Shannon Watts on NRA Bankruptcy Hearing: Gun Lobby Is ‘Broken’

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Shannon Watts came out firing this week against the National Rifle Association in an interview with MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow.  

Watts was relishing in the fact that the execs from the nation’s gun lobby were testifying in federal court Tuesday and Wednesday at the organization’s bankruptcy hearing down in Dallas, TX.

“Wayne LaPierre is a man who has spent years and made millions of dollars saying the only protection from a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun,” said the founder of Moms Demand Action. “And basically what he’s saying now is the only protection is actually a good friend with a 100-foot yacht.” 

NRA is seeking to move its charter from New York down to Texas to avoid, what it’s characterized as, “politically motivated” attacks from Empire State bureaucrats, specifically state Attorney General Letitia James.   

A.G. James sued the NRA in August of 2020, seeking to dissolve the nation’s oldest civil rights organization.  As part of the lawsuit, James accused execs of mismanaging donor dollars to the benefit of leadership.  

In a 2019 tax filing, submitted last year, the NRA acknowledged following an internal audit that some executives received “excess benefits” while on the job, including current Exec. Vice President Wayne Lapierre.  

However, the filing made it clear that LaPierre has since “corrected” his misappropriation of funds, cutting a $300,000 personal check directly to the organization for travel expenses from 2015-2019.

Watts couldn’t help but to gloat. 

The NRA’s “lawyer has even said we should expect more ‘cringeworthy’ revelations. So, the NRA’s best argument seems to be: ‘yes, we looted, yes, we set this horrific fire, but look how hard we’re trying to put it out.’”

SEE ALSO: Emory Prof. of Psychology: Ban Gun Sales to People Under 25

“Let’s be clear, the NRA used to be a powerbroker and now they’re just broken,” she added. 

NRA is maintaining that its righted all of its wrongs and that its members are looking forward to starting anew in the Lone Star State.  

“The message is loud and clear: The NRA board is united in support of the course set by its leadership,” said Charles Cotton, an NRA board member before the start of the hearing.   

Along with throwing jabs at LaPierre, Watts also wanted to use this as an opportunity to make headway on the gun-control front.  Criminalizing private transfers remains her organization’s highest priority.  

“While [the NRA] is busy in bankruptcy court, our 6 million supporters are demanding action, demanding more than thoughts and prayers,” she said.  

“In fact we have this Road Trip for Background Checks and over the next 10 days our volunteers are going across the country — 60 stops in 22 states, very COVID-safe, about 16,000 miles long — and we’re telling D.C. where this will culminate that we want our Senators to act. And this is the perfect time,” she continued. “Our organization and movement is stronger than it’s ever been, the NRA is weaker than they’ve ever been.”

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  • Life NRA member July 16, 2021, 11:47 pm

    For the NRA this is the time to stick together as members. We need the board to not think about themselves but WORK towards the organization.

    My thoughts as a member… LaPierre needs to turn in his membership card and fade away. I give him thanks up to the point that greed set in.

    Fair winds ex-Executive VP LaPierre

  • Rick April 9, 2021, 10:30 pm

    Blue dog should be ashamed of his name cause my dog has more brains than him. I would also like to know who you are

  • Thom April 9, 2021, 5:42 pm

    August 2020 is all you need to know, just before the elections, part of the ”

  • Ron April 9, 2021, 5:23 pm

    Wayne Lapierre needs to go. He’s a net negative for the NRA. Bring in Dana Loesch!

  • Richard Lockwood April 9, 2021, 1:42 pm

    who is the idiot blue dog he must be a demorat ass kisser.

  • Marc Kappel April 9, 2021, 11:43 am

    I’m not sure how any gun control advocates think they are winning with the greatest proliferation of guns AND AMMO in the history of our country in any 2 year period ever before! More gun Owners mean we are more in “control” of our guns then ever before.

  • Frank April 9, 2021, 10:55 am

    New policy, Patriots. If everyone agrees to NOT reply to “Pinko-Dog she/him”… “it” will eventually go away. Can’t reason with Traitor Joe Xiden’s lap dogs anyway.

  • Kane April 9, 2021, 10:24 am

    How is the NY AG doing with the accusations of sexual assault against Cuomo. Are the travel vouchers for Lectica (sp?) James in order? How about that fake POTUS in the WH who still hides in his Delaware basement costing tax payers millions.

    • Shuf April 9, 2021, 2:43 pm

      Psycho Donnie lost. Get over it.

      • Kane April 9, 2021, 5:43 pm

        HELL NO


        ENACT THE 25TH AMENDMENT and then do it again.

        • Shuf April 13, 2021, 6:49 pm

          Psycho Donnie still lost. Get over it.

  • krinkov545 April 9, 2021, 10:07 am

    Let’s investigate how big of a crook you are Shannon Watts. Hypocrite much?

  • paul (I'll call you what I want/ 1st Amandment) April 8, 2021, 3:58 pm

    Morally bankrupt??? bluedog you and your kind seem to think that abortions are fine, with out due process. Your kind thinks criminals and drug addicts are good people. You will lie every chance you get to push your communist agenda. You will deceive and scare people into thinking your way or die (which seems to be why innocent people are being killed)!

  • Blue Dog (he/him) April 8, 2021, 11:40 am

    The NRA has been morally bankrupt for quite some time and now their finances are too. It is fitting that a snake like Wayne laPierre would want to move to Texas, a state with a crooked attorney general like Ken Paxton. I am sure that they will get along really well and Wayne will buy whatever Ken is selling; and the other way around too. Ken Paxton will make sure that of’ Wayne gets away with whatever he wants.

    • Chuck Matson April 9, 2021, 10:02 am

      Good thing you hide your name cupcake.

      • Blue Dog (he/him) April 10, 2021, 9:52 am

        Responding to political opinions with which you disagree with threats or implications of violence is a hallmark of fascism. Are you responding like a fascist, Chuck?