The TRS (Tactical Ready Series) Commander 1911 from Nighthawk Custom carries a hefty price tag of $4,399.00. Which has many readers asking themselves, “How the hell can any pistol be worth $4.3K?!”
pistol review
A Corvette or a Spark? Trying to Determine Worth with a $4K 1911 from Nighthawk Custom
BY Brian McCombie Published: June 3, 2022 { 44 comments }Stoeger’s “NextGen” Combat 9MM is a Winner
BY Brian McCombie Published: May 28, 2022 { 2 comments }Last year, I reviewed the new STR-9, a 9MM semi-automatic pistol from Stoeger Industries of Istanbul, Turkey, for this very digital platform. Best known for its workhorse shotguns, Stoeger launched itself into self-defense handguns with the STR-9—and it did a workman-like job.
FN 503 Subcompact 9mm Review
BY Mitchell Graf Published: May 8, 2022 { 4 comments }Throwback to early 2020, and FN released their smallest handgun in decades: the FN 503. Geared towards conceal-ability, FN states that “compromises in shootability, accuracy, and reliability with slim CCW handguns are solved.” This pistol utilizes single stack magazines to give it a total width of 1.1 inches. The slim design makes concealed carrying easier and more comfortable than other large options.
The Taurus G3x – Full Review
BY Rob Garrett Published: April 17, 2022 { 4 comments }The great thing about modern production pistols is the ability to plug and play or mix and match. Taurus recently announced the newest G3 pistol at the 2022 SHOT Show. The G3x combines the full-size frame of the G3 with the short slide of the G3c. I received one of the new models a week before its announcement at SHOT Show.
Introducing the Morph Switch Carry Pistol by Phoenix Trinity
BY Jeff Cramblit Published: March 26, 2022 { 6 comments }The Morph Switch is a whole lot of gun and innovation in a small package designed for concealed carry. Phoenix Trinity (PT) is primarily known for its high-quality practical pistol competition guns and accessories. So, the Morph is a step outside of PT’s normal product offering but brings with it many of the characteristics of the guns used by top competitors.
Rock Island’s STK100: That’s So Metal
BY Mark Miller Published: August 22, 2021 { 20 comments }I have several Rock Island Armory 1911’s. I have always liked them and found that they had a lot of custom features and good accuracy at a reasonable price. When I got the chance to shoot their new striker fired gun, the STK100, I jumped at it. I found it innovative and fun to shoot and I think you might like it too.
SIG’s Spectre XCompact & P365XL – Hit or Miss?
BY True Pearce Published: July 25, 2021 { 17 comments }The new Spectre series from SIG, in a nutshell, is the proven P320 platform and the P365XL sent to the SIG Custom Shop for some ZEVish style custom work.
Walther PDP Compact: Performance & Duty are its Name
BY Justin Opinion Published: July 18, 2021 { 7 comments }About a decade ago, give or take, the baseline for what made a great polymer-framed, striker-fired handgun was changed overnight when Walther introduced us to the PPQ. Its ergonomics were all the rage, as was its performance and accuracy – but it was that trigger that knocked the industry on its butt. The light, crisp trigger of the PPQ with its very short and tactile reset had every IDPA shooter in the country taking those make-up shots without adding time to their scores. It is hard to overstate the revolution that was started by that pistol.
Ruger LCR – Goodness in 22
BY Rob Garrett Published: June 12, 2021 { 22 comments }I recently evaluated the Ruger LCR in .38 Special. As a follow-up, I wanted to evaluate the LCR in .22 LR. eing a fan of the Smith & Wesson J-frame, I am fortunate to own a Model 43C which is also chambered in .22 LR. This review also gave me an opportunity to compare the LCR with the Smith.
Taurus USA Goes Micro Small with the New GX4 9MM Pistol
BY Brian McCombie Published: May 23, 2021 { 4 comments }Looking for a small, ultra-concealable pistol for self and home defense? Taurus USA may have just what you need with the newly introduced GX4 micro-compact.