Trainer + Plinker: Ruger’s New Lite Rack LCP II in .22LR – SHOT Show 2020

in Authors, Jordan Michaels, SHOT Show 2020, SHOT Show Archives
Trainer + Plinker: Ruger’s New Lite Rack LCP II in .22LR – SHOT Show 2020

Click HERE to learn more about the Ruger Lite Rack.

The typical handgun owner is changing, and firearms companies are taking note. Where previous generations were expected to take their 1911 and be happy with it, manufacturers these days are catering to a much wider variety of backgrounds, ages, and experience levels.

Trainer + Plinker: Ruger’s New Lite Rack LCP II in .22LR – SHOT Show 2020
CLICK on the photo to watch True shoot and discuss the Lite Rack LCP II

That’s the idea behind Ruger’s new LCP II chambered in .22 LR. We spoke with Ruger’s Public Relations Manager, Paul Pluff, at this year’s SHOT Show, and he stressed the ease of use their engineers designed into their latest handgun.

“It’s very compact, very slim. It’s an easy gun to shoot,” he said.

SEE ALSO: 5.7mm Goes Mainstream with the Ruger-57 Pistol – Shot Show 2020

The LCP II .22 LR is designed to be manipulated easily, whether you have large hands or small hands, strong hands or weak hands. The slide can be pulled back with only two fingers, and users of smaller stature will appreciate the LCP II’s minuscule overall size and thin grips. The slide also features deep serrations as well as two “cocking ears” on the rear of the slide to ensure a firm grip.

The action is hammer-fired rather than striker-fired, and the trigger feels surprisingly crisp for such a small handgun. The .22 LR produces very little recoil, so new shooters shouldn’t have much trouble acclimating to it.

Trainer + Plinker: Ruger’s New Lite Rack LCP II in .22LR – SHOT Show 2020
Trainer + Plinker: Ruger’s New Lite Rack LCP II in .22LR – SHOT Show 2020
Trainer + Plinker: Ruger’s New Lite Rack LCP II in .22LR – SHOT Show 2020
Trainer + Plinker: Ruger’s New Lite Rack LCP II in .22LR – SHOT Show 2020

There’s plenty for experienced shooters to love, too. Those who carry the LCP II in .380 will appreciate the opportunity to train on a handgun with the exact same dimensions but much less expensive ammunition. Each magazine’s 10-round capacity means less reloading at the range, and more time honing your skills. Plus, unlike many handguns of this size, the Lite Rack LCP II locks back on the final round.

MSRP is $350, but these handguns can often be had for closer to $300.

Click HERE to learn more about the Ruger Lite Rack.

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About the author: Jordan Michaels has been reviewing firearm-related products for over six years and enjoying them for much longer. With family in Canada, he’s seen first hand how quickly the right to self-defense can be stripped from law-abiding citizens. He escaped that statist paradise at a young age, married a sixth-generation Texan, and currently lives in Tyler. Got a hot tip? Send him an email at

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  • Cary Kieffer February 7, 2020, 9:44 am

    I bought one. 300$ out the door. It’s been fine for the 500 or so rounds I have through it. Perfect function with ammo that’s good and shoots poa/poi. I thought at first it had a weak striker but turned out the CCI Stingers I was shooting that day were apparently just a bad batch. They wouldn’t fire in any other 22 I tried them in. Ruger Mk, ruger 1022, smith mp15/22….nothing. 13% failure rate. Not what I expect from Stingers. Gonna get ahold of CCI on that. Gun was just fine. I could have done without the safety but at least I like the way they did it.

  • Ej harbet February 5, 2020, 6:51 am

    Love one of these with a threaded barrel.makes it polite!
    If you bet on it for defense use good well proven ammo and keep it clean!
    And shoot it enough that you can call your hits. Be mentally prepared to use more than one round to stop the threat. Secure it well keeping in mind that if its easier to use for adults its also easier to use for a earliest memory of news of a negligent shooting involved a kid and a poorly secured 22lr was fatal.

  • Archangel February 4, 2020, 7:54 pm

    10 rounds means less reloading?
    SCREW 10 ROUNDS, I’ll take any one of the others that are not afraid to load more than 10 rounds!
    2 that come to mind are the Keltec P17 and the CP33, ???

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