Rohrbaugh – The Original Mini-9mm Returns!

in Authors, Brian Jensen, Pistols, SHOT Show 2012
The Rohrbaugh Firearms R-1 in Coyote Brown and black accents. Notice the new VZ Grips.

The Rohrbaugh Firearms R-1 in Coyote Brown and black accents. Notice the new VZ Grips.

The new Novak sight version of the R-1 with a brass bead front sight.

The new Novak sight version of the R-1 with a brass bead front sight.

The Tribute model, a near copy of the original 2005 pistols made, now is a regular model.

The Tribute model, a near copy of the original 2005 pistols made, now is a regular model.

Different finished are available for the R-9. This is a greenish tinted metal treatment.

Different finished are available for the R-9. This is a greenish tinted metal treatment.

How the R-9 comes to the customer. The gun, extra magazine, and an extra recoil spring.

How the R-9 comes to the customer. The gun, extra magazine, and an extra recoil spring.

A sneak peek. The prototype .45 ACP Rohrbaugh. It’s a couple of years out from production, but it is impressive.

A sneak peek. The prototype .45 ACP Rohrbaugh. It’s a couple of years out from production, but it is impressive.

By Brian Jensen
Rohrbaugh Firearms

Many people have seen or heard of Rohrbaugh Firearms. They made the first mini 9mm I ever heard of, the R-9. It was a 6+1 shot aluminum frame semi-auto that shook the firearms world at SHOT show in 2002 when the prototype was introduced. The gun came into full production in 2004, and then was named by Shooting Illustrated as Handgun the Year in 2005. It is a truly tiny package that they say is very easy to shoot.

I met the members of the Rohrbaugh Firearms team at SHOT show, and asked about how this all got started. According to Eric Rohrbaugh, his brother Karl, a firearms instructor with a background in machining from working with cars, saw the need for a new, more compact 9mm for defensive concealed carry. He and Eric put their heads together and designed a pistol small enough to conceal, that was made with quality in mind.

The first pistols were designed in .380, but they decided to go for a 9mm weapon when a competitor built a comparably sized .380. Basically, Eric Rohrbaugh said to me Karl said, “We have to make a nine now…” With that, Rohrbaugh Firearms made the R-9, the most concealable weapon of its kind, and one made to exacting, custom-level quality. They had to take the .380 design and change it by going from a blowback to a miniaturized locked breech action. They were successful, and the R-9 was born. (They do still make a .380 version.)

The R-6 frame, unlike many of the newer 9mm subcompacts now being made, is not constructed of plastic or polymer, but good old fashioned aircraft grade aluminum. The slide and barrel is 416 stainless steel. No MIM parts are used, and the only plastic I saw anywhere on the gun was the grips (OK, it’s Micarta…).

All guns are hand fitted, and any custom touches wanted by the customer are put into the gun as it is being made. They even have an in-house jeweler to polish any parts as needed. Only about 1000 are made a year, with only around 6000 total being produced. Customers or distributors must make orders, and wait for their gun to be made. Then again, this company is made up of four people working out of a factory in Brooklyn who make a quality weapon, all U.S. parts, and no corners cut.

New for this year at SHOT, we got to see some new models, colors, and an exciting new prototype.

First, the new Coyote Cerakoted pistols are out, with new grips added from well known grip manufacturer VZ. The combo looks very nice, and has black accents for the extractor and trigger. Another new model that is still in development, is the R-9 with a new sight system. The slide is still being tweaked to get the right enough amount of metal on the top to allow for dovetail cuts, but it is on its way. Rohrbaugh Firearms partnered with Wayne Novak to develop a set of Novak Lo Mount sights, with a brass bead front for the R-1. The sights got my greedy gland going, because it just looks that awesome in a two tone coyote – black scheme.

Next came the Tribute Model, a shiny stainless model with a blue carbon set of grips. This is a repeat to their earlier model from 2005, and will be a regular model from now on.
All guns come with a lifetime warranty for the original owner. Rohrbaugh told me he has several customers who tell him they have 5000+ rounds through the gun. (In fact they’ve tested guns with 5000 rounds through them and found no noticeable wear.) They do tell owners to change out the recoil spring every 250 rounds, but a spare spring comes with every gun when new.

One very exciting thing I saw was a prototype of a new .45 ACP Rohrbaugh pistol. The gun will use 1911 Officer-style mags and they have the frame conceptually finished, but not much else is finalized. While they already have dealers taking orders, they ask them to be patient. The production gun is still 1-2 years out, so it is definitely a work in progress.

If you want a quality, custom-level pistol for concealed carry, the Rohrbaugh R-9 is something I would look at. Fit and finish is outstanding, and the trigger smooth. This gun is 100% made in the USA, with all domestic parts. Rohrbaugh has avoided getting into all different kinds of gun models and types, and stuck to essentially one design, that they do to perfecting standards.

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  • Tony September 23, 2019, 10:50 pm

    What years did the 9 mm still not have sights. And what would an unfired model be worth. No box. Excellent condition

    • Chris October 28, 2024, 3:42 pm

      It’s been a few years, but do you still have the gun? They are going for $600 – $900 online.

  • Denver Mover April 9, 2017, 6:06 pm

    I have read so many articles concerning the blogger lovers
    but this post is in fact a pleasant piece of writing, keep it up.

  • Todd November 22, 2013, 11:07 am

    I’ve had one for awhile now, it’s a very niche weapon. It’s not fun to put 300 rounds at the range through it, it goes through recoil springs fast, and mine among many others shows very heavy frame wear after no where near the 5000 rounds the article mentions, and most are very picky about the ammo they will work well with due to light primer strikes as another poster mentions. That said it has a lot of attention to detail and to produce a 9mm in that size and weight requires a lot of compromises. The only way I’d consider it worth it is if you can’t get away with the several other more robust offerings that are just slightly larger/heavier, or you just want something really unique.

  • James Foster March 25, 2013, 12:09 pm

    I purchased the R9 about three years ago. Where as the construction and feel of the gun is top-notch, the grips are so slick that it is hard to keep it from jumping out of your hand. The slickness of the grip coupled with the short stock and the recoil of the 9mm creates a safety hazard. The manufacture will sell you another set of grips for a price to solve this problem. A way to get more money?

  • Ron Campione February 2, 2013, 7:30 pm

    In reading all of the Rohrbaugh comments, I noticed that NO ONE mentioned the gun’s ammunition sensitivity.
    I have owned an R9S for three years and carry it daily. It is the MOST comfortable 9mm to carry, in the front pocket, and that includes the little Kahr Arms. The only problem with my gun, in my view, is that I MUST use either Speer gold dot or Federal hyra-shok ammo. (All non-plus P of course). I have tried several other brands of non-plus P ammo, but they all have the same problem. THE PRIMERS OCCASIONALLY FAIL TO IGNITE THE CARTRIDGE. Sometimes this happens about 40% of the time. (This has included Hornady, Winchester).
    The hammer strikes on those brands’ primers, appear very lightly struck, after one hit. Pulling the trigger again MIGHT set off the next shot. After two or three strikes that still may not work. Stick with Speer or Federal.
    I suppose some manufacturer’s primers are harder than others and the Rohrbaugh’s hammer strike is too light for those.

  • Ken August 20, 2012, 10:37 am

    You say the R-9 has a “smooth” trigger. What is the trigger pull weight?

    • Ron February 3, 2013, 5:16 pm

      My gun’s trigger pull weight is about 7 pounds and feels lighter. You have to get used to the trigger pull in that it is a bit long.

  • David Rohrbaugh - Texas July 9, 2012, 12:30 pm

    I first saw the add in a gun magazine, and where NRA had indorsed it. Of course, being mfg by by a company with my name (and spelled exactly the same – there are several variations) I just had to have one. I got one of the first, serial #6** but with fixed sights (refered to as the R9S) and I can tell you it it is by far the best of the carry guns I have and I love it – never had a single malfunction. I am looking forward to the 45 cal issue to come out and intend to have one as well. Eric and Karl are doing a really great job – keep it up guys

  • john June 16, 2012, 11:10 pm

    I find it interesting that after mr. boberg posted there seemed to be many other posts of a negative nature. Coincidental with the recent shipping of the boberg pistol, I think not.

  • maria powers February 3, 2012, 1:02 am

    I do want a MINI- 9mm.
    How much $$ and when is it for sale.

  • Muhjesbud February 2, 2012, 1:08 pm

    I’m not picking on the gun. I like it, I’m getting one. I’m a avid proponenet of the 9mm cartridge. First thing I’ll do is get a custom spring made and see if I get get a thousand rounds out of it without problems, Guns have saved my life on too many occassions to complain too much about any of them. Even though I’m not religious I’d get down on my knees and ‘Tank dee LAWD’ for even a saturday night special .25 Raven or Jennings with only three rounds in the mag and a firing pin spring so weak it takes two hits to fire, if three morons were following me down a dark alley.
    I guess I just can’t articulate my thoughts. Lemme try this: To me, and possibly several others, In a piece like this where price and coolness seems to be no question, and one that if it catches on as a favorite in the increasing testing grounds of universal concealed carry these days, not having a spring that you wouldn’t have to worry about for the forseeable future or until the gun might have a complete overhaul or tune up anyway, is like an Indy car running on the cheapest tires lowest speed rating tires you can find at Walmart, and then thinking you’re good to go on the speedway at 200mph.

    You’re right, five bucks is a small price to pay for a spring. So you already know then what my next question is going to be, right?

  • mike ward January 25, 2012, 10:29 pm

    Dear Mujesbud
    the only reason we recommend changing the springs is to protect the gun itself. Due to the extreme pressures and making the physics as small as possible, you are only beating up the gun. I think a 5$ spring is a small price to pay. On the other hand, I personally have forgotten to change my springs at times and my piece works without flaw…. we just do not want you to damage your gun.

  • mike ward January 25, 2012, 10:25 pm

    Dear Mr Boberg,
    As one of the principal owners of the company I would like to state to you that we have drop tested the R 9 to 12 feet by two independent companies (NY and CT) without incident. Furthermore, If you examined the firearm, you will see that there is a recessed hammer and there is no tension on the hammer/firing pin when in a passive mode. I would recommend contacting the office with any questions before you ‘speculate’ how the firearm functions since you obviously do not have accurate information. How people carry is their own choice- think of a semi automatic revolver. If you have any questions please do not hesistate to contact the office 631 242 3175

  • Muhjesbud, Chicago, Il. January 23, 2012, 3:38 pm

    Hey Joe, exactly which other micro nines require changing of the recoil spring after 300 rounds? If they’re around the same price as other micro-nines which DON’T require this replacement, I’d prefer those, and not the ones requiring spring replacements. Why would anyone want a piece with a design flaw, all other things, especially the price, considered? This means that if you were doing minimum regular practice as you should on your intimate carry gun, you may have forgotton during a particular intensive session on the range that you went through 3 boxes of ammo just a month after going through three or four boxes of your break in testing, and now you’re carrying an expensive piece of metal that could get you killed?

    As for the LC9, any pocket pistol that costs over a grand better not be coming apart under any circumstances other than with my screwdriver. Thats the whole pupose, Joe, of paying more for a weapon. Either durability in terms of quality and reliability, or increased accuracy and performance, the latter improvment being limited by the nature of the small carry pistol. So the emphasis is on the quality of construction and performance reliability. There’s no excuse for loose screws or unsmooth action for that kind of money.
    So it seems to me to reflect upon the manufacturer, when they charge so much for a handmade weapon, and don’t select from several high performance or custom alloy spring makers for much better performance. Otherwise what would be the purpose of spending three times the amount over similiar, if not equally suitable pieces? Just for how cool it looks? I could trick out my very smooth never jamming AMT BACK UP for a lot less!

    As for no magicians being physicists, you remind me of someone who would think that a .45 slug will hit the ground first if dropped from a height at the same time with a 9mm slug, just because it has more ‘stopping power’! There is, in fact, quite a lot of ‘hocus pocus’ in terms of ergonomics when it comes to designing a pistol for proper fit and finish, especially in the grip area. In a ‘quality’ pistol, grip purchase satisfaction is an important area, especially in a piece subject to quick draw. I’m already suspicious of the ‘thought’ that went into designing this pistol if it had even one complaint in this department? Because again, for this price, it should have nothing but compliments. I agree with Dave in that department.

    The expression ‘bang for the buck’ likely originated with firearms, and of course, the statement speaks for itself. Bang is bang. it either goes bang all of the time, most of the time, or half of the time. Couple ancillary elements like ammo and magazine quality, notwithstanding. After one determines the ‘bang’ part of the equation is reliable, then the next part is the ‘buck’.
    To me, it would be stupid to pay over a grand for a carry pistol of a certain level of ‘bang’, when you could get the same level of ‘bang’ from a pistol less than half the price. Ya think? Unless someone just felt more smoogie woogie with the latest ‘fashion’, in the hopes that if they can’t ‘drill’ em with lead’ , they’ll dazzle ’em to death. And was willing to pay extra for the bling? But I don’t think the LCP is even as sexy as people are imagining. I

    As for the LCP ‘not’ being at least a copy, if not a carbon copy, I suggest you take another look at your Seacamp .32 side by side to your LC9. As soon as I get an LC9 to examine, I’ll put my modicum of aerospace mechanical engineering skills to work and do an autopsy comparing both, piece by piece, and let you guys know. size and caliber not a factor, of course. I’ll be focusing on the feed ramp angle to see if it is optimized, and other little nit picks of my particular disposition. They are so ‘similar’ to me that i’m just wondering if it’s the same company just sold or under a different name?

  • John January 23, 2012, 2:40 pm

    “CM9 was softer ”

    I assume you mean the trigger pull was lighter? The gun isn’t really soft is it? Anyway,
    I have carried an R9 everyday for 5 years and the trigger does not need to be any lighter. It’s already 2 to 4 pounds lighter than the factory specification for the Colt Python’s DA trigger pull.

    I shot my R9 101 times the first time out with it before the recoil started beating me up a little, but it is a 9mm after all. Not bad for a used gun.

    • Andrew Dixon January 23, 2012, 4:04 pm

      When I say soft, I mean the recoil was lighter, with less muzzle rise. I could care less about recoil as I love shooting big recoil guns, but in a defense situation, less recoil can equate to faster target re-acquisition. Also, the triggers were notably different, but probably broke at about about the same weight. The R9 was stiffer, which broke like glass and some people prefer that. The Kahr had a longer, smooth DA pull.

      The reason I prefer the Kahr over the R9 is that the R9 feels like a small gun in the hand and had the sights to go along with that small package, whereas the Kahr fits and shoots like a heavier gun, staying on target easier with better sights out the box. The reason reason the owner and his friends preferred the Kahr was for its lighter recoil and more comfortable grip(these were big guys and i’m not tiny) because they couldnt grip the small gun well enough to manage the recoil. I”ll admit, that is one gun I could not shoot all day.

      For some reason, the Kahr, even though its lighter seems to recoil easier then my FNP-9(probably due to the lower bore axis). The owner of the R9 next to me decided to buy one, because when compared side by side at a shooting range there is a major difference in shooting expereince with little difference in size. I was just lucky enough to see and feel the differences between the two and I’m very satisfied with my purchase to the extent i’m selling my full size FNP-9.

  • Joe Potts January 22, 2012, 10:52 pm

    Dave reminds me of the old adage “It is better to be thought a fool than to open ones mouth and remove all doubt”
    I’ve had 3 since about #1000 and 2 have worked flawless, #3 remains unfired. Several of the micro nines require changing recoil springs at 250-300 rds. I still have the 2 32’s referenced and they are fine. The Rohrbaugh is NOT a copy of either. There are similarities in all semiauto’s. Yes the recoil is not soft but if you are too soft to shoot it pass it on to someone who can appreciate it. As for the LC9, shoot it before you buy it and you will learn that there are no magicians as far as physics goes. If the grip screws are too much for you, take it to a gunsmith;

    • Dave, Colorado Springs January 24, 2012, 11:26 am

      I’m a fool for mentioning constantly loosening grip screws? I have no other pistol or revolver that does it except the Rohrbaugh. I have replacement screws and Loctite, none are a problem for me to replace/apply. Sorry, but that is lousy production for a ‘custom’ pistol, no matter what the cost. I also made no mention of how well the firearm otherwise worked. For the record, it has gone bang reliably each and every time I’ve used it (and I’ve put about 400 rounds through it), and I’ve replaced the recoil spring after 200 rounds. Also, it’s not the recoil that bothers me. I love large bore handguns and greatly enjoy shooting .357s and .45s. I’d say many of my .357 loads I shoot have way more kick and punch than the 9mm. Sheesh, it has nothing to do with me being “too soft”. It boils down to personal preference and I just don’t like how this small power house handles in my big hands. I also made no mention of .32 autos, so I have no idea where that dig comes from (although, again for the record, I have own five .32s – Colt, Savage, Taurus, Kel-Tec, and Walther).

      Hey, listen. I’m glad you enjoy the Rohrbaughs. For you they work. For me they don’t. I was merely pointing out things that bother a me about it, things that I’ve also seen mentioned in other forums by other “fools”. What may be issues for me may not be for you. That’s the way things work in this world. No need to get personal about things like this.

    • beewhyz January 21, 2013, 7:18 am

      Do you call people fools to their face, or only online? This guy was stating what many others would agree with – an $1100 pistol shouldn’t have a problem with the grip screws coming loose, regardless of whether or not it’s “soft”, or “hard”, or “medium”.

      You might do well to keep your own adage in mind. Calling others names doesn’t make you look smarter or tougher.

  • Andrew Dixon January 22, 2012, 1:11 pm

    I was at the range the other day and the guy next to me was shooting an R9. I was shooting a Kahr CM9. He was amazed at how soft my Kahr was in comparison. I was amazed at the fact of how stiff the R9 was. Everyone in his group agreed the CM9 was softer and felt more comfortable to grip. Just my experience shooting one.

  • Dave, Colorado Springs January 22, 2012, 10:06 am

    I have an R9 and soon will be getting rid of it. I understand it is meant for personal defense and not for “comfort on a target range” (Rorhbaugh’s words in an email to me), but the ridiculously low life-span of the main recoil spring (200 rounds and then replace it, come on!), the constant working out of the screws on the grip panels (Rohrbaugh’s response to me was to use a medium strength Loctite to fix this), plus, in my big mitts, it’s quite uncomfortable to shoot (one needs to practice with one’s defensive weapon, right?) — well, I just find this gun to be an over-priced, poorly engineered gun (at least in recoil spring and grip screw aspects). For over $1K, you should at least get a firearm that has a longer lasting recoil spring. I would have been better off waiting for a Ruger LC9 (getting two LC9s for the price of one Rohrbaugh). And when I sell it, perhaps I’ll get an R9 and use the rest of the money towards financing a good full-size 9mm, too.

  • Chris January 20, 2012, 7:42 pm

    If the 45 is going to be just as smooth as the R9. I gotta have it.

  • Daddyjim January 20, 2012, 3:55 pm

    I spent just over $900 4 years ago on a R9. i love it BUT since i don’t like carrying a firearm i have not trained with off to school i went. the school i attend has a basic handgun course i take before carrying a firearm, by mid afternoon at about 175 rounds the pistol froze so tight that the slide would not move forward or backwards i had fired 50-75 rounds before the class and at the round count of 225-250 the main spring failed. in the owners manual it says replace the main spring at 250 (or 200) rounds. That is very true but, pretty scary to have a complete shut down on a new gun at under 250 rounds. this has caused me to make it a back up gun not my primary carry. Now after i shoot it for any length of time to replace the main spring i bought 12 springs on my last order. i do like the gun but read the manual and follow it exactly.

  • Dale Holmes January 20, 2012, 2:12 pm

    I have heard that the R-9 has an MSRP in the $1,200 range.

    • Chris January 20, 2012, 7:40 pm

      Yeah, Great gun! I paid around $1,100 for mine. No regrets! My favorite carry. The laser for it is sweet. Gives it a “wallet print” when it’s in your pocket. Holster isn’t bad either.

  • RICK January 20, 2012, 1:03 pm

    In regard to the word Flaw. There is no flaw when it comes to protecting one’s self. You can never put a price on personal safety. Yes not everyone can afford a custom firearm but there are a lot of reliable ones out there at the average man’s working rate of pay. Remember it’s not how much the firearm cost it’s the reliability of it. Just because one can afford the best there is never any guarantee that even they will always work. Yes i know what will be said,the more expensive a gun is the greater the chance it will work but then again even the best fail at times. The bottom line like i said is reliability. As a professional firearms trainer both certified on a national & state level in all disciplines, pistol,rifle,shotgun as well as personal protection and over thirty five years of experience is where i am speaking from. As for defending one’s self your only good as you have been trained no matter how expensive your firearm is and that the bottom line. Also Practice is the best defense. One who shoots as often as possible is more likely to survive a confrontation then the person who does not and that’s the Gospel according to real life encounters, Amen Brothers & Sisters

  • Brian Jensen January 20, 2012, 11:52 am

    One tid bit I forgot to mention in the article, the guns survived double the NY drop test (NY drops 5 feet, Rohrbaugh did 10 feet.). Can I say that carrying chambered is safe? Not with 100% certainty, but I would certainly feel safe doing it if it was me.

    As for price these are custom level guns so price is relative. I see base models in the 1000-1300 range. Guns with custom work or finished will be higher. But hey you get what you pay for.

    • Arne Boberg January 25, 2012, 11:03 am

      New York has a drop test? What are the criteria and which department (state or city) oversees this? Perhaps you are referring to a test done by a test lab in NY that drop tests guns submitted by gun manufacturers voluntarily.

  • MotoJB January 20, 2012, 11:48 am

    Great – another pistol I want…that is unavailable in the PRK.

  • a b January 20, 2012, 11:45 am

    Looked on Guns America website. these little hummers are $1100. Worth it if you can afford most likely but out of reach of many.

  • Steven S. Monroe January 20, 2012, 10:43 am

    I have been carrying the Rohrbaugh R9s now for about 3 years. I am a firearms dealer and practice concealed carry 24/7. I consider the Rohrbaugh the finest, smallest, smoothest action, and perhaps the strongest 9mm in existence today. This gun is virtually the identical size of the Ruger LCP, but in a 9mm. There is only one flaw concerning this firearm – if indeed that is even a fair word to use in the first place – it is expensive. However, you will always pay extra for custom firearms and this is indeed one of them. I feel certain everyone who has purchased one of these firearms was not disappointed at all.

    • Adam January 23, 2012, 1:17 am

      Steven, you hit the nail on the head. As a proud Rohrbaugh R9S owner, I carry mine every day. It is on the expensive side, but I was happy to pay for the outstanding quality of this firearm. In no way, shape, or form have I been even the slightest bit unhappy with my purchase.

      On a side note, RB states to change the spring every 250 rounds, however I tested this theory at got mine to about 450 rounds before any failures occured. At first they were stating 200 rounds, now 250. I would suggest one could easily go to 350-400 rounds before changing. Also changing the spring is not a big deal, only takes a few minutes, and aside from the 1 spare included with the new purchase, they are only a few dollars of RB’s website.

      I’d suggest anyone interested in this firearms read up on them on the Rohrbaugh Forum website (not affiliated with the manufacturer) There is a lot of great reading on there from several owners, who happen to be really nice and helpful people.

  • Yates January 20, 2012, 10:40 am

    What is the approximate weight of this mini? If you have a small hand, how small can they make it? What is the approximate price? If they were interested in sales this info would be included.

  • MIKE THOMAS January 20, 2012, 9:20 am


    • Richard Spradlin January 20, 2012, 12:45 pm


      Permit me to observe merely that the R9 is a DAO design with a trigger pull of about 8 pounds — a silky smooth 8 pounds, but about 8 pounds nonetheless.

    • Arne Boberg January 20, 2012, 2:42 pm

      From what I have learned handling the R9S is that it does not have a passive firing pin safety, so that means that it will most likely discharge when dropped from 6 feet onto concrete with muzzle down and one round in the chamber. That is probably why they recommend not carrying that way. While they put a very strong firing pin return spring in there, this will most likely not prevent the firing pin from hitting the primer when dropped from 6 feet. Such a high drop will simulate a 15-20 lb striker spring, and the dent in the primer would be similar to what you get in a Glock pistol. On the plus side, the odds of dropping the gun just that way are slim.

      • Eric Rohrbaugh August 15, 2014, 11:24 am

        It was tested at a lab in upstate New York for the NYS certification and at that time, we went way above the required 5-6 foot drop on the nose of the firearm to test it’s safe functions. First we did the required height without any issues whatsoever. Then, we asked them to drop it from a height of 10 feet, just to be sure. It worked just fine at that height! All it did was ever so slightly touch the primer and it did not ignite the round. As Arne B. says. . . “. . the odds of dropping the gun just that way are slim.”

  • Richard Spradlin January 20, 2012, 9:00 am

    The Brothers Rohrbaugh have staked their time (lives) and fortunes on the belief that they could design and market the finest pocket pistols yet offered while we still enjoy our rights under the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution. The record to date would indicate that they have succeeded.

    After years of planning and work, they unveiled the R9 prototype at SHOT 2002.

    I and a number of others immediately got in line.

    In May 2004, I took delivery of R9 No. 132.

    That pistol has been my 24/7 EDC since that time and, with some customized after-market accessories, sits in my pocket today.

    I have enormous admiration for those who will dedicate their time (lives) and fortunes to a concept and the effort to bring that concept to market. With the unveiling of the R-45 at SHOT 2012, as with the unvailing of the R-9 at SHOT 2002, the Brothers Rohrbaugh have once again “shaken the shooting world.” I predict as much success for the R-45 as the incomparable R-9 has enjoyed. I want one. I really want one!

  • ERNEST FRANKLIN JACK PIERCE January 20, 2012, 8:06 am



  • calvin adams January 20, 2012, 6:01 am

    what is the price for the R 9 and do you have an idea of what the 45 acp prototype cost will be ? sure am glad that these guns are made here instead of over seas. they are very impressive, keep up the good work. calvin

  • Victor Chernobieff January 20, 2012, 4:30 am

    WOW I want one!!!!