Shootout at California Pawn Shop as Clerk Defends Store Against Two Armed Men

in Authors, Current Events, Jordan Michaels
Shootout at California Pawn Shop as Clerk Defends Store Against Two Armed Men

“Usually pawnshops are in bad areas as it is, so we have to be armed because the criminals are armed. They don’t abide by laws so we’ve got to make sure we’re armed. I have at least four mags on me, extra mags at all times,” Heckenlaible, and owner of a nearby pawn shop, said.

Two would-be robbers in California targeted the wrong pawn shop on Tuesday, sparking a shootout that left both robbers and a store clerk with non-life-threatening injuries.

Two men entered the Seventh Street Pawn Shop around 2 p.m. in Victorville, Calif., and pretended to be interested in a gaming system and a gun on display, according to ABC 7. Authorities have yet to release the details of the incident, but in the ensuing minutes the suspects attempted to rob the store at gunpoint.

Seventh Street Pawn is known for its “extensive gun selection,” and at least one of the employees was armed.

“Especially with a pawn shop that actually sells guns, that’s pretty stupid,” Aaron Heckenlaible, the owner of a nearby pawn shop, told CBS Los Angeles. “But, you know, sometimes people don’t think about what they do.”

After the suspects drew their firearms, a gun battle ensued in which both robbers and a clerk were injured. While none of the injuries proved life-threatening, one of the suspects was air-lifted from the scene to the hospital.

California is well-known for its restrictive gun control laws, but the owners and employees of the pawn shops in Victorville value their right to self-defense with a firearm.

The injured clerk’s sister, Casey Clayton, posted on Facebook saying, “We are so grateful that all the employees were carrying weapons and were able to defend themselves.”

Aaron Heckenlaible told CBS he was not surprised by Tuesday’s robbery. “It’s just part of the business. It happens. We’re always prepared for it,” he said.

Heckenlaible said he and his employees are armed and would not think twice about using their guns if the shop were robbed. “I wouldn’t hesitate. I assume if they’re coming in to rob me, they’re going to come in and kill me. So I am going to defend my life. That’s just how I look at it. I’m going home. That’s how I look at it. I’m not going to get shot and killed at the store,” he explained.

Heckenlaible explained to ABC 7 that he doesn’t expect criminals to abide by California’s strict gun control laws, which is why he and his employees have to be prepared to defend themselves.

“Usually pawnshops are in bad areas as it is, so we have to be armed because the criminals are armed. They don’t abide by laws so we’ve got to make sure we’re armed. I have at least four mags on me, extra mags at all times,” Heckenlaible said.

About the author: Jordan Michaels has been reviewing firearm-related products for over six years and enjoying them for much longer. With family in Canada, he’s seen first hand how quickly the right to self-defense can be stripped from law-abiding citizens. He escaped that statist paradise at a young age, married a sixth-generation Texan, and currently lives in Tyler. Got a hot tip? Send him an email at

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  • Scotty Gunn July 28, 2018, 9:53 pm

    “Teens”. Common theme.

  • innertrader September 29, 2017, 8:24 am

    The PRISON SYSTEM in CA. is MUCH more corrupt than the robbers!!!

  • BOhio June 19, 2017, 9:00 am

    In another such incident, albeit in a different state and last year I think, the store owner killed at least one of the bad guys. And, if you Googled the bad guy’s name, you would have found a ‘Go Fund Me’ page initiated by his family, asking for people to donate money to help with the funeral expenses, etc. If I remember right, the page said “He was called home…”

    There is a cultural divide in the USA that is only going to get worse as liberalism spreads. The dead guy went into a store to rob it, and was armed with a handgun, and got killed because of his criminal actions. Yet “He was called home…” rather than perhaps his family stating for the record “We loved him, but we condemn his actions and we apologize for the trouble he caused, and we will reimburse the store for the damage that resulted in the shootout.” Same planet, different universe, I guess.

  • Scotty Gunn June 18, 2017, 11:20 am

    I prefer when the bad guys are leaving on stretchers with the sheets over their faces……

  • Warchild June 16, 2017, 7:39 pm

    I’m just waiting for the ubiquitous news clip featuring the thug’s obese, sobbing mammy proclaiming:
    “day was good boyz dat dindu nuffin!”

  • Joseph Anthony June 16, 2017, 6:31 pm

    I noticed the two suspects were black. Another example of black, smack, crack ! These black lives don’t matter.

    • Marcus June 18, 2017, 5:34 pm

      So because two black guys try to rob a store. And get shot? All black lives don’t matter??? Dude you’re an idiot! Do the world a favor. Eradicate your gene pool so no more of your genes could exist in this world. Have a good day douchebag.

      • ExNuke June 24, 2017, 8:19 am

        He said “THESE” not “ALL”, put your SJW card back in your pocket.

  • Richard June 16, 2017, 3:50 pm


  • GRIM REAPER 6 June 16, 2017, 3:11 pm

    Why is it that none of your video works on my computer? Am I doing something wrong or are you?

  • Dan Knowlton June 16, 2017, 1:23 pm

    doggone Swiss immigrants – always trying to steal!

    • Larry June 16, 2017, 5:46 pm

      No, not Swiss. They look more like they are from southern Sweden (due to their tans) or possibly Icelandians, Dan.

      • Glenn May 29, 2020, 9:53 am

        He’s too Stupid to comprehend !

  • BRASS June 16, 2017, 12:16 pm

    I encourage all my employees to carry concealed on company time, property, even when they travel provided they successfully complete a course I approve of (to insure appropriate levels of legal, classroom and practical time) and are in compliance with local laws of the location they are in.
    And yes, I will pay for initial and annual refresher training, gladly.

  • Bob B. June 16, 2017, 12:11 pm

    “What had happened was…they picked the wrong store to rob”. Wish the clerks had finished the job, I’m already paying for enough locked up a-hole thug nasty ne’er do wells.

  • Johnh June 16, 2017, 11:46 am

    Too bad there was not more gun control on the store owners part. Could have saved us a lot of money.

  • Ike haze June 16, 2017, 10:51 am

    Waiting for the protest… “the were just tryna buy a video game and they shot them”…

    • Trotline March 8, 2019, 8:40 pm

      They wuz jus’ tryin’ to turn their lives aroun’!!!!

  • Russ June 16, 2017, 8:58 am

    Well well, the dumb runs deep in those two savages. Well it is California. Glad the worker was not badly hurt. Hopefully the scum will rot in prison, but it is California, they will probably spend less than 5 years in prison. How pathetic is that.

    • bill June 16, 2017, 3:48 pm

      they’ll prolly get time served and 1 yr probation. unless of course they were ILLEGAL ALIENS then they’ll be deported and be back in town before the brass is picked off the ground thanks to the damn fools running Kalifornexico. we have an admitted ILLEGAL ALIEN as the senate president protem. isn’t that special?

    • ARTHUR MEZA June 17, 2017, 3:56 am

      Yep, your right Russ it’s California, it’s a joke here. that’s why all the criminals are coming here from the near by states. Arizona, Nevada and Texas, Yee I wonder why ????

      I’m glad the worker come out a winner this time and not another statistic.

  • Will Clark June 16, 2017, 8:21 am

    “While none of the injuries proved life-threatening, one of the suspects was air-lifted from the scene to the hospital.” And the thug gets a 50K helicopter ride at the taxpayers expense.

  • Marshall Mayes June 16, 2017, 5:58 am

    Store owner probably got arrested, And the criminals will probably sue the store owner and win. Welcome to California

    • LJ June 18, 2017, 4:30 pm

      Marshall, can’t you spell? It’s ‘Kalifornia’! :)~

  • JT June 16, 2017, 4:12 am

    oh look… the Lithuanians strike again…

    • bill June 16, 2017, 3:43 pm

      um no they were Latvians.

      • ProgHunter June 16, 2017, 7:56 pm

        No, wait! They were transgender, transpecie types from Latvia, imported to Kalifornica under an “inclusive species Relocation Act” signed by Gov Moonbeam.

  • Will Drider June 12, 2017, 5:42 pm

    Two thuggies leave on stretchers wearing cuffs, good guy standing holding a compress on forearm. Thats a big win for the home team.

    • LJ June 18, 2017, 4:33 pm

      Yea, the only problem is they were still breathing. They’ll be back on the street in a blink of an eye until they take someones life and only then will they get enough time in prison to take them off the streets for a couple of years.