The idea of a combination gun isn’t a new idea. Savage was the first, however, to make them available on a large scale to the American consumer market. It was called the Model 24, and it came in several different combinations, from .22LR/.410 to .308/12 gauge. This is the new Model 42, released this year in .22LR and .22WMR over .410. Though there were some fancy engraved Model 24s, almost all of them were plain jane, run of the mill utility guns. The 42 also retains the utility status, but it is an attractive gun with bright red Savage logo on the polymer stock. You manually flip the hammer to which barrel you want to fire. Every shot requires you to pull back the hammer, and it can be carried with the hammer down or cocked and locked with the crossbolt safety. The manual plastic extractor isn’t really needed for anything but hight brass 3″ .410 shotshells. Everything else you can flick out with your fingernail. The polymer rear sight is easy to adjust, but the .22LR shot about 10 inches high in the lowest position. The front sight is not adjustable. It is however removable so theoretically could be replaced with a higher post version. The gun is suprisingly accurate considering the chinsy sights. See the targets below. |
Disney just bought the Star Wars franchise for the exact same reason that Savage has finally re-created the Model 24 combination gun, CONSUMER DEMAND. Even though the generations may change dramatically, a great idea never stops being a great idea, and the idea of a rifle/shotgun combination was always a great idea. The new Savage is called the Model 42 and for now it comes in either .22LR or.22WMR over .410 shotgun. Comparing the engineers at Savage, circa 1939, to George Lucas, isn’t a big stretch surprisingly enough. The American public bought over a million Model 24s between its introduction in ’39 and sunset in the 1980s, and over the last several years the Model 24 has become extremely collectible. Everyone seems to want one, hence, the birth of the Model 42, which has an MSRP of $480, and street price substantially less. The original Model 24 was what many considered the ultimate “utility gun” back in the day. This Model 42 is still kind of the same gun, retaining the utility value, while taking advantage of modern materials and firearm design. We found the gun to be accurate, versatile, and downright attractive for a low priced utility gun. If you have been “watching” all the Model 24s that have come on to GunsAmerica, wishing you had bought them before they became collectible, the Model 42 is every bit as much gun as the Model 24, and it won’t kill you to throw it behind the seat of your truck.
Our test gun was the .22LR version, but the .22WMR appears to also be out and available. Practically speaking, the choice between the two boils down to what you want to use the Model 42 for, and which barrel you want to use for which task. For instance, if you want to use the 42 to rabbit hunt, but you expect to maybe see a grouse, or even a coyote, or visa versa, the .22WMR is great for a coyote, but probably overpowered for your average cottontail. The .22LR is perfect for the rabbit, and some buckshot in the .410 is perfect for a coyote. We also patterned both 2 1/2″ #6 shot and 3″ #4 shot with the .410, and even without the ability to use screw in chokes, the buckshot, #6, #4, and even some Winchester PDX1 flat disk loads worked fabulously.
The original Model 24 grew to a huge line of guns, in various configurations and model designations over the years. The top barrel at one time came in .22LR, .22WMR, .222, 30-30, .308 and even .357 Magnum. The bottom barrel has been offered in 12 and 20 gauge, as well as .410 shotshell. We have not heard if there is any plans to expand the Model 42 line, but as a first offering , .22LR and .22WMR, along with .410, are good choices from Savage. The few people I have spoken to about the Model 42 have instantly said “I wish it came in a (fill in combination).” You can’t please everyone, but my guess is that a lot of people will go and buy a 42 in its existing configuration.
It is also impossible to ignore the survival gun potential for the Model 42, outside of hunting and plinking. You can carry an enormous amount of .22LR ammunition for very little weight, and shotshells are about the same weight as handgun rounds, with much more versatility and punch. If you went into the woods with the Model 42, a brick of .22LR and a couple boxes each of #6 birdshot and 000 buckshot, you aren’t going to go hungry, and there is not an animal in the woods you couldn’t kill with the right shot placement. Predators, from wolves to humans, would also be short work for the .410 with buckshot. About the only thing you might want to be careful of is bears, though at point blank range, a bear who tries to steal the trout I just caught is going to have a very bad day with the Model 42 in my hands.
The stock on the new Model 42 is polymer, and the forend is grooved for your fingers. The buttpad is fit clean to the buttstock, and overall the fit and finish of the gun is nicely made, tight and neat. The Model 42 weighs in at just under 5 lbs. loaded and the barrels are 20 inches. Any 2 1/2″ or 3″ shotshell fits the .410 barrel. We did not try .45 Colt. About the only problem I have with the gun is that the extractor is polymer. You don’t really need the extractor except on high brass 3″ .410 shells, so I would use it sparingly. It would be an expensive machined part in steel, so plastic was probably the best choice to keep the cost of the gun down, and it would matter a lot more if you actually needed it. For the most part you flip out all the .22LR and most of the .410 shells with your fingernail, and the same probably goes for the .22WMR. The sights are also plastic, and we’ll get to that.
Our Model 42 came with a target from Savage that showed it capable of shooting a .3 inch group, but the paper did not say at what distance this was shot. In our own accuracy tests at 50 yards, the most I generally attempt with open sights, the groups were in the 1/2 inch range with CCI Stingers, which the gun seemed to like the best. Compare that to the same shooter (me) using AR sights, and I know that I have shot the same AR with open sights at 50 yards and averaged 2″ groups, then put optics on it and shot sub MOA at 100 yards. It is arguable that Savage actually did test this gun with open sights at 100 yards and with the right ammo and the right (superhuman and YOUNG) shooter, got .3 inches. The Model 42 is a good shooter one way or the other, and .3″ at 100 yards would make it a world class tack driver. The only problem with the gun we experienced was that the .22LR shot about 10 inches high at 50 yards, with the shotgun barrel shooting dead on at 10 yards. This was with the polymer sight in its lowest position, so if you decided that you wanted to make the .22 shoot dead on and the shotgun barrel shoot low, you would have to file the rear sight. I suggest a guitar nut file from Stewart MacDonald ($12) in the .046 width, but you might want to try to measure the size on your sight yourself. If we decide to buy this gun from Savage that is what I am going to do. The best thing is to take the file to range and walk the shots down one at a time with the file, then clean up the top. The windage was almost perfect on our gun, but you could, if you wanted to, open the slot up some to better center the front sight. I would order a replacement sight first though, just in case.
As you can see from the pictures, you couldn’t ask the .410 to pattern or perform any better than it did at 10 yards. Some of the loads we used had been big disappointments when we shot them in the handguns they were made for. but in the longer Model 42 barrel, where more powder can burn before the projectiles leave the muzzle, those same “handgun” loads turned into ballistic rock stars. The bird shot, made for 24″ and up barrels, patterned well in the 20″ unchoked barrel, and the chronograph speeds were right along the lines of what it says on the box. Even if you re-sight the .22LR to shoot to point of aim, it shouldn’t be hard to learn to point shoot the shotgun accurately. Shotguns are made to point, not aim, and the just over 4 lb. trigger of the Model 42 is certainly not a hindrance, compared to other combination guns with terrible triggers that have come out over the years.
in the wake of Sandy, a lot of people who aren’t gun owners are now thinking about owning at least one gun in case something catastrophic happens in life. The Model 42 from Savage is about the perfect gun for such an unfortunate occasion. For lifetime gun owners looking for the perfect truck gun, pack gun, youth gun, or just all around “take it with me” gun, we view the Model 42 it the light of its predecessor the Savage Model 24. Just like the timeless ideas of Jedis, Wookies, Storm Troopers and Droids, the idea of an over/under rifle/shotgun combination gun is timeless and extremely useful as a lifetime purchase gun. And while some may turn their nose at a new Star Wars movies when they come out, or a plastic Model 24, those of us who just love good movies and good guns will line up at midnight Thursday night for the new Star Wars, and buy this neat little Model 42 as soon as we can get our hands on one. For a gun that was clearly produced to meet consumer demand, Savage did a great job with it, and the Model 42 will turn out to be just as much a classic as the original Model 24.
I bought this gun a couple years ago and have loved shooting it around the farm. I keep it on my ATV and use it often. I did equip it with an Allen shot shell holder, took off the red rubber bands and grip taped over the red Savage on the for end. A good looking and functioning gun now. However, I still wanted to mount a light. Just found a picatinny mount on Ebay made specifically for the Savage 42, it slides over both barrels and fits nicely. Got one and mounted a Stream Light TLR-1s. No more night critter problem.
I love my model 42 well my wife’s, It’s perfect for my wife it’s one of the lightest guns out there, next to no recoil from both .22mag and the .410 and yes the sight savage put on it, rubbish, (SO CHANGE THE DAMN SIGHT). I’m sick of reading how bad the standard sights are. The first thing most people do when buying a new rifle is slap a shiny new scope or sight on it anyway. Then people complain that there are no ammo holders (SO BUY ONE).
Then the plastic stock comes under fire sayings it’s ugly, yes it’s not the best looking girl in the class, but with the plastic hollow butt it was so easy to customise I used an old .22 magazine I had lying around and mounted it in the stock, 10 shots of .22mag and 9 shot .410 is all I need for a hunting trip with spare ammo in the car of course.
I have a 42 in 22wmr and I love it. Paid $300 for it, slapped a rail and red dot sight on it and threw it in the truck. Have shot numerous grouse and gophers with it. Also bagged a 4×4 whitetail with a 3″ super X slug this year at 40 yards.
Most of my rifles have the classic wood stock and that’s what I truly prefer, but I didn’t have that option with the 42. And to be honest, at the price I paid and the abuse it has received and will receive I couldn’t be happier. This gun will only leave my truck when it needs to be cleaned.
To each their own, but I think this little gun is sweet.
Come on guys…. ugly, ugly, not ugly, don’t like the logo, like the log. I love my 1950 beautiful model 24. I prefer connected barrels for consistency. I’ve watch some guy on “regulate” the barrels with shims. Not a good impression of the consistency of the barrels. When I was a kid I had a plastic Nylock stock on a semi-auto. As a kid I loved it. I’d still like to have one. So much for synthetic stocks. Wood is pretty, but the plastic was fine. What I don’t like is that unlike the 24 this thing folds into a V, not take down for compact storage. An odd shaped V….that isn’t compact like th old 24. To me the wobbly separated barrel needing regulation with shims and the odd ball V open breach for storing is what turned me off. As far as the Administrator, I must respectfully say that you shouldn’t come into a forum rendering an opinion. While you are well intentioned such coments make you look biased toward the gun. Administrators keep foul language or harsh personal attacks down. They don’t offer personal opinions if you don’t want people to think you are (not saying you are) a paid hack. Chief
I seriously cannot believe the gushy drivel written in this article. You guys must be getting some major kick-backs from the vendors. This gun is junk! Nothing but junk! Who puts a plastic extractor in a firearm? Savage to, apparently. This is a child’s toy and is set to fail people in the bush right when they need it most!
Actually mine is surprisingly accurate at 75 yrds. I did put the rail on it and a 4 power leupold RF scope. And as for the extractor, it is not even necessary. The gun is fine for it’s intended purpose. I doubt that you own the gun or have ever shot one.
Thank You.
This Baby You Dont Have To Wory About it Blowing Up In Your Face, the 4/10-22-LR Is A Superb
Firearm For Hunting Or Home Defence, No Mr Chinaman Its Not Made Of Plastic, never Was. This Gun is A Legon In Its Own Time. My Dad Recently Passed, and It Was Never Shot. Boy It Was Christmas With Due Respect To My Father. I Am A ” RETIRED ” Gunsmith of 34 Years In The State
Of Louisiana. Sportsmans Paradise. As Far As The Rifle I Have Probably Worked On 1,400 Long Guns
& I Must Say This Jewel I Superb, made Rugged, Shoots True, What Can I Say. One Thing It Is A Keeper For Life. No Other Gun With My Knowlege & Expertise Comes Close. Best Long Over & Under I Have Put My Hands On. P.S. I Have A FFL To Booth. Now I Will Close If Your Lucky Enough To Put
Your Hands On One, You Will Definately Agree With Me. Retired ( Frontier Gun Shop ) Lafayette LA.
AL Huckaby. Thanks For Hearing Me Out. AL.
I have a model 42 since I reallyhard for a 22 mag/.410 combination gun in that caliber because they are really hard to fine and I put my old Weaver 3×9 on it and it’s really a super fun and plan on using it for turkey and rodents.. sleepy
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Well, I like mine!
I bought it for a good price and I have already put in excess of 500 .22’s through it and about 50- .410’s.
I am 50 and wear bi-focals and I had NO problem getting groups that touch each other using various .22LR from 30-yards; good squirrel distance.
I liked the high 6’s from the .410 better than the 4’s, but…
I do wish the rear sight was “better”. However, it works! It is a utilitarian weapon and when I took it to the woods to hunt mah squirrels, I had a ball and that is no lie. I shoved a handful of 22’s in one pocket and in the other, shells, then I went walking; came home with my limit and harvested 2 with the shotgun-nice.
If you want pricey wood and shiny finishes, overlaid with silver engravings and gold trim, go get a hand made Italian over and under; this Savage is NOT that gun. This is a well priced item that does nothing more than what it promised. I am getting another one for my Daughter.
So, Gabriel, you’re correct!
P.S. Bring back the M-6 modified for 20ga/223/5.56 with a take down screw / not a pin. Also offer in multi caliber/gauge sets like the Rossi Trifecta.
yes! now we are talking! “M-6 modified for 20ga/223/5.56 with a take down screw / not a pin”
Whom ever came up with the “brite idea” of the new design should be deported over seas where cheap, ugly, prideless, and shoddy merchandise like this is acceptable! Come on savage, made in USA stands for qualty, skill, taking pride in a trade! NOT THE BOTTOM DOLLAR OF PROFIT MARGINS!!!
I have my mothers savage 24 serial # 0757109. 22LR/ over 410. Can anyone help me with what year it was made and the value of this rifle.
I think a lot of people are forgetting the difference between a collectable gun and a utilitygun. I enjoy both. When I’m working/playing at my ranch I want a useful firearm that i can toss in the truck or saddle scabbard. Not a $1, 500 custom showpiece. Guns are for using, not just holding down your safe. I would love this gun and I know my son would fall in love with it. There is no better utility/suvival/food gittin’ gun than a 22-410.
is there a scope mount available for the mod 42 that anyone knows off.
I got one for my nine year old son, to play around with because he is not quite big enough for the youth model 870. I, personally don’t think its the best looking gun out there, but to him, its the coolest thing he has ever seen. At 25 yards it shoots just fine for a 9 year old. He was so proud of himself when he shot his “FIRST SHOTGUN SHELL EVER”. For him, this is not a life time hard use gun, its a gun to shoot until he is big enough to shoot a bigger gun, so, I don’t care about plastic extractors and less than optimal sights. I don’t even care how it looks. I’m not hunting with it, in the eyes of the person I bought it for, its the BEST GUN EVER, THANKS DAD.
People are so critical of every thing these days, if you like it great, if not, move on.
I Bought a model 42 I. Like them they are nice and Light I went and looked at a model 24 at a dealer .
It didn’t look that good . The stock and front grip was original and was a no grain wood .
They were not ” Top of the Line” Guns
Maybe the made them with different woods ? The barrel was heavier . The gun is heavier .
I am not going to use mine as a club so I think the model 42 will do well.
The model 42 is made in USA
I would love to have a new model 42. I have seen them and held them at wal=mart. seem like a great gun. just cant afford to buy one
I would love to have a new model 42. I have seen them and held them at wal=mart. seem like a great gun. just cant afford to buy one
Kind of reminds me of the shape and styling of the M6 Air Force survival rifle
I have an air force survival rifle that my dad bought from the air force as surplus in the late 1950’s…it is a 22 cal over 410 ga. single shot rifle in the original air force carrying was issued to crew’s of the b-36 bomber… he bought it at Norton A.F. base in San Bernardo while he was stationed there….it is still in great shape…
WOW, all these Savage bashers. The original 24’s were the lowest quality combo guns on the market. How about some expert advice from the guy who doesn’t have the sense to lock up his gun (stolen out of his car?). If I had done that I wouldn’t go public. With all that being said, the plastic ejectors did seal the deal- I’m not buying one.
WOW, all these Savage bashers. The original 24’s were the lowest quality combo guns on the market. How about some expert advice from the guy who doesn’t have the sense to lock up his gun (stolen out of his car?). If I had done that I wouldn’t go public. With all that being said, the plastic ejectors did seal the deal- I’m not buying one.
Lot’s of racket taking down the new 42, but, it is a combo gun, made in the US of A. some times it takes a bit to get all the bugs worked out of a new product.(look at toyota, GM, chrysler) I suspect that if the design of the extractor becomes a major problem for savage, it will be changed. a rifle barrel over a shotgun barrel is a regulation issue for it to be shooting high .I would suspect that if there is enough complaints, there will be new sights available. In my travels of being a gun trader, hunter, dealer for fifty + years, i have had a bunch of the old combo guns in my hands. from my point of view, they were all a utilitarian piece of equipment. if you want class, you buy a German drilling. so for all you old fogies that think this is the end of the world, please stand by, as i am sure Brownells will have two or three pages of after market parts for the Savage 42 in a year or two. It’s a cruel business world out there, they don’t make them like they use too. so i guess get use to it. The new college engineers working for the new Savage group were not even born when Winchester made the switch in 64, and they don,t’ s plastic, electronic,and stamped today. I am going to look at the 42 as I can see potential as a survival gun, prepper type firearm. So let’s give Savage a break, they have had some good ideas in the past, as i can contest to. If you were born left handed you will know what it’s like bolting a a right handed bolt over the top. Savage came outwith the first left handed bolt gun i believe in the 50’s the 110E killed a fair share of elk with one. So thank you Savage, for all you do. and Brownells, get ready.
I don’t care much for this Model 42. Ugly looking and it just screams cheap, even with modern shortcuts it comes with what I consider a hefty price tag. If Savage was listening to customers demands they should have re-issued what they already designed and had tooling for. Personally, The Model 24C is what I desire reproduced with wood and iron, not a plastic weapon probably made in China. Maybe I’m old fashioned (I just laughed at myself for saying that) but I think Savage Arms screwed the pooch on this one.
well i guess i cant find a 24 because everyone that talked bad about the 42 here owns them lol so ill get the new one, but will remove that giant red banner on the side. that only looks good to rich people reading magazines not hiking in the woods.
I still have my first gun, a Savage .22/20ga. Saw this article and am tempted to buy one of these.
I too, like the classic look of the old model 24. I am lucky enough to own a well used 24 in .22/410.
As another gentleman said, i like the wood stock guns, but there are just some places mine will never go, such as behind the seat of my truck, or hunting in really bad weather. Over the years I have come to appreciate SOME plastic guns, such as my ruger 77/44 all weather which has become my favorite deer rifle. i have come to love and depend on it and it has never let me down. And to tell you the truth, it is quite good looking in its own way.
I will at some point probably get a 42 as a truck gun, that will at some point be used to train my 3 year old stepson.
The 42 may be ugly as sin, but should still be useful…..kinda like me.
Any chance Savage will soon be coming out with a 20 gauge/.223 O/U rifle?
bought one .broke the butt cap release button in one day. o ring will not stay in place. why didt they put a shell holder in the stock ?
I have a model 24 20guage/22 and while I like it, it is a heavy gun to carry around all day. I think the model 42 is kind of cool looking and is lighter in weight, but I agree that I would like to see the gap between the barrels closed up. That was the first thing I noticed when I handled one in the store. It turned me off a little as far as buying it at that time. My Model 24 is for sale if anyone is interested. $650.00 Leave a comment here if you are interested and I will get back to you.
I will buy your 24. Although due to the age of the post I’m sure it is long gone. Does it shoot 22LR or 22WMR like the 42? Either way I’ll take it. Email me if you still have it.
I think the Model 42 looks great! The red flashing adds a touch of glamour to what was intended to be a “fun” gun. I have a Moder 24F in .223/12 ga and the only complaint is that it is too heavy for a geezer (I’m 70) or a youth of 10 to haul through the woods for very long. The Model 42 may be cheap and of poor quality, but I haven’t been able to locate one at any of my local gun dealers to see for myself. Someone must be buying them all! If the Model 42 feels as good as it looks, I will buy several of them for my grandchildren because it looks like a great way to start a young person’s shooting career. I stopped buying wooden guns years ago in favor of stainless steel and synthetic stocks and I haven’t been disappointed yet. I just bought a Savage Axis .223 Rem in stainless – you can keep the wood and pass the stainless & synthetic as far as I’m concerned. There are the “show” guns and the “carry” guns, I’m looking forward to wrapping these old hands around a Model 42 in .22WMR/.410 ga. as I suspect it will become my new “carry” gun that I can swap with my grandchildren. Savage, I’m a big fan!
I owned an old model 24 in .22lr./20ga. it was a great gun. Also owned a 24 in .222/20ga. and those were extremely good guns. I put peep sights on both of them. Always wanted to replace both after losing them in a house fire. Savage just does not seem to build their new guns for people who like them to look like quality, nice looking guns. Sorry, but the engineers could have done a lot better. At least it should have been 28ga. The .410 just is not a worthwhile shotgun like a 28 or 20 gauge would be.
I own a great 24 that is well made and heavy as hell compared to the great little well made 42 I just purchased. To each his own when it comes to gun ownership. I will keep my nice 24 in the safe and shoot it on occasion but plan to travel with the light weight, short 42 and can throw it in a pack or behind the seat and not have to worry about beating up my old 24. both are well made but serve different purposes in my mind. By the way….good luck finding one of these 42’s for sale. Some folks must really like them because nobody can keep them in stock at the reasonable price they sell for.
I own two 24 C’s.( Campers Companion ) 22/20 ga. My dad bought the original one for his travel trailer. It came with a neet folding case and the barrels were removable by pulling apart the forend. They have a swivel butt plate that holds some 22’s and two shot shells. This is the gun I take when hunting in upstate PA. Great grouse/ squirrel gun.
I have been looking for another to pass along to my 3 sons. I will purchase the new 42 just for the great concept of a fun utility piece.
Does the new 42 break apart for easy traveling ?
i have a savage 24F with synthetic stocks.
it is a 223/12 gauge
i have not shot it much, but it will become one of my more favored rifles in the near future when i begin predator hunting.
i also got a model 42 for my girl friend.
she loves it as so do i. it is a light weight, afordable, and accurate rifle.
i took a jack rabit with it at appox 70 yards with the .22lr.
when she comes hunting with me she carries it in case we flush any rabbits or game birds.
it is a great gun.
and because i think people should post their age when they make comments on places like this to get a proper demographic study, i am 23 years old.
I purchased a Model 42 in August. It is a GREAT utility firearm. It replaced my Mosin in my Jeep. As far as the looks, the ugly red accent is basically just a rubber band, and comes right off. The appearance actually grows on you after a while. The accuracy has not been a problem. If you can’t hit a squirrel or rabbit with this gun, you have more to worry about than the sights. In September I went grouse hunting with it, and got dinner. Regardless of the materials used in construction, the Model 42 is a quality piece of equipment, and I take it with me anytime I am in the woods. Plastic is NOT a poor material. Hell, the M60 was nearly all metal, and was inaccurate and unreliable. The 240B has a lot of plastic, and I have had no problems with it. The 42 is a good quality plastic, not cheap garbage. As an added benefit, the stock is hollow, and a piece of foam cut to fit holds 50 rounds, matches, a survival blanket,and a mirror just fine. 🙂
Actually, I carried the M-60 for 8 years, and I have to say, it was not unreliable. The problem was not reliability, but Army codes. If you don’t clean the gas piston, it will gum up eventually. The problem was only the armorer was supposed to unlace the wire,and they just never did, so it never got cleaned. I did it myself every time we cleaned our weapons, and mine never once failed to fire in the 8 years I carried them. For someone who claims to be a Drill Sgt, you sure don’t know much about guns.
My grandfather said: “There’s ‘having’ guns and then there’s ‘shooting’ guns.”
What he meant by that is that he felt there was a difference in the guns you wanted to keep nice by not taking them out in extreme conditions and ones where this was not a consideration. The Savage 42 seems like it fills the niche of a utility/survival gun that can be carried/used without fear of ruining its “collector’s value”, is light and handy, is simple to operate, requires little to maintain and uses ammo that is likely to be readily available under most foreseeable circumstances.
At some point I will likely acquire one, in .22 mag/.410.
Well I’m 33 and my elder relatives had the Model 24’s in various combos when I was growing up. Bad news is their kids sold them all and if I can’t afford a what was a $900 dollar AK or AR two weeks ago I am not going to be able to afford a collectors gun now. So it’s the Model 42 or nothing for me. Model 24’s and M6’s are a collectors gun now, and I missed the boat on being able to afford a basic AK or AR type by a few months it seems. So I’ll settle for a good versatile combo gun that I can actually afford it before the government scares even more people.
I had the Stevens 22/410 when I was young. I liked it. I had the 24V 30-30/20ga. It was heavy and cumbersome. I got rid of it. This model 42 is lightweight and I’m anxious to handle one. I have a Marlin 795 and it is a great gun. If the 42 fits me and I can get it at the right price in 22mag/410 I’ll get one. It is a competitor to the M6 and I believe superior in many ways. It is also prettier than the M6.
I can’t warm up to any of the “black” plastic stuff. I have tried but cannot do it. My father instilled the idea of quality, craftsmanship in firearms like older winchesters, colts & smiths. my survival gun is a model 94 1956 still shoots great, still hunt with an auto 5 light twenty 1959. and home protection is a beautiful 4″ python royal blue i think 1966. black guns may work fine but why use an ugly gun ?
Haven’t shot mine yet. It’s a Christmas present from my wife and son. Savage has made a quality product for years, and to hold this one and feel the tightness and balance…..well, most of you have not even looked at one. I have no problem with plastic and I have changed sights on other guns so what is the gripe? Too many so-called experts on here who really don’t know what they are talking about.
Remington marketed a combo rifle/shotgun from 2006-2008 under the Spartan Gunworks brand. It was manufactured by Baikal in Russia. I own one in 22LR over .410. It has a blued barrel that is chromed lined. It comes with screw in choke tubes (cylinder, improved cylinder, modified-improved, modified and full). It has a wood stock with sling mounts and is fitted with iron sights. It is a way superior gun to the new Savage Model 42 in my opinion and yet failed to become a commercial success and was discontinued. You can find the Remington SPR94 online in new condition for less than the Savage Model 42. I have hunted squirrel, rabbit and game birds with mine and have been extremely pleased with it. I especially like the fact that Remington did not find the need to put a billboard on their wood stock as Savage has done to their plastic one.
I purchaced one of these at a local sports super store. I got it home and was checking it over and began reading the manual. I pressed on the little square tab the holds the butt plate on and it broke. I took it directly back to the store as I had only had the thing 2 hours. I showed them the problem and they told Me they would remove the plate off the only other 42 they had in stock. When they tried to remove it, it also broke. Only thing to think…bad design.
To be fair, I did call the company and they put one in the mail, no questions asked. I will be extremly careful about fitting it on. I do now wonder about the strength of the plastic parts. Otherwise seems an elegant little rifle.
hey ive seen a couple of different places saying a scope can be attatched by removing the rear sight is this true and if so what mount would you suggest
There are 2 screw holes for the site so it would only be a single mount system. I don’t know what base will match the hole spacing.
I am truly impressed by all the firearms experts who can determine quality from pictures on the innerwebs. How many of you said the same about glocks in the 80’s.
now if they would only make a 12 over a 243 or 223.
I do think storage in the stock would be a good ideal. I modified one of my wood stock stocks to hold ammo in the stock by modifying the butt plate and hollowing out the stock.
The stock is hollow. It works great for storing 50 .22 rds, some matches, a survival blanket, and a signal mirror. Contrary to what people have said about the looks of the rifle, I love mine. Haven’t had any issues with the extractor. It is plastic, with metal lips. Funny how people want to critique something they have never held or used. About the only complaint I have, is the red lettering. It really is distracting. 🙂
Fellas, this is a new gun for a new generation. If you want steel & wood and would be willing to pay for it you can have it; It is a Model 24 not a 42. Take your money and get what you want. Plastic extractor? No one commenting here has tried one; condeming somthing they haven’t tried and probably haven’t even seen.
I have had 3 in my 60 years; 2 wood & 1 tenite stock all were 22lr/410. If you don’t like the new 42, vote with your money and don’t buy one. Savage will find out soon if there is a market for them. I personally can’t wait to hold one and buy one if the price is right.
An afterthought: A hollow stock with storage for ammo in a sealed compartment above the comb would also be a nice addition. (In case the Savage Arms is reading this).
While the idea of a polymer frame stock is a good one for ruggedness (in extreme conditions), aesthetically
Savage Arms drops the ball in making this look like a piece of crap; also why not stainless steel barrels with a
stainless STEEL extractor if you’re going to go plastic? A plastic extractor? Use it sparingly? I think not – for over
$400 I won’t use it at all. They should have stacked the barrels as one, kept the classic lines of the Model 24,
AND made this a take-down rifle to fit in a pack – or a folder like the kel-tel 2000. I would take a Springfield
Armory M6 scout over this wierd looking thing (though it looks like a can opener – it’s at least a winning survival
gun that means business and puts function over form). The Buck Rogers styling of this gun with Red logo and
then a plastic extractor just looks too tacky for me to want to seriously consider. Offer it in black walnut or a
composite stock with choice of color (black, camo, sand) but keep the classic lines intact. Then I would buy
one. The styling of this gun is just plain terrible!
I own a old 22/410 stevens with a plastic stock and I think I had a whole bunch of fun shooting it when I was a teenager. My favoritie is a 67a Winchester crackfire I still have that one also but I never shoot it anymore. It is way to small compared to the regular Winchester 67. I
Talk about weird. Have you fellas seen the Barska combos. They have the shotgun barrel on top with the rifle underneath! Along with the gap between the barrels!
I own an old 24 as well and would not part with it, but I must say there is a place for the 42. I don’t think it is that bad looking either, but then again I thought the SAAB 9000 was good looking car. I would have designed it as a “take down” trail/survival gun with a rifled shotgun barrel, and given Ruger and those that make the-store in the butt stock-survival .22s a run for their money.
I have an old Savage 24 in .22LR and .410 shotgun.
The .22 is extremely accurate. In fact, my dad put an old 2.5x scope on for clearing his pond of turtles.
The connected barrels may be on of the reasons. I don’t know.
My rifle is an old one and the stock doesn’t have a pistol grip but a stock similar to some lever action rifles.
I will treasure the old gun as I grow older.
I did not know it was valuable
Looks like a piece of crap! I’ll keep my old one thank you.
I agree with the administrator . If you pick this up and handle it you might like it. Its a neat package and if it were made with a 20 gauge option I would have one in my safe already. You walnut generation folks need to lighten up a bit……
I have to agree with most of the others, a very ugly gun.My grandsons have much prettier and more real looking air soft guns. I never had a mod. 24, I like my single 12 gauge with interchangable 30-30 single barrel
I have a Savage 24 w/ a PLASTIC stock. It is a 24V in .223 over 12 gauge. I use it quite often for predator calling. I have been offered serious money to sell it and had threats of stealing it. I seriously doubt that would ever occur with this monstrosity called the M 42. I don’t think I am way off base in my opinion when I read the other comments on this article. I truly believe Savage will regret marketing this rifle. It appears to be no more well made than a Gamo pellet gun which is also an accurate arm but sells for around $200 and usually less. From what I can tell, there also appears to be no provision for mounting a scope, Really? No scope on a “modern” rifle? That seems like a really bad move on Savage’s part as well. Of course, this gun is way too new to know much about durability but I really have to question it, especially when the author of the article that is doing his best to sell this thing has to use phrases like “the extractor”….”use it sparingly”!!! I’m sorry, but if I have to select a survival weapon or even a “go to” truck gun that cost almost $500 and I have to use any part of it “sparingly” , you can bet that gun will never grace my gun safe. I am so disappointed in Savage right now. I believed they were on the right track with many of their new innovations like the Accu-trigger and the Axis rifle. They could have done much better in staying true to the old design of the M24 with much cheaper modern materials and have had a winner in the market place. This “thing” is a mistake.
What a pile of crap! I’ve been a licensed firearms dealer for 25 years and counting and I can’t believe the horrible condition of the American firearms industry. Everything is so cheap and junky now. Seems to me that Savage has hit a new low in my opinion. Good luck with this disposable firearm!
Did you ever think the gun might not be for the over 60 set? It is a really nice little gun.
Well it isn’t for the over 40 set either, it looks cheap and ugly. If Savage wants to advertise with big red letters, let them buy a Bill Board, but don’t make us pay that much for a gun, that looks so cheap.
I owned a Savage 24J since 1985, .22 LR/.20 GA. I was telling a close friend about it and he mentioned that he was looking for a 24 series with larger calibers, ie: 30-30/12 GA, .308 or 30-06 / .12 or .20 GA. I am a retired Army First Sergeant. Since I have more time on my hands, and also because this guy was one of my most loyal and proficient NCOs, I told him that I would buy one of these models for him. If I could not find the larger calibers that he desired, I would give him my .22 LR/.20 GA. Well, I searched online and looked at multiple gun shows for about a year. As I was paying for a Mossberg 930 SPX .12 GA at a local gun shop, I mentioned to the clerk how difficult it is to find a Savage over/under in large calibers. He walked over to the rack and pulled out a .223 REM/.12 GA. I am pretty sure it was a Savage. It looked brand new to me. I called my buddy and asked if .223 would work for him. He agreed, so I paid for most of the gun (all but a dollar), and my friend came to the sporting goods store to fill out all the required paperwork. Perhaps this gun was not a Model 42, if they are only available in .22 LR or .22 WMR/.410 GA. I know this weapon was not made in the 1980s. It was black polymer. Again, it looked brand new. It cost less than $400.00. I see some pop up Savage advertising for over/under rifle/shotguns on GunsAmerica. Are you sure that the new Model 42 does not come in different calibers. Or, that a new series of Model 24 is not being produced? I could e-mail my buddy and check the nomenclature, if need be.
Really disappointed in 42 will save my $ and find the .22/20ga. Or do without.
I own a Stevens 22-410 from the 1940’s and a Savage Model 24 made in 1954. They are both the same gun but for the tenite stock on one and the wood on the other. I think they may be one of the most beautiful, well-designed, and uniquely American fireams of the mid-20th Century. Aesthetics make a big difference to me. I can’t even look at these new Model 42’s. I also can’t look at a Glock or a lot of other modern firearms. When did looks go down the tubes? I just bought both of these recently, the first for just under $400, and the second for just under $300, because I could not decide which I liked best. Both are in good shape and will never be improved upon. They have tried and failed. But thanks for reporting on this, Gun Digest. We appreciate you taking the time.
My dad bought a used 24 with very nice wood that still locks up tight. I’m guessing it is pre WWII baced on when dad got it. I never will forget when I was plinking with it, after some squirrel hunting, at age 6 with the .22 and the barrel selector fell onto the 410 round that dad had not removed. Boy was I shocked when it bucked out the shot round! The little 410 shell is lacking for serious hunting but it still comes out for a trip to the woods once a year.
Only years later did I find out how far off the point of impact is between the two welded barrels. Not much that can be done about that I guess???
Good grief, Savage..what were you thinking??? This thing is ugly and has no place in the back of my truck. I do have more than a few “plastic” guns but surely you could have done better. I have loved Savage for many years; but this thing could lead to divorce!
This gun is cheap compared to the 24.Plastic extractor and sights that are off,and not by a little. I understand your trying to promote this gun. For this to be a American made gun it sure does have a lot of stuff I would expect to see on a Chinese gun,and it’s not a nice looking gun either. It screems CHEAP. Come on Savage,bring back the 24 in some real cal/ga combos at a fair price.
I own some guns that have beutiful wood stocks on them. They are great, but there are places I just won’t go with them. That is where the synthetic stocks come in. They are lighter and much less prone to showing abuse. A friend has this gun in 22 WMR/.410 and it lives in the scabbard on the front of the ATV he patrols his farm fields with. It is perfect for that application. It dispatches coyotes handily and he has even used a .410 slug to take down a feril hog. Why would someone pay twice the price for a model 24 when they know they will beat it up riding around in a pickup or on an ATV? The model 42 is just the utility gun for that job. I agree that the sights could be better, but overall the 42 is a good gun.
I wouldn’t mind having one myself, but I have a few things higher on the list.
I am sooooo glad I decided to buy an H&R 410. single shot with a full choke.
I wanted a combination gun like the old 24 but couldn’t find one. For less
than half the price or the model 42, I have a gun that takes down into a pack,
can use a variety of loads, even a rifled slug if need be. I wish the gun manufacturers
would stick to a good, classic aesthetic design instead of penny pinching with
plastic to make a piece of garbage. If I want plastic, I’ll go to Toys ‘R’ Us.
At nearly $500 bucks MSRP, I would expect something which more closely represents Savage quality! I own a 24 made in the first year of production. The wood and the blueing, or lack of it, shows it age, mainly from years of riding in the back window or behind the seat. I sincerely doubt that this thing will be cherished when it is over 70 years old. Plastic extractor!? I wonder how long that will last being exposed to sunlight in the back window? Metal would cause the price to go up? How about that hideous red whatever you want to call it on the forend? Sorry for being so unenthused but it’s been awhile since I saw such an ugly gun. It looks like something from the movie Planet of the Apes. Shame on Savage !
Ok,so its not the best looking firearm savage ever made but I can see where they were going with it.for someone who has a young child getting into hunting and shooting this would be a great starter gun.i would feel alot better if my kids tgis over a nicer mode 24 that I paid a lot higher price for because lets face it,kids are hard on stuff.and honestly I dont think if they opened this on christmas morning they would think it was ugly,they probably would want to go out and start shooting before breakfast.just,my 2 cents.
Its nice to see an option to get a new one, and yes, I too was one of those, “I went to the nam, and I know what a machine gun is” victims, when I went into a local gunshop to buy an AR15 years ago. Its primarily the reason I got my FFL in the first place, because all the “Experienced” shooters, knew exactly what “I” needed to own.
That said, I too own a 24 in .222 over 20 ga, and I have been tempted to sell it for a more modern 22 in 223 over 12 gauge, however, the .222 may be the most accurate “Rifle” I own, literally, groups touching at 100 yards, and my brother borrowed it for a few years, so he could shoot birds in Montana, while hunting for elk, and took multiple elk at 200 to 300 yards, all with neck shots, while his 308 Savage 110, heavy barreled sniper rifle sat at home, because he didn’t want to spoil any meat.
I just can’t part with a gun that good, even though I use it, very little.
In any case, you guys can keep your horse and buggies, I am hoping they release this in a 223 or 308 over 12 gauge, to ADD to my retinue, rather than choose one, over the other.
Don’t think this is chambered for .45 Colt. I wouldn’t try to squeeze a .452 bullet down a .410 bore.
After reading all the comments, it makes one wonder what, if any, market research was done by Savage in the developement of this model. It isn’t rocket science to talk to potential users belonging to gun clubs, web sites, etc. to form an opinion about the market for their product. Unless something changes, it doesn’t seem like there are too many people “in love” with the looks and construction of the Model 42 that will spend their money to have one.
I have three of the 24s. The first was a gift from my father when I was 12. Still have it, still use it. The 42 isn’t the 24 by a long shot. Bring back the original. Some things can not be improved upon.
This is a decidedly small game only gun.
What I would love to see would be a 30-30 over 22 Mag.
Yes, I would buy one. Then you have your Deer and rabbit/squirrel gun in a single package. Now there would be a tremendous seller much in demand by Deer hunters not wanting to carry two guns so they can take some of the numerous other critters that seem to feel immune to the guy with a high powered rifle.
And where is the 30-30 over 20 gauge, the other real dual purpose version?
As for the Kevlar and plastic or Carbon Fiber, if it is lighter than the old guns I would be happy with that.
Is it acurate and adjustable on the 22LR shots at 30 to 40 yards? This is the yardage for most 22 LR shots on rabbits and squirrels. If so I would be interested.
Own a 24C but definitely am glad Savage brought out the 42. I bought an AR way back when everybody else hated them. At the range in the mid 80’s I was derided and sneered at for having a “black plastic gun” and was told they should be illegal and I ought to be ashamed of myself. All of this by fellow gun owners!. Well guess what? Here it is again with the 42. You want to pay $700 for an old one? go ahead. Joe Bag of Donuts that wants a utility gun can’t pay that. He also will probably barely maintain it. Black plastic is perfect for him. Survival gun? The polymer is the way to go even tho I too prefer the looks of wood. Heck look how successful the AR-7 was….it was black plastic and the barrel took down and stored in the stock. Talk about ugly. But it worked as it was designed. I hope this works out for Savage too. If it does …well once they have to tooling it would be a simple matter to make a deluxe “wood stock” version for those who prefer it.
This thing put the “U” in Ugly, and with the sights shooting 10 inches off wirh the .22 cartridge, I wouldn’t touch one with a 10 ft. Pole. Soooo sick of seeing these plastic-fantastic firearms.
This is a mistake.
If you can’t re-produce the original, then don’t go there,
Savage can’t afford this kind of marketing error!
Larry Mandrell
Where there might be a few people under 70 who would like one, don’t you think Larry?
I’m with Larry and I’m not over 70, Mr. Administrator why are you attacking others opinions? If I didn’t know better I’d say you have some personal stake in the Model 42.
Oh yea personal stake lol. You guys are such idiots sometimes.
I agree with the administrator, you guys would pick a fart apart. If you don’t like a gun, don’t buy it. Very simple.. I look at some of your comments and wonder why are you even on here? Maybe to hear yourself or should I say see yourself quote something that is meaningless. Please, just state if you like it and a simple reason why. You don’t have to attack someone to get your point across. I enjoy simple reasons why you do or don’t like something. I will look at this type of answer and ignore all others. The Administrator did not make the gun, he would like some good input of why you do or don’t like the weapon. Please leave the other crap home.
I’ve loved the Model 24 ever since I first saw one as a kid back in the ’60s. My second gun ever was a .22/.410 in the Basic model (they also had a Deluxe with satin chrome receiver and gold-plated trigger). I foolishly sold that but soon after started a hunt for another. I have now ended up with a .22 Mag/.410, a .22 Mag/20 gauge and a Stevens .22/.410 with a Tenite stock. This last one has the barrels cut down to 18″ and, when you separate the barrels from the frame, it makes a survival rifle/shotgun that fits into a backpack! They all have the soldered-together barrels that made them look “quality” and these will never be sold ’til I’m gone to the Happy Hunting ground.
I agree with the folks who say they would rather pay more for an “oldie” than this new “thing.”
I own two Savage Model 24Vs. One is a 222/20 Ga and the other one is a .357/20 Ga. Although I might enjoy owning a gun with a smaller caliber rifle barrel to use just for plinking, I’ll go find another well maintained Model 24 rather than one of these plastic Chinese knock offs.
Apparently you can’t read. These guns are made in Westfield Mass. There are in fact no black plastic guns made in china.
So the Chinese have imported production methods and concepts to the U.S.
For the author to say this gun is attractive is a stretch; it’s hideous. I have a pristine model 24 and it’s a thing of beauty not like this new one….this one will never gain collector status no matter how much time passes by; what a waste!
I have two model 24’s. One made in the 1960’s and one made in 1977. I love and use them around my rural home for pest control. As far as I can see the evolution of the model 24 was to continually produce a cheaper made gun. The earlier model had the barrels welded together but the 1970’s model had them separated and also used a plastic trigger guard and other parts. Savage continues that tradition today with the model 42…It may shoot but its largely plastic and cheap looking. Americans do not like the trend. Bring back the original model 24 with welded barrels and all metal parts!!
….. Agree with Richard” ….. Re: … Bring back the original model 24 with welded barrels and all metal parts!!
Thank God there are still old Savage 24’s still out there…
I’m giving you a “Thumbs Up”
Why are you yelling? Unnecessary use of CapsLock like this tends to come across as being really loud and obnoxious and is generally a great way to make sure that very few people will pay any serious attention to what you have to say. Capitalizing a word here or there will definitely add emphasis to what you’re saying, but it only works if you’re judicious in choosing which words to capitalize, otherwise it just looses all it’s impact.
Also your grammar could use some improvement, but that’s really a secondary complaint to the CapsLock thing since most people won’t read enough of your overly-capitalized comment to even notice your grammar.
Can’t believe you used the word “attractive” on this “thing”
Why don’t Savage, make the O/U – 410/22, like the old gun’s, with wood, and the barrel’s together. It make’s a beautiful gun. I hate the new cheap plastic look new gun’s have now. I have 3 of the gun’s, one is a 22 Mag.
Own two of the original Savage model 24’s in 22wmr/410. The difference between them and this new model 42 are extreme. Think I will keep my 24’s and forgoe the 42 simply becuase I can easily tell the quality has severely diminsihed. I would much rather pay 700 to 900 dollars for an older Model 24 22wmr/410 then this new plastic one with gaps in the barrel big enough to slide a bananna through.. Plastic extractor? my word.. happy the thought to bring it back from the dead was there, unfortunately the great 24 was resurrected as a Zombie model 42 from China.. should have left it dead, if you werent going to do it right Savage.
I Agree 150 % with what Jeff said here . Like You Brother , I`ll keep my one and only 24 in 22 LR/410 , They can keep that junkie looking thing . By the way , I don`t use it for that now , but when I was pore , I shot a lota deer between 50 too 100 Yds , using 44 mag. 240 Gr. Flat Point rounds s , shot out of the 24`s 410 barrel , and I mean I use to shoot a LOT of um . I haven`t shot it in a long time now , but that`s one of them that will STAY” , in the back of my gun safe , till I`m dead and gone Brother .
Interested how you could shoot 44’s safely out of a .410 bore. Isn’t the bore diameter too small to let one pass? I just ran across an old Iver Johnson .410 and Harrington and Richardson .410 at a gun show and both were marked by the manufacturer for using .44 ammo. I assumed the bore was made a little larger. Am I wrong? This is an interesting question. What’s the scoop?
It is 45 colt not 44.
If they were Pre-50 I’d assume they were marked for 44 shotshells not for a 44 spec/mag cartridge. Like the 1st gen “marble game getter” survival rifle combo in 22/44 shot that later switched to .410 and various other barrel combos.
It’s poor……not pore. Great gun. I’ll keep my Maverick 88 for skeet ant home defense. Eradicate ISIS…..for the kids.
I agree savage should have it dead, making it the cheep way that they did is a disgrace.
How hard would it be to take that tacky red billboard off of the fore end?
Don’t know. 😉