Winter can affect how we protect ourselves, and it makes good sense to consider all of the potential issues.
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Hot Tactics for Cold Weather: Turn Up the Heat on Your EDC
BY Administrator Published: December 17, 2018 { 6 comments }Clay’s Budget Blades Ep. 1: The Yojimbo 2 from Spyderco
BY Clay Martin Published: December 12, 2018 { 17 comments }The idea behind Clay’s Budget Blades is to review products that are a good value, but not necessarily cheap. No gas station knives will be presented here, nor anything from QVC.
Home Turf: Plan for the Worst
BY Administrator Published: December 11, 2018 { 3 comments }Now there’s nothing wrong with protecting our possessions; that’s why we have safes and insurance policies. But defense in the home should be focused on protecting human life rather than property.
Why Girls Need Guns: Teaching My 12-Year-Old Daughter to Shoot
BY Administrator Published: December 3, 2018 { 10 comments }Undoubtedly, being at the range with my eldest daughter was an incredible feeling. But I know that I won’t always be able to be there by her side. I won’t always be around to guide her, help her or protect her. She’ll be on her own one day all too soon.
No Magic Bullet
BY News Wire Published: November 27, 2018 { 10 comments }When a new Magic Bullet is launched and makes media waves, I always apply two filters as to whether it’s worth chasing down. The first filter is “Are the police using this?”
Jordan Michaels – Gun Stuff for Everyone – Mother-in-law to Uncle Gift Guide
BY Jordan Michaels Published: November 24, 2018 { 0 comments }Christmas shopping is hard. And expensive. Sometimes, finding the right balance between cheap, available, and thoughtful is all but impossible. That’s why gun stuff (that’s the technical term) is such a great option. The industry offers everything from expensive, I-never-have-to-buy-you-another-present-again firearms for the folks you like to $3 patches for everyone else.
Why Aren’t You Carrying? Here Are the Four Most Common Excuses
BY News Wire Published: November 21, 2018 { 29 comments }While I can’t necessarily translate my unscientific study to the nation as a whole, I’d have to estimate that at least 80 to 90 percent of the permit holders that I know personally don’t carry regularly or even carry at all. The question is, “Why?”
The Most Epic Response to the #ThisIsMyLane Battle Between Physicians and the NRA
BY Will Dabbs Published: November 15, 2018 { 56 comments }I was a soldier before I was a physician. Most of my well-intentioned medical colleagues have never known a world without laws, structure, and civilization. The only thing worse than school shootings is six million dead Jews. America needs private ownership of firearms as a hedge against tyranny today more than we did in 1776.
Grip Hack Part 1: Modifying Crappy A2 Pistol Grips
BY Ivan Loomis Published: November 13, 2018 { 16 comments }If you’ve ever started down the road of building AR-patterned rifles, you end up with boxes of parts. A cast-off part that seems to just keep piling up is the A2 grip that comes with most lower-parts kits.
No Try, No Buy: Only A Fool Buys A Carry Gun Without Shooting It First
BY Administrator Published: November 13, 2018 { 25 comments }What happened was not surprising. The gun my bride picked — a Glock 19 9mm — was one she had steadfastly refused to consider. The Bersa was forgotten entirely.