Ruger EC9s Review – Not What We Expected

in Gun Reviews, Jordan Michaels, Pistols, Semi-Autos
Ruger EC9s Review - Small Package, Small Price, Big Results
The EC9s definitely exceeded expectations.

My expectations for the results of a Ruger EC9s review were not high.

With an initial sub-$300 MSRp$299 MSRP, the EC9s has a built-in excuse for whatever might happen to go wrong. I expected to encounter, at the very least, a failure to feed or return to battery during the initial break-in period.

In the best-case scenario, I thought I’d be able to determine which ammunition the gun shoots without jamming. Then, I could give it a pass for sub-par accuracy and a so-so trigger.

As it turns out, I set my expectations unnecessarily low.

Revisiting the Ruger EC9s. In this article, we return to the archives for a comprehensive look at Ruger’s inexpensive but surprisingly reliable little handgun. This article was originally published in June of 2018.

Ruger EC9s Review: Not At All What Was Expected

The Ruger EC9s ate whatever I fed it and hit the target to boot. At a price in the Hi-Point range, Ruger’s new offering is worth a look for anyone hoping to carry a concealed handgun on a budget. It isn’t perfect, but it does what a self-defense handgun is supposed to do: shoot where it’s pointed every time.

The little EC9s will make a great addition to your everyday carry setup, especially if you're on a budget.
Ruger EC9S review: this little pistol will make a great addition to your everyday carry setup, especially if you’re on a budget.

Find your Ruger EC9s for sale.

Ruger EC9S Specifications

Capacity: 7+1
Slide Material: Through-Hardened Alloy Steel
Barrel Material: Alloy Steel
Barrel Length: 3.12″
Grip Frame: Black, High Performance, Glass-Filled Nylon
Sights: Integral
Slide Finish: Black Oxide
Barrel Finish: Black Oxide
Width: 0.90″
Weight: 17.2 oz.
Overall Length: 6″
Height: 4.50″
Grooves: 6
Twist: 1:10″ RH
Suggested Retail: $299.00

The EC9s is a fun range gun, too.
It’s a fun range gun, too.

How do they make it so cheap?

The EC9s is an almost exact copy of the LC9s, but it’s about $100 cheaper. Consumers (including GunsAmerica commenters) have been understandably wary about corner-cutting during the manufacturing process.

To answer these concerns, I spoke with Ruger’s Public Relations Manager, Paul Pluff. Pluff works in PR now, but he got his start in manufacturing, and he explained that Ruger’s streamlined manufacturing process allows the company to produce cost-effective, high-quality firearms.

Many firearms manufacturers move each component from one machining area to the next, Pluff explained, which increases production time and costs. Ruger’s machines, on the other hand, perform multiple operations on the same component, and the company has dedicated assembly lines for each individual product. This cuts costs because the factory doesn’t have to spend time breaking down and setting up equipment: each firearm is produced in one assembly line, from start to finish.

The EC9s' simple design both promotes functionality and reduces cost.
The EC9s’ simple design both promotes functionality and reduces cost.

“I’ve been in manufacturing for 36 years,” Pluff said. “The process that Ruger has is very smart. It’s very streamlined, it’s very efficient, and efficiency reduces cost. Ruger can pass that reduction in cost up to the consumer without sacrificing quality and reliability.”

Ruger uses this process for every firearm they produce, of course, so there are several specific ways Ruger reduced the cost of the EC9s.

First, Pluff pointed to the sights. The sights are machined directly into the slide, which saves costs associated with purchasing third-party products. The “integral sights” prohibit sight adjustment, but, as you can see below, I didn’t experience any accuracy problems that can’t be explained by poor shooting rather than bad sight alignment.

Next, the spaces between the slide serrations on the EC9s are wider than the LC9s, which also saves machining time and costs. While Pluff admitted the LC9s slide is more aesthetically pleasing, the EC9s’ wide slide serrations allow for easier handling.

The barrel is finished with "black oxide," which is somewhat less shiny than bluing.
The barrel is finished with “black oxide,” which is somewhat less shiny than bluing.

Finally, Ruger uses a “black oxide” finishing process on the EC9s’ slide and barrel rather than the “bluing” process they use on the LC9s. Pluff explained that bluing is a penetrative process that requires the component to be placed in multiple tanks while black oxide is more of a coating that can be integrated into the production line.

While black oxide is somewhat cheaper, Pluff said, it has similar weather-resistant properties.

EC9s Review: Features, Feel, and Function

Pluff also highlighted the EC9s’ simple design to explain its low price, and he’s right: the pistol is about as no-frills as you can get.

It features texturing on all four sides of the grip, an all-metal trigger, and serrated, non-reflective black sights. The pistol grip has a slight swell towards the back, which provides a nice surface for the middle, ring, and pinky fingers. The single, 7-round magazine comes with both an extended and a flat floorplate, and Ruger also offers extended 9-round magazines.

Ruger EC9s Review - Small Package, Small Price, Big Results
The grip is textured on all four sides (including the mag extension), which helps maintain a firm hold on the small handgun.
The grip is textured on all four sides (including the mag extension), which helps maintain a firm hold on the small handgun.
The sights are a simple black and almost impossible to pick up against a dark background. But they are serrated to help reduce glare.

If you’ve handled an LC9s, you already know how the EC9s feels in the hand. The texturing is rough enough without being abrasive, though I prefer checkering that extends farther up towards the slide. I also prefer handguns with a deeper pocket in the rear of the grip. For me, this helps ensure a better hold and reduces felt recoil, but you can’t know how the gun fits your hand until you shoot it. (If this will be your first pistol, check out how my wife and I decided to purchase her first concealed carry handgun.) “Feel” is subjective, so be sure to take the EC9s to the range before making your decision.

EC9S Pros and Cons

Functionally, Ruger designed the EC9s with first-time gun owners in mind. That starts with safety. The firearm features a variety of mechanisms that guard against accidental discharge, including integrated trigger safety, manual safety, and a loaded chamber indicator.

Ruger EC9s pros and cons: the external safety is only one of four safety features.
The external safety is only one of four safety features.

The EC9s also features a magazine safety, which prevents the handgun from firing without a magazine inserted. Internet forums abound with the benefits and drawbacks of magazine safeties, but for new shooters, it’s a nice feature. First-time gun owners not used to waiting for the slide to lock to the rear can sometimes forget a final round in the chamber. A magazine safety prevents the firearm from discharging while the shooter reloads the magazine.

The trigger makes a bit more sense with this new-shooter paradigm in mind. It’s heavy, breaking consistently between 7.5 and 8 pounds, and the lengthy take-up consists of two distinct stages of increasing resistance. The reset is almost impossible to feel, though there is an audible click.

Ruger EC9s trigger: The all-metal trigger isn't anything to write home about, but it's functional and appropriately weighted for new shooters.
The all-metal trigger isn’t anything to write home about, but it’s functional and appropriately weighted for new shooters.

While it isn’t the best trigger, it’s consistent and functional, and I didn’t have trouble hitting targets at 7, 15, and 20 yards (more on this below). Heavier triggers also lower the chance of accidental discharge, both at the range and in a self-defense situation. No safety feature can replace safe gun handling, of course, but new shooters can benefit from a trigger that won’t go bang unless significant force is applied.

The controls are similar to comparable pocket pistols. The external safety is both unobtrusive and easy to engage, and the magazine releases freely as long as the shooter doesn’t have his or her middle finger pressed against the right side of the firearm.

Magazine disengagement is a common problem among subcompact handguns, and the EC9s’ diminutive size requires a bit of hand contorting to move from a firing position to one that allows the magazine to be released. I found that I improved with some practice, but it’s something to keep in mind.

EC9s mags: The magazine can only be released if the shooter isn't obstructing the opposite side of the release button
The magazine can only be released if the shooter isn’t obstructing the opposite side of the release button.

Ruger EC9S Review: How did it perform?

The EC9s handles well for a small handgun, and, more importantly, it's reliable - or so it proved in my Ruger EC9s review. As with pretty much any firearm, your experience may vary.
The EC9s handles well for a small handgun, and, more importantly, it’s reliable – or so it proved in my Ruger EC9s review. As with pretty much any firearm, your experience may vary.

The EC9s runs, plain and simple. I did everything I could (short of throwing the gun in a swamp) to produce a jam and never experienced any issues. It functioned flawlessly with a variety of bullet weights in both full metal jacket and hollow point varieties: Sig Sauer 124g FMJ, Sig Sauer 115g JHP, American Eagle 115g TSJ, Hornady 125g HAP, and Monarch 115g FMJ.

I started by testing for accuracy from 7 yards using a rest. Ruger didn’t design the EC9s for competition, obviously, but I wanted to ensure the gun’s accuracy would be sufficient at reasonable self-defense distances. I shot 5-shot groups with each load, and they all performed more or less equally well. The Sig Sauer 115g JHP shot the smallest group, but each was well within an acceptable size range. This is not to say that EC9s pistols are exceptionally accurate, but they are certainly more than capable of doing what it’s designed to do.

I used a variety of loads during my review process, and the EC9s handled every one of them.
I used a variety of loads during my review process, and the EC9s handled every one of them.
There may be a few Ruger EC9s problems yet to fine-tune, but its ability to digest lots of different ammo styles isn't one of them.

Sig's 115g FMJ performed the best in my EC9s review, but all loads produced acceptable accuracy. These shots were taken from 7 yards.
Sig’s 115g FMJ performed the best in my EC9s review, but all loads produced acceptable accuracy. These shots were taken from 7 yards.

I moved out to 15 yards and shot another group from a rest using the 115g Sig ammo. This group was less impressive but still within a 5-inch circle. Then, to test both myself and the handgun, I moved back to 20 yards and shot at an IPSC practice target without using a rest. The results reflect just as much on my ability as a shooter as on the gun, but even a mediocre handgunner like me landed all eight rounds on target and four in the center “A” zone.

Shots fired: I managed to land all eight shots within the target from 60 feet.
Shots fired: I managed to land all eight shots within the target from 60 feet.
The EC9s sight picture isn't the best, but it's functional, given an appropriate amount of light.
The sight picture isn’t the best, but it’s functional, given an appropriate amount of light.

Satisfied with the handgun’s accuracy, I moved to shooting with speed (or, at least, as well as I can approximate it) from seven yards. Eight shots and three and a half seconds later, I’d managed to produce the pattern you see below. I won’t be winning any awards, but I was pleased with the EC9s’ performance.

Despite the heavy trigger and long reset, Ruger’s new handgun can handle the shot split times that might be necessary in a self-defense situation.

These shots (just a sampling of those used in this particular review) were taken from seven yards, shooting as fast as I could while maintaining accuracy.
These shots (just a sampling of those used in this particular review) were taken from seven yards, shooting as fast as I could while maintaining accuracy.

The limp wrist test was the gun’s final hurdle, and it cleared that as well. Small handguns occasionally fail to cycle unless the shooter maintains a firm grip, which is sometimes difficult in a self-defense situation. For this test, I loaded the handgun to capacity and shot eight rounds with one hand while holding the firearm as loosely as possible. Again, it cycled flawlessly.

Each time I stepped to the line, I loaded a full magazine, chambered a round, and topped off with one additional round. I never experienced any issues shooting at full capacity, which isn’t always the case, even with firearms from big-name brands.

Ruger EC9s Review: And the Verdict IS…

Ruger’s new budget-friendly handgun is a great buy for anyone looking for a self-defense firearm that won’t break the bank. It doesn’t come with all the bells and whistles, but Ruger didn’t sacrifice functionality when they reduced costs. If you can get the muzzle pointed in the right direction and pull the trigger, the EC9s will follow through.

Visit Ruger to learn more about Ruger EC9s by clicking here.

Additional reading:

Ruger EC9s Price: See What’s Listed

As you can see in these screenshots from Guns America listings for the Ruger EC9s for sale, there is an abundance of options available.

At any given time there are typically several Ruger EC9s pistols for sale. Individual price will vary.
At any given time, there are typically several Ruger EC9s pistols for sale. Individual prices will vary.
Ruger EC9s price ranges will vary, but it's rarely more than the low $300 range...often even less expensive than that.
Ruger EC9s price ranges will vary, but it’s rarely more than the low $300 range…often even less expensive than that.

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  • Steven J Santiago February 21, 2022, 12:59 am

    Solid firearm

  • Kimberly Mathis May 23, 2021, 10:27 pm

    Really great comments above. My only concern is I bought the EC9s and I read about the issues
    With this gun. Things like a broken striker, stuck slide, doesn’t feed. Then I hear about the great accuracy. I even put the laser light on it. Most of all the dealer charged me $399.00. How will I know if these issues happen to my gun. I tried to pull it back and pieces fell out the top. I gathered them up and put them in the box.

    • Rock September 9, 2024, 7:46 am

      When it comes to ANY small light autoloading pistol, most ALL of the “issues” are operator owned. It’s in the grip, your grip. Ladies, you must work on a little hand strength. When you can manage a firm consistent grip, these “issues” will disappear.

      • Beobear September 10, 2024, 2:51 pm

        If she has pieces falling out it has nothing to do with her grip or her gender. That was the most ridiculous comment I’ve seen in a long time.

        Kimberly, take your gun back to the dealer and show them what happened to your gun. If they can’t fix it, Ruger has an excellent customer service department and will get you squared away.

        • Rock September 10, 2024, 3:29 pm

          Stuck slide & dosen’t feed are directly related to the shooter’s grip.

          • Beobear September 10, 2024, 3:36 pm

            She didn’t say she had a stuck slide or feeding issues not that it matters because even if she did it could be caused by a number of things. She said she tried to rack the slide and parts fell out/off, that has nothing to do with her grip. Of course we’re arguing over a post from 3 years ago so it’s all moot anyway lol. I forgot to check dates again.

          • Rock September 10, 2024, 8:00 pm

            Those must have just been concerns of hers. My bad. I would suggest that new shooters visit a range that RENTS weapons so you can “try before you buy”. Women do often get taken advantage of in gun stores and thats a shame. I hope ahe gets her issues fixed and then, there is gunbroker. Ruger will make it right.

  • Jim February 10, 2021, 10:48 pm

    I bought a Ruger EC9s because I kept hearing how reliable it was. I haven’t yet put a huge number of rounds through it, but it has worked reliably both with cheap (Blazer) and expensive (Spear Gold Dot) ammunition. (My Beretta PX4 Storm Subcompact often fails to feed the Blazer ammo.) Also, the EC9s is thin and lightweight, easier to carry than my PX4 Storm S/C, although both will fit in my pocket.

    In short, the EC9s is a pleasure to carry, because it is thin and lightweight, and very easy to draw from a pocket holster.

    I like carrying with the safety on, so I am glad it has a thumb safety. The safety was loose when I bought it; a local gunsmith installed a new retention spring, and now the safety works well.

    Came with only one mag. I purchased two more on E-Bay; two will be loaded and one empty each month; I will rotate the empty one every month, giving each magazine spring a month of rest for each two months of being fully loaded.

    Finally, I didn’t like the black sights, so I fixed that with a bit of white fingernail polish.

    I’m thinking of buying a second EC9s and carrying one as primary and the other as backup.

  • Tony July 2, 2020, 9:36 pm

    I just purchase the EC9 and I love it. Reliable and well built. Considering the price it’s a fantastic gun. I have already shot about 400 rounds through it and it has operated flawlessly. Breakdown and cleaning are super simple. An excellent choice for the first time gun owner. I wanted a conceal/pocket carry 9mm as I prefer them to the .380. It’s compact and lightweight weighing only a little over 20 ounces fully loaded with one in the chamber. The chief compliant with this weapon is the fixed sights. Well to me this ain’t a range gun, target shooting or anything else other than “ Get the hell away from me” gun. If I do need to use it in self Defence it’s gonna be at fairly close quarters so I’m fine with that. So to help the sight situation. I just added a little florecent nail polish to the sights and I’m good. Overall super happy with this baby

  • XPISTOLS May 11, 2020, 9:04 pm

    For a number of years, though I liked Ruger revolvers never thought much of their semi-autos. Then I picked up an SR1911. Sweet. Recently got an ec9s and now would not hesitate to buy another Ruger semi-auto. This one is accurate enough – even with no mods to the factory sights – to hit anything I would expect to hit at the distance it was designed to be used for.

  • WolfofMaine February 14, 2020, 3:05 pm

    Bought one of these while attending a Pro-2A counter rally outside of Kittery Trading Post. they were still on sale for 199$ a full week after the Ruger Days sale, so figured, why the hell not?

    It fires every time. My only complaint is more about me, and my preferences, than the pistol itself. I feel like i cant get a solid grip on it, due to the size. I find myself unconsciously correcting my hold, which has led to a couple ‘love bites’ (novice mistake, i admit).

    For sights? I used some white nail polish on the rear sights, and some hot pink for the foresight, borrowed from my younger sister. If there is light, the polish lights ups nicely.

    I am thinking of trading it in, for something a bit larger, since i cant seem to adjust to the feeling that the gun will slip out of my hand as i fire. (it feels so small, i cant help it)

    • Clark December 20, 2020, 3:40 pm

      I would try it with the 9 round mag really gives it that full size feel. But I completely understand about the grip. I bought a hogue grip and it feels amazing in the hand now

  • Robert Marrott October 16, 2019, 8:39 pm

    My EC9s went back three times for repair. Twice for s broken striker. The third time for a stuck slide and barrel. Ruger determined to destroy the pistol and send a replacement. Works great except for regular failure to feed.

  • Robert Marrott July 24, 2019, 11:32 pm

    I had to return my EC9s a couple of months after I bought it. It had numerous failure to feed problems using Federal, Remington, Speer, Fiocchi, and other ammo. Finally I had 300 contiguous failures to fire: the firing pin apparently was broke. It came back and so far works well.

  • Ken June 7, 2019, 11:43 am

    It’s a shame Ruger discontinued the LC9s Pro. I get that a lot of people want a gun to be as inexpensive as possible, but I’d gladly pay $100 extra for the dovetailed sights and no thumb safety. Since they already have the tooling for the LC9, I wish they’d give us that option.

  • Robert Fringuelli April 15, 2019, 12:09 pm

    I have been researching the ec9s 9mm and what I have been reading there has nothing but good reviews. Will this pistol ever become Massachusetts compliance? I am considering purchasing it if available.

  • Frank Fulmer March 30, 2019, 4:48 pm

    How does this compare with the Mossberg new 9mm?

  • Martingard December 31, 2018, 2:56 pm

    Are the new LC9S or EC models CA compliant? Very few are these days.

  • Mike in a Truck December 31, 2018, 11:53 am

    Its true! Some people just cant shoot these light/small handguns.People-these fighting calibers, 9mm, 45ACP were never designed to be used in micro light handguns.Go on-look what John Browning invented.His smaller designs only went up to 380 ACP and they were no lightweights by todays standard.The fact that manufacturers have built guns to fire these calibers is a testament to modern manufacturing. If your having trouble with gossamer weight handguns get your mitts on a true fighting pistol like a Hi Power and watch the difference. Better to be upgunned then not.Lifes to short to be frustrated.

  • Jackpine December 31, 2018, 11:00 am

    The EC9s is my new carry pistol. Only issues, the grips are a bit narrow for me (sz. 10); also surprisingly, lost some skin at the web of my thumb after a box of ammo. A Hogue 18404 beavertail grip sleeve cured all. I also touched up the sights with Whiteout.

    A reliable, American made, slim, lightweight 7+1 9MM at a great price point. What’s not to like?

    • Bill September 1, 2019, 12:31 am

      I have an EC9S and also have larger hands. The grips were too narrow for me until I installed a Hogue Beavertail grip sleeve and now I love how it feels. It also keeps my sweaty hands securely on it while also softening the recoil a little. Install one on yours and you will be greatly satisfied.

    • Mike January 15, 2020, 8:34 am

      I use white appliance touch up to enhance the sights. Use a toothpick, dab tiny drop to apply white to sight. Then use Testers hi-viz yellow. It’s somewhat translucent but bright and let’s the underneath white to sho through. Nice and bright results.

  • Daniel Beaudean December 31, 2018, 8:52 am

    Grigori, I had the same problem with the LCP and just accepted the fact I don’t know how to shoot a pistol. I sent the pistol back to Ruger on their dime and I still had the same issue. My buddy picks up the pistol and shoots 4 mags with no issue and gives it back to me. I have a malfunction after two rounds. I solved my problem by buying the Ruger LCR .357Mag revolver. It always goes bang, every time, limp wrist or not.

  • Scott T December 31, 2018, 7:57 am

    In 2018, after many years of carrying a j-frame .38, I put mine away in the safe, and began shopping for a new CCW. I wanted more than a 5 – bullet capacity, and a round which would be cheaper with which to practice than the .38. I looked at Sigs and Glocks (meh), a Kahr (liked the CM9 a lot), the S/W Shield (a bit bulky) and a few other semi’s. Then I read about the Ruger EC9s. The review said the trigger was faaaar better than that of the original LC9, which I had fired a couple times and hated. So I tried an EC9s at my local gun range and liked (almost) everything about it. Crisp trigger, nice ergonomics, super quality, and (according to reviews), reliable as hell. So I bought one, $195.00 shipped, from an on-line gun retailer. I have not been disappointed. A thousand rounds in and only TWO failures to eject (both when the gun was very dirty). It has fired every time and is dead-on accurate out to 15 yards. The 9mm round is cheap (as of this writing) and so it doesn’t cost an arm/leg/firstborn child to practice with the EC9s. The mag holds 7, which is a bit more reassuring than the j-frame max of 5. The EC9s easily fits in the hip pocket of most of my jeans and shorts. My only complaints are the manual safety (no doubt encouraged by the Ruger legal department) and the lack of ambidextrous controls (I’m a lefty). But for emergent ”social work,” in which multiple mags are pointless, the EC9s is perfect. For me. It has the price point of the High Point without the low points of the High Point.

  • Magyar December 31, 2018, 7:29 am

    I bought an EC9 for my first pistol. It was on sale at $220. I find it accurate and easy to shoot. I buy what ever ammo is on sale and I’ve never experienced a jam. I’m not a fan of the black sites, so I simply painted them. I don’t have experience with other guns, so the trigger works just fine for me. Now, I’m thinking of buying the Ruger, security nine.

  • John Kruse June 28, 2018, 8:25 pm

    Great review! We’ll be sharing excerpts of it on our syndicated show, America Outdoors Radio, in the coming weeks and crediting you (Jordan) and Guns America for it!

  • rcg917 June 28, 2018, 1:06 pm

    I’ve never understood why Ruger makes ANY gun with all black sites. I realize these are “Carry” guns and are likely to be used in close combat should you ever really need it, but, I take them to the range and want to hit the target as best as possible so I like to use the sights. I have two Ruger LCP’s, both of which I hand painted the sites white and that worked well. I “Carry” an LC9s that I really like a lot. It has white sites on it from the factory. Also, maybe I missed it, but I didn’t quite catch what the “E” stood for or what the side-by-side differences were in the EC9s and the LC9s. Are they both striker fire?

    • Michael J Basnett July 27, 2019, 10:17 pm

      Bought my EC9s for a concealed carry firearm since my Blackhawk is a bit too much to hide. I’ve had various other 9mm handguns and was a bit sceptical about one of this size. Decided to risk it knowing a company like Ruger that relies on reputation had put their name on it. Glad I chose to get this firearm. Now I know that I have a reliable and concealable firearm that is ready to perform if needed. Great bang for the buck!

  • Mark Wynn June 27, 2018, 12:26 pm

    Instead, I went looking for an lc9s with hi-vz sights, and am glad I did. Also have a Crimson Trace green laser on it. Result is enhanced aim, day and night. I like the relatively light trigger. Haven’t fired an ec9 so can’t compare. Otherwise I agree with the eval of the platform. Not a single failure to fire. Accurate for a sub-compact 9. Melted edges. Easily concealed. A true “pocket pistol” if so inclined. (I paid less for a brand new lc9s than the listed price of an ec9.)

  • Gary C Stolp June 25, 2018, 8:07 pm

    I don’t own any Rugen Pistols, but doesn’t mean I won’t buy one. I like that Ruger had the good sense to make their pistol a 7+1 shooter. I have a Glock 42 and buyers remorse because the grip is not quite big enough to provide a place for my pinky finger. I think all these compact pistols that hold only 6+1 have made a big mistake. They make an even bigger mistake by not correcting their error with later production magazine.

  • Mike June 25, 2018, 8:05 pm

    My LCP, one of the early ones that had to be returned for a safety fix, frustrated me too. Had jamming problems no matter how I tried to keep a grip on it. I have big, long hands,, so the LCP was hard for me to hold on to. When I got the pistol back from Ruger for their fix, it came with a free magazine that included the finger extension floor plate… and this extension fixed my problem. Alternated between it and another mag without the extension and I had problems every time I used the non-extension mag. I ordered some new extension floor plates for the rest of my mags and have not had a problem since. Also put a Crimson Trace laser on it, which really helps my groupings and gives me quicker target acquisition … my aging eyes pick up that red dot a lot easier than the sights.

  • mosby June 25, 2018, 11:34 am

    wish this gun had come out a couple years ago. i’ve had 4 lc9s and never had to adjust the sights. the hammer-fired model was a stinker with its long trigger, but i’ve never had a problem with the striker models. small enough to carry in jean pockets, big enough for my hands. accurate and reliable. and ruger’s customer service is top-notch.

  • Paul Fusillo June 25, 2018, 11:16 am

    I have had an LC9 for about four years. Although I too dislike the trigger, I have never had a misfire or jam.

  • John June 25, 2018, 10:39 am

    There was a shooter next to me at a range having the problem of excessive jamming. I recall the range officer blamed it on limp-wristing…..That was with a firmer grip, it gave the recoil mechanism a better chance to bring the new round to battery. With his coaching the shooter had better results

  • TOM June 25, 2018, 9:32 am

    Ok, hate to be just another one of the crowd, but, I have both the LC9 in both the 1 & 2 and both have had 100s of rounds of functionality testing with everything from me reloads, both lead & jacketed, + military & factory FM Js & all the most popular defense ammo. OK here it is! NO failures to feed or extract! It also is quite accurate for a pocket gun!

    NOW the bad! The first series gun had the safety & it went on safe 2 times while testing. Either from holstering or drawing, whatever – don’t know but safety goes on to easily!

    The fix was the “Pro” model on the 2nd model. No safety! I’m not a fan of a safety in a carry gun anyway except on the 1911 which you must have. Decockers are no problem as they don’t come in to play until after first round fired & never had one malfunction. (so far)

    Point is, these Rugers are well made, cheap, accurate & function great.

    All this from a guy who said he’d NEVER own a plastic striker gun! lol

    • Benny Teague December 31, 2018, 7:18 am

      I’m in total agreement. I’v had my LC9s Pro for a few years now. I intentionally wanted one without the Safety. In a potential life or death situation, the last thing I wanted was to worry about was the Safety being on. The trigger is not light. But after a few hundred rounds, your body & brain adjust and you react efficiently. My EDC is a belted holster that keeps my LC9s close and comfortable to my body.

  • Wil Ferch June 25, 2018, 8:18 am

    Good gun…..the only issue I find is price. What?…yeah. Although the official retail price reduces this gun by $100 or more from the LC9S, we are seeing “street” prices of the EC9 between $200 and $220……and similarly the LC9S prices seemed to have gone down (proportionatrly) even more… the $220 to $240 range. So….if you shop carefully, you can get an LC9S for the same price or maybe only $20 more than EC9. Even at $20 more, the blued finish and ability to install other aftermarket ( night?) sights makes it worth the 0-20 dolars more to get the LC9S instead.

  • John Madsen June 25, 2018, 7:03 am

    I would suggest having someone else go to the range with you and fire the guns. Perhaps it’s a grip issue? If not, I would suggest contacting Ruger again. They will make it right for you.

  • David Christopher June 25, 2018, 4:51 am

    I have almost 30 years in law enforcement, eight of those spent in SWAT as Team Leader, Point-Man and Sniper. So, I have shot my fair share of pistol rounds. I have two LCP’s that I have carried, one of which I gave to a family member. They have both functioned fine and make great pocket guns. I bought the EC9S as I wanted something a little bigger to carry than my “church-gun” (the LCP). I have been very pleased with it, have fired several hundred rounds through it, and have had no issues. Guess all my Ruger’s were made on Thursdays. I would buy another one without question.

  • Grigori Rasputin June 24, 2018, 7:36 am

    Interesting, but I am hesitant to buy another Ruger semi-auto. I keep reading comments from people on various boards who claim to have an LCP (original version) and who make comments talking about how they have “never had a jam” and “it eats any and everything I feed it”. In the last year, I purchased two original model LCP’s, NIB. The first jammed about four or five times or so out of every two magazines fired (6 + 1 in chamber). I ran 300+ rds through it, hoping to break it in. The jamming didn’t improve that first session. After a thorough cleaning, its jams were down to 2-4 per every two magazines (6+1), still not acceptable. Sent in to Ruger, who replaced the slide assembly and returned it. Still jamming 2-3 times per every two mags ((6+1 each mag). While waiting for the first to return, and reading more of the comments about how this or that person’s LCP has “never jammed in hundreds or thousands of rounds” and “eats everything I feed it”, I purchased another from a different source in hopes of getting a gun from a different batch or at least one made on a Wednesday instead of a Monday or a Friday, as the one out for repair seemed to have been.

    The new LCP (original model, not the II) was even worse. At least the first five shots of each magazine (6+1) resulted in a jam. I don’t think I even put 100 rds down range that first session, it was so frustrating. This gun was definitely made on a Monday or Friday. Rounds used in both guns were W-W white box with 95 grain flat point FMJ and Precision One 90 grain XTP in standard pressure loading. Both of these are what I would consider as decent self-defense loads.

    In frustration, I vented to the CEO on Ruger’s web site. The next day, I was amazed to get a call from one of their top guys in repair. He told me to send them both in and they would be given special attention. He said they wanted me to be pleased with these guns. I was excited and hopeful! Sent both guns in, on Ruger’s dime. I received a call from Ruger staff confirming the type ammo I had used, and telling me they were in the process of obtaining samples of each to run through my guns. HOT DOG, they ARE going to have these guns running right!!!! After much anticipation and excitement, both guns came back. Notes in their respective boxes indicated a slide replacement for one and for both, either 60 or 80 (I forget which) rounds fired “without malfunction”. I have a difficult time believing that.

    When I went to the range, the newer gun did jam noticeably less than before, but unacceptably so. At least it didn’t jam at least the first five of every mag as when it was new. The first (and “best”) of the two was a little better, but still what I would consider unacceptable for defensive carry, jamming maybe two or three times out of every two magazines (6+1) fired in it.

    I had one of the original LCP’s from around 2008, that had the little diamond stamp in the hammer housing from the recall over drop-safe issues. It might jam every 50-100 rds or so. Not really good, but far better than these two dogs. I would not carry either of these newer guns for any reason unless they were literally the only gun I had or had ammo for. The 2008 gun, I did carry as a BUG, and occasionally when nothing else was small or light enough for a task.

    The two newer guns, most jams were like a feed ramp and/or recoil spring issue. A round would be fired and the next round from the magazine would stop, with its nose against the feed ramp. Slight thumb pressure against the back of the slide was enough to cause the round to chamber, in most cases.

    I really liked the size, weight, and accuracy, of the original but newer LCP. Trigger and sights were fine. Hits on B-27 easily out to 25 yards. Reliability was a big fat ZERO.
    As a last feeble attempt at making them right, I will have a gun smith polish the feed ramps on both. I noted that Ruger never mentioned taking this step and saw no visual indication of such on the returned guns.

    If that doesn’t work, maybe I can find someone looking for guns to sell in Mexico (just kidding).

    Getting back on topic, it will be difficult for me to trust another small Ruger seni-auto after what I have been through this year, no matter how good the reviews.

    • Jerry Jones June 25, 2018, 6:44 am

      Well Grigori……maybe you’re a limp wristed little fellow.

      • Norman Davis June 25, 2018, 2:33 pm

        I was think the same thing.

    • Jay June 25, 2018, 7:44 am

      Grigori, the frustration of buying a gun that many others have had no trouble with, including myself and my Son in law is more than a let down and boy do I here you! It’s unfortunate that not everyone of us can have the same experience with the same gun but it happens. I would check to see if someone else, an experienced shooter of small frame guns, can fire both guns and see what happens. I have taught many people to shoot and from first hand experience many can not shoot a small semi auto without malfunction. I’ve even had several people that I convinced to never use a semi auto and stick with a wheel gun. I could not find a semi auto in my whole arsenal that they could shoot without malfunction and all work for me and others!

    • Zupglick June 25, 2018, 9:49 am

      You sound like you have the same problem I do. Big hands. I’ve had this problem with other pistols and found that I was gripping the pistol with the off hand so that it was putting pressure on the bottom of the magazine. When I finally trained myself to stop doing that, my missfeed problem went away.

    • dan June 25, 2018, 2:54 pm

      I’ll et u r a thumb high guy and i’ll bet if u grip the gun without the thumb high(crush grip) it will stop the jamming cycle we get guys in all the time complaining about the lousy gun only to discover it was the lousy thumb high grip causing the jam

    • Mr. Sparkles December 31, 2018, 3:24 pm

      I can’t help but feel that it may be in your shooting style. I own or have owned, a number of ruger handguns; two LCPs, an LC9, an LC380 as well as two SR9c ((not SC) and other then some light grip issues my wife had when she first started out, have not had any FTE or failure to go back into battery.

      It may not be limp wrist but your high rate of issues with multiple weapons that the mfg had checked out would have me asking a reliable shooting buddy to watch your technique for any clues as to what you might be doing differently or oddly that might explain the jams.

      Good luck.