Estimated reading time: 2 minutes
The Supreme Court’s just said “yes” to diving into the SAF’s VanDerStok case. They’ll be tackling the big question: Should frames and receivers get the same label as firearms?
Here’s the scoop: Back in April 2022, the ATF decided to shake things up. They redefined “firearm” to include gun parts and kits. It was like calling a wheel a car, and SAF wasn’t having it.
Fast forward to December, and the Second Amendment Foundation (SAF), with Defense Distributed tagging along, jumped into an ongoing Texas lawsuit to say, “Hold up!”
Adam Kraut from SAF can barely contain his glee.
“We are delighted that the Court has agreed to hear our challenge to ATF’s frames and receivers Final Rule,” said Kraut.
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“ATF has continuously exceeded its constitutional authority and violated the separation of powers by creating law – a job reserved exclusively for Congress,” he said. “It is time for the Supreme Court to remind ATF that it may not do so and affirm the judgment of the Fifth Circuit.”
And Alan M. Gottlieb, the big gun at SAF, chimed in too.
“This case typifies the Biden administration’s war on the Second Amendment,” added Gottlieb. “Clearly under Joe Biden, the ATF has unilaterally set itself up as the sole authority on firearms regulation, bypassing Congress and arbitrarily changing long-standing regulations to suit the administration’s anti-gun agenda.”
So, buckle up. The Supreme Court’s in the driver’s seat now on the VanDerStok case, ready to set the record straight on who gets to call what a firearm.
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I will never regret my life membership with the SAF. They’ve been responsible for nearly 80% of pro-2A cases in the last several years. My life NRA membership… not so much. At least I get an ever-thinning magazine each month.
It’s good to know that the Supreme Court cares enough to make a final finding in this case
nyserpa v bruen should have settled things in reference to the 2nd amendment. the enemy (and yes anti constitutionalists are the enemy) ignore the scotus ruling on that.
this ruling will be ignored too.
assholes, traitors, fanatics