Ruger’s 45 Auto LC Carbine Takes Glock Mags — SHOT Show 2024

in SHOT Show 2024

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

At the SHOT Show 2024 Range Day, we had the chance to shoot a new and exciting offering from Ruger with Brandon at their booth. The Ruger LC Carbine — now available in a powerful 45 Auto variant.

The LC Carbine, previously released in the 5.7 caliber, has now been adapted to the classic 45 Auto cartridge. This model features a 16.25-inch threaded barrel, most of which is integrated into the receiver, giving it a compact appearance. Despite its seemingly shorter barrel, the full length is maintained for optimal performance.

A Ruger LC Carbine in 45 Auto.
This model features a threaded barrel, reversible, side-folding, adjustable stock and 13-round magazine.

What nice about this model is its ability to fire subsonic rounds. The 45 Auto’s naturally subsonic nature means shooters can use standard range ammo while enjoying the benefits of suppressed shooting without the added cost of specialized ammunition.

The LC Carbine is designed with ambidextrous and reversible features, including a folding stock that can be adjusted for length of pull and can be replaced with AR-pattern stocks. It also has a bolt release operable by the index finger and a charging handle that can be positioned on either side.

Specs for the Ruger LC Carbine 45 Auto

Equipped with M-LOK on seven sides and a full-length Picatinny rail, the carbine comes with flip sights and offers ample space for optics and other accessories. A nice bonus is its compatibility with Glock-pattern full-size magazines, greatly increasing its versatility and appeal due to the abundance and affordability of these mags.

Ruger has already started shipping the LC Carbine in 45 Auto, with an MSRP of $1,009. This price is consistent with its 5.7 caliber counterpart, offering an attractive option for those of us looking for a compact, versatile, and powerful carbine.

SEE ALSO: Staccato Launches Ammo Line — SHOT Show 2024

The LC Carbine’s unique bolt-over-barrel design, folding and adjustable stock, and ambidextrous features make it an ideal choice for various applications, including home defense. Its ability to accept a wide range of Glock-pattern magazines further adds to its practicality.

Chances are, Ruger’s gonna sell a lot of these.

For more information on the Ruger LC Carbine in 45 AUTO and to find a retailer, visit GunsAmerica or Ruger’s website.

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  • Damon January 25, 2024, 2:49 pm

    I really want an SD version of this. Instead of a full 16″ barrel, the last 6-7 inches could be a fixed suppressor. That would be amazing.

  • Clint W. January 24, 2024, 11:20 am

    What is the optimum barrel length for the .45ACP? Isn’t there a length where it really screws up the ballistics? I think I would rather have the Thompson, even with the 16 inch barrel than this one. I experimented with various loads with my Taurus C45 in .45 LC and I found a spot where my Ruger Bisely shot a particular 45 load just fine with good ballistics, and when fired in the rifle, you could see the bullet tumbling along the ground 70 yards out.

  • JSK farms January 24, 2024, 11:14 am

    Awesome, about time! Now they need to offer them in .44 mag and 10mm, it’s a no brainer!

  • me too January 24, 2024, 9:06 am

    This would be awesome if it worked with FNX mags.