testing ammo

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Point Of Impact: Why 38 Special Is Different Than 357 Magnum? 


We all know that different brands of ammunition and different bullet weights each have a different POI (Point Of Impact). Even when using the same POA (Point Of Aim) out of the same gun.

Rigidity Matters: Testing Popular Rails to Find Zero Retention for IR Lasers

Rigidity Matters: Testing Popular Rails to Find Zero Retention for IR Lasers


For those who use a rail-mounted front sight or a visible/IR laser attached to a rail, rigidity and return to zero play a huge factor in getting accurate shot placement downrange.

The What & the Why: Types of Ammo for Self Defense - Selecting Ammo to Save Your Life

The What & the Why: Types of Ammo for Self Defense – Selecting Ammo to Save Your Life


Selection of a load for self-defense use is a choice that is important because that load may be called upon to save your life. Fortunately, most major ammunition manufacturers make cartridges specifically designed for that use.