even Windex, attack and weaken it or discolor it or both. This is a bad idea and the word “gimmick” comes to mind first time I saw a picture of this gun. This is not a good idea.Taurus should concentrate on improving what they have instead of creating things like this.
So… how is this better than a S&W 340PD J Frame, which weighs less loaded with the same 5 x .38+P’s ?
I own a 340PD with a Hogue 3 finger rubber grip, and I love it. Yes, the grip makes it less concealable, but in most pockets I can fit it in a pocket holster. Buffalo Bore 38+P is as powerful as a light 357, but generally the first 2 rounds I carry are a little less powerful. Yes, it will shoot 357. Much better weapon than that little Taurus. There are cheaper and better back up guns too.
Who gives a flying rats a** if it has a Lexan side plate? Just make a worth while weapon. Much rather have
a all metal weapon.doc
I may be slow on the uptake here; but what is the purpose of having the clear lexan portion of the frame? I fail to see what tangible attribute this feature contributes to the overall efficacy of the pistol. I own, and often carry a S&W model 317 with crimson trace grips. Fully loaded with 8 rounds, it is about the same weight as my cell phone.
Thinking outside the box. I will wait and see before judging.
Agreed, I like how these clowns are bashing this thing having never laid hands on it. Sort of like all the traditionalist back in the 1980 who thought Glocks were plastic junk and wouldn’t be around long.
I have experience with Glocks and Taurus, I wouldn’t trade 1 Glock for 2 Taurus. Taurus has been around longer than Glock, since 1939, but Glock has a far better reputation, and for good reasons. I think the bashing is because Taurus seems to be more interested in useless gimmicks than quality.
Those of us who have followed and owned Glocks for any length of time can relate many problems in the guns they sold. (even the hallowed G19 had problems after entering service withe the NYPD). Granted the problems have all been cured, but that took time. Let’s see if Taurus is doing better NOW.
Too small for a man’s hand. A pair of vice grips and a hammer would likely be as accurate at anything beyond bad-breath range. Cute but practical, maybe, only for a small strong wristed, up close & personal, girl? The only worse would be to make this an automatic. Oh, they did!
Murphy it is marketed for girls with small hands. You have a girl hand?
Hey Taurus,
Cute Crackerjacks prize, but how about first concentrating on cylinder gaps that are the correct size and are square with the barrel? You know, so they don’t lock the revolver up tight and get people killed?!
I have purchased 2 (and only 2) brand new Taurus revolvers that would get stuck when a particular chamber came around. So much for the general assumption that “there’s not much that can go wrong with a revolver”. If Ruger or S&W doesn’t make it, I don’t want it.
Just FYI Taurus has had a complete rebirth in quality control with Mark Kresser.
Mark better rethink this, quickly, Lexan chemical resistance or LACK there-of is a well known dis-qualifier for
this type of application. One good shot of the perchlorethlene gun cleaners on the market and it would be so long to the side plates.
In just the last couple of years since I bought mine?!
I am pleased to hear it, but I will believe it when I see it.
Everything considered, just how does Taurus plan to convince me to buy another gun from them?
or Colt, have NEVER had a problem with a Colt or S&W or Dan Wesson
How novel. A micro revolver named after a liberal talk show. I’ll bet that Woopie Goldberg is the first purchaser.
So, this cap gun was the first thing I thought of when I saw this, and guess what? It has a bigger grip.
This is fascinating, nobody ever showed me a novelty such as a clear plastic revolver frame. But there is one reporting problem I see: they claim empty weight is 9 oz, and loaded weight is 17 oz. When I put my Smith & Wesson Airweight .38 on the food scale, it weighs 17 oz loaded too. But it has an aluminum frame and dry weight is 15 oz, so I truly don’t believe five .38 cartridges weight 8 oz.
Maybe others don’t agree, but I find those puny grips to be uncomfortable and in my mind inferior in shooting control. Something long enough to give all 4 fingers a place to grip, makes me feel much more confident.
M. Johnson, I don’t consider myself to have large hands, but I prefer a large grip on a handgun. A friend of mine has tiny hands and just cannot tolerate shooting my handguns. Why? Because the grips are too large!
And when you’re designing a handgun for concealed carry, something has to go. Usually it’s things that make the gun comfortable to shoot, i.e. overall weight, the longer sight radius and hand grip size.
And the Airweight Smith & Wesson Model 442, is 140 dollars cheaper, and has a lifetime service warranty. Who cares about a couple of oz’s anyway?
20 years from now, will that plastic on the Taurus turn yellow and become brittle? probably
Probably not. Lexan polycarbonate has been arounf for many years and one ithe applications thereof is bank drive-thru windows. It soes not turn yellow and a 3/4 inch panel will stop a 44 Magnum at close range. Darned tough “plastic”.
BUT: chlorinated solvents eat lexan causing disintegration.
Well don’t use a solvent with it in it…silly What do they use om space craft and jet fighters windows?
A big enemy of Lexan (General Electric’s trade name for its polycarbonate) and all thermoforming plastics is UV light. I’ve had lots of experience with polycarbonate using UV inhibitors in incandescent and fluorescent lighting applications and after long use it rapidly loses it mechanical properties, including its transparency. Natural polycarbonate has a straw color so blue tinting is added to make it look clear. Another weak link of polycarbonate is that it is soft and easily deforms under constant stress. The only thermoforming plastic I would use with a gun is the box to put it in. There is no valid reason to substitute Lexan for metal in a gun. There is a valid reason for aircraft manufacturers to disallow plastic in compression for an electrical grounding. That is trouble brewing in this little gun.
Ted, sorry, but I forgot a comment. Lexan will stop a .44 magnum but it won’t stop a carpenter’s electric saw because it is so soft. But it will yellow in time as straw is its natural color.
I owned an armored service and my bulletproof windows were polycarbonate Lexan. Lexan stops the bullet by “grabbing and holding” the bullet. The twist of the bullet creates heat, melts the Lexan and stops the bullet. It will also stop an electric drill unless you jam the drill through at high speed and pull it back out of the Lexan quickly. If you are too slow, your drill bit is caught in the Lexan and good luck managing to remove it. You can’t. As to a carpenters saw, yes, you can saw it, but you’d better turn the circular saw blade backwards are if you aren’t careful, you’ll lock the sawblade in the Lexan also. I’m not saying a thin sheet of Lexan, but since we’re talking stopping a .44, it would be a pretty fair thickness.
No it will not stop all 44 magnum rounds I have shot it before and I suppose someone used an soft lead light load at 700 fps that some was stopped by it. That is not evidence it will actaully stop the 44 magnum. I worked with it for decades and you omitted that there are different types of Lexon like the Margard Polycarbonate sheet or Lexan MR-10 sheet provides the superior impact resistance of Polycarbonate Lexan 9034 with the advantage of an abrasion resisting state-of-the-art coating. Polycarbonate Lexan Margard MR-10 is unsurpassed in high vandalism areas . Thats like saying a glass window will stop an AK-47 round when in fact that window is 7 inches thick and layered with plastic beteween the glass and on a armored vehicle. Nice try and I has seen base balls break sheets of Lexan in the summer.
Well, Being that 38 SPL. Comes in weights from 110gr-200grain rounds your weight differential may be cause for a closer look.
I will however agree that having the correct grip on any pistol is as important as it being loaded. I have a S&W Airweight and I use two grips, the ones it came with and a set of Houge grips that I can get all four finger around and what a difference in accuracy and control. Take care.