Ruger LCR .32 H&R Magnum – A Gun & Caliber Whose Time Has Come

in Concealed Carry/EDC, Gun Reviews, Handguns, Revolvers

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In 2021, I reviewed the Ruger LCR in .38 Special for this publication. I found it a very capable revolver and was impressed with many of its qualities. However, it did not win me over, when compared to the Smith 642, that I had been carrying for years. However, a new model of the LCR may just do that very thing, the LCR in .32 H&R Magnum.

LCR .32 and Ammo
The new Ruger LCR, in .32 H&R Magnum, has a lot going for it. Shown with Hamre Forge stocks.

The Ruger, Lipsey’s, and Smith & Wesson Connection

So, how is there a connection between Ruger and these two companies? In early 2024, Lispey’s collaborated with Smith & Wesson to produce a new, and improved, series of their popular J frame. The Ultimate Carry series consisted of a much improved 442 and 642 Centennial, in .38 Special. However, and to everyone’s surprise, Lipsey’s also launched the 432 and 632 UC, chambered in .32 H&R Magnum.

As I described, in my GunsAmerica article on the 632 UC, the .32 H&R Magnum was first introduced in 1984. The intent was to improve the performance of the .32 S&W cartridge, similarly, as the .38 Special improved the .38 S&W. Several manufacturers offered small revolvers in the new caliber but it never really took off. That is, until the new Smith J frames. It is fair to say that the 632/432 Ultimate Carry revolvers resurrected the .32 H&R Magnum and brought it back to the forefront of revolver shooters.

LCR and 632 UC
The LCR .32 sits with the 632 UC for size comparison. Both are Lipsey’s exclusives.

The LCR Meets The .32 H&R Magnum

The LCR, which stands for Lightweight Concealable Revolver, was first introduced in 2009. Ruger departed from a traditionally designed, one piece frame. Instead, the LCR consists of an upper alloy or steel frame, that houses the barrel and cylinder, and a lower polymer housing that contains the fire control components. The LCR features an internal hammer, making it almost snag proof. The design allows the LCR to weigh between 13.5 and 17 ounces, depending on the caliber. 

With the success of the Ultimate Carry models, it was only natural that Jason Cloessner, Lipsey’s Senior Vice President for Product Development, would reach out to their longtime partner, Ruger. The result is the new LCR in .32 H&R Magnum. It is important to note that the new LCR .32 H&R while being a Lipsey’s exclusive, will be a standard catalog item. 

Ruger LCR with Factory Box
The newest LCR, in .32 H&R Magnum, is a collaboration between Lipsey’s and Ruger.

The new LCR .32 is immediately distinguishable, from other LCR models, by its bronze colored frame. This was a fluke that worked out! When Ruger built the prototype, they sent it to Cloessner for initial review with a bronze frame, with no intention to have this become the actual production color. However, the two-tone little gun looked good and they decided to go with that color!

Similar Features

The new model has all the same LCR features of the .38 Special Model. These include a steel cylinder that features uniquely shaped flutes that are attractive and help further reduce the LCR’s weight. The cylinder release, while small, is easily manipulated. Ruger’s patented friction-reducing cam system gives the LCR an exceptionally nice trigger, that, is arguably better than my beloved J-frames. A radiused and polished trigger housed in an oversized oval trigger guard enhances the whole thing. I appreciate that the LCR is also void of any offending sharp edges. The barrel, on our .32 LCR, measured 1 7/8”. The front sight features a white ramp insert and the blade is pinned for easy replacement. 

As with other LCRs, the new gun shipped with Hogue Tamer stocks. I have found that these fit my hand well and completely fill the space behind the trigger guard. As is expected, the LCR action, on our test gun, was smooth, consistent, and free from any grit. Using my Lyman electronic trigger gauge, I found the double action, on our pistol, averaged 8 lbs. 12 oz. 

LCR .32 Trigger
The trigger, on the LCR, is smooth with radiused edges. Combined with the roller action, the LCR has a best-in-class action.
LCR cylinder
Chambering the LCR in .32 H&R Magnum allows it to have a six round capacity.
handgun Barrel
The barrel, on the LCR, is a two-piece design with the steel barrel being sleeved inside the alloy frame.
LCR Hogue Grips
The LCR .32 ships with Hogue Tamer grips. The rubber overmold design, and cushioned backstrap, allow the LCR to absorb even the hottest loads.

LCR .32 Shots Fired

For those who are unfamiliar with the .32 H&R Magnum cartridge, it offers ballistics approaching .38 Special, but with significantly less recoil. Interestingly, the reduced cross section of the projectile allows for significant penetration at very reasonable velocities. As a bonus, the .32 chambering allows for a six-shot cylinder. This allowed me to use the HKS 32-J speed loaders in the LCR.

I would like to thank Federal, Hornady, High Desert Cartridge, Lost River Ammunition, and Georgia Arms and Ammo for providing the ammunition for this review. At least at the time of this article, .32 H&R Magnum ammunition, at my local shops, was in limited supply. Projects like this would be extremely difficult without this support. 

My initial testing involved shooting a 5 round group, off-hand, from 10 yards. The groups averaged around 2 ½”. With several loads, I was able to put 3 of the 5 rounds into a 1” group or better.  

The chart below represents the chronograph testing results. 

ManufacturerBullet TypeAverage VelocityExtreme SpreadAccuracy10 yards
Federal Personal Defense85 gr. JHP93416.002.75”
GA Arms100 gr. RNFP77933.502.25”
Hornady Critical Duty80 gr. FTX91541.502.75”
Lost River100 gr. WC79110.502.5”
High Desert100 gr. JHP86941.202.45”
High Desert100 gr. RNFP92252.002.5”
High Desert98. WC80042.401.75”
LCR .32 at the range
The LCR .32 was a joy to carry and shoot. It has exceptional ergonomics and a superb action.
Brass for the LCR .32
The new LCR takes advantage of the recent increase in the popularity of the .32 H&R Magnum cartridge.
 Speed Loader
The HKS Model 32-J speed loader worked perfectly with the LCR.

Personal Defense

For personal defense, for short barrel revolvers, there is a growing consensus that wadcutters offer a viable option. They are accurate, and provide good penetration, at moderate velocities. In addition, the sharp shoulder tends to cut tissue. The High Desert and the Lost River wadcutter loads are powder coated, to reduce lead fowling. The average penetration, in bare gel, of both these loads averaged 22” or so. Through four layers of denim, the loads penetrated 15.5” and 12.5” respectively. For those who prefer an expanding projectile, I would recommend looking at Hornady’s Critical Defense 80 gr. FTX, Federal’s Personal Defense 85 gr. JHP, or High Desert’s 100 gr. XTP JHP.

After chronograph testing, I shot the HiTs Super Snubby test. This consists of three strings, fired from the 3, 5, and 10-yard line. At the 3-yard line, five shots are fired in 3 seconds, strong hand only. From the 5 yard line, 5 shots are fired in 5 seconds. At the 10 yard line, 5 shots are fired in 8 seconds. The drill is fired on a B8 bullseye and scoring is done based on the scoring rings.

I fire the drill cold and I only count my first run. My run was not my best. I dropped a total of 16 points which equates to an 89% score. Not my best, but acceptable. I also shot a five-round string at 25 yards, offhand, and had a score of 44/50! This is pretty impressive for a two-inch, double-action-only revolver. The LCR is certainly capable and the accuracy of the .32 H&R Magnum round, combined with the reduced recoil, certainly contributed to my performance. 

10 yard target
Shown are groups shot, off-hand, from 10-yards with the LCR. The trigger on the LCR is exceptional.

Carry Options

After over 150 rounds through the LCR, I found myself wanting to carry it more and more. There are several great carry options.  One is the Ankle Glove ankle holster from Galco. I’ve worn an ankle rig continuously for over 25 years and find it to be comfortable, durable, secure, and accessible. I placed an order for one but I have not received it as this is written. 

LCR Simply Rugged Holster
To add a touch of class, the author ordered this DB Force Options holster, in ostrich, from Simply Rugged Holsters.

Pocket Carry

For pocket carry, I contacted Rob Leahy at Simply Rugged Holsters. Rob is a dedicated user of the revolver and understands daily carry. I ordered Rob’s DB Force Options pocket rig. This holster is a collaboration with Darryl Bolke. It is a square-shaped rig that is designed to offer excellent stability in the pocket. It is unique in that there is a slit pocket on each side of the holster.

The DB designed it for the user to carry identification, a speed strip, or “bait money”. I spiced mine up by ordering it in ostrich. I found that it works well in large pockets like those found on Duluth Trading Company’s Flex Fire Hose pants. However, where it shines, for me, is when carried in the outer pocket of a winter jacket.

A second pocket carry option is the AFR Undercover holster. This is a skeletonized pocket holster made from Kydex. The front face, of the holster, is covered with a poly suede material and features a cylinder window that reduces the overall thickness. The AFR Undercover features both front and rear hooks that engage the pocket during the presentation. It is a very sophisticated and detailed design. The AFR holster, manufactured by Bulman, is sold by American Fighting Revolver, a training and consulting firm formed by Darryl Bolke and Bryan Eastridge. 

LCR .32 AFR Holster
A second option, for pocket carry, is the AFR Undercover holster. Its Kydex design makes it impervious to the elements.

Improvements And Final Thoughts of the LCR .32

The more I shot the little .32, the better I liked it. I did make two changes to the factory configuration. First, I replaced the Hogue grips with a set of Hamre Forge boot grips. The material is synthetic and manufactured from a powder. They offer a slight size reduction and have a sharper contoured backstrap than the Hogue Tamers. I found I like the shape and the material. 

The second modification was to replace the front sight blade with an XS orange dot. I found the dot to be much easier to acquire than the factory white front ramp. Replacement is easily accomplished and can be completed in 10 minutes or so. All that is needed is a roll pin punch and a nylon hammer.

Front Sight
The author replaced the white ramp front sight with an orange dot from XS Sights.
 Hamre Forge
Hamre Forge makes a uniquely designed grip for the LCR. It is both comfortable and concealable.

Read More: The Best Snub Nose Revolvers

The LCR .32 H&R Magnum represents the ideal combination of design, weight, and caliber. When this is combined with a modern design, that has an exceptional trigger, the package is almost unbeatable. The new LCR is certainly finding its way into my everyday life. Look for the new LCR at your closest Lipsey’s dealer.

Lispey’s Distributors Exclusive Ruger LCR
Model RULCR-32
Caliber.32 H&R Magnum
ActionDouble Action Only
Capacity6 Rounds
Weight13.9 oz.
SightsPinned Front Sight Blade/Fixed Rear Square Notch
Barrel1 7/8”
StocksHogue Tamer Rubber Over-mold

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  • Mark N. March 4, 2025, 12:57 am

    Personally I would go for one of the few revolvers in .327 Fed Magnum (such as the Ruger SP101), particularly for snubbies. I think that too much available velocity is lost to these short barrels, and in this caliber, you need all the velocity you can manage. I was thinking of getting a 3″ Ruger in .327 Fed Magnum, but a used SP101 in .357 at a fantastic price jumped up and grabbed my dollars.

  • jerry March 2, 2025, 4:02 pm

    Nice! But how about a .327 Federal Magnum and lose the flutes to handle the added pressure? Stay safe. j

  • mike renner February 28, 2025, 3:26 pm

    I’ve been wondering what the significant differences are between the 327 fed and 32 mag LCR versions besides the hammer?

    • Mark N. March 4, 2025, 1:05 am

      The Federal Magnum is slightly longer cartridge and a bit spicier. Buffalo Bore offers two hard hitting loads for the .327 Fed., geared towards hunting and outdoor applications. The company’s 37A Heavy load fires a 100-gr. jacketed hollow point at a listed muzzle velocity of 1450 f.p.s. for 467 ft.-lbs. of muzzle energy out of a six inch barrel, slower for snubbies but still running around 1300 fps. The 37B Heavy Outdoorsman is the heaviest bulleted .327 Fed. Mag. load that I’m aware of with a 130-gr. hard cast Keith bullet launching at 1300 f.p.s. for 488 ft.-lbs. of muzzle energy.

      The H&R ammo used in this review all ran under 1000 fps.

  • Gunner Gunnerson February 28, 2025, 9:07 am

    I will never like the looks of a hammerless revolver, but I do realize that some people need the hammer bobbed or covered for no-snag purposes.
    I really wish one of the manufacturers would come out with a snub nose revolver that takes .380 rounds, and scale it down accordingly. It doesn’t have to be as big as a 38 special snubby.

  • Kane February 28, 2025, 8:43 am

    I like it, I already own and often carry an LCR .38/.357 five shot. This model looks better with the bronze finish although the factory white dot front sight is still second rate. I would never CC a fancy looking firearm since aesthetics are a secondary concern. LE will still scratch their initials on a pretty firearm. Nevertheless, to me the Ruger has better visual appeal than the S&W compared in the article’s size comparison photo.

  • Mike in a Truck February 27, 2025, 12:20 pm

    I own more Rugers than any other make. But I don’t own one of these moose hemroids. It’s the ugliest gun Ruger ever made and they can keep it. Now my SP101 in 327 Federal Magnum? That’s a Ruger revolver.

  • Kurmudgeon February 24, 2025, 2:31 pm

    Great write-up, but I believe this gun missed the mark. Why not make it in .327 Federal? Then it could run both cartridges, just as the SP 101 does.

  • terence moore February 24, 2025, 1:47 pm

    The picture of the pistol being held shows a definite “22” below the barrel. Was there a .22 produced along with the .32, or did someone make a mistake on this frame?

    • Garrett Rob February 27, 2025, 12:31 pm

      Please look closer. I can assure you that is a LCR .32 H&R. It may be the angle of the photo. The bronze frame is only offered on the .32 H&R model. Thanks for the question.

  • James February 24, 2025, 12:36 pm

    The Ruger LCR in 32 H&R would make a nice trail gun.

    Would like to see one or more lever action companies make a rifle in 32 H&R.

    I know Marlin made a lever action rifle for the 32 H&R back in the 1980’s for cowboy shooting. But these are now collectors items.

    A lever action rifle in 32 H&R is something that one could shoot all afternoon at targets, prairie dogs and coyotes, without being wounded by recoil.
    For lighter loads, one could also load 32 S&W Long in the rifle.
    The Rifle companies could use this as a selling point. It is better than a 22 LR or a 22 Magnum.
    One can reload the 32 H& R with bullets from 60 to 100 grains.

    No one wants to shoot a 300 Magnum or a 338 Magnum all afternoon, and get pounded with 35 to 45 pounds of recoil.

    • Mark N. March 4, 2025, 1:08 am

      Henry makes one in .327 Fed Magnum. Can develop velocities over 2000 fps.

  • Alan Luebbert February 24, 2025, 12:33 pm

    I am a fan of the 327 magnum as well and I am curious as to Lipsey’s does not use the 327 magnum round?

  • GomeznSA February 24, 2025, 12:06 pm

    Good write up but it neglected to mention that Ruger makes the LCR and the LCRx in .327 Federal which allows shooting the .32 H&R as well. I suspect either are a ‘bit’ less expensive than the Lipseys offering.

  • Kip February 24, 2025, 12:02 pm

    Ruger’s LCR has been available in 327 Federal Magnum for about 10 years now. It’s an all steel gun and weighs a couple of ounces more than the steel/polymer models. But it will take all the 32 caliber rounds that this new 32 H&R version will take, PLUS let you venture into low 357 Magnum energy territory with the hottest 327 Magnum loads. If you want to go there, and can stand that kind of recoil in a gun this size and weight – which I couldn’t, which is why I let my LCR go a year or so after getting it and giving it a workout.

    There was a second, equally important reason I got rid of the LCR, which may be important to a subset of small revolver fans. I’m old enough that I like a Crimson Trace laser grip on my carry guns if one is available. My daily carry S&W j frames, a 432 and 632, both have CT laser grips fitted. I got the CT laser grip for my LCR when I bought it, and used it throughout most of my testing. But the shape of the CT model for the LCR was different from the one on J frames. With the LCR, the hump that contains the laser smacked the knuckle at the base of my trigger finger on every shot. Impact ranged from a gentle tap with 32 Long wadcutters to a solid smack from the hottest 327 rounds (100g Speer). But it was painful. And with hot 32 H&R rounds, and any 327 Federal round, intolerable for more than a cylinder or two, at the most. The laser hump on my S&W guns never caused any discomfort, and once I decided I wouldn’t be shooting any of the 327 Federal loads that took me beyond 32 H&R levels, it was an easy decision to let the LCR go and stick with the S&W guns I already had.

    All that said, I’m a big fan of 32 H&R. But until recently S&W was not – I was lucky to find my used 632 online one day, and to spot a very small run of 432s when S&W made it years ago but never advertised. Other than those, there have been no 32 caliber revolvers in the S&W lineup for ages. I’ll wait and see if the recent 432UC venture with Lipsey’s sticks. So if I were looking to get into a 32 caliber snubby these days there is no doubt I’d jump on this new LCR in a heartbeat. Apart from my personal desire for a (non-painful) CT laser grip on my carry gun, the LCR is a wonderful platform.

    • Garrett Rob February 27, 2025, 12:33 pm

      Thanks for your comments. They are spot on.



  • LJ February 24, 2025, 10:58 am

    I recently bought a S&W 632UC to replace a S&W model 38 Airweight I’ve been pocket carrying for decades. The Lipsey design made some much needed improvements to the little pocket carry Smith, namely the sites. It got to the point I couldn’t pick up the front site on my old nickel model 38, especially in bright sunlight. The new Lipsey design addresses that problem nicely.

    What I DIDN’T like about the S&W 632UC are the grips. Too big, too slippery. Even though I have larger hands with sausage fingers, I found these fat grips were not necessary to control the light recoiling .32 H&R. I don’t like rubber grips for pocket carry, like old Pachmayr’s, or Hogue’s, which I actually prefer for some of my larger revolvers, so I question Ruger’s decision to use the rubber Hogue’s on this little pistol, knowing most will probably pocket-carry this little jewel. They tend to made pocket draw difficult, in my opinion.

    I too ordered a set of Hamre Forge grips, the Spegel low-horn boot cuts that retain clearance for a speed-loader and absolutely love them! Much smaller, and the size is more manageable for pocket carry. Easy to hang on to, and very soft shooting for the little .32 round. AND they allow the pistol to slide out of my pocket using the Uncle M’s soft-side holster.

    I’m a big Ruger fan, always have been since the 70’s, but after seeing Rugers’ answer to the S&W 632UC, I’m not impressed. Too much plastic. Large rubber grips. And you needed to replace the sites to be able to see them? AND a retail price close to the more nicely made, high quality Smith & Wesson, with all that cheap looking plastic? Maybe if it had a $400 to $500 price point range. Is it just the Lipsey name you’re paying for with the Ruger?

    Apparently the .32 H&R magnum is making a come-back. It’s softer shooting than the .38+p’s and you get an extra shot with the same size cylinder. If you’re interested in a pocket carry revolver in this class, I’d take a hard look at the S&W side-by-side with the Ruger. I found the street price for the 632UC at $625, which is what I paid.

    • Gunner Gunnerson February 28, 2025, 9:13 am

      I would think the polymer revolvers and pistols would be cheaper to produce, since the molded polymer doesn’t require machining like a steel frame does. I also noticed that the price did not go down when they introduced polymer handguns.

      • LJ February 28, 2025, 10:21 am

        I agree. To me – and this is just MY opinion – it looks like a cheaply made “Saturday-night-special”, what with the gaudy gold color, roughly finished black cylinder, rubber grips, and cheap looking polymer frame. For a retail price over $700, especially from Ruger, I expect better. Lipsey did a much better job on the S&W design. Frankly – the Ruger is BUTT-UGLY!

        But at least another company recognizes the growing popularity with the .32H&R and is offering an option for the die-hard Ruger fans. Maybe ‘Gun Test’ will do a side by side range comparison and evaluation soon.

  • Carl February 24, 2025, 9:08 am

    Ruger & Lipseys hit a home run with this LCR! Six rounds of 32h&r is a winner! The color combo is just a bonus.

  • MeSeaHunt February 24, 2025, 7:55 am

    while I do think it is a good pick/carry, I think for the gen buying population the majority will choose the S&W….. you cannot beat a tried & true legend that has proven itself over and over…..

    • jerry March 2, 2025, 4:13 pm

      I have found that the polymer frame absorbs some of the recoil and, being lighter, are better for carry. I like them. j