Rhino Arms–SHOT Show 2015

in David Higginbotham, SHOT Show 2015, Uncategorized

When we found the Rhino booth at SHOT Show 2014, I hadn’t expected to see a prototype AR pattern 12 gauge. The gun looked good, but (like a lot of ideas in physical form at the SHOT Show), it wasn’t ready for prime-time. So when the show got cranking this year, the Rhino booth was one of my first stops. I want my fully functional AR pattern 12 gauge!

Alas. It still isn’t ready.After extensive testing, they are still working to make it perfect.

I would have been far more disappointed if what I found at Rhino wasn’t even more enthralling. Their rifles look good. While clearly derived from from the ARs we know and love, they’ve had some serious overhauls. Their 7.62 x 39 MM-47 looks like one of the best in its class. Their PDW looks solid, and sturdier than some of the micro ARs on the floor this year. And they’ve got a couple of innovative designs that they’re building in collaboration with Liberty Suppressors that look great. Their Integrally Suppressed Rifle is exceptionally well balanced and handles really well. 13 inches of suppressor!

Of all of the newer rifle makers at the show this year, I’d single out Rhino as the company with the most promise. Their guns look tailor made for competition, and I bet they’ll end up being just as popular with the tactical set. We’re working on getting a couple of rifles in for testing. Stay tuned for more, and watch the video above for more information.


The MM-47 was the clear front runner for my favorite Rhino.

The MM-47 was the clear front runner for my favorite Rhino.


Look how the mag well is constructed. The exterior frame is cut to remove weight, but it still leaves a wide opening to funnel in mags.

Look how the mag well is constructed. The exterior frame is cut to remove weight, but it still leaves a wide opening to funnel in mags.


The suppressors built into these guns are made by Liberty.

The suppressors built into these guns are made by Liberty.


The business end of this one looks somewhat like the mouth of a sea urchin.

The business end of this one looks somewhat like the mouth of a sea urchin.


Rhino has developed their own colapsing PDW stock.

Rhino has developed their own collapsing PDW stock.


If I shoulder a SIG brace, that's illegal. If I brace a stock on my forearm, is that legal?

If I shoulder a SIG brace, that’s illegal. If I brace a stock on my forearm, is that legal?


Rhino's got bolt guns now, too.

Rhino’s got bolt guns now, too.


Carbon fiber tubes make some of these extremely light.

Carbon fiber tubes make some of these extremely light.



The Rhino ISR.

The Rhino ISR.


The mag well on the 7.62 x 39.

The mag well on the 7.62 x 39.


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  • Steve February 9, 2015, 9:36 am

    I’m sorry to use this as a platform to my non-related question. I just haven’t been following it much.

    Whatever, happened to Red Jacket Firearms?

  • Joe February 6, 2015, 8:41 am

    Lots of cool stuff,
    but I just looked at my money tree and some darn Oligarch went and chopped it down for firewood to heat his winter cabin master bathroom whirlpool tub.