South Dakota and Idaho made some important moves recently to protect the 2A rights of law-abiding Americans.
Last week, South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem signed three pro-gun bills into law. The trio will take effect officially on July 1, 2022.
They are as follows, per the NRA-ILA:
- Senate Bill 195 clarifies South Dakota’s current Stand your Ground law by establishing that the burden of proof, by clear and convincing evidence, lies on the party seeking to overcome the immunity provided under this law. This measure clarifies the burden of proof and who bears the burden of proof in Stand your Ground self-defense cases.
- House Bill 1162 updates the definition of “loaded firearm” under South Dakota law to designate that a firearm is considered loaded only if a round is chambered. This update provides easier methods of storing firearms in an “unloaded” manner, while still maintaining utility in self-defense situations when seconds matter.
- Senate Bill 212, as amended on the Senate Floor, reduces the cost of South Dakota carry permits to $0. SB 212 allows those who wish to use South Dakota’s reciprocity agreements with other states, to do so and not be heavily burdened by what is essentially a tax on their right to self-defense.
And this week, the Idaho Senate put the last stamp of approval on House Bill 705, which protects 2A rights during times of emergency. Again, per the NRA-ILA:
- House Bill 705 (Rep. Monks) enhances protections for firearms, ammunition and component parts and accessories during “declared extreme emergencies.” It establishes firearm-related businesses as essential, that concealed carry licenses cannot be delayed or rejected and that privately owned firearms cannot be confiscated during any declared extreme emergencies. This measure was unanimously passed by the House earlier this month. HB 705 largely mirrors language from NRA-backed Senate Bill 1262, signed into law earlier this year, and expands protection of our Second Amendment rights during instances of “extreme disaster declarations,” such as when martial law is declared.
HB 705 now heads to the desk of Gov. Brad Little. While it’s likely the Republican governor signs the bill into law without any goading from pro-gunners, the NRA is asking Idahoans to contact him HERE and request that he put pen to paper ASAP.
SD is a great place to live, however, think twice before you move here. I have lived here 67 or my 69 years, and I have been a Gunner for over 57 years, age 12. Over the years the areas that we use to Target Shoot have disappeared. Our State Owned Land is 99.9% No Target Shooting Allowed, and to find the few open areas you have to look hard as there are only a few open areas. Yes SD tried to put up a Multi Million Dollar State Owned Shooting Range which would be one place in one corner to our State, SAD. I have asked the State to open up at least one of our already Owned Hunting Areas in each county, but they won’t do it, SAD. I picked up my CCP way back when SD first offered them, and now if you are a resident you really don’t need one. Many States are doing the same thing, but none of this stuff allows me to legally CC in any other state. I still have my issued SD CCP as it allows me to be legal in many other states. Now, the Sad part is if I pay more for The Golden SD CCP I can legally carry in even more states.
Since I am retired and I have been blessed in many ways I can travel and I always CC in any State, but I am extra careful to never cross any certain rules or laws that would get me into majoy legal trouble in say a State like NY. So I have been waiting for over 40 Years for National CC, but I ain’t holding my breath.
So what is my point. Pay Attention as many of our so called State Leaders are putting out a bunch of Smoke and Mirrors, when we really need National CC, and in SD we really need Our State Owned Land to Allow Traget Shooting. Heack SD could even Sell me a Target Shooting Permit as I have to pay to shoot at a nice keyed access outdoor range that is 36 miles away.
Open your Eyes, Free Your Mind, Be Part Blind as I have been since to got my Draft Number. God Bless Us All
We moved here from Upstate NY nearly four years ago. Best move we ever made. Wish we’d moved here 15 years ago.
I’m retired law enforcement and a life long South Dakota resident. The vast majority of South Dakota law enforcement officers fully support the citizen’s right to keep and bear arms.
Under South Dakota law, “No firearm, owned by any resident of the State of South Dakota, shall be subject to registration, by any jurisdiction”.
I live in a great state, with a great Governor.