Often from late March through the first week and a half of April, turkeys will still be in wintertime flocks. Love is on their mind for sure, but often after flying down, toms will follow a wad of hens to their morning breakfast location.
Three Early-Season Turkey Setups That Won’t Fail
BY Jace Bauserman Published: March 6, 2023 { 0 comments }Go Expandable For Turkeys
BY Jace Bauserman Published: March 6, 2023 { 0 comments }Typically, stick-and-string goers get the first crack at springtime noisemakers in most states. Archery-only seasons give bowhunters a chance to hit the woods, often for several weeks, before loud booms start filling the woods.
Simple Gourmet: Tenderizing Rock Chucks, Wild Turkeys, etc.
BY Levi Sim Published: May 2, 2022 { 6 comments }All animals produce tough meat. Somewhere on every animal will be a cut, or many cuts that are just not easy to eat by grilling on a hot flame.
Max Bang for Your Turkey-Hunting Buck: EAA’s Girsan MC312 Gobbler Shotgun
BY Mike Dickerson Published: April 4, 2022 { 0 comments }The author purchased the Girsan MC312 Gobbler as a last-minute replacement before a successful hunt for Rio Grande turkeys and reports that the gun far exceeded his expectations for such an affordable semi-auto shotgun.
Escort Updated PS Turkey Hunter in 12, 20, and .410 for 2021
BY Max Slowik Published: March 30, 2021 { 1 comment }These updated semi-automatic PS Turkey Hunter shotguns come in two camo prints and in 12- and 20-gauge and .410 bore models.
Four Mississippi Men Charged with Federal Wildlife Crimes
BY News Wire Published: August 31, 2020 { 5 comments }Four Mississippi men are facing a slew of charges following a grand jury hearing for allegedly poaching turkey among other violations.
Jake Time: A Land Filled With Rio Grande Youngsters
BY Brian McCombie Published: May 4, 2020 { 3 comments }In 20 years of turkey hunting, I’d never heard or seen so many jakes. Or been so fooled by so many of them. Big, brawny jakes, their gobbles loud and booming like mature toms.
Turkey Hunters, 20 and 7 Years Old, Shot in Accident by ‘Family Acquaintance’
BY News Wire Published: May 4, 2020 { 5 comments }“On a heavily forested ridge mixed with White Oaks and Pines, the acquaintance mistook movement of the boys as a turkey and fired at the brothers,” the West Virginia Natural Resources Police said in a statement on Facebook.
Simple Gourmet: Turkey Schnitzel
BY Levi Sim Published: March 1, 2020 { 3 comments }Turkey seasons are kicking off in many states this month. It’s funny that some people see turkey as the last hunt of the season while others consider it the first hunt of the year. Whichever camp you fall into, this simple turkey schnitzel is a good way to eat some of that “thunder chicken” breast.
3rd Grader In PA Kills Her First Tom Before Dad
BY Levi Sim Published: May 6, 2019 { 1 comment }The only thing better than hunting for yourself is hunting with your kids. When they successfully kill an animal and are excited about eating it, it makes you feel like you’re teaching them right.