Springfield Armory: 10mm XD(M), 1911 TRP in the Works

in Authors, Industry News, S.H. Blannelberry

Springfield Armory announced last month that it has some 10mm handguns in the works.

News of this came during a Q&A exchange posted on the Springfield Youtube channel. Justin Larsen, a Springfield enthusiast, posed the following question to the panel via Facebook, “When are we going to see some 10mm goodness come to the Springfield lineup?”

“We’re already working on an XD(M) 10mm. It’s only a matter of how long it will be before we will have something,” said Dennis Reese, CEO of Springfield Armory. “So I know we have been working on this for awhile, but I do believe that we are near the end on it. It’s just probably a 2017 product. So we’ll keep you informed on that.”

“As far as the 1911 is concerned, we are talking about that,” Reese continued. “Seeing if we can come up with some kind of a TRP-style version of a 10mm. I think a lot of the folks out in the Northwest, from my understanding, they get all excited about 10mm. So I hope finally we’re going to have something for you customers that are really into that caliber.”

Yes, there are a lot of 10mm fanboys out there. It’s a great round for both self-defense and hunting.

“It has a strong following… the 10mm, a little bit smaller bullet than the .45 ACP, a lot more velocity,” explained legendary competitive shooter, Rob Leatham. “It has a lot more energy so for people who are looking for a little more punch it’s a great package, and that 1911 and XD(M) fall into being perfect platforms for that.”

We’ll keep you posted on any developments along these lines.

Springfield Armory: 10mm XD(M), 1911 TRP in the Works

Click on the image above to enter giveaway.

In the meantime, if you haven’t entered Springfield’s Ultimate Gear Package Giveaway, you better get on it. The deadline to enter is March 31. They’re giving away almost $10,000 worth of stuff ($9,607.11 to be exact) to one lucky winner. The prize package includes all of the following:

  • NEW Springfield Armory EMP with Concealed Carry Contour Grip
  • NEW Springfield Armory Saint Rifle Provided By Hexmag
  • Hexmag 12 Pack AR15 Mags with All Accessories Range Pack
  • Cannon 5940 64 Gun Safe
  • Action Target PT Dueling Tree HD
  • 1,000 Rounds Freedom Munitions 9mm 135gr ProMatch Ammo
  • Propper Apparel and Gear Pack
  • Crimson Trace LiNQ System
  • ATC Adjustable Gold Flat Trigger
  • Personal Defense Network One Year Gold Membership
  • Crimson Trace Rail Master Universal Light
  • CrossBreed® Holsters Crossover Belt, Reversible Nylon Belt, SuperTuck
  • Holster, Bedside Backup, and Gideon Mag Carrier Pack
  • Action Target 45 Degree Static Target
  • 1,000 Rounds of Freedom Munitions 223 55gr FMJ Ammo
  • Personal Defense Network DVD 11 Pack
  • PACT Club Timer III
  • CrossBreed® Holsters ARK Bag 5 Pack
  • Gun Talk Knowledge Vault Prize Pack

Click here to sign up! And if you win, you can thank me with a small gift. Just kidding. Good luck!

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  • Jesse May 7, 2017, 12:34 pm

    I think any 10mm xdm platform would be great but a long slide hunting model whould be a hit. I also think the biggest success Springfield whould have is a compact xdm in 10mm it whould be great competition for the g29 also the 4.0 xds with the extended mag size grip in 10mm whould be perfect in my humble opinion

  • John W March 14, 2017, 4:12 pm

    I’ve been waiting for you guys to bring out a 10mm. Get it out here please in 1911 form.

  • DarryH March 12, 2017, 8:16 pm

    I would love to see a family of 10mm’s. I would like to see a Commander size, standard 5″ barreled version, and a long slide.
    Can you please offer all these factory ported too ??? PLEASE !!!!!!4

  • craig March 11, 2017, 9:47 am

    I am a Springfield customer twice now 1911 Range Officer 45 and XD 45. I am interested in a 10mm for hunting. Glad you are working on a XD style . Hopefully no more than 10 round option. Live in a state where 10 round max. Looking forward to the release.

  • Tony March 10, 2017, 11:11 pm

    Looking forward to it

  • Trent C Willis March 10, 2017, 10:33 pm

    Great to hear. I own several 10mm’s including the G20 & 29. An XD (M) would be great I’ve owned XD’s in the past and really liked them. If I can make one suggestion please make a mid sized (G19) gun. The market is full of full sized 10mm. A mid sized striker would fill a big hole. Also I really like the idea of a XDS long slide on steroids. Think mid sized 12rnd with a 5″ barrels to take full advantage of that velocity Rob Leatham was talking about. I think if market right this gun would be a big hit to people outside the 10mm cult. I carry the ten in urban areas with 135 grn bullies at 1600 fps because I want something that replicates 357 125 grn stopping power. I carry 180 grn @ 1250 fps while she’d hunting and hiking. Really looking forward to seeing what Springfield offers.

  • Darryl Green March 10, 2017, 10:13 pm

    10mm in an XDM? With a decent mag capacity? Shut up and take my money!

  • Lon March 10, 2017, 7:22 am

    XDM in 10mm? Yes please.

  • Charles Harrell March 10, 2017, 6:48 am

    I have been looking at the Colt 10mm for 2/3 yrs. Is it that much more than the 45?

    • Aaron March 10, 2017, 7:38 am

      Is it a better self defense round? Maybe. One of my 10mm’s launches 155gr Gold Dot’s at a touch over 1400 fps. You can go with a heavier bullet, but I wanted to actually limit penetration for this application.
      The 10mm IS a much better woods defense round, with handloads and Underwood ammo falling somewhere between heavy 357 Magnum and mid range 41 Magnum on the power scale. Mine gets 200gr hardcast or Hornady XTP bullets up to 1250 fps. These are hot loads, but with minimal pressure signs, and have proven safe in my gun. So I’ve found it a great all around gun that I carry when the wardrobe permits, and anytime I’m headed into the woods.