Shannon Watts Shows Ignorance, Completely Embarrasses Herself with this Tweet

in Authors, Current Events, Jordan Michaels
Shannon Watts Shows Ignorance, Completely Embarrasses Herself with this Tweet

Shannon Watts, the founder of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America (Photo: Everytown for Gun Safety)

Anti-gunners frequently blur the line between ignorance and insanity, but Moms Demand Action Founder Shannon Watts dances that waltz more than just about anyone.

She posted a tweet last weekend that either demonstrates a shocking ignorance about the firearms she wants to ban or suggests that she doesn’t believe anyone under the age of 21 should be allowed to purchase a .22 bolt-action rifle.

Watts likely scoured the Sportsman Warehouse website looking for the scariest, most tactical-looking rifle she could find. With its adjustable stock, pistol grip, and M-Lok handguard, Ruger’s new Precision Rimfire Rifle fit the bill nicely. She probably has no idea how the rifle operates nor the relative tameness of a .22 projectile when compared to more common self-defense rounds.

SEE ALSO: Nikon BLACK RANGEX 4K Laser Rangefinder – Full Review

Or, she actually believes that young people under the age of 21 can’t be trusted with the type of rifle millions of youngsters have used to hunt squirrels and practice their marksmanship.

Either way, Watts got what she deserved from Twitter users around the country. Here’s a sampler platter of the best replies.

If you’re looking for a laugh, check out the entire thread. The majority of the replies are similar to the ones above.

Watts’ tweet comes as part of a larger push to raise the legal age to purchase firearms to 21. Several major retailers, including Wal-Mark and Dick’s Sporting Goods, have already raised the age limit following the mass murder in Parkland, Florida.

The U.S. Congress is currently considering a slate of gun control measures, and the Florida Senate just passed a bill that would raise the age to buy a firearm from 18 to 21, require a three-day waiting period for most gun purchases and ban the sale or possession of bump fire stocks.

About the author: Jordan Michaels has been reviewing firearm-related products for over six years and enjoying them for much longer. With family in Canada, he’s seen first hand how quickly the right to self-defense can be stripped from law-abiding citizens. He escaped that statist paradise at a young age, married a sixth-generation Texan, and currently lives in Tyler. Got a hot tip? Send him an email at

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  • Katherine May 31, 2019, 7:49 pm

    Excuse me, u r not correct about that.

  • Mark January 7, 2019, 12:08 pm

    She should have been tweeting about the horrible hand guard and how it destroys comfortable shooting ergonomics.

  • Mr. Freez December 7, 2018, 8:52 am

    Alright, I just realized that the author already made the same points I did below for the most part. I was perhaps too quick to “jump the gun” on posting a comment as soon as I got the gist of this ridiculous woman’s crusade for fame disguised as just being a great and caring parent… Well, great minds think alike! (The author, not Shannon Watts)

  • Mr. Freez December 7, 2018, 8:47 am

    I would say they tow the lines of ignorance and insanity… What is so magical about the age of 21!? Is it because these nonsensical people want to ensure that one is 3 years less accustomed and trained to use a firearm, or so he can celebrate the same birthday by getting hammered AND buying a firearm. I wonder if this ridiculous lady agrees that 18-20 year olds should be tried as juveniles, or if she thinks that 18-20 year olds should be banned from joining the military? My state, or rather out of town billionaires with armed security, just got their wish for the 21+ law, among other inane and senseless legislation… I do not understand why people who have zero understanding of or experience with firearms wind up overriding even the voices of law enforcement, who they will rely upon to enforce these stupid ideas that they’ve made known to the public and voters they oppose…with firearms. This woman, like so many stubbornly stupid anti-2A monsters, is just surfing the web for the “scariest looking gun” to post and spread ignorance and misguided fear among other pampered people who have way too much spare time. Maybe we should have to be married to own or carry a firearm? I don’t want to give them any ideas! I think I was 7 when I first shot a rifle at the now defunct and I guess illegal, rifle range at camp. It was a bolt action .22. I probably have my first target buried somewhere. It was a cherished and valuable experience, in many ways. I wish these people would just be what they pretend to be, caring moms. Maybe pay attention to YOUR kids and forfeit YOUR Civil Rights, stay the hell away from me and mine

  • Mr Evilwrench July 6, 2018, 4:41 am

    She surfaced in the next town over from me. I didn’t even know we had swamps left in Indiana. She was basically a mouthpiece for hire, I have no idea if she actually believes what she’s saying or is just in an ego massage mode. It’s funny they had the structure of that organization all set up and primed to go, just waiting for the Sandy Hook incident, to spring into action.

    That stock has a bunch of features, though, like the pistol grip for firing from the hip (have you ever tried to do that? It makes my wrist hurt), a rail for putting a sniper scope on, and the shoulder thing that goes up!

  • AK March 9, 2018, 9:06 pm

    Poor Shannon,….she wouldn’t have to demand action if she didn’t look so skeletal.
    Get yourself a sandwich…and while you’re at it, make me one. I suspect hubby won’t mind….at…all….

  • Sepp W March 9, 2018, 3:44 pm

    It doesn’t matter that she picked a .22 cal bolt-action rifle. What matters is the affect on emotions of the incapable and unproductive. This anti-gun group, a Bloomberg apparatchik, and the rest of their ilk want one outcome; the total ban on all firearms, followed by confiscation, and the abolishment of the 2nd Amendment.

  • Mike Watkins March 9, 2018, 1:41 pm

    I’m afraid ya’ll don’t really understand the liberal mindset very well. When we criticize one of them for firearms ignorance, they regard it as a badge of honor.

    Some Congresswoman says, “No one needs an AR15 for duck hunting,” (or something equally stupid) we all pile on, and all the libs look at her with admiration. “You’re truly one of us, Sister, ‘cause none of us know anything about firearms either, nor would we even want to!”

    I think we should sign up on liberal websites and forums to troll, like this:

    “Senator Schumer says we need to ban AR-15’s? Haha, that’s hilarious! Last month I was at a shooting range in Alexandria, and I saw Schumer and some other people there shooting AR’s, and they were obviously having a blast!”

    Then of course, never respond to all the “What?” and “I call bullshit!” that will follow.

    • Mark January 7, 2019, 12:17 pm

      This is not a liberal mindset, it’s a leftist mindset. There is a difference.

  • Greg March 9, 2018, 12:03 pm

    Shhhh, nobody tell her that the government through the CMP (Civilian Marksmanship Program) will ship an actual battle rifle like the M1 Garand straight to the door of an 18 year old.

    • Bob March 9, 2018, 2:15 pm

      For God sake, Don’t tell her that. She will be pushing to close the CMP and prevent the public from owning a piece of history.
      I’m look forward to participating in the USGI 1911 fracus.

  • BIGKIELBASSA March 9, 2018, 11:07 am

    Every time some liberal opens their yap about wanting to restrict my rights to own a gun I choose, I go out and buy another one just to spite the fruitcake .

  • joefoam March 9, 2018, 10:01 am

    The point you should take away form this is that this ignorant woman has millions of followers hanging on her every word. The simple minded folks that listen and believe her are the root of the problem. It has recently been widely reported that millennials are now the top group duped by scammers replacing older people as the main target of fraud. That’s who she appeals to. I’m sure she can go on stroking her ego, counting her followers and saying ‘I did something’.

    • Zupglick March 9, 2018, 11:21 am

      That is because we don’t teach our children to think, we only teach them to take tests. Unfortunately that is now coming back to bite us, as a nation. If we don’t teach them as children, they won’t learn as adults. Of course the liberal elites who are in control of our educational system don’t want people who know how to think.

      • a m November 1, 2019, 6:10 am

        so true

  • deanbob March 9, 2018, 9:17 am

    As I am sure many of you know from other ‘gun ignorant’ people you know, Shannon’s ideas about guns are not unusual. In fact, hers are probably right on par with the others who not not of which they speak – “but it feels good”!

    • Penrod March 9, 2018, 12:42 pm

      Her ignorance is common, but in her case she has a professional obligation to be very well informed. She chooses to remain ignorant about her area of professional expertise.

      Imagine an accountant or nuclear scientist in that position.

  • Robert Boomershine March 9, 2018, 9:05 am

    It makes a person wonder whether this woman is really concerned about guns or is she just trying to get her 15 minutes of shame. Okay Shannon, you can go sit down now, everyone has seen you. Ignorance can be cured through education, but stupidity just has to be lived with.

  • Richard Long March 9, 2018, 6:48 am

    I have doubts as to whether or not she is a “mom.” She looks kinda like she’s playing for the other team.

  • Nfafan March 9, 2018, 6:19 am

    A non-story as her ignorance means diddly squat to the soccer mom’s and old maids that follow her drivel.

  • Blase March 9, 2018, 6:17 am

    I started shooting .22LR at age 11, when I was in the Boy Scouts!
    When I was 12 we shot 1911’s at the police range!
    How things have changed. I am sure in the near future we will have
    to wear helmets when we walk. 😉

    • Christopher Sourp March 9, 2018, 7:50 am

      Right on Brother ! Shot my first gun, a single shot .22 at Boy Scout camp a long time ago. It was my introduction to firearms and firearms safety. Haven’t looked back since and love to shoot. And it was a Catholic school troop. Run by a L.A. county sheriff. It was always safety first. Then I taught my son to shoot as soon as he was able to hold up a 10-22. Yes, things have changed. Unfortunately for the worse……

      • Bobs yer uncle March 9, 2018, 12:00 pm

        Got my first 22 in 1956 at age 9 joined the NRA and took the hunter safety course. so whats changed since then? I’m guessing over prescription of mood altering drugs for children,anti- gun indoctrination early on. Guns are bad and if you are a bad child you need one.

      • drzhivago March 10, 2018, 12:56 pm

        Yep, me too! Early 80’s Boy Scout Summer Camp on Catalina Island. Times have changed, indeed. And not for the better…

    • Saran Wrappe March 12, 2018, 3:10 pm

      Gents, indeed times have not changed. My Boy Scout troop that lives within the Kalifornistan border has two ABHORRENT annual traditions.
      Every January boys in the troop go around thier neighborhoods and collect all the Christmas trees they can find. This year we had 107 trees. We then carvan out to the desert and have the bonfire of all bonfires.
      On top of that, the next morning we set up a gun range – shotgun, rimfire, centerfire and pistol. If the dads come with us they can bring any boy they want. This year we had 30+ boys shooting 12g, 20g, 22lr, 22mag, 30-06, 270, 30-30, .223(out of scary black rifles), 308, and 9mm & .45 on the pistol range.
      I refuse to dummy down the scouting experience for my troop. This year we’re doing a survivor camp with the 14yr and up boys. They get to bring 5 items each and have to hunt for their food and water. We going to film it and make a movie for the parents to watch.
      Men still exist!

      • Mr. Freez December 7, 2018, 8:59 am

        Awesome! My Dad was not a gun owner, but he was with me at Scout/Guide camp when myself and other boys learned firearm safety and shot our first rifles on the range (which is no longer an activity or place at that camp). The first time, I was 7 years old, and what a major bonding moment and memories… I am amazed that you are able to do that in CA, but that’s awesome. What a great experience for the boys

  • Gannon Twatts March 8, 2018, 8:38 am

    Shannon Twatts shows ignorance….This is not news. it happens Every Single Day on social media and it’s quite embarrassing for her.

    • Mr. Freez December 7, 2018, 9:08 am

      Embarrassing for mankind, ugh. Way to use her child as a pawn in her moronic and fruitless crusade to feel popular or like she has a purpose. It’s clearly not her kid considering the time she wastes babbling about nothing on social media to convince gullible and easily manipulated people to forfeit their Civil Rights, and everyone else’s. Or just that other bored and sheltered, selfish housewives can get cheap fame and attention off of exploiting their children on the internet

  • Bobs yer uncle March 6, 2018, 1:04 pm

    Yes!!! and made even more deadly when you add a bumpstock and high capacity magazine

    • Dr Motown March 9, 2018, 7:31 am

      Plus a “silencer” that can turn you into a Ninja assassin…

    • David Barnett March 9, 2018, 11:01 am

      or another bolt, and then you could have a dual bolt action high powered 22. I laugh everytime one of these fairy’s describe the AR15 as a “high powered” assault rifle.

    • Mr. Freez December 7, 2018, 9:29 am

      I just walked into the sporting goods store and said, “now do I look like a bad guy?”, flashed a smile and slapped a $100 down and said I’d take the whole rack. Of course they were more than willing to forego checking any ID for the customary $5 tip. I welded all of mine together and ran a chord through all the trigger guards and got them all synced up to fire with one pull, and of course rigged them all to massive drums. I printed the “silencers”, grenade launcher attachments and ninja star dispensers from my trusty 3D printer. I wrote TEC 9 real big in Sharpie on the side to make it extra terrifying. I don’t even bother buying ammo anymore because it’s America, every neighborhood and suburb is littered with loose live rounds! I got my pockets all loaded up, I just drank a gallon of whiskey and had a 3 minute nap, now my 6 month old nephew is coming over, and I am going to drive us to the firing range with my new massive toy and get the little dude acquainted with it, it will probably take up two lanes. As you know, every firing range has a discount if you bring an infant, so it’s my lucky day. Plus it’s free blindfold day today! Should be a blast

    • Mr. Freez December 7, 2018, 9:30 am

      I just walked into the sporting goods store and said, \”now do I look like a bad guy?\”, flashed a smile and slapped a $100 down and said I\’d take the whole rack. Of course they were more than willing to forego checking any ID for the customary $5 tip. I welded all of mine together and ran a chord through all the trigger guards and got them all synced up to fire with one pull, and of course rigged them all to massive drums. I printed the \”silencers\”, grenade launcher attachments and ninja star dispensers from my trusty 3D printer. I wrote TEC 9 real big in Sharpie on the side to make it extra terrifying. I don\’t even bother buying ammo anymore because it\’s America, every neighborhood and suburb is littered with loose live rounds! I got my pockets all loaded up, I just drank a gallon of whiskey and had a 3 minute nap, now my 6 month old nephew is coming over, and I am going to drive us to the firing range with my new massive toy and get the little dude acquainted with it, it will probably take up two lanes. As you know, every firing range has a discount if you bring an infant, so it\’s my lucky day. Plus it\’s free blindfold day today! Should be a blast

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