NRA 2019

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Remington to Offer Military/LE Grade Rifles, Shotguns to Civilians – NRA 2019

Remington to Offer Military/LE Grade Rifles, Shotguns to Civilians – NRA 2019


Police departments and military units require manufacturers like Remington to guarantee a higher level of quality control than most civilian customers, but now Remington Defense is making that quality available to the consumer marketplace.

Hi-Point's New Pistol Won't Be Keeping Your Boat In Place - NRA 2019

Hi-Point’s New Pistol Won’t Be Keeping Your Boat In Place – NRA 2019


Hi-Point Firearms has announced a new pistol that will offer significant updates to their popular 916 series of pistols. Hi-Point has a reputation for affordable firearms, and at a planned MSRP of just $200, that tradition will continue.

Big Green Comeback? Remington’s New Model 700 American Hunter Could be the First Step - NRA 2019

Big Green Comeback? Remington’s New Model 700 American Hunter Could be the First Step – NRA 2019


Faced with PR issues, gun companies have been known to slap a fresh coat of paint on a flagship product and “reintroduce” it as something genuinely new. Consumers might be forgiven for assuming the same about the Remington Model 700 American Hunter, but they’d be wrong. Remington incorporated real changes to the manufacturing process for the 700 American Hunter, and the result could be the first major step in the company’s comeback.

Bergara Unveils Feature-Rich 10/22 Clone at a Sweeeet Price Point – NRA 2019

Bergara Unveils Feature-Rich 10/22 Clone at a Sweeeet Price Point – NRA 2019


Hot take time: semi-auto .22s are the new subcompact
striker-fired handgun. They’re everywhere! A different company introduces a new
angle on Ruger’s plinker every year, and given the increasing popularity of .22LR
competition, there’s no sign of slowing down.

Bergara joined the fray at this year’s NRA Annual Meetings
and Exhibits, and we swung by their booth to see what all the fuss was about.

Smith & Wesson Introduces Tricked Out Shield EZ, Optics-Ready Shield – NRA 2019

Smith & Wesson Introduces Tricked Out Shield EZ, Optics-Ready Shield – NRA 2019


One of the most popular concealed carry handguns ever made, Smith & Wesson’s line of Shield pistols has been steadily improving since its inception in 2012. Smith introduced the Shield M2.0 along with the new-shooter-friendly Shield EZ in 2018, and last month the company rolled out new models of both lines.

CZ-USA's New Shadow 2 Orange Pistol - NRA 2019

CZ-USA’s New Shadow 2 Orange Pistol – NRA 2019


CZ-USA introduced a couple of significant upgrades at the NRA Annual Meeting. First up is the Orange edition of the Shadow 2 pistol, bringing it up to competition standards.

Wanna Range Things Over 2 Miles? Vortex's New Rangefinder Can Do It - NRA 2019

Wanna Range Things Over 2 Miles? Vortex’s New Rangefinder Can Do It – NRA 2019

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Vortex has been making their Ranger series of rangefinders for several years, but this new model changes everything. It’s got all new optics and all new electronics. And it ranges as far as 4,000 yards.

Sneak Peek! Bond Arms Developing Lightweight Aluminum-Frame Derringer – NRA 2019

Sneak Peek! Bond Arms Developing Lightweight Aluminum-Frame Derringer – NRA 2019


Small, powerful, convenient, and maybe even stylish, Bond Arms’ derringer handguns have been described using a wide variety of positive adjectives. But “lightweight” hasn’t been one of them. At something around 22 ounces, all-steel derringers are hefty little guns for their profile, especially when compared to half-polymer semi-autos.

That’s set to change in October, when Bond Arms plans to release an aluminum derringer that tips the scales at nearly half the weight of a standard model.

Marlin’s New Dark Series Ain't Your Grandpappy’s Lever Gun – NRA 2019

Marlin’s New Dark Series Ain’t Your Grandpappy’s Lever Gun – NRA 2019


Yeah, yeah. We get it. It’s a suppressor-ready blacked-out lever gun with a pic rail and paracord loop. Your grandpappy is rolling in his grave.

But as much as we wanted to complain about the tacticool bros ruining classic Americana, we got a chance to handle (or fondle, as the case may be) Marlin’s new Dark Model 336 and Model 1895 at this year’s NRA Annual Meetings and Exhibits, and we gotta admit—these guns are cool.

LWRCI's SMG 45 Is Ready

LWRCI’s SMG 45 Is Ready


LWRCI’s submachine gun is finally ready for the public and looks like it may have been worth the wait. This is LWRCI’s first pistol caliber carbine. It takes .45 ACP cartridges and uses HK’s UMP magazines. It’s all made in the USA in Cambridge, Maryland, and the HK mags aren’t the only parts you’ll recognize.