Shoot First! – Then Call 911 (911 Call VIDEO)

in Authors, Paul Helinski

There is a famous saying: “The police are only minutes away when seconds count.” That happened recently to a family in the Tampa, Florida, area when they were the victims of a home invasion. As you can hear on the video below of the actual 911 call, the caller first gets voicemail when he calls 911, with a recording to call 911. Then the people who just robbed them return to the house, when the homeowner finally shoots them, ending the threat. The full article is here on the local Fox affiliate.

The mistake he made, and one that could have gotten him killed, was not shooting first, as soon as the four assailants entered the house. In Florida, we have what is called a “Castle Doctrine” law, which means that if someone enters your house or business with the intent to do harm, you can shoot them. Unlike states like Massachusetts where you are required to run from your home first if you are able, the Castle Doctrine states that you don’t have to consider anything that could make you lose the gunfight. As anyone who has survived gunfights during robberies will tell you, shooting first is everything.

There is now a very famous book that you can still buy from JPFO entitled Dial 911 and Die. It details the fact that the police have no duty to protect you and have no intention of doing so. Police these days solve crimes. That is what gets them their accolades, not preventing or stopping crime. There is also a very good article on the JPFO website called “Just Dial 911? – The Myth of Police Protection“.

Please use this article and the JPFO articles to share with your friends who may be ignorant that an armed populace is a safe populace, and that there is no other option for true safety and security for your family. Bring an anti-gunner to the range! Scare him with this 911 recording! Please help people wake up before it is too late.

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  • MSG John Laigaie June 16, 2014, 9:46 am

    My wife and I work as a team in emergency’s. She calls 911, I cover the threat. If we are alone, the threat comes first, then 911 for the LEO cleanup crew.

    • Russ June 16, 2014, 12:00 pm

      Smart. Thanks for the tip
      My problem is my wife will not touch a firearm.
      So if alone, she’s doomed unless she works miracles with her stun device’
      Since she’s an expert with her smart phone.
      I’m going to get her to be the phone caller,(constantly on her phone).
      Again thanks John. I’m going to make sure my wife is clear on this.

    • Dave T June 16, 2014, 12:12 pm

      Agree totally with above comment – just took a course that reinforces that separation of duties, along with implementing a complete emergency plan and practicing it.

      FYI, Massachusetts DOES have a castle doctrine – we covered it in the aforementioned class. We didn’t always, and homeowners used to have a duty to retreat, but no longer.

    • Dave T June 16, 2014, 12:12 pm

      Agree totally with above comment – just took a course that reinforces that separation of duties, along with implementing a complete emergency plan and practicing it.

      FYI, Massachusetts DOES have a castle doctrine – we covered it in the aforementioned class. We didn’t always, and homeowners used to have a duty to retreat, but no longer.