Savage Arms Adds AccuTrigger to Axis Rifle—SHOT Show 2014

in Authors, Paul Helinski, Rifles, SHOT Show 2014

savage05Savage Arms

Organized in 1894 in Utica, NY, Savage Arms is one of our favorite gun makers. Not only does it make great guns, but the company sells them at excellent prices, ensuring that you’re getting real value. In keeping with its philosophy of delivering value, Savage introduced a new version of its popular Axis rifle this year. As you may know, the Axis is America’s best-selling bolt action rifle. In a gun test we did last year with a number of bolt action rifles, we were able to get one minute of angle accuracy with it. That’s all rounds into one inch at 100 yards. The new gun, dubbed the Axis II Xp, is an upgraded version of the original Axis. For an extra $89 you get the famous AccuTrigger that’s not available on the original Axis, plus an upgraded scope. The new scope is a Weaver Kaspa 3-9×40, professionally mounted and bore sighted. The scope alone is valued at $100 more than the scope on the original Axis. Add in the AccuTrigger, and you can see what I mean about Savage delivering value. The Axis II also comes in a youth model, and, for the ladies, is available in the Muddy Girl camo pattern that we’ve been seeing all over the show.


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  • Charles Sams February 22, 2015, 5:37 pm

    I just bought the Savage Axis 11 xp in the 223 caliber. I loaded up some rounds with H 4198 with 21.5 gr., Hornady V-Max, 50gr. bullets. They say these guns are boresighted. I couldn’t hit the paper at 50 feet. So I don’t think this one got bore sighted. Loading the magazine is a fight, not like the rest of my bolt actions. So I started at the beginning and got the bullet on the paper and then moved the target out till I got to 100 yards. I shot 3 rounds and where the rounds hit was one oblong hole about 11/4 inch above bulls eye just to the left. Went 2 clicks to the right and shot 4 more rounds. They landed just to the left of center of the bulls eye. All 4 rounds made one oblong hole. Adjusted scope 1 click back to the left and now it should zero at 200 yds. I don’t like how it loads but it is a very accurate rifle. Think I will keep it around.

  • Jay-Bird April 3, 2014, 1:06 am

    Just bought an Axis II tonight from a local dealer. Bought it for my hubby, but I’m more excited than him, lol. Got the 223 rem action & hoping for that “silky, smooth feeling! Went out & bought a selection of ammo & the gun case before settling on the AXIS II. I’m having a great time getting back into shooting – maybe the crossbow is next. Happy shooting, folks.

  • bob January 27, 2014, 7:17 am

    I own two savage guns, a 12 gauge single shot shotgun, and a .22 mod. 64, both awesome guns that have never let me down in all weather conditions. I’m going to be adding to my savage collection soon, just not sure which gun I’ll be adding.

  • John J January 25, 2014, 8:51 pm

    Nothing better then Savage. My first, a Savage 300 lever action has been on the money since new (about 50 years ago)

  • jim January 23, 2014, 10:16 am

    Well….I guess I’ll have to save up my money to get a new axis II to add to my already stock of savage firearms. I think I have maybe 6 or 7 and they are excellent firearms that the average joe can afford…..thanks Savage


  • hudnutz January 23, 2014, 10:05 am

    Bought a Timney for the 7MM-08 Axis, around $80. If like it lite, got it under 2#.

  • Steve January 23, 2014, 9:46 am

    I’ll be curious to see if a) the AccuTrigger could be retrofitted to the Axis I, and b) if Savage would be willing to actually sell AccuTriggers to Axis I owners (or their smiths) to do the upgrade.

    My Axis in .308Win, while MOA accurate at 100 yards out of the box, got a whole lot easier to shoot after I dropped the action in the recently available Boyd’s laminate stock. Having a trigger that breaks lighter than 7 lbs., without questionable “home smithing” modifications, would be the icing on the cake. Savage, make this happen!

    • Steve M. January 23, 2014, 10:12 am

      The Axis I trigger is easily improved. There are one or two companies out there that offer an adjustable replacement, but they cost around $100. Online forums suggest that you take the spring and cut 1/2 of a spring coil to lessen the pull. But what I did was to go to Ace Hardware and pick up a 5/8″ 10/24 hex drive screw and a compression spring that just slides over the screw threads (cost – less than $2). Removed the stock spring, inserted the screw and played with the proper spring length. I took the pull from 7 lb. down to 3 lb. What an awesome difference it makes!

  • Mark S McKinney January 23, 2014, 8:52 am

    I worked at a gun shop for 3 1/2 years (best job in my life) and had access to look at and dream of owning many types of guns and pistols. I was looking at the accu-trigger system and was totally impressed. I’ve owned the 700 Rem. for years and older Savage models. Never was able to buy the Savage Accu. Oh well, On disability now and besides I don’t want to support any gun manufacturing business in NY now anyway until they change their policy of being against the gun owning community. Kind of a hypocrisy. I am glad some gun manufacturers are packing their bags. Besides I don’t think my passport covers New York. Aren’t they in an in-between place of having no Constitutional value there?

    • Administrator January 23, 2014, 9:11 am

      Savage is in Mass.

  • matt January 23, 2014, 8:02 am

    I have a edge in .308 and to get it to group consistently I had to buy a boyds stock then it became a decent rifle. I still think savage should have put a recoil lug on that would have improved the rifle. Overall I wouldn’t recommend the axis there’s better rifles near their price I.e. 783,ruger American,marlin x7.

    • Jeff January 23, 2014, 9:32 am

      The Ruger American cost’s more and offers less. We all know that Rugers overall quality has gone way down in the past ten years. This Axis package is far superior to not only their American model, but their M-77 as well, which costs twice as much. The American is a youth/starter rifle with o.k. accuracy at best, but you’ll quickly outgrow it and need to “graduate” to a Savage shortly after you purchase the Ruger. I’d say instead, go straight to the Savage and avoid paying premium rifle prices for a lower quality Ruger rifle. Ruger should stick to revolvers only, that’s the only thing they still make halfway decent. I do not know of any current rifle manufacturer that even comes close to the quality & accuracy of Savage for a low cost rifle.

      • Phil January 23, 2015, 3:16 pm

        I would say it’s a faaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrr stretch to say the Axis is superior to the M77. I mean, that’s almost straight up asinine. Ruger’s American is quite comparable, in my view, to the Axis, as is the Marlin 7 series, and the T/C Venture. I have no experience with the junk Remington is selling these days, so I can’t comment on that. If I were advising a new shooter, I’d tell them to jump up a little to the Savage 10/110, Tikka T3, or Browning A-bolt, as I believe a rifle without a bolt locking mechanism is downright silly.

  • GEORGE S. January 23, 2014, 7:47 am

    The Co. that has once again proven that a great firearm need not cost $1500-$2000 or more
    to consistently put a bullet in the kill zone at 400 yards. I have been a lover of savage for many
    years, what more can you say about a Co. that took a Good “meat an potato” rifle and for an extra
    $89.00 gives you the option of upgrading the two things a great hunting rifle has, adjustable trigger
    and upgraded optics.
    All I can say to savage is BRAVO, keep up the good work.

  • mike January 23, 2014, 7:36 am

    Isn’t that some crap. Bought mine last year in 308 wish I would have known woulf had waited to get the accutrigger