Springfield Armory XDM 10mm – The 10 We Have Been Waiting For

in Clay Martin, Handguns, Semi-Autos

Editors Note: When this article first came out the XDM 10mm was brand new and difficult to find. While still not easy to find, they are out there in both the new and used markets for those that are looking.

Springfield Armory XDM 10mm - The 10 We Have Been Waiting For

XDM 10mm, available in 4.5 and 5.25-inch slide lengths

At long last, the perfect auto caliber gets the perfect platform. The XDM 10mm is out today, in both 4.5 and 5.25-inch slide configurations. Take your rucks off, lads. We made it. This is the one we have been waiting our entire lives for.

I’m not shy about the fact I love 10mm. As a cartridge, it alone has the capacity to do everything I need a handgun to do. At least, in theory, it checks every block. Hi capacity? Check. Heavy, fast bullets, capable of handling bears and other wild creatures? Check. Light, incredibly fast bullets, capable of handling both Goblins and the cover they might be behind? Check. Long, flat trajectory, capable of reaching beyond normal handgun ranges? Check. Wide variety of hard cast, hollow point, full metal jacket, solid copper, and other bullet construction? Check. 135 grain, all the way up to 220 grain? Check. The only thing missing has been the gun to shoot it.

Springfield Armory XDM 10mm - The 10 We Have Been Waiting For

The new XDM’s teamed with Hornady 180 grains, and ready for action

Now options have existed, but none of them are ideal in my opinion. You could have a 1911, including excellent options from Springfield Armory. I’m not a huge fan of the 1911, it just isn’t my favorite. It works, but it isn’t my preference. You could have a 2011, aka a wide body 1911, which solves the capacity issue. But they are hugely expensive and retain all the problems of a 1911, plus some extras from trying to make a 1911 something it isn’t. You could have an oversized DA/SA monster, that has had some serious issue. Or you could have a 4×4 block with a trigger slapped on it.

Springfield Armory XDM 10mm - The 10 We Have Been Waiting For

5.25 model

What we wanted and deserved is a high capacity striker fired gun, sized for the human hand. And today, that dream becomes a reality. The XDM 10mm fits all the requirements, and then some. The XDM 10 is identical in grip size to the XDM 45, which is a vastly underrated weapon.

Springfield Armory XDM 10mm - The 10 We Have Been Waiting For

4.5 model

I am a latecomer to the XDM 45 platform, I just got to try one back in August. I’m going to blame Springfield Armory’s marketing department, for clearly dropping the ball on this gun back in 2010. To this day, you will find comparatively few reviews of the XDM 45 by gun media. I wasn’t even sure they made the caliber, and I had never touched one. I was actually writing another piece about Streak Cold Tracer Ammo, and my samples happened to be in 45 ACP. It was Springfield Armory’s turn for a background gun, so I put an order in and they obliged with a 5.25 XDM 45.

Springfield Armory XDM 10mm - The 10 We Have Been Waiting For

5.25 model with adjustable rear sights

As soon as I pulled it out of the box at the FFL, I was dumbfounded. Most polymer 45’s, for lack of a better term, suck. They are either gigantic, to the point they are uncomfortable to hold unless you also play in the NBA, or the capacity sucks. If I wanted a capacity of 10, I would just carry a 1911. And I had to carry an H&K MK23 as a combat gun one tour. I was less than impressed, and most polymer 45’s share a similar footprint.

Springfield Armory XDM 10mm - The 10 We Have Been Waiting For

4.5 inch model, with a fixed rear sight

Before I even left the shop, I sent a text to Springfield Armory to ask why they weren’t absolutely dominating the 45 market. If the gun even went BANG, it was going to be a shoe-in for the title of champion. Shrugs all around. My first range trip impressed me even more. The XDM was incredibly accurate, handled as well as it felt, and mitigated recoil like I would expect from a heavier weapon. The XDM 45 was so amazing I wrote an unassigned review of the gun, which Guns America will get around to publishing one day. It is a gun you want to know about.Springfield Armory XDM 10mm - The 10 We Have Been Waiting For

And all of that translates directly to the new XDM 10. The guns are basically identical, with the obvious barrel/ breech face swap for caliber. With a capacity of 15 in a flush fit magazine, the 10mm is ready to party. It tames the recoil of 10mm better than even the 5 inches Springfield 1911, though not quite as much as the 6-inch long slide model.

Springfield Armory XDM 10mm - The 10 We Have Been Waiting For

Rear mag profile, missing the familiar holes.

Springfield Armory also took the high road and released both the 4.5 and 5.25-inch models on day one. I like both, but the 4.5 is usually preferred for a general use gun. 5.25 will give you more powder burn and a higher velocity, and it is great that the option exists. Both come with all the goodies we expect from an XDM, like excellent steel sights, adjustable fitted backstraps, and an out of the box great trigger.

Springfield Armory XDM 10mm - The 10 We Have Been Waiting For

A day we thought we might never see

A question we always have to ask of a 10mm, is the gun tough enough to handle it? Well, for once, I can answer that question with authority from day 1. Springfield Armory asked me to do some of the pre-release testing, which I obliged. There is a separate article up today detailing that test, but the end state is it passed with flying colors. Oh, the test was 10,000 rounds fired in 10 hours over two days. Considering that is more 10mm than most of us will shoot in lifetime, I think it is a definitive answer on durability.

Springfield Armory XDM 10mm - The 10 We Have Been Waiting For

Take down lever and slide release

One thing I didn’t address in that write up in the magazines. It takes a lot of spring tension, spread over an abnormal length, to make a 10mm run. Coupled with the fact that the lynchpin of any firearm is the feeding source, a few words about the magazines are in order.

Springfield Armory XDM 10mm - The 10 We Have Been Waiting For

Well designed mag release

Springfield Armory XDM 10mm - The 10 We Have Been Waiting ForFirst, that entire 10,000 was run out of 12 magazines. Simple math means then that each mag was loaded 55.5 times in the course of testing. That isn’t a huge sample, but it is probably enough to detect serious problems. Happily, we had not one magazine failure. The test was also done in the open desert, and mags were frequently dropped in the moon dust we call the ground out here. That is a huge testament to both the magazine quality, as well as the firearm quality. They just kept running and running and running.

Springfield Armory XDM 10mm - The 10 We Have Been Waiting For

Familiar grip

Cramming 15 rounds in a gun this small is no easy feat, and I won’t lie to you about the mag springs. Getting the last two in, takes some thumb pressure. It isn’t impossible, but it is tight. I grew to love the UpLULA, a device I have mocked on many occasions. I have a new found respect.

Despite the tightness of the last rounds, there is enough space for the magazine to seat easily. Even with a full mag going in against a closed slide, you don’t have to slam it. The last bit of give in the magazine is almost enough to force a 16th round, which gives it a perfect amount of flex to seat. The slick, stainless magazine bodies drop free like greased lightning, even after you beat them up for a while.

Springfield Armory XDM 10mm - The 10 We Have Been Waiting For

Hornady Custom 180 grain, ready to get the party started

Springfield Armory XDM 10mm - The 10 We Have Been Waiting For

In short, this is my new favorite pistol of all time. It does everything I want it to do, in my caliber of choice. And it fits the hand like an extension of the body. If I could have just one for the rest of my life, it would be the XDM 10 4.5 inch. In a rare move, I highly recommend an opening day purchase. Get yours while the getting is good, these will sell out. If 10mm is your game, this is now the one to beat.


XD(M) 4.5″ 10MM
Caliber 10mm
Magazines (2) 15-Round Magazines
Barrel 4.5″ Steel, Melonite® Finish; Hammer Forged, 1:16 RH Twist
Sights Fiber Optic Front, Low Profile Combat Rear,  Steel
Frame Black Polymer with Changeable Backstraps
Slide Forged Steel, Melonite® Finish
Recoil System One Piece Full Length Guide Rod
Length 7.7″
Height 5.75″
Width 1.2″
Weight 31.2 oz
MSRP $652
XD(M) 5.25″ 10MM
Caliber 10mm
Magazines (3) 15-Round Magazines
Barrel 5.25″ Steel, Melonite® Finish; Hammer Forged, 1:16 RH Twist
Sights Fiber Optic Front, Fully Adjustable Target Rear
Frame Black Polymer with Changeable Backstraps
Slide Forged Steel, Melonite® Finish
Recoil System One Piece Full Length Guide Rod
Length 8.3″
Height 5.75″
Width 1.2″
Weight 32.8 oz
MSRP $779

Visit Springfield Armory to learn more by clicking here.

***Shop GunsAmerica for your nest Springfield Armory XDM***

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  • Willie-O July 21, 2020, 1:05 pm

    I’ve only owned (1) Springfield – 9mm XDE. Loved everything about it, but my best client needed a 9mm and it’s the only one I was willing to sell – just had too many accessories for my others. I carried a Beretta 92 when I was a police-officer and learned to love a safety/de-cocker. Planned to replace it with an XDE in .45acp anyway – just my preferred caliber. Any chance the 10mm will be available in that model line ? Another great review by the way !!! Thanks Clay.

  • Bob Clark July 21, 2020, 10:04 am

    “The past was erased, the erasure was forgotten, the lie became the truth”-George Orwell

    “Who controls the past…… controls the future: who controls the present, controls the past”-Orwell

    “The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it”-Orwell
    …….and brother we have done a lot of drifting.

  • Gately Gately July 20, 2020, 5:41 pm

    Why does no none make a 10mm with a 6 in. barrel. The 10mm is a great gun for hunting and back up gun. Most states require 5.5 0r 6 in barrels for hunting, yet I have not seen anything in 6 IN. except a Wolf conversion barrel. Also ,you get additional vel.& eng.

    • Eric August 31, 2020, 1:26 am

      Seriousily? You must not be looking very hard. There are several companies that make 6″ 10mm. Glock, CZ, Springfield to name a few plus I’ve seen additional 1911 style with 6″ barrels.

    • Richard Savon November 26, 2020, 12:55 am

      Have you looked for a 1911 10 mm in a 6 inch barrel. I have a kimber stainless steel 6 inch 10 mm but a single stack.

  • Bryan July 20, 2020, 3:56 pm

    My XDM 4.5 10mm is one of my favorite weapons. I have ran over 1,000+ rounds through it without a single failure of any kind, flawless. I have two 10mm’s, the 4.5 and a Glock20SF, when I head up in the mountains it’s the 4.5 that travels with me.

  • Zupglick July 20, 2020, 11:42 am

    I currently carry a .40 S&W. A little anemic for bear country, especially if they are hiped up on crack. I’ve been looking at 10mm for a while and I think I might just have to get one of these.
    I would also like to see SA get into the 5.7mm game as I would also like to get a varmint pistol.

  • Tom Partin July 20, 2020, 11:09 am

    Both of my Great Grandfathers were Confederate soldiers, one in the 16th Alabama and the other in Texas.
    After Lincoln tried to over regulate the South’s Cotton and make other laws, we pulled out…New York wanted our cotton for it’s textile mills operated by child labor. ref Indiana state school history book of 1878…
    Wesson and Colt stopped selling the South guns after we were winning and Lincoln shut down over 300 news outlets about his 1863 proclamation, the war turned in favor of the north…
    I will only buy Glock, SIG, FN or Ruger…and maybe Kiss Vector now…
    Civil War was not about slavery until after Lincoln was losing the war in 1863…After 2yrs of fighting with us farmers…The fighters against the King in the Revolution were FARMERS…My family has been here since Jamestown 1609…
    I won’t have a gun with the safety in the grip…You don’t fire a gun unless you are going to shoot…

    • Silky Johnson July 21, 2020, 11:08 am

      Your great grandfathers were traders to thus country and probably racist. Nothing to be proud of.

      • dtzat August 1, 2020, 10:30 pm

        I will have to agree with this. And apple has not fallen far from tree

    • Eric August 31, 2020, 1:30 am

      The point of all this is you don’t like the grip safety? I agree on that. Grip safety is defenitely not needed on a striker fired pistol that already has a trigger safety (dingus in the middle of the trigger like Glock uses).

    • Richard Savon November 26, 2020, 1:00 am

      Still fighting civil war. What bull…..

    • D V Gregory October 31, 2021, 10:40 pm

      Tom, you are better informed about that awful war than most Americans. I salute you patriotic grandfathers. They fought to defend their homes from the invader.
      That said, the war ended generations go. Lotsa water under the bridge since Reconstruction.
      Yes, there is no good reason Massachusetts and Texas should be under the same federal government, but for now they are. If Springfield Armory makes an ideal 10mm handgun, for the right price, unless the company itself advocates for oppressive anti-South politics, I think it’s ok to buy and shoot a SA product.

  • Todd July 20, 2020, 9:51 am

    I like it…. them.

    Strange that they are not offered optic-ready.

    I’d also like a manual safety option.


  • John Dana July 20, 2020, 9:17 am

    Where is it manufactured?

    • R B July 20, 2020, 10:44 am

      Croatia, just like the lettering in the hand grip states.

  • David Henderson July 20, 2020, 8:41 am

    Hello Clay,

    Nice review of the XDM 10. I’ve already read your reviews and also watched the YouTube videos previously to this article.
    I’ve been shooting Xd’s and XDM’s since Springfield released them. I’ve also had the XDS in 9. I’ve had the compacts and 4.5’s in all the calibers. I pocket carry a 911 in 9mm.
    I side carry a Nighthawk Commander 10mm.
    Unlike you I really like the 1911’s. They feel great in the hand and shoot awesome. The all steel build really helps minimize recoil.
    I bought a XDM 10mm a few months ago for truck duty. Bought a couple of extra mags. I keep two loaded with hollow points and two with hardcast.
    The XDM 10mm is a seriously nice pistol. I had been wanting one ever since they were introduced. I’m not disappointed with it in anyway whatsoever. I also keep a Blackhawk holster in my truck with it, just in case.
    The Springfield XD line doesn’t get enough recognition. The grip angle is the same as a 1911 and that’s a good thing. I don’t care for the Block angle or it’s looks. I’ve only shot a few of them and that’s enough for me.
    Now I just need to get some trigger work done on it. That’s one thing that I really like about 1911’s. Their triggers are very nice. But for a polymer, the XDM can’t be beat in my opinion.

  • Gary Burns July 20, 2020, 3:52 am

    I bought both when released, I also have a all metal EAA Witness Elite and Glock 20 and 29. The Glock are dependable, but a fat grip. The EAA is a beautiful gun, just love it, except it is very heavy. The Springfield’s are my choice for woods carry. My 5.25 has just been confiscated by my wife, she prefers it to the 4.5, ‘better balance’ she said.

  • Jim F March 23, 2019, 7:41 am

    Thanks for another excellent review, Clay. I had the Glock 40 for about a year, tried every 10mm round I could get ahold of and continued to have FTF issues. I’m not willing to accessorize at Lone Wolf after purchase. It should work. Looks like I’m going to be shopping in 2019 after your reviews of this and the Big Horn Model 89. I love hearing real reviews from someone who knows what’s up!

  • Steve Wilson February 15, 2019, 1:50 pm

    Clay, I can only assume you have never shot a Tanfoglio Polymer Pro (EAA Import). It is a poly version of the $1,000 Tanfo Stock III. $580 for Match Barrel, Match Adjustable Trigger (with no safety tab), Adjustable Sights, SA/DA, Double Stack CZ type. 4.75″ barrel.

    I have shot both, the XD – 4.5 and the Tanfo. One is Glockie and one is pure CZ. How about a review on this? Did not see one here. You might be saying “Now this is really the one I have been waiting for!!” http://eaacorp.com/guns/handguns/witness-p-match-pro-tanfoglio-410

  • Mike . November 26, 2018, 12:07 am

    The biggest problem with 1911s is lack of proficientcie
    .there are more modern guns.that being said there are some SSA shooters i wouldnt screw with with a m-240 or m-249 m-203 nothing.

  • Jharvey November 8, 2018, 8:14 pm

    I have two xdm 45 3.8. I like the first one so much had as a truck pistol I bought another for EDC. I had a Glock 40 with delta pro on it. Sold it when i saw the xdm 10 coming out mine should be here tomorrow.

  • Jimmy from Tennessee October 20, 2018, 2:04 pm

    Buy the one with the solid topped slide.There should be no lightening cuts on a 10mm pistol that will fire full power 41 magnum power level ammunition. The pistol needs slide material as a safety measure. Less metal, less safety if a compressed or overpowered charge is ignited. You want a heavy solid gun. Jim from Tennessee

    • Kris March 18, 2020, 2:44 pm

      You don’t need slide material at the end of the barrel at all. The barrel isn’t exploding as much at the end as it is at the breech

      • Eric August 31, 2020, 1:36 am

        If your barrels are exploding you have other thing to worry about other than slide weight. None of my barrels have ever exploded (knock on wood).

  • Skull October 17, 2018, 3:27 pm

    Sounds like a sweet pistol. I have an XDM Mod 2 in 9mm. I have been eying several 10mm pistols lately, but I want one with the long slide 6″ barrel. I know that the Glock 20 has a 6″ barrel available, but I don’t like the way glocks feel in the hand or shoot. I have been looking at the Kimber 1911 style 10mm line, but if I could get a Springfield XDM in 10mm with the 6″ barrel I would prefer it.

  • rich larrowe October 16, 2018, 9:42 pm

    Tanfoglio 10mm match. Its got the 1911 trigger and the large cap mag. It’s a bit large for my hands, I need a Glock 20sf, but there are slimmer grips available and it shoots.

    • Ryan October 20, 2018, 10:17 pm

      Glock 20/21 sf are the same as gen 4 with no backstraps

  • Bob Lovell October 16, 2018, 11:46 am

    One comment on the statement about the grip safety. John Browning incorporated it in the 1911 for military purposes. Farm boys using a pistol for the first time often did stupid things with a new pistol they were not familiar with. The grip safety often kept them from killing each other! Now for the real reason it was wanted my the military. In 1911 the horse cavalry was still the queen of the services! The cavalry wanted a grip safety as another safety for reloading on a moving horse. When the pistol was dropped and hanging on a lanyard and bouncing around, it was another guarantee that the piece would not go off and kill or wound the rider or his horse! The .045 cal. was designed to stop a horse. Of course it did well on a human as well! I personally love the grip safety on my 1911 that I have carried a long time. I also have a 1903 Colt pocket automatic with a grip safety. I carry it loaded with no feeling of danger if it gets banged around. The grip safety still saves lives even though we aren’t usually on horseback now! The best shooters ever have adapted well to the grip safety!

  • Elton Rambin October 16, 2018, 7:29 am

    Well written covering a lot of good points.
    What are “all the problems of the 1911” ?
    What is the grip angle of XD M 10mm?

    No doubt quality construction.

    • AJ October 17, 2018, 11:57 am

      The 1911 has been dubbed “the stovepipe king” for a reason. Also there is the slide lock issue that I know for a fact anyone who has owned 1911s has encountered (no lock after last round). I am a 1911 and XD/XDM guy and I would still choose an XD/M 9/45 over a 1911 for practical use. Browning was and forever will be a genius. But so will Gaston Glock. The XD series is the test tube baby of both worlds.

  • Darry Hartsock October 16, 2018, 2:56 am

    I wish more manufacturers would offer factory ported models. Port a 10mm and it feels like a 9mm!!!!

  • TLove October 16, 2018, 2:35 am

    Ummm Glock 20? Great gun. Never had a problem. Don’t see you mentioning it. Is your 4×4 your veiled attempt? Kind of lame. I love the XD series. Own an XDm 9. But the G20 is the obvious comparison that never gets mentioned?!

  • Craig S. October 15, 2018, 8:06 pm

    I was surprised to see no comments about the design of Xdm. Why does Springfield Armory insist on grip safety? Of all the features I hate about a 1911 it is the damn grip safety – an outmoded feature if they ever had one. So why carry it to a modern sporting pistol when it’s not needed?

    • AJ October 17, 2018, 12:00 pm

      Because grip and trigger safeties have proven extremely effective and popular in the practical use world.

    • Mike the cat March 10, 2021, 6:25 pm

      I don’t get what all the fuss is about the grip safety, if you grip the gun naturally you don’t even know it’s there. I’ve shot Xds for 20 years and never had an issue or malfunction due to the grip safety. It’s a non issue

  • Dennis M Martinez October 15, 2018, 6:32 pm

    Do you know what they call a person stupid enough to face a bear with a 10mm pistol……A STATISTIC!!

    • Bryan December 16, 2018, 5:39 pm

      You nail that bear with some Buffalo Bore 220 gr. hard cast traveling at 1,200 fps and a muzzle energy of 703 ft. lbs…there will be a statistic…and that would be the bear…

    • Don Gaby December 21, 2018, 7:33 pm

      I’d have to disagree with ya on this one!!! Phil Shoemaker is a hunting and fishing guide in Alaska. He was out fishing with some clients when a grizzly charged his two clients. The bear was within 3 feet of his clients when he pulled out his 9mm loaded with buffalobore 147 grain FN hard-cast loads that have a muzzle velocity of 1100 fps. He unloaded on the bear and when it fell he had one round left in the chamber. Buffalobore hard cast ammo WILL drop a bear!!!

      • Scott Cotner June 14, 2019, 4:00 am

        Yes, if using a 9mm for bear always save the last round for yourself.

  • Robert Campbell October 15, 2018, 5:10 pm

    The only other thing I’m curious about, (as an EDC gun) is pass through. Yes, pass through is an issue with most calibers but its especially worrisome with 10mm. I see this easily passing through the bad guy, and then a wall, another wall, then a car, etc…. OK, maybe not quite that bad but you hear what I’m sayin…. Anyone else have this concern?

    • AJ October 17, 2018, 12:05 pm

      With newer technologies and procedures used in ammo manufacturing the risk is lessened, even with 9mm believe it or not. Hollow points usually mitigate this almost completely. There will still always be a risk with any firearm that doesn’t shoot bird shot due to a variety of factors (shot placement, body mass of target, use of armor, etc.). But newer hollow points are more prone to expansion and energy dissipation than older variants. And most calibers have optimal self defense loads available.

    • Skull October 17, 2018, 3:23 pm

      Yes, understood. But for a SHTF scenario, I want to hit and go through as many as possible…

      • AJ October 17, 2018, 5:04 pm

        S&W 500… Or an M2 Browning

  • Robert Campbell October 15, 2018, 5:02 pm

    I’ll wait till they have the red dot plate in place. Will still need to swap out for a threaded barrel and can height sights. This is the thing that pisses me off most about SA, (disclosure: My edc is a 4.5 9mm XDm and I own about half dozen XDs XDms ). You can get the model with the plate cutout for red dot OR you can get the model with threaded barrel and can height sights already in place but you can’t get BOTH in the same pistol. PLEASE SA Please make one pistol that combines all….

    • Joe October 18, 2018, 4:40 pm

      The New OSP model XDMT9459BHCOSPV Does come with Both. Red Dot Mount & two barrels.

  • FirstStateMark October 15, 2018, 4:58 pm

    I’m wondering why no mention of the cut away slide in back of the front sight on his 5.25 model. Are they all like that in the 5.25?

    • gene July 20, 2020, 6:35 pm

      I believe so. My 9mm 5.25 has that cut. I believe they were first introduced to compete with the G34/35 which has a similar lightening cut.

  • Richie October 15, 2018, 3:05 pm

    An ugly pistol compared to the old omega ten. Hopefully this pistol will work, not have another fiasco and debacle as Springfield did with the omega ten. My omega is an excellent paper weight in my desk”

  • douglas n girard October 15, 2018, 3:01 pm

    I have both an XDs .45 and a very early Glock G20 I bought it in 1991. I like them both very much

  • LEWIS PETERSON October 15, 2018, 1:58 pm

    When is a 10 round magazine expected?

  • LEWIS PETERSON October 15, 2018, 1:56 pm

    Will the gun run 40 cal without modification?

    • This We Defend November 21, 2018, 5:05 pm

      Well, maybe. I’ve heard of of some Glock 20 owners doing that with their unmodified pieces, but I view this practice as asking for trouble. Since both the .40SW and 10mm cartridges head space on the case mouth, these fellows are relying on the Glock’s extractor to consistently hold the .40 cartridge into firing battery. I can foresee both failures to fire and accuracy problems, and possibly even cycling issues due to variances in spring tension strength. Another problem area could be potentially dangerous combustion issues tied to excessive head spacing. Not being familiar with this XDM’s extractor geometry, that may not even be feasible.
      Like many, I’ve sent letters/email to SA and have been waiting on this pistol! I’m not really a big fan of .40SW, so not really an issue, for me. Would like a slide & barrel in both lengths, though.
      I have one on order from Bud’s.

    • brad Baker December 16, 2018, 2:56 pm

      I have a gen 4 glock29 and.have run a couple of boxes of 40sw with no problems. Very accurate as well. Feels like 9mm out of the heftier gun too.

  • Tail Gunner October 15, 2018, 12:31 pm

    Clay has not been this excited about anything since his wedding night. Excellent review. Great pre-work on reliability. Most Clay “wow’s” of any video so far. 10mm is the most versatile cartridge of all. XDM 10 probably a must-have.

  • Jake October 15, 2018, 12:05 pm

    My advice to all you young whipper snappers is to get the Uplula or Maglula and save your thumbs. You are never aware at the time but you are doing an enormous amount of cumulative damage to your thumbs and hands loading hi-caps. Those laughing at this may in twenty years go “now I know what he meant” when you have arthritis riddled digits. Mag loaders are a great thing.

    • Jack October 16, 2018, 6:50 am

      I hear that, I’m 71 with those stiff aching fingers, I had to give up Cowboy Action shooting because my thumbs hurt too bad to cock the pistols but I have mag loaders for all my “auto-clinker’s” even my 22’s, saves wear & tear on the hands & fingers

    • AJ October 17, 2018, 12:34 pm

      27 and agree with you entirely. They’ll stop being macho when their knuckles are like nachos.

      Same goes with eye and ear protection. Most of my hearing is gone thanks to my pride a few years back. Tacticool doesn’t amount to practical.

  • Ed Nusso October 15, 2018, 12:01 pm

    He compaired the 10 mm xdm against a bunch of guns ,but never mentioned 10mm Glock

    • Brandon October 15, 2018, 1:56 pm

      He did. Re-read and look for the 4×4 block with a trigger. Sounds like he’s not describing a Glock 29. It’s a pretty accurate assessment.

  • Alan Robinson October 15, 2018, 11:54 am

    A good article and well written, but……………….
    Bear?!?!??! With a 10mm?
    Black bear maybe, but aren’t you in Griz country?
    Oh sure, it can be done, but since you don’t control the situation in a sudden encounter, I sure as hell wouldn’t recommend it as you appear to be doing.
    I’m not aware of these alleged “heavy” bullets for the 10 that you speak of, most makers have HP, SP and FMJ but not specifically designed for big game for deep penetration in the 10mm.
    “Heavy” means more than just weight when speaking of a bear bullet, construction for deep penetration with weight retention are the rule here.
    The 10 IS legal in some States for hunting bear, but not in all. It lacks the prescribed energy, or cartridge length for several of your surrounding States.
    In a self defense situation, just about any gun is better than none, but if you were to prepare for it, I would be hesitant to recommend the 10mm for bear, especially Griz.
    But as you know Clay, it’s your butt on the line, call it as you please.
    I just disagree with the bear use.
    Can you still run really fast? (That was humorous tongue in cheek)

    • TLove October 16, 2018, 2:41 am

      Up, we have another “bear 10mm expert” today. Talk to Matt Slingsby in Montana. A hunter who swears by the 10mm in Grizzly situations. His Instagram is Bearcreekslingsby. Enjoy.

      • Alan Robinson October 16, 2018, 9:53 am

        Hmm, there is and always has been in this industry the idea and notion of “Use enough gun”.
        And you may or may NOT have noted and read my comment that it can be done.
        And historically, there have been MANY people who have taken the Griz and other bigger game with small calibers.
        So, your snide “expert” remark is NOT appreciated. I made no such claim.
        Just because one person does something, does NOT mean that it can be done by all.
        And just because they are successful, does NOT mean all will be.
        And just what makes an expert? And what were the various situations in which the Bears were taken?
        Actual hunting over bait, from a blind or tree is a far cry from accidently walking up on a bear on it’s kill, or a sow with cubs.
        The 10 is less than a .357 mag overall, so it’s no hot rod of a gun.
        My point was simple, if you’re really good, fine. But if you are actually preparing for such an encounter, I think it’s borderline.
        No need to be snarky about it, my opinion is just as good as yours anyday.

        • Tom Partin July 20, 2020, 10:49 am

          In Alaska, many carry the Glock 10mm everyday for bear protection…get out of your small world and be nice!

        • Willie-O July 21, 2020, 12:18 pm

          From everything I’ve read and studied, the 10mm is roughly the semi-auto equivalent to the .41mag, NOT “less than a .357mag” as you stated. I wouldn’t WANT to stumble upon a bear at all, but if I did I would be comfortable with having a 10mm loaded accordingly.

    • AJ October 17, 2018, 12:37 pm

      Judging by the Seal flops he wears on the daily, I don’t think he meant that kind of bear… Haha

    • Rick McC. May 18, 2019, 10:46 pm

      Buffalo Bore makes a hardcast 10mm load that penetrates 36 inches through muscle, gristle, and bone. Bear problem solved.

    • GaShooter June 19, 2019, 8:13 pm

      If I’m in bear country with a 10mm my prescription is for Triple-H. Hardcast, Heavy (at least 200+ grain) moving Hot (at least 1300 ft/sec). I could add another “H” – Helluva lot!

    • Comanche July 20, 2020, 5:55 pm

      Buffalo bore, Double tap, Underwood all have the Artillery shells for bear and more!!!%

  • Joe October 15, 2018, 11:34 am

    we need an xds 10 next

  • Norm Fishler October 15, 2018, 11:18 am

    I have always wanted a 10 m/m since it was first introduced, but to date the only one I’ve owned was a very early Glock M20 that was a bitter disappointment. It fed and functioned 100% but flyers did abound and Glock simply didn’t care. I sent it in twice and they would return it without doing a thing. How do I know that, you might ask? Always clean your gun up sparkly clean before sending it in. Gun repair will NEVER clean it before returning it to you. But all that aside, this one looks like it might be the one I’ve been waiting for . . .

  • Zupglick October 15, 2018, 11:15 am

    I’ll be shure to look at one when the local FFL’s get one in about a year. I’ve been a fan of 44mag for years but have been looking at 10mm for a while. I got the hi-Point carbine several months ago and found it to be a sweet shooting tool. I have been looking at pistols but like Clay, I’m not a big fan of 1911’s. Also Glocks just don’t feel right.

  • Chuck M October 15, 2018, 10:39 am

    Dang-it! Now I gotta go buy another pistol.

  • Darrell McMillan October 15, 2018, 9:50 am

    Nice article. I’ve been a huge fan of the XD and XDm pistols for the last decade owning them in 9mm and .40 S&W; I even have a XDs .45. I’ve been amazed since the beginning that they didn’t offer them in 10mm, which is my absolute favorite handgun cartridge. I own a Glock 20 & 29 and they’ve been accurate and reliable but the real reason I bought them is that they were the only game in town for polymer 10mm pistols. I’ll probably keep them but I definitely see one of these in my immediate future.

  • Gary October 15, 2018, 9:46 am

    Passed the durability test with flying colors. But, check with Springfield, the warranty is one year and after that Springfield does not support the repair of the firearm in case of parts breakage. They do not have a repair department. You are on your own after the first year.

    • Norm Fishler October 15, 2018, 11:24 am

      I would rather have a one year warranty on a gun that works than a lifetime warranty on a clunk like a Taurus (pick a model) that is always enroute back to the shop.

      • Gary October 15, 2018, 12:43 pm

        Hey Norm, just making a comment about Springfield’s policy of not supporting the products they make if there is a problem, my guess is with most gun companies supporting their products Springfield leaves you hanging if by chance your gun breaks out of the one year warranty. My guess is most gun buyers do not know that. Fine firearms they are.

    • Steve October 15, 2018, 12:56 pm

      Gary, that is incorrect information. Springfield Armory offers a lifetime warranty to the original purchaser of the firearm.

      • Gary October 15, 2018, 1:51 pm

        I will stand corrected. I guess we are S.O.L. on any used Springfield.

    • J October 15, 2018, 1:38 pm

      Springfield, Inc. warrants to You, the original retail purchaser of the Product, that the Product
      You purchased will be free of defects in workmanship or material, subject to the terms of this

      This Limited Warranty will last and be in effect during in which YOU, the original retail
      purchaser, owns the Product.”

    • Rick McC. May 18, 2019, 10:52 pm

      The warranty I received with my XDM 4.5 10mm is “as long as the (gun) is owned by the original purchaser.”

    • Paul Lech July 20, 2020, 9:03 am

      Don’ t try to DIY gunsmithing & send it back when you can’t fix it. Read your manual.

  • Ltc Antonio October 15, 2018, 9:11 am

    Glock 10MM is every bit as good, same price range, higher velocity too – have fired 1000s of rounds through it and it cycles perfectly. Trigger, reset, ergo on the Glock is sweet

  • Triggerpull October 15, 2018, 9:10 am

    Totally agree about the inherent quality of the XD design–the original 45 xdm is the only semi auto handgun I have that’s stayed with me without either getting extensively modified or sold. It ALWAYS has gone bang and cycled without issues for me.

    I too love the 10mm–the only question I have is why SA limited the potential by not offering a 6″ hunter/elite barreled version like almost everyone else does–that extra length does make a difference.

    • JungleCogs October 15, 2018, 10:39 am

      Seems to be OK… but I would have liked a longer BBL too if used as a hunt gun. “Perfect Platform” may be a bit of a stretch for some… but each to his own. Me thinks the 1911 still sits at the top of my list.

      • GaShooter June 19, 2019, 8:02 pm

        The 1911 platform for 10mm was at the top of my list for a long time, too. And I almost bought one (a Kimber 1911with 2 mags was on sale for $650-$700). Turned it down for the XDm as I didn’t want to have to worry about a thumb safety with what I bought my 10mm for. And I’m a huge 1911 fan (own 8 of them). The Sprfld gives you the similar manual of arms for large bore DA revolvers – just grab it and shoot with no conscious safeties to have to overcome.

  • Ken October 15, 2018, 8:53 am

    Why no holes for round count in the mag?

    Where are the velocity and accuracy results please?

    • GaShooter June 19, 2019, 7:54 pm

      I bought my Sprngfld XDm 10mm in May 2019 and there are witness holes for rounds 5-15 in the mags.

  • Phil October 15, 2018, 8:45 am

    Nice write up Clay but I’ll stick with my Glock 20 and 29.

  • Randy Sneed October 15, 2018, 8:40 am

    What in the world was the outfit that cursed you with a TO M23? We did an eval and deep-sixed the damn thing. With the can attached it’s damn near as long as an MP5 with collapsed stock; I won’t even start with the ‘special ammunition’ Did SF buy off on the M23 as TO or just for mission-critical out-load?

    Good test, hit all the critical issues both good and bad, well balanced

    • Clay Martin October 15, 2018, 8:55 am

      19th SFG. I can’t actually remember if they belonged to group, or if they were OIF weapons, that weird package of in country stuff that just changed hands with CJSOTFs. either way, it was something. concur, the can is insane. I picked one because I was doing a lot of stuff that I couldn’t carry a rifle, and it was the only 45 ACP option. but damn was it big, and less than impressive.

  • Dirty Rice October 15, 2018, 8:26 am

    “the one to beat”?!? Hahahahahaha you’ll say anything to get a gun to review. I’ll stick with my Glock model 40 MOS (10mm) w/ 6” factory slide and barrel and an RMR. That’s the one to beat, and it has not been beaten.

    • AJ October 17, 2018, 1:01 pm

      Points made in the article were describing a quality piece that can comfortably and reliably shoot 10mm loads at a decent price point, with “practical use” length barrels. I mean, the article is not about competition models soo… The “mine is bigger than yours” point is pretty moot.

    • Brad November 21, 2018, 2:10 pm

      Some guy on youtube did an XDM and Glock 40 comparison and the XDM had higher velocity then the Glock 40 did………
      I don’t remember what youtube channel it was but I am sure you can search and find it

  • James Skinner October 15, 2018, 8:21 am

    I wish they would just come out with one with the Red Dot sight plates NOW instead of making us wait a year. You know its coming.

  • Doug Tally October 15, 2018, 7:48 am

    not a duplicate

    What are the ballistic differences of each barrel length?

    • Wallen October 15, 2018, 11:27 pm

      It’s about 50fps per inch of barrel length, at least in my 10mm. YMMV

  • Dave Kieta October 15, 2018, 6:45 am

    Another great write up!

  • Todd V October 11, 2018, 9:37 am

    Nice job Clayton!