Taurus G3C – Full Review

in Authors, Clay Martin, Gun Reviews, Handguns, Pistols, Semi-Autos
Taurus G3C - Full Review
New Taurus packaging.

This week, we got our hands on the all-new Taurus G3C. Building on the very successful, indeed cult-like following, of the G2, the G3 series is Taurus’ latest entry to the CCW market. Can the little gun from Brazil hold up against the big dogs in the industry? With a big pile of 9mm, we set out to find that answer for ourselves.

Taurus G3C - Full Review
3 mags ready to go.

I’ve been a Taurus fan for quite some time, despite some QC issues in the past. So when this one came up for review, I jumped right on it. Not only did I want to know for myself, but I wanted to be absolutely sure the G3C got a fair shake. You all know me by now as not one to pull punches.

Taurus G3C - Full Review
Mid sub compact? You tell me.

The G3C is kind of an odd duck, which is not always a bad thing. Taurus makes some innovative steps from time to time and certainly marches to the beat of their own drum. The first place this reflects is in the overall size of the gun. It is bigger than a Glock 26 but smaller than a Glock 19. It is wider than a Springfield Armory Hellcat or Sig P365, but still slim enough to count as a concealable gun. What size does that make it, in category? A mid subcompact? No idea. But overall, it is going to work for a lot of people in a lot of roles. The slightly larger size lends itself to being easy to pick up a shoot, while it is still small enough to carry well.

Taurus G3C - Full Review
Textured grip panels.

The grip has a very nice basketweave texture to it, in places. That wasn’t a misplaced sentence. Taurus has done some really good work in the advancement of ergonomics and textures in the past few years. The SPECTRUM, in my opinion, was a badly underrated gun. But that willingness to be different lives on in the G3C. The texturing is in little panels, which does cover about 80% of the grip including the front strap and backstrap. The smooth parts in between at first feel like an aesthetic choice. But, in use, it feels like the gun has just enough texture to stay in your hand. Nothing more, nothing less.

Taurus G3C - Full Review
Front thumb index point.

Also, cut in the frame are little divets for both support hand and main hand. These are intended to be thumb shelves, which is a nice touch. The ones on the grip are kind of laughable if you have larger hands, but the ones up front do provide a good index point. A distinct look that will be beneficial to some no doubt.

Taurus G3C - Full Review
Well designed magazines.

The gun ships with three 12 round magazines, each steel with a very slick metal coating. A bright yellow follower provides easy visual confirmation of empties. Out of the box, they are a little stiff. That is pretty normal with any new magazines, and I’m sure they’ll break in over time.

Taurus G3C - Full Review
safety engaged

The G3C has a manual safety, albeit left side only. I would have like to see the safety a little bigger, but at least it has one. Kudos to Taurus for putting one on. But how small is the safety lever? Well, I didn’t notice it was a safety until I was on my third set of magazines. It is functional and small enough not to inhibit the gun as a CCW piece. But I would have still preferred it be just a bit wider.

Taurus G3C - Full Review
Taurus G3C - Full Review

The sights on the gun are steel, with a white dot front and black rear. If I had to offer an opinion, I would call them “good enough” sights. They aren’t fancy tritiums or fiber optics as are standard on some guns, but they don’t suck either. That is me saying I wouldn’t feel compelled to swap them out before I even left the gun store. They work well enough as is, no doubt. I made not only 40 yard hits with ease, but burning it down up close was no sweat either. If you do want to swap them out, good news. The G3C sights were designed to be compatible with most aftermarket Glock sights. So options are plentiful.

Taurus G3C - Full Review
A striking profile, in its own way

Okay, sunshine and roses is over.  I talked about all the things I liked, now lets talk about what I didn’t. Now to be fair, there was not one thing about this pistol that I hated. But still, at an MSRP of $309, you knew there were going to be some trade offs. And I would be remiss not to bring them up.

Taurus G3C - Full Review
A slide on the thicker side

The slide, as the kids say, is chonky. All polymer frame guns to some degree are top-heavy, but it is both width and mass you feel on the G3C. Not terribly so, and I have shot worse balanced handguns. I will also say that during shooting, you don’t even notice. But it does both feel and look a little weird if you are just sitting around the gun counter. Is it a deal-breaker? Not for me. I can get over some looks if it works, and this worked.

Taurus G3C - Full Review
barrel on the thinner side

For all that slide mass, I expected a beefy barrel. What I got instead was a spaghetti noodle. Now this is a really stupid complaint, but it is something I noticed. The blocky chamber area looks like Mr. Universe, then you pull the slide back to reveal Mr. Magoo. I’m not even a big pistol accuracy guy, and this had me concerned. But, proof is in the pudding. Even run very hot, the G3C was absolutely slamming a B/C zone target at 40 yards. So I would call this an aesthetic problem only, and then only if you care.

Taurus G3C - Full Review
Trigger safety is large

The third bit of weirdness is the trigger. This is advertised as a striker fired gun, with Taurus’s exclusive RESTRIKE capability. If you have a failure to ignite a primer, you can just pull the trigger again. Well, I call that a double action/single action, I don’t care if you can see a hammer or not.

Taurus G3C - Full Review
double recoil spring

RESTRIKE, DA/SA, whatever, it leaves you with the same problems. Basically, the gun feels like it has two different trigger pulls. Now because Taurus built this with a non decocking striker, as well as did a really good job, its harder to notice. And the pull is opposite of a DA/SA actually. Since you partially cock the striker when you load the gun, the normal trigger pull is almost no resistance on a long pull, to hard wall, then it breaks at about 6 pounds. If you have to RESTRIKE, the pull of the trigger has to re-arm the striker. And the pull is significantly longer.

Taurus G3C - Full Review
front cocking serrations

Even in under normal operation conditions, the trigger pull is on the long side. I count that as a deficit, if a minor one.  The front half of the pull is so light, you can start to forget how long it actually is. But if you start hammer steel up close, you will notice. Undoubtably this would be overcome with lots of rounds on the gun. I don’t think it is a bad trigger, at all. But I do know I chucked a couple off steel because of it.

Taurus G3C - Full Review
Hornady XTP 9mm

Overall impression? I couldn’t be happier. At this price point, the G3C is very hard to beat. I would have no problem recommending this one to a friend, or carrying it myself. It ate everything I fed it, without the slightest hiccup. It ran fast just fine, and had accuracy beyond what most people can use. Is it a Wilson Combat 1911? No. But does it absolutely get the job done, at a very reasonable price? I find no fault in it for that task.

For more information visit Taurus USA website.

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  • Steven October 24, 2022, 11:06 pm

    Any long term experience/reliablity reports any of the readers or you Clay might have now that this model has been out a good while? Thanks

  • Bill August 6, 2021, 9:09 am

    It needs to come with a red dot. What is the overall length? That is important for pocket carry!

  • J Bosun December 30, 2020, 7:57 am

    They make the G2C in .40 w/ a 10 round mag. I like the upgrades in the G3C, do they have any plans to release in .40 as well?

  • Y December 28, 2020, 6:58 pm

    I thought Taurus was bought out from someone in the United States and was no longer being made in Italy and Brazil

  • Charles Tuggle December 28, 2020, 6:29 pm

    When they make one that I can put a red dot on one I will buy it. At age 74 I don’t own any firearms I can’t put a red dot on.

  • Daddio7 December 28, 2020, 1:24 pm

    Most people are not ex Green Berets or LEOs, we just want an affordable gun that goes bang when we pull the trigger. I have a Taurus 38 special revolver. In 25 years I have put less then 20 rounds through it. I have a FNS 9 that I got 8 years ago, about 50 rounds on that one. I have .22 revolver that I have put several thousand rounds through knocking soda cans off a rail behind my barn. I could toss one in the air and hit it twice on the way down. Short barrel pistols are for imminent threats, if you need sights your target is not an imminent threat.

  • Tom December 28, 2020, 9:28 am

    I have had the Taurus G3 for three years and it has proven to be a fine weapon considering what it was designed for. My duty gun is the HK 40 compact LEM. These LEM firearms sport “lawyered up” longer pull triggers which you just learn to deal with. After having gone through years of repeated requal events with the HK, seems to me that the Taurus trigger experience is nearly identical to my issue gun.

  • Mike December 28, 2020, 8:55 am

    Like anything else, you get used to it. I traded a Sig 938 for the G3 for the added capacity. The trigger on the G3 was just as heavy as the 938 so all I had to do was get used to the take-up. All that takes is PRACTICE. Beyond that I have 500+ rounds through it without a hiccup of any kind. I love the grip texture (non-existent with the Sig) and accuracy is just fine for it’s intended purpose.
    I’d buy another in a heart beat.

    • Tom December 28, 2020, 9:30 am

      Same here Mike. When studying the internals, I think the Taurus G3 is safer than the Glock.

      • Big Al 45 December 28, 2020, 11:31 am

        “Safer than the Glock”?!?!?
        And I am NO Glock fan, but that statement CANNOT be proven under ANY circumstances.
        Fact is, NO gun is ‘SAFE’, especially loaded. PEOPLE are safe, or they are not.
        Putting the issue of ‘safety’ on the gun is B.S., it’s ALWAYS with the operator.
        With the exception of a defective firearm, of course.

  • Mark F December 28, 2020, 8:52 am

    While I’d want something a little trimmer for EDC, for about $350 with tax, you can get a really nice, home-defense stash gun. I’d say that’s a win for Taurus.

  • Bobs your uncle August 5, 2020, 10:56 pm

    Thats just how I shoot my G3, well, except for the hitting the target part

  • Ej harbet July 22, 2020, 9:34 pm

    why not tell us how many rounds.
    There’s a market for high round count test articles on various guns that sell to us poors

  • Sierra Victor Romeo July 16, 2020, 8:45 am

    Sadly, with all the price gouging that is rampant at this time, the $306.00 price is more like $370.00 plus ,plus, plus! So, we see now that panic and fear are excellent tools to jack up prices to folks who actually care and respect our rights.
    Very sad (and scary) time in America.

  • Al Scuderi July 13, 2020, 8:58 pm

    The G3c internals are the same as the G2c and the 111g2 , the only difference is the trigger itself, thats it !! other than cosmetically, the same platform , I have 111g2, G2c and 709 all with Keep Tinkering Triggers, the 709 was reworked alittle , the G2c and 111g2 drop right in ,and still have the restrike feature , and yes there are worth it , shorter resets shorter stroke and much more comfortable , better trigger control, I still may get one , But its not I Have to have it NOW!!! the G2’s Have a 18 lbs recoil spring from Galloway , works really good we’ll see, all reviews have been favorably thus so far , Happy shooting !!!

  • DrThunder88 July 13, 2020, 7:05 pm

    Looking at that one photo, I thought the gun had a USB-C port on the side. Dopey me was immediately thinking “Oh, that’s where you plug it in to charge it.”

  • John Schwamborn July 13, 2020, 11:15 am

    I suppose the barrel can’t handle +P rounds? Would like to know thank you.

  • Richard Swoy July 13, 2020, 11:02 am

    Looking for a small 22 revolver, suggestions?

    • Stuart July 13, 2020, 5:32 pm

      Ruger LCR. In .22 or .22 magnum.

    • Jason September 29, 2020, 7:32 pm

      Taurus TX22. Holds 16 in the mag and runs all sorts of .22 ammo reliably.

    • srsquidizen December 28, 2020, 8:05 am

      You said “small” so smallest is the North American “mini” 5-shot. It comes in a whole slew of configurations but I suspect nearly all of them are hard to find right now.

  • Scott July 13, 2020, 9:51 am

    Yawn, here come the Taurus haters. The six that I have put lead where and when I want it, without fail. Stories of Taurus sucking are rarely (ever?) backed with proof. I did sell one that I had though, as my thumb and the mag release did not get along due to ergonomic differences of opinion. My fault truly as that has happened with other makes and models.

    • Miguel August 19, 2020, 1:46 am

      I have the PT111 and recently bought the G3c even though I liked the loaded chamber indicator. I have a Ruger Ec9 but I prefer the Taurus.
      My brand new G3c had a bunch of play in the slide when reinserting it. So much that it would go off track and jam a bit right before I got it closed. If I was very careful and deliberate when sliding it back on, I could usually close it but even then, it would occasionally get off track. Once closed it would cycle and shoot fine.
      Wound up sending it back after having it for 5 days. 12 week turnaround time.
      $250 out the door.
      Haven’t heard of this happening so maybe it’s a one off.
      Haven’t given up on Taurus though.

  • steve Hammill July 13, 2020, 9:46 am

    At least you admitted to being a fan boy upfront. Really soft review.

  • Philip Viavattine July 13, 2020, 9:06 am

    I have a G2c and considered the new model, however I like the raised chamber loaded indicator for night time home defense and I can stick it in a pocket holster in my shorts here in Florida. Yea the trigger isn’t all that great but after qualifying all those years with a Model 10 or Ruger Security 6 in double action only everything seems an improvement and I was a Possible shooter & firearms instructor. While I have other pistols including a Bersa combat plus, a 1911 & an SD9 a S&W .380EZ when I carry outside of Florida on a HR218 permit (10 round capacity restrictions) I carry the G2c more than any other due to the heat here and it fits so nicely in my cargo shorts.

  • Mark July 13, 2020, 7:33 am

    Re: manual safety
    Gee…I thought all you guys read the manual that comes with the gun you are reviewing before anything else. Either I was wrong or it didn’t cover how to operate the safety. Please let me know.

  • Richad July 13, 2020, 7:24 am

    It’s another case of reinventing the wheel…but at least the wheel is getting cheaper….

  • Steven Koelliker July 13, 2020, 7:09 am

    Clay, did you mention that the gun is made in South Georgia at Taurus USA’s new headquarters? It’s not from Brazil. USA made.

    • Joe Barry July 13, 2020, 9:03 am

      NO the G3C is actually Made In Brasil, NOT the USA

      • srsquidizen December 28, 2020, 8:31 am

        Correct. Unless it’s changed the USA-built models are pocket pistols not legal to import because they are too small. The G2/3 series are plenty big enough so they are made in Brazil.

    • Budman July 13, 2020, 10:12 am

      I see a “Made in Brazil” imprinted on the right side.

      • Dane Foss July 14, 2020, 8:57 pm

        Actually, in the 3rd picture you can see it says Bainbridge GA right on the gun

        • Leonard Piskac November 5, 2020, 11:30 pm

          It says Georgia Becouse it is Home of Import!!!

  • will ford July 13, 2020, 7:04 am

    taurus? I will pass, Had two, bad luck with both.

  • Darren July 13, 2020, 4:50 am

    I wish this trigger mechanism could be backported to my G2C. That’s the only thing I hate about the gun is the travel that feels like I’m driving across the state of Texas.

    • srsquidizen July 13, 2020, 8:14 am

      Description in the article sounds almost exactly like the trigger on a PT111 G2. That’s the model which preceded your G2C which, like this “new” G3, looks to be pretty much the same gun with minor improvements. Never shot a G2C so can’t really say how much the pull differs from a G2. Maybe one of the “improvements” on this G3 was to go back to the old trigger.

      • Lying Bastard July 13, 2020, 8:57 am

        While I like my PT111G2, I feel like the G3C is a scaled down version of the G3 which is a scaled up version of the G2c which in turn is a slightly repackaged (lost the silly lock system version of the PT111G2. So, do I have to see all of that as the Taurus equivalent to Glock versions?

      • Darren July 14, 2020, 1:10 am

        Maybe I misunderstood his description. My issue is that the takeup is enormous if you are in the single action mode. The double action mode is fine, but the single action mode has a mile of travel before you get anywhere.

    • Wil Radford July 13, 2020, 11:54 am

      Hi Darren. I also do not like the Glock trigger style safety levers. There is a company called keeptinkering.com that makes an after market trigger without the safety gizmo. I ONLY SWAPPED OUT THE TRIGGER ITSELF, NOT ANY OF THE INTERNAL PARTS. Due to a slightly different trigger geometry (I presume) my trigger pull was reduced by 1.5 pounds to around 4.75 pounds as measured on my digital gauge, and it did away with the trigger gizmo. Might want to look into it. It was about $40 IIRC. Another option is to drive out the pin in the trigger that holds the safety lever and spring in, and shoot it without it. Ok by me since it still has the frame mounted safety.

      • Darren July 14, 2020, 1:12 am

        I wasn’t too bothered by the glock mechanism in the center of the trigger, it is just the single action pull. I’m used to my 226s where single action rivals sex and double action ain’t bad (of course I’m single and been so for a while, so I might misremember the sex part.)

  • Gary F. Logan July 13, 2020, 4:14 am

    So…how do I get one~?

  • Darrell Mcqueen July 12, 2020, 10:02 pm

    I need ordering information

    • Richard Robinett July 13, 2020, 6:26 am

      For more information visit Taurus USA website.