Estimated reading time: 2 minutes
The U.S. Supreme Court said “no” this week to a challenge against New York’s new regs governing ammo purchases.
Now effective, the law mandates that gun retailers coordinate with New York State Police for background checks, diverging from the previously utilized National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS).
Moreover, the state imposes background checks and levies fees of $9 and $2.50 on both ammunition and firearm purchases, respectively.
The law additionally calls for periodic onsite examinations of firearms dealers to ensure adherence to regulatory standards.
Pro-gunners in New York tried to put the new requirements on pause last month. Justice Clarence Thomas agreed to put it under consideration.
However, Justice Sonia Sotomayor had dismissed a comparable plea just a day before the new rules were implemented on Sept. 13.
SEE ALSO: New York Law Mandating Background Checks for Ammo Brutalizing Gun Shops, Gun Owners
Gov. Kathy Hochul (D) took a victory lap upon hearing the news that the high court would not take up the case at this time.
“The United States Supreme Court has sided with common sense, denying the application for emergency relief that would have temporarily dismantled New York’s nation-leading gun safety laws,” said Hochul in a press release.
“This news comes following the plaintiffs’ last-ditch effort to get Justice Clarence Thomas to grant the same application that Justice Sonia Sotomayor had already denied, to attempt to block the law on firearms checks that we passed last year following the Buffalo massacre and the overturning of New York’s century old gun safety laws,” she continued.
“Public safety is my top priority, and I’m committed to working with law enforcement and leaders across New York to keep our communities safe,” Hochul concluded.
Mark Oliva of the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) criticized Governor Hochul’s new ammo rules sharply.
In a September email to GunsAmerica, Oliva stated that instead of focusing on the criminal misuse of firearms, Hochul is unfairly making things tougher for gun shops and lawful gun owners.
“Her order punishes those who obey the law and treats them as criminals, yet actual criminals are being turned out on the streets with no accountability,” explained Oliva.
“There is no indication that criminals, who already ignore the law, will suddenly stop committing crimes because of this punitive order,” he added.
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well so much for text history and tradition.
Now wait just a damn minute.
The “Supreme Court” did NOT “uphold” New York’s law.
This appears to be a request for “emergency” injunction, which is nothing like filing an appeal to the Supreme Court.
I haven’t followed the New York mess closely, but it doesn’t sound like anyone has filed for an injunction in state court AND appealed the decision to appeals court and then Federal Court.
Once the Federal Appeals Court rules, THEN it can go to the Supreme Court, and only then will the Justices decide to hear or not hear the case.
Come on, guys. You all at GunsAmerica know better.
NYS passes an ammo background check. Come on-how many criminals with stolen guns are buying a couple of boxes of ammo and going to the range to shoot with family or buddies? The street gangsters don’t buy boxes of ammo to practice. Only the law-abiding average Joe Americans do that. Criminals don’t want to be out in daylight with a stolen gun in their hands. They don’t buy massive amounts of ammo. only enough to kill and rob with. Another do nothing law that only affects the people who don’t commit the crimes. When you look behind the law it isn’t the background check, not so much the money either. It is the hassle the Governor is throwing on people who want to exercise their Constitutional rights. Make it harder and harder for a gunshop to stay in business. Make it harder and harder for you and I to own firearms. Disarmament by legislation and hassle after hassle.
Dexter Winslett
Democrats are America’s Hamas. They will stop at NOTHING to strip every human of their God given rights to liberty, speech, defence, free thought, happiness and any other thing that makes normal people feel safe and good about being alive. America and the American dream are effectively dead, unless normal people wise up and rise up.
More people die each year from DUI related deaths. When will the BATFE and states require the SAME restrictions to a purchase of alcohol or cannabis, not a tight protected by the constitution and enforcement by laws the same as to a right provided by the contitution, firearms and Ammo?
When do we start showing a srivers license to buy gas?
NY sucks, just like Canada!
That old “I Love NY” t-shirt… Yeah, I never owned one!
It takes a special kind of idiot to tax and background check people just to buy ammo.
Do they honestly think criminals frequent stores to purchase ammo? Here’s a clue, they obtain the ammo in the same way they get the guns, steal it.
This is just another revenue stream for the state and the federal people. It won’t reduce crime one IOTA!!!!!
So, New Yorkers now have to pay an additional $11.50 on a $14.00 box of 9mm ammunition and wait, perhaps days, for the state to approve the transaction. The only good Democrat is a dead one.
New Yorkers……don’t tell anyone but there’s a wonderful selection of ammunition available on line that can be delivered to your home. Terrible law that hurts law abiding citizens and also the lawful ammunition sellers in NY but every time the left comes up with new ways to choke off the 2A it requires new ways for law abiding citizens to think of ways ( sometimes out of the box) to circumvent those unlawful rules. Also, Christmas is coming…… how about treating yourself to reloading equipment and supplies??
On another note, just a new reason to leave and flee a crappy lefty state( if you can or if you want to)…. plenty of free states left.
Look for similar background checks for ammo in other anti 2-A states. Yet, there is nothing preventing people living near state boarders to go across state lines to get ammo.
New yorkers are welcome to purchase ammo in the Free South, while on vacation, no questions asked, like we buy substances that are unobtainable in the Law and Order South……
Don’t forget Dillon Precision , out in Arizona .
Good quality , Lifetime guarantee , top of the line product .
I’m certain they would love to assist fellow shooters .
This is an attack on the second amendment via “Law Fare”
You pay 9 bucks on ammo to investigated by NY, really??
The state must search and verify FFL premises and of course impose a huge fee each time. It will make a lot of FFL’s go out of business and thereby cancel the 2nd amendment.
The ATF should be doing this and not NY
I was with you right up until you said the ATF should be doing this. The ATF shouldn’t even exist.
^ He is right you know.
Putting FFLs out of business, making it “legally” impossible to own firearms by making it too costly, making ammo unavailable by similar means, etc., etc., is “their” goal. Metaphorically, death of 2nd Amendment “by a thousand paper cuts.”
The only people cheering this are criminals. They now will have another avenue to make money like drugs. The black market will explode, and nothing will change the carnage on the streets of the cesspool known as NYC. Maybe after enough people die from drugs, gang violence, and random shootings on the streets the people will wake up and elect someone not F’ing insane.