Axis II

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Savage Delivers AXIS II Flat Dark Earth In Stock In Time For Fall

Savage Delivers AXIS II Flat Dark Earth In Stock In Time For Fall


Savage is proud to introduce a new AXIS II in Flat Dark Earth (FDE).

Savage Rebate Season - 110 Actions, Axis, Rimfires - How to Pick a Savage

Savage Rebate Season – 110 Actions, Axis, Rimfires – How to Pick a Savage


Now is a great time to pick up your hunting rifle for hunting season at a great price, and Savage Arms has some outstanding rebate programs going right now!

savage axis cover

Savage Axis II XP, Big Bang for a Few Bucks


Let’s say you’ve just gotten a call from a friend who wants to go hunting with you, tomorrow, and he doesn’t have a rifle. He really wants to go. And you know you’ll be able to put him on a deer, or a hog, or something, but you don’t have an extra rifle set up and ready to go. There’s a big-box retailer right around the corner. What would you suggest?

There’s a lot to presume about the hypothetical above. Let’s pretend the friend knows his ass from his elbow and is aware of basic firearms safety and function. We can assume he can get a license and that you will be hunting, not poaching. What you need is a rifle that’s turnkey. You need a gun, one in a common caliber, and an optic (preferably one that’s already attached and sighted in).

You need a Savage Axis II, the complete package.

Savage Arms Adds AccuTrigger to Axis Rifle—SHOT Show 2014

Savage Arms Adds AccuTrigger to Axis Rifle—SHOT Show 2014


Organized in 1894 in Utica, NY, Savage Arms is one of our favorite gun makers. Not only does it make great guns, but the company sells them at excellent prices, ensuring that you’re getting real value. In keeping with its philosophy of delivering value, Savage introduced a new version of its popular Axis rifle this year. As you may know, the Axis is America’s best-selling bolt action rifle. In a gun test we did last year with a number of bolt action rifles, we were able to get one minute of angle accuracy with it. That’s all rounds into one inch at 100 yards. The new gun, dubbed the Axis II Xp, is an upgraded version of the original Axis. For an extra $89 you get the famous AccuTrigger that’s not available on the original Axis, plus an upgraded scope. The new scope is a Weaver Kaspa 3-9×40, professionally mounted and bore sighted. The scope alone is valued at $100 more than the scope on the original Axis. Add in the AccuTrigger, and you can see what I mean about Savage delivering value. The Axis II also comes in a youth model, and, for the ladies, is available in the Muddy Girl camo pattern that we’ve been seeing all over the show.